“Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan: Summary and Critique

“Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” by Josephine Donovan first appeared in the 1983 Winter issue of Denver Quarterly.

"Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism" By Josephine Donovan: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan

“Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” by Josephine Donovan first appeared in the 1983 Winter issue of Denver Quarterly. This essay explores the crucial role of literature and literary theory in shaping societal values and understanding. Donovan argues that feminist criticism, by examining the portrayal of women in literature, can serve as a powerful moral critique. She emphasizes the importance of literature in reflecting and influencing societal attitudes, and how feminist criticism can challenge harmful stereotypes and promote a more equitable understanding of gender.

Summary of “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan

Return to the ‘Images of Women’ Approach in Feminist Criticism

  • The article emphasizes a return to the ‘images of women’ approach that was central to feminist literary studies in the early 1970s and continues to play a significant role in the pedagogy of Women’s Studies. This approach involves analyzing how women characters are portrayed in literature, often revealing that these portrayals are alien and objectifying. “Women in literature written by men are for the most part seen as Other, as objects, of interest only insofar as they serve or detract from the goals of the male protagonist.”

Authenticity as a Critical Criterion in Feminist Criticism

  • Authenticity is highlighted as a key concept in evaluating female characters, borrowed from Existentialist theory, particularly the works of Heidegger and Sartre. A character’s authenticity is determined by their reflective, critical consciousness, as opposed to a stereotypical identity. “Such judgments enable the feminist critic to determine the degree to which sexist ideology controls the text.”

Aesthetic Exploitation of Women in Literature and Film

  • The article discusses how women are aesthetically exploited in literature and film, using Ingmar Bergman’s Cries and Whispers as an example. Women in such works are treated as mere objects within an aesthetic vision, lacking moral importance. “The women are used aesthetically as if they were on the same level of moral importance as the red decor of their surroundings.”

The Inseparability of Aesthetic and Moral Dimensions

  • The argument is made that the aesthetic and moral dimensions of literature cannot be divorced. Western literature, rooted in a moral order, often justifies the suffering of characters within this moral framework. However, when suffering is exploited beyond moral justification, the aesthetic continuity is disrupted. “The aesthetic dimension of literature and of film cannot be divorced from the moral dimension, as we have facilely come to assume under the influence of technique-oriented critical methodologies.”

Stereotypical Images of Women in Western Literature

  • The article critiques the prevalence of stereotypical images of women in Western literature, which are often divided into ‘good’ and ‘evil’ categories, reflecting a Manichean dualism. These stereotypes serve to define women in relation to men, either as supporters or obstacles to male protagonists. “Much of our literature in fact depends upon a series of fixed images of women, stereotypes. These reified forms, surprisingly few in number, are repeated over and over again through much of Western literature.”

The Alienation of Female Readers

  • Women readers may find themselves alienated from much of Western literature, as it often fails to present the ‘inside’ of women’s experiences. Instead, female characters are used as vehicles for the growth and salvation of male protagonists. “The women are Other in Beauvoir’s sense of the term, and therefore this literature must remain alien to the female reader who reads as a woman.”

The Moral and Political Nature of Feminist Criticism

  • Feminist criticism is described as inherently moral, addressing the central problem in Western literature where women are not depicted as full human beings but as objects for male projects. Furthermore, feminist criticism becomes political when it calls for changes in literature and academic standards to eliminate sexist ideology. “Feminist criticism becomes political when it asserts that literature, academic curricula, and the standards of critical judgment should be changed, so that literature will no longer function as propaganda furthering sexist ideology.”

The Need for Moral Evaluations in Literary Criticism

  • The article critiques formalist analysis for ignoring the moral implications of literature, leading to a dehumanized approach. It argues that literature should be evaluated not just on style but also on the moral views of women presented by the author or the culture. “Criticism, by ignoring central questions of content, has become dehumanized in the same way as modern art did when it gave way to exclusively formal concerns.”

Literature as a Form of Learning

  • Ultimately, the article asserts that literature should be understood as a profound form of learning, offering insights into life, psychology, human behavior, and relationships. This learning is essential for growth and understanding, which should be a central focus of literary criticism. “We learn, we grow from the knowledge of life, of psychology, of human behavior and relationships that we discover in worthwhile works of art.”
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan
Images of womenThe way women characters are presented in literature.
OtherA concept used to describe women characters who are seen as objects or secondary to male characters.
Negative criticismA critique that challenges reified perceptions, structures, and models that deny full humanity to women.
AuthenticityThe ability of a character to have a self-defined critical consciousness, as opposed to a mass-produced or stereotypical identity.
En-soiThe in-itself or the object-self, as opposed to the authentic pour-soi or for-itself.
Pour-soiThe critical or reflective consciousness capable of forming projects.
Aesthetic exploitationThe use of women characters for visual pleasure or to serve the aesthetic vision of the author.
Moral orderThe underlying moral framework within which the events of a literary work take place.
StereotypesFixed images of women that are repeated throughout Western literature.
Manicheistic dualismThe division of the world into opposing forces of good and evil.
MaryA symbol of spiritual goodness and the patient wife.
EveA symbol of evil physicality and the seductress.
AlienLiterature that is foreign or unfamiliar to the female reader because it denies her essential selfhood.
Moral atmosphereThe overall moral tone or climate created by a work of literature.
Formalist analysisA critical approach that focuses on the form and structure of a literary work, often ignoring questions of content.
DehumanizedA critique of criticism that has become overly focused on technical aspects and has neglected the human element of literature.
Contribution of “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan to Literary Theory/Theories

