Introduction: “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
“The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson first appeared in 1749 as a part of his imitation of Juvenal’s Tenth Satire. This poem is celebrated for its moral profundity and universal applicability, which have made it a staple in English literature syllabi. Johnson explores themes of human ambition, the futility of worldly desires, and the inevitability of suffering, illustrating the transient nature of wealth, power, and beauty. The opening lines, “Let observation with extensive view, / Survey mankind, from China to Peru,” exemplify the poem’s panoramic critique of human folly. It employs striking imagery and aphoristic wisdom, such as, “The dangers gather as the treasures rise,” to caution against material greed and unchecked ambition. The poem’s enduring popularity as a textbook piece lies in its timeless exploration of human nature, its rich language, and its reflective moral lessons that invite readers to confront the vanity of their own wishes.
Text: “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
The Tenth Satire of Juvenal, Imitated
Let observation with extensive view,
Survey mankind, from China to Peru;
Remark each anxious toil, each eager strife,
And watch the busy scenes of crowded life;
Then say how hope and fear, desire and hate,
O’erspread with snares the clouded maze of fate,
Where wav’ring man, betray’d by vent’rous pride
To tread the dreary paths without a guide,
As treach’rous phantoms in the mist delude,
Shuns fancied ills, or chases airy good.
How rarely reason guides the stubborn choice,
Rules the bold hand, or prompts the suppliant voice,
How nations sink, by darling schemes oppress’d,
When vengeance listens to the fool’s request.
Fate wings with ev’ry wish th’ afflictive dart,
Each gift of nature, and each grace of art,
With fatal heat impetuous courage glows,
With fatal sweetness elocution flows,
Impeachment stops the speaker’s pow’rful breath,
And restless fire precipitates on death.
But scarce observ’d the knowing and the bold,
Fall in the gen’ral massacre of gold;
Wide-wasting pest! that rages unconfin’d,
And crowds with crimes the records of mankind,
For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws,
For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws;
Wealth heap’d on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys,
The dangers gather as the treasures rise.
Let hist’ry tell where rival kings command,
And dubious title shakes the madded land,
When statutes glean the refuse of the sword,
How much more safe the vassal than the lord,
Low sculks the hind beneath the rage of pow’r,
And leaves the wealthy traitor in the Tow’r,
Untouch’d his cottage, and his slumbers sound,
Tho’ confiscation’s vultures hover round.
The needy traveller, serene and gay,
Walks the wild heath, and sings his toil away.
Does envy seize thee? crush th’ upbraiding joy,
Increase his riches and his peace destroy,
New fears in dire vicissitude invade,
The rustling brake alarms, and quiv’ring shade,
Nor light nor darkness bring his pain relief.
One shews the plunder, and one hides the thief.
Yet still one gen’ral cry the skies assails,
And gain and grandeur load the tainted gales,
Few know the toiling statesman’s fear or care,
Th’ insidious rival and the gaping heir.
Once more, Democritus, arise on earth,
With cheerful wisdom and instructive mirth,
See motley life in modern trappings dress’d,
And feed with varied fools th’ eternal jest:
Thou who couldst laugh where want enchain’d caprice,
Toil crush’d conceit, and man was of a piece;
Where wealth unlov’d without a mourner died;
And scarce a sycophant was fed by pride;
Where ne’er was known the form of mock debate,
Or seen a new-made mayor’s unwieldy state;
Where change of fav’rites made no change of laws,
And senates heard before they judg’d a cause;
How wouldst thou shake at Britain’s modish tribe,
Dart the quick taunt, and edge the piercing gibe?
Attentive truth and nature to decry,
And pierce each scene with philosophic eye.
To thee were solemn toys or empty show,
The robes of pleasure and the veils of woe:
All aid the farce, and all thy mirth maintain,
Whose joys are causeless, or whose griefs are vain.
Such was the scorn that fill’d the sage’s mind,
Renew’d at ev’ry glance on humankind;
How just that scorn ere yet thy voice declare,
Search every state, and canvas ev’ry pray’r.
Unnumber’d suppliants crowd Preferment’s gate,
Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great;
Delusive Fortune hears th’ incessant call,
They mount, they shine, evaporate, and fall.
On ev’ry stage the foes of peace attend,
Hate dogs their flight, and insult mocks their end.
