Structural Device

Structural device in literature serves crucial functions of shaping the narrative and enhancing readers’ engagement. They provide a coherent framework to organize narrative elements of a story.


Structural device in literature serves crucial functions of shaping the narrative and enhancing readers’ engagement. They provide a coherent framework to organize the plot, characters, and themes, ensuring a cohesive and logical progression of events.

By employing these structural devices, authors create depth, complexity, and suspense in their storylines. These are also literary devices and facilitate the exploration of multiple perspectives and thematic elements, contributing to a profound understanding of the literary work and enabling critical insight among readers.

Type of Structural Devices
  1. Chronological Order: Chronological order is a structural device used to present events in the order they occur, moving from the beginning to the end of the narrative. This simple literary device allows for a coherent and logical progression of the story, helping the readers to understand storyline.
  2. Flashback: Flashback is a structural device that interrupts the chronological order of events. Through flashbacks, authors add more details about different memories and make readers aware of those minor details.
  3. Flashforward: Flashforward is a structural device that involves jumping the narrative forward in time to offer a glimpse of the future events. By using flashforwards, authors create anticipation in the readers, increasing their interest in the story.
  4. Episodic Structure: Episodic structure is a literary device that organizes a work into distinct episodes or self-contained chapters. Each episode may have its own plot, theme, or central idea, but they contribute to the completion of the narrative.
  5. Parallelism: Parallelism is a structural device in which two or more separate storylines run simultaneously. Often, they have thematic or character connections between them. This technique allows authors to explore multiple aspects of the narrative in parallel.
  6. Frame Narrative: Frame narrative is a structural device that involves using a story within a story. In this technique, one character narrates or tells a story to another character, creating layers of narration that add depth and complexity to the overall work.
  7. Circular Structure: Circular structure is a structural device that shows a story ending with a scene similar or identical to the beginning. It effectively brings the narrative full circle. This technique creates a sense of closure and can emphasize the cyclical nature of the themes.
  8. Non-linear Structure: Non-linear structure is a structural device that disrupts the traditional linear sequence of events. Authors may jump back and forth in time or present events out of order, adding complexity and intrigue to the narrative.
  9. Stream of Consciousness: Stream of consciousness is a structural device that follows a character’s unfiltered thoughts and feelings as they occur in real-time, mimicking the flow of their minds. This technique provides insight into a character’s inner world and create a sense of intimacy with the readers.
  10. Multiple Points of View: Multiple points of view is a structural device in which a story is told from the perspective of multiple characters. This approach provides diverse insights into the events and enhances the reader’s understanding by presenting various viewpoints.
  11. Montage: Montage is a structural device that incorporates a series of short, rapid scenes or images to convey information or emotions effectively. This technique is often used to create a vivid and dynamic portrayal of events or experiences.
  12. In media res: In media res is a structural device that starts the narrative in the middle of the action, rather than the beginning. This technique captures the reader’s attention immediately and creates intrigue.
Functions of Structural Devices

Structural devices in literature serve several important functions that contribute to the overall effectiveness and impact of the work. Some key functions of structural devices include:

  1. Enhancing Narrative Coherence: Structural devices provide a framework for organizing the plot, characters, and themes, ensuring a cohesive and logical flow of events. This coherence helps readers to follow the story easily and understand the connections between different elements.
  2. Creating Reader Engagement: By introducing non-linear structures, flashbacks, flashforwards, or multiple points of view, structural devices pique the reader’s curiosity and challenge them to actively piece together the narrative. This engagement leads the audiences and readers to have deeper connection with the story.
  3. Managing Pacing and Tension: Structural devices also impact the pace at which the story unfolds. Techniques such as in media res and cliffhangers create tension, while circular structures or flashbacks slow down the narrative to build suspense.
  4. Providing Context and Depth: Flashbacks, frame narratives, and parallelism add depth to characters and situations by revealing relevant background information. This context helps readers understand the motivations and emotions driving the actions of the characters.
  5. Highlighting Themes and Motifs: Structural devices also emphasize recurring themes or motifs by presenting them in different contexts or through multiple perspectives. This repetition reinforces the central ideas of the storyline.
  6. Exploring Multiple Perspectives: Devices like multiple points of view allow authors to delve into the minds of various characters, enabling readers to have a good understanding of the events. This leads them to have empathy with the characters.
  7. Aiding in Character Development: Through the use of stream of consciousness or first-person narratives, structural devices provide insights into a character’s inner thoughts and emotions. This deepens the reader’s connection with the characters.
  8. Stimulating Critical Analysis: Unconventional structures challenge readers to think critically about the elements of the storyline, their connections, and further interpretations. This encourages active engagement and discussion, leading to a good appreciation of the work.
  9. Creating Artistic Expression: Structural devices also offer authors a means of expressing their creativity and originality. Experimenting with various narrative techniques allows writers to craft unique and innovative stories that stand out in the literary landscape.
  10. Enhancing Emotional Impact: Strategic use of structural devices evoke specific emotions in readers. For example, circular structures may evoke a sense of closure or nostalgia, while montage techniques can elicit a rapid emotional response through their vivid imagery.

In summary, structural devices play a vital role in shaping literary works, enabling authors to craft compelling narratives that captivate readers and convey complex ideas with depth and resonance.

Suggested Readings
  1. Abrams, M. H. A Glossary of Literary Terms, 7th ed., Cengage Learning, 1999.
  2. Bal, Mieke. Narratology: Introduction to the Theory of Narrative, University of Toronto Press, 2009.
  3. Genette, Gérard. Narrative Discourse: An Essay in Method, Cornell University Press, 1980.
  4. Lodge, David. The Art of Fiction, Vintage, 2011.
  5. Scholes, Robert, et al. The Nature of Narrative, 40th Anniversary Edition, Oxford University Press, 2006.
  6. Shklovsky, Viktor. Theory of Prose, Dalkey Archive Press, 1990.
  7. Stanzel, Franz. A Theory of Narrative, Cambridge University Press, 1984.
  8. Todorov, Tzvetan. Genres in Discourse, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
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