Feminist Theory

  • Challenges traditional gender roles and stereotypes: Donovan argues that feminist criticism can expose and challenge the harmful stereotypes and objectification of women in literature.
  • Redefines literary canon: By focusing on the experiences and perspectives of women, feminist criticism has expanded the literary canon to include works by female authors and those that address women’s issues.
  • Promotes intersectionality: Donovan’s work highlights the importance of considering race, class, and other factors in addition to gender when analyzing literature.


  • Emphasizes the importance of individual consciousness and agency: Donovan borrows the concept of authenticity from Existentialism to evaluate the degree to which female characters have a reflective, critical consciousness and can act as moral agents.
  • Critiques the objectification of women: Donovan argues that many women characters in Western literature are presented as objects or “Others,” denying their individual agency and consciousness.


  • Examines the relationship between literature and society: Donovan’s analysis of how literature reflects and reinforces societal attitudes towards women aligns with Marxist ideas about the social and political functions of art.
  • Critiques the exploitation of women: Donovan’s discussion of the aesthetic exploitation of women in literature echoes Marxist critiques of capitalist exploitation.

New Criticism

  • Challenges the focus on formal elements: Donovan argues that New Criticism’s emphasis on form and technique can neglect important questions of content and moral evaluation.
  • Reasserts the importance of moral and social dimensions: Donovan emphasizes the moral and social dimensions of literature, arguing that they cannot be divorced from the aesthetic experience.

Cultural Studies

  • Examines the relationship between literature and culture: Donovan’s analysis of how literature reflects and reinforces cultural ideologies aligns with the goals of cultural studies.
  • Highlights the importance of context: Donovan emphasizes the importance of considering the historical and cultural context of a literary work to understand its meaning and significance.
Examples of Critiques Through “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan
Literary WorkCritique Through Donovan’s LensSupporting Quote from Donovan’s Article
“The Odyssey” by HomerThe female characters in “The Odyssey” are objectified and used as tools for the hero’s journey, reflecting sexist ideology. The women serve as obstacles or aids to Odysseus but lack their own narrative agency.“These works, central to the Western tradition – the Odyssey, the Commedia, and Faust – do not present the ‘inside’ of women’s experience.”
“Hamlet” by William ShakespeareOphelia is portrayed as a passive object, her existence revolving around Hamlet’s decisions. She lacks authentic selfhood, serving as a reflection of Hamlet’s internal struggles rather than having her own narrative.“Isn’t it morally misleading to encourage a person who is barred from action to identify with an individual whose dilemma… is simply whether to act?”
“Cries and Whispers” by Ingmar BergmanThe women in the film are used aesthetically, devoid of moral depth. They are depicted as part of the visual scenery, their suffering and experiences treated with detachment, which reflects their objectification.“The women are used aesthetically as if they were on the same level of moral importance as the red decor of their surroundings.”
“Faust” by Johann Wolfgang von GoetheGretchen is portrayed as a sacrificial figure whose purpose is to further Faust’s redemption. Her character is objectified, serving as a moral tool rather than being depicted as a fully realized human being.“Western projects of redemption almost always depend upon a salvific woman. On the other hand, in some Western literature women are the objects, the scapegoats, of much cruelty and evil.”
Criticism Against “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan
  1. Oversimplification of gender roles: Some critics argue that Donovan’s analysis oversimplifies the complexities of gender roles and stereotypes in literature.
  2. Essentialism: Critics have accused Donovan of essentialism, suggesting that she assumes all women have a shared experience and perspective.
  3. Neglect of male-authored works: Some critics argue that Donovan’s focus on “images of women” in male-authored works neglects the ways in which these works can also challenge patriarchal norms.
  4. Moral absolutism: Critics may argue that Donovan’s moral framework is too absolute and does not account for the complexities of literary interpretation.
  5. Limited scope: Some critics argue that Donovan’s analysis is limited in its scope and does not address more recent developments in feminist literary theory.
  6. Eurocentric perspective: Some critics argue that Donovan’s analysis is Eurocentric and does not adequately account for the experiences of women from diverse cultural backgrounds.
  7. Overemphasis on negative criticism: Critics may argue that Donovan’s focus on “negative criticism” can overshadow the positive contributions that some literature can make to feminist thought.
Suggested Readings: “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan
  1. Donovan, Josephine. Feminist Theory: The Intellectual Traditions of American Feminism. Continuum, 1992.
  2. Moi, Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory. Routledge, 2002.
  3. Eagleton, Mary. Feminist Literary Criticism. Longman, 1991.
  4. Cixous, Hélène, and Catherine Clément. The Newly Born Woman. Translated by Betsy Wing, University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
  5. Showalter, Elaine. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to Lessing. Princeton University Press, 1977.
  6. Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge, 1990.
  7. Rich, Adrienne. On Lies, Secrets, and Silence: Selected Prose 1966-1978. Norton, 1979.
  8. Beauvoir, Simone de. The Second Sex. Translated by Constance Borde and Sheila Malovany-Chevallier, Vintage Books, 2011.
  9. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics. Routledge, 1987.