Love ends with hope, the sinking statesman’s door
Pours in the morning worshiper no more;
For growing names the weekly scribbler lies,
To growing wealth the dedicator flies,
From every room descends the painted face,
That hung the bright Palladium of the place,
And smok’d in kitchens, or in auctions sold,
To better features yields the frame of gold;
For now no more we trace in ev’ry line
Heroic worth, benevolence divine:
The form distorted justifies the fall,
And detestation rids th’ indignant wall.
When first the college rolls receive his name,
The young enthusiast quits his ease for fame;
Through all his veins the fever of renown
Spreads from the strong contagion of the gown;
O’er Bodley’s dome his future labours spread,
And Bacon’s mansion trembles o’er his head.
Are these thy views? proceed, illustrious youth,
And virtue guard thee to the throne of Truth!
Yet should thy soul indulge the gen’rous heat,
Till captive Science yields her last retreat;
Should Reason guide thee with her brightest ray,
And pour on misty Doubt resistless day;
Should no false Kindness lure to loose delight,
Nor Praise relax, nor Difficulty fright;
Should tempting Novelty thy cell refrain,
And Sloth effuse her opiate fumes in vain;
Should Beauty blunt on fops her fatal dart,
Nor claim the triumph of a letter’d heart;
Should no disease thy torpid veins invade,
Nor Melancholy’s phantoms haunt thy shade;
Yet hope not life from grief or danger free,
Nor think the doom of man revers’d for thee:
Deign on the passing world to turn thine eyes,
And pause awhile from letters, to be wise;
There mark what ills the scholar’s life assail,
Toil, envy, want, the patron, and the jail.
See nations slowly wise, and meanly just,
To buried merit raise the tardy bust.
If dreams yet flatter, once again attend,
Hear Lydiat’s life, and Galileo’s end.
Nor deem, when learning her last prize bestows
The glitt’ring eminence exempt from foes;
See when the vulgar ‘scape, despis’d or aw’d,
Rebellion’s vengeful talons seize on Laud.
From meaner minds, tho’ smaller fines content
The plunder’d palace or sequester’d rent;
Mark’d out by dangerous parts he meets the shock,
And fatal Learning leads him to the block:
Around his tomb let Art and Genius weep,
But hear his death, ye blockheads, hear and sleep.
Enlarge my life with multitude of days,
In health, in sickness, thus the suppliant prays;
Hides from himself his state, and shuns to know,
That life protracted is protracted woe.
Time hovers o’er, impatient to destroy,
And shuts up all the passages of joy:
In vain their gifts the bounteous seasons pour,
The fruit autumnal, and the vernal flow’r,
With listless eyes the dotard views the store,
He views, and wonders that they please no more;
Now pall the tasteless meats, and joyless wines,
And Luxury with sighs her slave resigns.
Approach, ye minstrels, try the soothing strain,
And yield the tuneful lenitives of pain:
No sounds alas would touch th’ impervious ear,
Though dancing mountains witness’d Orpheus near;
Nor lute nor lyre his feeble pow’rs attend,
Nor sweeter music of a virtuous friend,
But everlasting dictates crowd his tongue,
Perversely grave, or positively wrong.
The still returning tale, and ling’ring jest,
Perplex the fawning niece and pamper’d guest,
While growing hopes scarce awe the gath’ring sneer,
And scarce a legacy can bribe to hear;
The watchful guests still hint the last offence,
The daughter’s petulance, the son’s expense,
Improve his heady rage with treach’rous skill,
And mould his passions till they make his will.
Unnumber’d maladies his joints invade,
Lay siege to life and press the dire blockade;
But unextinguish’d Av’rice still remains,
And dreaded losses aggravate his pains;
He turns, with anxious heart and crippled hands,
His bonds of debt, and mortgages of lands;
Or views his coffers with suspicious eyes,
Unlocks his gold, and counts it till he dies.
But grant, the virtues of a temp’rate prime
Bless with an age exempt from scorn or crime;
An age that melts in unperceiv’d decay,
And glides in modest innocence away;
Whose peaceful day Benevolence endears,
Whose night congratulating Conscience cheers;
The gen’ral fav’rite as the gen’ral friend:
Such age there is, and who could wish its end?
Yet ev’n on this her load Misfortune flings,
To press the weary minutes’ flagging wings:
New sorrow rises as the day returns,
A sister sickens, or a daughter mourns.
Now kindred Merit fills the sable bier,
Now lacerated Friendship claims a tear.
Year chases year, decay pursues decay,
Still drops some joy from with’ring life away;
New forms arise, and diff’rent views engage,
Superfluous lags the vet’ran on the stage,
Till pitying Nature signs the last release,
And bids afflicted worth retire to peace.
But few there are whom hours like these await,
Who set unclouded in the gulfs of fate.
From Lydia’s monarch should the search descend,
By Solon caution’d to regard his end,
In life’s last scene what prodigies surprise,
Fears of the brave, and follies of the wise?
From Marlb’rough’s eyes the streams of dotage flow,
And Swift expires a driv’ler and a show.
The teeming mother, anxious for her race,
Begs for each birth the fortune of a face:
Yet Vane could tell what ills from beauty spring;
And Sedley curs’d the form that pleas’d a king.
Ye nymphs of rosy lips and radiant eyes,
Whom Pleasure keeps too busy to be wise,
Whom Joys with soft varieties invite,
By day the frolic, and the dance by night,
Who frown with vanity, who smile with art,
And ask the latest fashion of the heart,
What care, what rules your heedless charms shall save,
Each nymph your rival, and each youth your slave?
Against your fame with fondness hate combines,
The rival batters and the lover mines.
With distant voice neglected Virtue calls,
Less heard and less, the faint remonstrance falls;
Tir’d with contempt, she quits the slipp’ry reign,
And Pride and Prudence take her seat in vain.
In crowd at once, where none the pass defend,
The harmless freedom, and the private friend.
The guardians yield, by force superior plied;
By Int’rest, Prudence; and by Flatt’ry, Pride.
Now Beauty falls betray’d, despis’d, distress’d,
And hissing Infamy proclaims the rest.
Where then shall Hope and Fear their objects find?
Must dull Suspense corrupt the stagnant mind?
Must helpless man, in ignorance sedate,
Roll darkling down the torrent of his fate?
Must no dislike alarm, no wishes rise,
No cries attempt the mercies of the skies?
Enquirer, cease, petitions yet remain,
Which Heav’n may hear, nor deem religion vain.
Still raise for good the supplicating voice,
But leave to Heav’n the measure and the choice.
Safe in his pow’r, whose eyes discern afar
The secret ambush of a specious pray’r.
Implore his aid, in his decisions rest,
Secure whate’er he gives, he gives the best.
Yet when the sense of sacred presence fires,
And strong devotion to the skies aspires,
Pour forth thy fervours for a healthful mind,
Obedient passions, and a will resign’d;
For love, which scarce collective man can fill;
For patience, sov’reign o’er transmuted ill;
For faith, that panting for a happier seat,
Counts death kind Nature’s signal of retreat:
These goods for man the laws of Heav’n ordain,
These goods he grants, who grants the pow’r to gain;
With these celestial wisdom calms the mind,
And makes the happiness she does not find.
Annotations: “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
Lines | Annotation |
“Let observation with extensive view, / Survey mankind, from China to Peru;” | Invites the reader to observe humanity on a global scale, highlighting the universal nature of human struggles and ambitions. “China to Peru” symbolizes the breadth of human experiences and folly. |
“Remark each anxious toil, each eager strife, / And watch the busy scenes of crowded life;” | Describes the relentless pursuit of wealth and power by mankind. Highlights the futility and stress inherent in such pursuits. |
“Then say how hope and fear, desire and hate, / O’erspread with snares the clouded maze of fate;” | Reflects on the emotional turbulence that drives human actions, often leading to misjudgment and entrapment by fate. |
“Where wav’ring man, betray’d by vent’rous pride / To tread the dreary paths without a guide,” | Criticizes human arrogance in making unwise decisions without guidance or wisdom, leading to uncertain and dangerous outcomes. |
“As treach’rous phantoms in the mist delude, / Shuns fancied ills, or chases airy good.” | Uses imagery of “phantoms in the mist” to show how illusions deceive humans, making them avoid imaginary dangers or pursue unattainable desires. |
“How rarely reason guides the stubborn choice, / Rules the bold hand, or prompts the suppliant voice,” | Highlights the infrequency with which rationality governs human decisions, dominated instead by emotion or misguided desires. |
“But scarce observ’d the knowing and the bold, / Fall in the gen’ral massacre of gold;” | Criticizes the obsession with wealth, noting that even the most intelligent and courageous individuals succumb to its destructive power. |
“For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws, / For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws;” | Emphasizes the corrupting influence of wealth, where moral values are compromised, and justice is bought and sold. |