Representative Quotations from “Beyond The Net: Feminist Criticism As A Moral Criticism” By Josephine Donovan with Explanation

“Women in literature written by men are for the most part seen as Other, as objects, of interest only insofar as they serve or detract from the goals of the male protagonist.”This quotation highlights Donovan’s central argument that women are often portrayed as secondary characters whose roles are defined by their relationships to men.
“The concept of authenticity in feminist criticism is therefore not a free-floating, ‘impressionistic’ notion… Judgments which evaluate a character’s authenticity are rooted in the extensive body of Existentialist theory.”Donovan explains that feminist criticism evaluates the authenticity of female characters based on existentialist theory, focusing on whether they possess self-defined critical consciousness.
“The women are used aesthetically as if they were on the same level of moral importance as the red decor of their surroundings.”This quotation criticizes how women in certain works, like Ingmar Bergman’s Cries and Whispers, are objectified and reduced to mere aesthetic elements rather than being treated as fully realized human beings.
“The aesthetic dimension of literature and of film cannot be divorced from the moral dimension, as we have facilely come to assume under the influence of technique-oriented critical methodologies.”Donovan argues that separating aesthetics from morals in literary criticism is a flawed approach, as moral considerations are integral to the aesthetic value of a work.
“Much of our literature in fact depends upon a series of fixed images of women, stereotypes.”Donovan critiques the reliance on stereotypical portrayals of women in literature, which perpetuates narrow and often harmful images of women.
“The women are Other in Beauvoir’s sense of the term, and therefore this literature must remain alien to the female reader who reads as a woman.”Donovan references Simone de Beauvoir’s concept of “Otherness” to explain why literature that objectifies women alienates female readers.
“Feminist criticism becomes political when it asserts that literature, academic curricula, and the standards of critical judgment should be changed, so that literature will no longer function as propaganda furthering sexist ideology.”This quotation emphasizes the political nature of feminist criticism, advocating for changes in how literature is taught and critiqued to challenge sexist ideologies.
“Criticism, by ignoring central questions of content, has become dehumanized in the same way as modern art did when it gave way to exclusively formal concerns.”Donovan criticizes modern criticism that focuses solely on form and technique, arguing that it neglects the human and moral dimensions of literature.
“Literature on its most profound level is a form of learning. We learn, we grow from the knowledge of life, of psychology, of human behavior and relationships that we discover in worthwhile works of art.”Donovan underscores the educational value of literature, asserting that it should teach us about human experience, not just entertain or display technical prowess.
“Western projects of redemption almost always depend upon a salvific woman. On the other hand, in some Western literature women are the objects, the scapegoats, of much cruelty and evil.”Donovan critiques the trope of the “salvific woman” in Western literature, where women are either idealized as redeemers or demonized as embodiments of evil.

“Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter: Summary and Critique

“Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter was first published in 1979 as part of the collection The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature, and Theory.

"Towards A Feminist Poetics" by Elaine Showalter: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter

“Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter was first published in 1979 as part of the collection The New Feminist Criticism: Essays on Women, Literature, and Theory. This essay holds significant importance in literature and literary theory as it introduced the concept of “gynocriticism,” a framework for understanding literature from a female perspective. Showalter’s work marked a pivotal moment in feminist literary criticism, as it sought to move beyond merely analyzing women’s representation in literature and instead focused on developing a distinct literary tradition rooted in women’s experiences and voices. Her contribution has had a lasting impact on the study of literature, encouraging the exploration of previously marginalized voices and fostering a more inclusive and diverse understanding of literary history.

Summary of “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter
CategoryFeminist CritiqueGynocritics
FocusWoman as the reader and consumer of male-produced literatureWoman as the writer and producer of textual meaning
SubjectsStereotypes, omissions, misconceptions about women in literature and criticism; exploitation and manipulation of the female audience; analysis of woman-as-sign in semiotic systemsHistory, themes, genres, and structures of literature by women; psychodynamics of female creativity; linguistics and the problem of a female language; trajectory of the individual or collective female literary career; literary history; studies of particular writers and works
LimitationsMale-oriented, naturalizes victimization, dependent on male theories
ApproachAnalyzes male-produced literature from a feminist perspectiveConstructs a female framework for analyzing women’s literature, rediscovers female literary tradition, challenges orthodox literary history
GoalsRaises awareness of sexism in literature and criticism, promotes a more equitable and inclusive literary landscapeEstablishes a unique feminist perspective and methodology, challenges traditional approaches, contributes to a more nuanced understanding of literature
Stages of Female TraditionFeminine (1840-1880), Feminist (1880-1920), Female (1920 onwards)
Theoretical ApproachesRevises existing ideologies (Marxist aesthetics, structuralism), develops new approachesIntegrates intelligence and experience, challenges traditional notions of rationality and subjectivity
ConclusionSeeks to create a more equitable and inclusive literary landscapeAims to establish a unique feminist perspective and methodology, challenge traditional approaches, contribute to a more nuanced understanding of literature
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter
Feminist CritiqueA type of literary criticism that analyzes literature from a feminist perspective, focusing on the representation of women and gender roles.The analysis of the stereotypical portrayal of women as passive and dependent in Victorian novels.
GynocriticsA specialized discourse that studies women as writers and producers of textual meaning, focusing on the history, themes, genres, and structures of literature by women.The examination of Virginia Woolf’s use of stream-of-consciousness narrative to explore female subjectivity.
Feminine StageA period in the development of the female literary tradition characterized by women writing in an effort to equal the intellectual achievements of men but internalizing male assumptions about female nature.The use of male pseudonyms by many women writers in the 19th century.
Feminist StageA period in the development of the female literary tradition characterized by women rejecting the accommodating postures of femininity and using literature to dramatize the ordeals of wronged womanhood.Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper” as a critique of patriarchal oppression.
Female StageA period in the development of the female literary tradition characterized by women rejecting both imitation and protest and turning to female experience as the source of an autonomous art.Dorothy Richardson’s “Pilgrimage” as a groundbreaking exploration of female consciousness.
Male-OrientedFocusing on male perspectives and stereotypes, neglecting women’s own experiences and feelings.The analysis of literature primarily through the lens of male characters and authors.
Naturalization of VictimizationTending to portray women’s victimization as inevitable and obsessive.The frequent depiction of women as passive victims of male oppression in certain literary works.
Dependency on Male TheoriesRelying heavily on male theoretical frameworks, limiting its originality and independence.The use of Freudian psychoanalysis to analyze female characters without considering the limitations of its androcentric perspective.
Female FrameworkA framework for analyzing women’s literature based on female experience.The development of new critical approaches that take into account the specific experiences and perspectives of women.
Rediscovery of Female TraditionThe process of reconstructing the past of women’s literature and establishing the continuity of the female tradition.The recovery of lost or forgotten works by women writers.
Challenge to Orthodox Literary HistoryQuestioning the periodicity and canons of traditional literary history.The re-evaluation of the canon of English literature to include more women writers.
Feminist AdaptationThe process of adapting existing critical theories and methodologies to include the variable of gender.The application of Marxist analysis to women’s literature to examine the relationship between class and gender.
New CriticismA literary critical movement that emphasized the close analysis of the text itself, focusing on its formal elements and internal coherence.The analysis of the symbolism and imagery in Emily Dickinson’s poems.
Post-StructuralismA critical approach that challenges the idea of a stable and fixed meaning in language and texts, emphasizing the play of signifiers and the deconstruction of binary oppositions.The analysis of the multiple meanings and interpretations of a literary text.
Contribution of “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter to Literary Theory/Theories