“Wealth heap’d on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys, / The dangers gather as the treasures rise.” | Observes that accumulating wealth does not guarantee happiness or security, and instead brings increasing risks and anxieties. |
“Let hist’ry tell where rival kings command, / And dubious title shakes the madded land,” | Invokes historical examples of political conflict and civil unrest caused by competing claims to power, showing the instability of human ambition. |
“Low sculks the hind beneath the rage of pow’r, / And leaves the wealthy traitor in the Tow’r,” | Highlights the irony that the poor often escape the wrath of authority, while the powerful and wealthy face severe consequences like imprisonment or downfall. |
“Does envy seize thee? crush th’ upbraiding joy, / Increase his riches and his peace destroy;” | Observes how envy can turn wealth into a curse, as greater riches lead to greater insecurity and less peace of mind. |
“Once more, Democritus, arise on earth, / With cheerful wisdom and instructive mirth,” | Calls for the spirit of Democritus, a philosopher known for his wisdom and humor, to critique the follies of modern life with insight and laughter. |
“Search every state, and canvas ev’ry pray’r. / Unnumber’d suppliants crowd Preferment’s gate,” | Critiques the endless ambition and desire for power, symbolized by people beseeching higher authorities for favors or positions of influence. |
“Time hovers o’er, impatient to destroy, / And shuts up all the passages of joy:” | Personifies time as a destructive force that robs individuals of happiness and eventually leads to death. |
“The fruit autumnal, and the vernal flow’r, / With listless eyes the dotard views the store,” | Reflects on the loss of pleasure in old age, where once-joyful experiences and possessions no longer bring satisfaction. |
“Nor deem, when learning her last prize bestows / The glitt’ring eminence exempt from foes;” | Warns scholars and intellectuals that their achievements will not shield them from envy, criticism, or downfall. |
“Enlarge my life with multitude of days, / In health, in sickness, thus the suppliant prays;” | Points out the irony of humans desiring long life without realizing that extended years often bring more suffering and challenges. |
“Yet when the sense of sacred presence fires, / And strong devotion to the skies aspires,” | Advocates for a spiritual approach to life, suggesting that true happiness comes from devotion and alignment with divine will. |
“With these celestial wisdom calms the mind, / And makes the happiness she does not find.” | Concludes with a philosophical insight that true wisdom and acceptance of divine guidance bring peace, even when external circumstances fail to provide happiness. |
Literary And Poetic Devices: “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
Literary/Poetic Device | Example | Explanation |
Alliteration | “Fate wings with ev’ry wish th’ afflictive dart” | The repetition of the “w” sound emphasizes the inevitability and impact of fate. |
Allusion | “Hear Lydiat’s life, and Galileo’s end” | Refers to historical figures, highlighting the persecution of intellectuals and the futility of worldly success. |
Antithesis | “Shuns fancied ills, or chases airy good” | Contrasts imagined fears with unattainable desires to emphasize human irrationality. |
Aphorism | “Wealth heap’d on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys” | A concise statement of a universal truth about the limitations of wealth. |
Assonance | “Shuns fancied ills, or chases airy good” | Repetition of the vowel sound “a” creates a melodic rhythm in the line. |
Caesura | “Time hovers o’er, impatient to destroy,” | A pause in the middle of the line emphasizes the inevitability of time’s destructive force. |
Couplet | “Let observation with extensive view, / Survey mankind, from China to Peru;” | The rhyming pair of lines sets the reflective tone of the poem. |
Didacticism | Entire poem | The poem instructs readers on the futility of human wishes and the importance of aligning desires with divine will. |
End-stopping | “Does envy seize thee? crush th’ upbraiding joy,” | A complete thought expressed in one line creates a clear and emphatic tone. |
Enjambment | “Let observation with extensive view, / Survey mankind, from China to Peru;” | The continuation of thought across two lines reflects the breadth of the poem’s perspective. |
Epigram | “The dangers gather as the treasures rise.” | A witty and concise statement encapsulating the risks of wealth accumulation. |
Hyperbole | “Unnumber’d suppliants crowd Preferment’s gate” | Exaggerates the number of people seeking favor to stress humanity’s excessive ambition. |