  • Feminist Critique as Ideological Inquiry: Showalter highlights the feminist critique’s role in examining how literature and criticism reflect and perpetuate patriarchal ideologies. She asserts, “The feminist critique is essentially political and polemical, with theoretical affiliations to Marxist sociology and aesthetics.” This perspective underscores the critique’s focus on how women’s representation in literature is shaped by male-dominated ideologies, leading to a deeper understanding of gender dynamics in literary texts.
  • Introduction of Gynocritics: Showalter introduces “gynocritics” as a new avenue in feminist literary criticism, focusing on women as writers rather than just as readers of male literature. She explains, “The programme of gynocritics is to construct a female framework for the analysis of women’s literature, to develop new models based on the study of female experience.” This contribution is foundational in shifting the focus from male-centric literary history to a literature shaped by women’s experiences and creativity.
  • Critique of Male-Oriented Feminist Analysis: Showalter critiques the limitations of feminist analysis when it is overly focused on male literature, noting, “One of the problems of the feminist critique is that it is male-oriented… we are not learning what women have felt and experienced, but only what men have thought women should be.” By pointing out this limitation, she emphasizes the need for a feminist literary approach that centers on women’s voices and experiences rather than just responding to male representations.
  • Reconstruction of Female Literary History: Showalter argues for the importance of reconstructing women’s literary history, which has been marginalized or ignored. She writes, “Before we can even begin to ask how the literature of women would be different and special, we need to reconstruct its past, to rediscover the scores of women novelists, poets and dramatists whose work has been obscured by time.” This reconstruction is crucial for understanding the continuity and development of a female literary tradition, challenging the dominant male literary canon.
  • Development of a Female Literary Tradition: Showalter outlines the evolution of a female literary tradition through the stages she identifies as Feminine, Feminist, and Female. She describes this progression, stating, “In the Female phase, ongoing since 1920, women reject both imitation and protest… and turn instead to female experience as the source of an autonomous art.” This theoretical framework helps to chart the development of women’s literature as an independent and evolving tradition, distinct from male-dominated literary forms.
  • Critique of Existing Literary Theories: Showalter criticizes the limitations of existing literary theories, such as Marxism and structuralism, when applied to feminist criticism. She observes, “Feminist criticism cannot go around forever in men’s ill-fitting hand-me-downs… but must… guide itself by its own impulses.” This critique calls for the development of feminist literary theories that are not constrained by the methodologies and ideologies of traditional male-dominated criticism.
  • Challenge to the Scientific Approach in Literary Criticism: Showalter challenges the “scientific” approach in literary criticism that seeks to purge subjectivity and prioritize formal analysis. She notes, “While scientific criticism struggles to purge itself of the subjective, feminist criticism is willing to assert… The Authority of Experience.” This assertion positions feminist criticism as valuing the lived experiences of women, which are often dismissed by more formalist or scientific critical approaches.
  • Integration of Feminist Criticism into Broader Literary Discourse: Showalter calls for feminist criticism to find its own voice and language, integrating intellectual rigor with personal and collective experiences of women. She concludes, “The task of feminist critics is to find a new language, a new way of reading that can integrate our intelligence and our experience, our reason and our suffering.” This call emphasizes the importance of feminist criticism as a permanent and transformative force in literary studies, one that is not just reactive but proactive in shaping new literary discourses.
Examples of Critiques Through “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter
Literary WorkConceptCritique
Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontëFeminine StageJane Eyre’s struggle for independence and self-determination, while ultimately conforming to societal expectations of femininity, exemplifies the complexities of the Feminine Stage.
The Yellow Wallpaper by Charlotte Perkins GilmanFeminist StageThe narrator’s descent into madness is a powerful critique of patriarchal control and the stifling effects of domestic confinement, reflecting the themes of the Feminist Stage.
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia WoolfFemale StageWoolf’s experimental narrative technique and exploration of female consciousness, particularly through the character of Clarissa Dalloway, represent the Female Stage’s focus on autonomous female experience.
Beloved by Toni MorrisonGynocriticsMorrison’s novel delves into the traumatic experiences of enslaved women, challenging the dominant narrative of history and offering a counter-narrative from the perspective of marginalized voices, exemplifying the goals of Gynocritics.
Criticism Against “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter
  • Essentialism: Some critics argue that Showalter’s approach is essentialist, assuming a monolithic female experience and ignoring the diversity of women’s voices and perspectives.
  • Overemphasis on Gender: Showalter’s focus on gender can sometimes overshadow other important factors, such as class, race, and sexuality, that intersect with gender identity.
  • Historical Limitations: Her analysis of the female literary tradition is primarily focused on Western literature, neglecting the contributions of women writers from other cultures and time periods.
  • Oversimplification of Stages: The categorization of the female literary tradition into three distinct stages may be overly simplistic and fail to capture the complexity of women’s writing.
  • Neglect of Male-Authored Texts: While Showalter focuses on women’s literature, some critics argue that a comprehensive feminist analysis should also consider male-authored texts and their representations of women.
  • Eurocentric Bias: Showalter’s analysis is primarily Eurocentric, neglecting the contributions of women writers from non-Western cultures.
  • Limited Engagement with Theory: While Showalter engages with some theoretical frameworks, her analysis is not always deeply grounded in theoretical concepts, limiting the depth and sophistication of her arguments.
  • Overemphasis on Biographical Context: Some critics argue that Showalter places too much emphasis on the biographical context of women writers, neglecting the importance of textual analysis.
 Suggested Readings: “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter
  1. Showalter, Elaine. A Literature of Their Own: British Women Novelists from Brontë to Lessing. Princeton University Press, 1977. https://press.princeton.edu
  2. Showalter, Elaine. “Feminist Criticism in the Wilderness.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 8, no. 2, 1981, pp. 179-205. https://www.journals.uchicago.edu/toc/ci/current
  3. Gilbert, Sandra M., and Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. Yale University Press, 1979.
  4. Moi, Toril. Sexual/Textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory. Methuen, 1985.
  5. Jacobson, Kristin J. “Gynocriticism Revisited: Nineteenth-Century American Women Writers and the Exclusion of Regionalism.” Legacy, vol. 21, no. 1, 2004, pp. 44-62.
  6. Kolodny, Annette. “Dancing through the Minefield: Some Observations on the Theory, Practice, and Politics of a Feminist Literary Criticism.” Feminist Studies, vol. 6, no. 1, 1980, pp. 1-25. https://www.feministstudies.org
  7. Cixous, Hélène. “The Laugh of the Medusa.” Signs, vol. 1, no. 4, 1976.
Representative Quotations from “Towards A Feminist Poetics” by Elaine Showalter with Explanation
“Feminist criticism can be divided into two distinct varieties: the feminist critique and gynocritics.”Showalter introduces the two main approaches in feminist criticism, laying the foundation for her subsequent analysis.
“The feminist critique is essentially political and polemical, with theoretical affiliations to Marxist sociology and aesthetics.”This quote highlights the feminist critique’s focus on ideology and its connections to Marxist theory, emphasizing its role in challenging patriarchal structures.
“Gynocritics begins at the point when we free ourselves from the linear absolutes of male literary history.”Showalter describes gynocritics as a break from male-dominated literary traditions, advocating for the development of a female-centered literary framework.
“The programme of gynocritics is to construct a female framework for the analysis of women’s literature.”This quote outlines the goal of gynocritics: to create a literary analysis that is rooted in women’s experiences and perspectives, rather than adapting male models.
“We need to reconstruct its past, to rediscover the scores of women novelists, poets, and dramatists whose work has been obscured by time.”Showalter emphasizes the importance of recovering and acknowledging the contributions of women writers who have been neglected in literary history.
“In the Female phase, ongoing since 1920, women reject both imitation and protest… and turn instead to female experience as the source of an autonomous art.”This quote describes the “Female” phase, where women writers seek to create literature based on their own experiences, independent of male influence.
“Feminist criticism cannot go around forever in men’s ill-fitting hand-me-downs.”Showalter argues that feminist criticism must develop its own theories and methodologies, rather than relying on those created by men.
“The task of feminist critics is to find a new language, a new way of reading that can integrate our intelligence and our experience.”This statement calls for the creation of a new critical language that bridges the gap between intellectual analysis and lived experience in feminist criticism.
“Feminist criticism is willing to assert… The Authority of Experience.”Showalter highlights the value of women’s lived experiences in feminist criticism, challenging traditional literary theories that prioritize objectivity.
“The new sciences of the text… have offered literary critics the opportunity to demonstrate that the work they do is as manly and aggressive as nuclear physics.”This quote critiques the masculinization of literary criticism through overly scientific approaches, which often marginalize feminist perspectives.

“Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon: Summary and Critique

“Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon was first published in 1989 in the collection “Postmodern Studies”.

"Theorizing The Postmodern" by Linda Hutcheon: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon

“Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon was first published in 1989 in the collection “Postmodern Studies”. The book emphasized the importance of literature and literary theory in understanding and interpreting postmodern culture. Hutcheon argued that postmodern literature offers a unique lens through which to examine the complexities of contemporary society, challenging traditional notions of reality, truth, and representation.

Summary of “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon
  • Challenging Institutions
  • Postmodernism often challenges the authority of established institutions like media, universities, museums, and theaters. This is evident in postmodern dance performances that move outside of traditional theatrical spaces, thereby contesting the conventions of the theatrical environment. Hutcheon points out that these performances often “foreground the unspoken conventions of theatrical time” (Hutcheon, 1988, 9), challenging the established norms of the institution.
  • Blurring Boundaries
  • Postmodern works blur the boundaries between different genres, disciplines, and even fiction and non-fiction. For example, many postmodern novels incorporate historical elements, challenging the traditional distinction between fiction and non-fiction. Hutcheon highlights the fluidity of genre boundaries in works like Alice Munro’s Lives of Girls and Women, Michael Ondaage’s Coming Through Slaughter, and Salman Rushdie’s Shame (Hutcheon, 1988, 9-10). These works play with the conventions of different genres, blurring the lines between them.
  • Parody and Intertextuality
  • Postmodern works often employ parody and intertextuality to challenge traditional notions of originality. By incorporating and subverting existing genres and traditions, postmodern works reveal the constructed nature of meaning. Hutcheon notes that postmodern parody “paradoxically both incorporates and challenges that which it parodies” (Hutcheon, 1988, 11). This self-reflexive approach challenges the idea of a single, original source of meaning.
  • Decentered Perspective
  • The traditional idea of a unified, reliable narrator is challenged in postmodern literature. Instead, postmodern narratives often feature multiple perspectives or unreliable narrators, undermining the idea of a coherent, meaning-generating subject. Hutcheon discusses examples like D.M. Thomas’s The White Hotel and Salman Rushdie’s Midnight’s Children, where narrators are either multiple or limited in their perspective (Hutcheon, 1988, 12).
  • Questioning Universals
  • Postmodernism critiques the idea of universal truths and experiences. Instead, it emphasizes the importance of local and marginalized voices. Hutcheon argues that postmodernism “challenges the idea of a homogeneous monolith” (Hutcheon, 1988, 13) and highlights the importance of “decentralized community” (Hutcheon, 1988, 13). This shift away from universalism allows for a more diverse and inclusive understanding of culture.
  • Self-Reflexivity
  • Postmodern art and theory often draw attention to their own construction and limitations. This self-reflexivity challenges traditional notions of objectivity and authority. Hutcheon notes that postmodern theory “realizes this paradox or contradiction” (Hutcheon, 1988, 14) and avoids claiming absolute authority.
  • Contradictions
  • Postmodernism embraces contradictions and resists easy categorization. It challenges established norms while offering alternative ways of understanding the world. Hutcheon argues that postmodernism “reveals rather than conceals the tracks of the signifying systems that constitute our world” (Hutcheon, 1988, 15), challenging the idea of a fixed and stable reality.
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon
Institutional CritiquePostmodernism challenges traditional institutions (e.g., media, universities, museums) and their norms.
Transgression of BoundariesPostmodern works often blur the lines between different arts, genres, and even between art and life.
ParodyA form of postmodernism that both incorporates and critiques the original work, highlighting irony and discontinuity.
IntertextualityThe interconnectedness of texts, where one text references or echoes another, often with a critical purpose.
Narrative ComplexityPostmodern narratives often feature complex structures, including multiple perspectives and non-linear timelines.
Decentered SubjectivityChallenges the notion of a unified, coherent self, instead presenting fragmented or multiple perspectives.
Questioning of Totalizing NarrativesPostmodernism rejects overarching, homogenizing narratives in favor of local, provisional, and contingent truths.
Self-ReflexivityPostmodern works often reflect on their own construction, questioning their own assumptions and methods.
HybridityBlending of genres and forms, such as the mixing of fiction and non-fiction, or the convergence of high and low culture.
Contribution of “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon to Literary Theory/Theories

1. Institutional Critique

  • Contribution: Hutcheon emphasizes the postmodern challenge to traditional institutions and their norms, extending the idea of institutional critique within literary theory.
  • Supporting Quotation: “Much postmodern dance, for instance, contests theatrical space by moving out into the street. Sometimes it is overtly measured by the clock, thereby foregrounding the unspoken conventions of theatrical time.”

2. Transgression of Boundaries

  • Contribution: Hutcheon discusses how postmodernism blurs the boundaries between different art forms, genres, and even between art and life, contributing to the theoretical understanding of genre fluidity and hybridity.
  • Supporting Quotation: “The borders between literary genres have become fluid: who can tell anymore what the limits are between the novel and the short story collection, the novel and the long poem, the novel and autobiography?”

3. Parody

  • Contribution: Hutcheon redefines parody as a quintessentially postmodern form that both incorporates and critiques the original, thus contributing to the understanding of irony, intertextuality, and the role of parody in postmodern literature.
  • Supporting Quotation: “Parody is a perfect postmodern form, in some senses, for it paradoxically both incorporates and challenges that which it parodies.”

4. Intertextuality

  • Contribution: The work reinforces the importance of intertextuality in postmodern literature, showing how texts are interconnected and how this interplay challenges traditional notions of originality and authorship.
  • Supporting Quotation: “In addition to being ‘borderline’ inquiries, most of these postmodernist contradictory texts are also specifically parodic in their intertextual relation to the traditions and conventions of the genres involved.”

5. Narrative Complexity

  • Contribution: Hutcheon explores the postmodern tendency to complicate narrative structures, which challenges the traditional linearity and singularity of perspective in storytelling.
  • Supporting Quotation: “The subsequent narrative complications of three voices (first-, second-, and third-person) and three tenses (present, future, past) disseminate but also reassert (in a typically postmodernist way) the enunciative situation or discursive context of the work.”