Imagery | “The rustling brake alarms, and quiv’ring shade” | Vivid sensory descriptions create a picture of fear and insecurity. |
Irony | “Time hovers o’er, impatient to destroy” | There is irony in how humans yearn for long life, yet time ultimately brings destruction. |
Metaphor | “Fate wings with ev’ry wish th’ afflictive dart” | Fate is likened to a dart that delivers suffering, suggesting the harm in unchecked desires. |
Parallelism | “With fatal heat impetuous courage glows, / With fatal sweetness elocution flows” | The repetition of structure in these lines emphasizes the duality of gifts that lead to destruction. |
Personification | “Time hovers o’er, impatient to destroy” | Time is given human traits to emphasize its relentless and inevitable nature. |
Rhetorical Question | “Where then shall Hope and Fear their objects find?” | The question prompts reflection on the lack of stability in human desires and emotions. |
Symbolism | “The rustling brake alarms, and quiv’ring shade” | The natural elements symbolize human anxiety and fear of the unknown. |
Tone | Reflective and didactic | Johnson’s tone educates and prompts introspection about the futility of human ambition and the importance of wisdom and virtue. |
Themes: “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
1. The Futility of Human Ambition: Johnson critiques humanity’s relentless pursuit of power, wealth, and fame, exposing their ultimate futility and the suffering they bring. He observes how human desires often lead individuals to ruin rather than fulfillment, as seen in the lines: “Unnumber’d suppliants crowd Preferment’s gate, / Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great.” Here, Johnson highlights the ambition of those seeking power, who eventually find themselves betrayed by fortune. Similarly, he writes of rival kings and dubious titles shaking nations (“Let hist’ry tell where rival kings command, / And dubious title shakes the madded land”), illustrating the chaos that arises from unchecked ambition. This theme underscores how ambition blinds humanity to the true costs of their pursuits, ultimately leading to conflict, instability, and personal downfall.
2. The Corrupting Influence of Wealth: Wealth is portrayed as both a source of moral corruption and a cause of human suffering. Johnson writes: “For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws, / For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws.” These lines expose how wealth distorts human values and fosters societal injustice, where both violence and judicial corruption are driven by greed. He also warns that accumulating wealth brings greater peril: “Wealth heap’d on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys, / The dangers gather as the treasures rise.” Johnson emphasizes that wealth cannot guarantee security or peace, and instead increases one’s vulnerabilities to envy, betrayal, and eventual destruction. Through these reflections, Johnson critiques the human obsession with material gain, portraying it as a “wide-wasting pest” that undermines both individual integrity and societal harmony.
3. The Inevitability of Suffering and Death: The poem meditates on the universal certainty of suffering and mortality, reminding readers that no human—regardless of wealth, power, or virtue—can escape them. Johnson writes: “Enlarge my life with multitude of days, / In health, in sickness, thus the suppliant prays; / Hides from himself his state, and shuns to know, / That life protracted is protracted woe.” These lines emphasize the delusion of those who seek long life, unaware that extended years often bring prolonged suffering. He further illustrates the inevitability of decay through historical examples, such as Swift’s mental decline (“Swift expires a driv’ler and a show”), to underscore how even the greatest minds succumb to the ravages of time. This theme reinforces the idea that human desires, including the wish to escape mortality, are ultimately vain and futile.
4. The Supremacy of Divine Providence: Johnson advocates for humility and submission to divine will as the only path to true peace and wisdom. The poem suggests that humanity’s struggles arise from misplaced reliance on their own strength and desires. He advises, “Still raise for good the supplicating voice, / But leave to Heav’n the measure and the choice.” By urging readers to trust in divine providence rather than their own ambitions, Johnson argues that happiness comes from spiritual alignment rather than worldly pursuits. The final lines, “With these celestial wisdom calms the mind, / And makes the happiness she does not find,” reaffirm the superiority of divine wisdom over human folly. Johnson’s ultimate message is that only faith, patience, and acceptance of divine order can bring inner peace and salvation, contrasting sharply with the vanity of human wishes.
Literary Theories and “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
Literary Theory | Application | References from the Poem |
Moral Criticism | Johnson’s poem is a moral critique of human desires and ambitions, showing their futility and consequences. It emphasizes virtues such as humility, patience, and faith. | “Still raise for good the supplicating voice, / But leave to Heav’n the measure and the choice.” Highlights moral submission to divine will. |
Historical Criticism | The poem reflects the socio-political context of 18th-century England, including the corrupting influence of wealth, the instability of political power, and societal inequality. | “For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws, / For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws.” Critiques wealth-driven corruption in society. |
Psychoanalytic Theory | The poem explores human psychology, particularly the unconscious desires, fears, and anxieties that drive ambition and discontent. | “Fate wings with ev’ry wish th’ afflictive dart, / Each gift of nature, and each grace of art.” Explores the psychological burden of desires. |
Religious Criticism | Rooted in Christian theology, the poem critiques the vanity of earthly pursuits and promotes faith in divine providence as the ultimate solution to human suffering. | “With these celestial wisdom calms the mind, / And makes the happiness she does not find.” Advocates for spiritual wisdom over worldly desires. |
Critical Questions about “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
1. How does Samuel Johnson address the futility of human desires in “The Vanity of Human Wishes”?
Samuel Johnson critiques the futility of human desires by illustrating how the pursuit of wealth, power, and fame often leads to suffering and disillusionment. He writes, “Unnumber’d suppliants crowd Preferment’s gate, / Athirst for wealth, and burning to be great.” This line portrays the endless ambition of humanity, driven by an insatiable thirst for recognition and material gain. Johnson further emphasizes the destructive consequences of these pursuits with examples like the corrupting influence of wealth (“For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws”). By portraying ambition as a trap that leads to conflict and ruin, Johnson underscores the vanity of such pursuits. His ultimate message is that human desires, no matter how noble or ambitious, often bring unintended harm and rarely lead to lasting fulfillment.
2. What role does historical and cultural context play in shaping the themes of “The Vanity of Human Wishes”?
The historical and cultural context of 18th-century England heavily influences the themes of “The Vanity of Human Wishes.” Johnson critiques the greed and moral decay of his era, particularly the corruption in politics and society driven by wealth. The lines “Let hist’ry tell where rival kings command, / And dubious title shakes the madded land” reflect the political instability and ambition for power that defined much of English and European history. Additionally, Johnson’s references to figures like “Lydiat’s life, and Galileo’s end” allude to historical examples of intellectual and moral struggle against societal constraints. These reflections on history and society provide a timeless critique of human folly and demonstrate how cultural pressures exacerbate the futility of ambition and greed.
3. How does Johnson use imagery and symbolism to convey his moral lessons in “The Vanity of Human Wishes”?
Johnson employs vivid imagery and symbolism throughout “The Vanity of Human Wishes” to illustrate his moral lessons and critique human folly. For example, the line “The rustling brake alarms, and quiv’ring shade” uses natural imagery to symbolize human anxiety and the ever-present fear of loss and insecurity. Similarly, his description of fate as a dart (“Fate wings with ev’ry wish th’ afflictive dart”) encapsulates the inevitability of suffering as a consequence of unchecked desires. The recurring imagery of wealth, such as “Wealth heap’d on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys,” symbolizes the emptiness of material gain. Through these devices, Johnson creates a poignant and reflective tone, urging readers to abandon superficial pursuits and embrace spiritual wisdom.
4. What is the significance of Johnson’s call for submission to divine providence in “The Vanity of Human Wishes”?
The poem’s central resolution lies in Johnson’s advocacy for submission to divine providence as the only path to true peace and wisdom. He writes, “Still raise for good the supplicating voice, / But leave to Heav’n the measure and the choice.” This statement emphasizes the futility of human attempts to control fate and the need for humility before a higher power. Johnson suggests that happiness comes not from fulfilling personal desires but from aligning one’s will with divine wisdom. The concluding lines, “With these celestial wisdom calms the mind, / And makes the happiness she does not find,” reinforce this idea, advocating for faith, patience, and moral virtue as the antidotes to human suffering. Johnson’s message reflects the Christian belief in the supremacy of God’s will over human ambition, urging readers to find contentment in spiritual rather than worldly pursuits.
Literary Works Similar to “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
- “The Deserted Village” by Oliver Goldsmith
Similar for its critique of materialism and the moral decay of society, lamenting the impact of greed on rural life. - “Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” by Thomas Gray
Shares a contemplative tone on human mortality and the futility of earthly ambitions, with reflections on humble lives and inevitable death. - “To a Mouse” by Robert Burns
Like Johnson’s poem, it explores the fragility of human plans and desires, emphasizing the unpredictability and vulnerability of life. - “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley
Reflects on the impermanence of power and ambition, paralleling Johnson’s themes of the vanity and transient nature of human achievements. - “The Rape of the Lock” by Alexander Pope
Although satirical, this poem critiques society’s superficial desires and misplaced priorities, echoing Johnson’s moral concerns.
Representative Quotations of “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
Quotation | Context | Theoretical Perspective |
“Let observation with extensive view, / Survey mankind, from China to Peru;” | Sets the reflective and universal tone of the poem, inviting readers to examine humanity’s collective follies and ambitions. | Moral Criticism: Encourages a panoramic ethical evaluation of human desires and actions. |
“Fate wings with ev’ry wish th’ afflictive dart, / Each gift of nature, and each grace of art.” | Highlights how human desires, no matter how noble, often lead to unintended suffering. | Psychoanalytic Theory: Explores the conflict between unconscious desires and their harmful consequences. |
“Wealth heap’d on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys, / The dangers gather as the treasures rise.” | Critiques the pursuit of material wealth, portraying it as both futile and dangerous. | Marxist Criticism: Critiques capitalism and wealth accumulation as sources of social instability. |
“For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws, / For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws.” | Exposes how greed corrupts morality and justice, linking wealth to societal decay. | Historical Criticism: Reflects on the socio-political issues of 18th-century England. |
“How nations sink, by darling schemes oppress’d, / When vengeance listens to the fool’s request.” | Critiques the destructive nature of poorly conceived ambitions in governance and leadership. | Political Criticism: Analyzes the consequences of ambition and folly in political decision-making. |
“Shuns fancied ills, or chases airy good.” | Illustrates humanity’s tendency to avoid imaginary dangers while pursuing unattainable goals. | Existentialism: Highlights the absurdity and futility of human choices in navigating life’s uncertainties. |
“Enlarge my life with multitude of days, / In health, in sickness, thus the suppliant prays.” | Reflects on the human desire for long life without acknowledging the accompanying suffering. | Religious Criticism: Critiques the lack of spiritual awareness in earthly prayers for longevity. |
“The dangers gather as the treasures rise.” | Emphasizes the paradox that increased wealth often brings increased vulnerability. | Structuralism: Reveals the ironic relationship between wealth and security through linguistic structures. |
“Still raise for good the supplicating voice, / But leave to Heav’n the measure and the choice.” | Advocates submission to divine providence as the path to peace and wisdom. | Theology: Centers faith and trust in divine wisdom over human ambition. |
“With these celestial wisdom calms the mind, / And makes the happiness she does not find.” | Concludes with the idea that spiritual wisdom brings peace that worldly pursuits cannot provide. | Philosophical Criticism: Advocates for spiritual contentment over material or intellectual fulfillment. |
Suggested Readings: “The Vanity of Human Wishes” by Samuel Johnson
- O’Flaherty, Patrick. “Johnson as Satirist: A New Look at the Vanity of Human Wishes.” ELH, vol. 34, no. 1, 1967, pp. 78–91. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/2872302. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
- Chapin, Chester. “Johnson’s Intentions in The Vanity of Human Wishes.” Eighteenth-Century Studies, vol. 18, no. 1, 1984, pp. 72–75. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/2738307. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
- Sitter, John E. “To ‘The Vanity of Human Wishes’ through the 1740’s.” Studies in Philology, vol. 74, no. 4, 1977, pp. 445–64. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/4173950. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
- Boyd, D. V. “Vanity and Vacuity: A Reading of Johnson’s Verse Satires.” ELH, vol. 39, no. 3, 1972, pp. 387–403. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/2872191. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
- McGlynn, Paul D. “Rhetoric as Metaphor in The Vanity of Human Wishes.” Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, vol. 15, no. 3, 1975, pp. 473–82. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/449992. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.
- Kniskern, William F. “Satire and the ‘Tragic Quartet’ in The Vanity of Human Wishes.” Studies in English Literature, 1500-1900, vol. 25, no. 3, 1985, pp. 633–49. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/450500. Accessed 6 Jan. 2025.