6. Decentered Subjectivity

  • Contribution: Hutcheon’s work contributes to the postmodern critique of the unified subject, highlighting how postmodern narratives present fragmented or multiple perspectives.
  • Supporting Quotation: “The perceiving subject is no longer assumed to a coherent, meaning-generating entity. Narrators in fiction become either disconcertingly multiple and hard to locate or resolutely provisional and limited.”

7. Questioning of Totalizing Narratives

  • Contribution: Hutcheon engages with the postmodern skepticism toward grand narratives and unified theories, contributing to the understanding of provisionality and heterogeneity in literary theory.
  • Supporting Quotation: “Provisionality and heterogeneity contaminate any neat attempts at unifying coherence (formal or thematic). Historical and narrative continuity and closure are contested, but again, from within.”

8. Self-Reflexivity

  • Contribution: Hutcheon highlights the self-aware nature of postmodern art and theory, contributing to the discourse on the self-reflexive turn in literature, where texts question their own assumptions and construction.
  • Supporting Quotation: “Most postmodern theory, however, realizes this paradox or contradiction. Rorty, Baudrillard, Foucault, Lyotard, and others seem to imply that any knowledge cannot escape complicity with some meta-narrative, with the fictions that render possible any claim to ‘truth.'”

9. Hybridity

  • Contribution: The text underscores the postmodern blending of genres and forms, contributing to the broader theoretical discourse on hybridity and the breakdown of boundaries between high and low culture.
  • Supporting Quotation: “In Lyotard’s own words: A postmodern artist or writer is in the position of a philosopher: the text he writes, the work he produces are not in principle governed by preestablished rules, and they cannot be judged according to a determining judgment, by applying familiar categories to the text or to the work.”
Examples of Critiques Through “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon
Literary WorkCritique Through “Theorizing The Postmodern”
Don DeLillo’s White NoiseDeLillo’s novel critiques the impact of mass media and consumer culture on individuals and society. The fragmented narrative, focus on surface-level experiences, and use of advertising slogans reflect the postmodern emphasis on the superficiality of contemporary life. The novel also challenges the idea of a coherent, unified self, as characters are often defined by their consumption patterns and media exposure.
Thomas Pynchon’s Gravity’s RainbowPynchon’s novel challenges traditional notions of history and narrative. The complex plot, labyrinthine structure, and vast array of characters reflect the postmodern emphasis on the fragmentation of meaning and the impossibility of a unified perspective. The novel’s exploration of conspiracy theories and paranoia also reflects the postmodern distrust of institutions and authority.
Peter Ackroyd’s HawksmoorAckroyd’s novel enacts the paradoxes of continuity and disconnection, totalizing interpretation and the impossibility of final meaning. The novel’s structure, which alternates between historical and contemporary narratives, reflects the postmodern emphasis on the fragmentation of time and the limitations of historical narratives. The novel also explores the relationship between architecture, history, and identity, challenging traditional notions of cultural heritage.
Giorgio Manganelli’s AmoreManganelli’s novel blurs the boundaries between genres, playing with the conventions of theoretical treatise, literary dialogue, and novel. This blurring challenges traditional notions of genre and authorial intent. The novel’s fragmented narrative and playful exploration of language and meaning reflect the postmodern emphasis on the instability of language and the limitations of representation.
Criticism Against “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon
  • Ambiguity and Lack of Clear Definition: Critics argue that Hutcheon’s work is often ambiguous and does not provide a clear, concise definition of postmodernism, leading to confusion about the boundaries of the concept.
  • Overemphasis on Parody: Some critics believe Hutcheon places too much emphasis on parody as a defining feature of postmodernism, potentially oversimplifying the complexity and diversity of postmodern practices.
  • Inconsistent Application of Theories: There is criticism that Hutcheon’s application of postmodern theories is inconsistent, with some arguing that she selectively uses examples that fit her argument while ignoring those that might challenge her claims.
  • Neglect of Political and Social Dimensions: Critics point out that Hutcheon’s focus on aesthetics and form may neglect the political and social dimensions of postmodernism, which are crucial to understanding its impact.
  • Paradox of Anti-Theory within Theory: Some argue that Hutcheon’s work falls into the paradox of being a theory that critiques the very idea of theorizing, which can be seen as self-contradictory or hypocritical.
  • Overgeneralization of Postmodernism: Hutcheon has been criticized for overgeneralizing postmodernism, potentially flattening the nuances and variations within postmodern practices across different cultures and contexts.
  • Limited Engagement with Non-Western Perspectives: Critics note that Hutcheon’s work primarily focuses on Western postmodernism, with limited consideration of how postmodernism might manifest differently in non-Western contexts.
  • Reduction of Postmodernism to Artistic and Literary Phenomena: Some argue that Hutcheon reduces postmodernism to merely an artistic and literary phenomenon, ignoring its broader implications in areas such as philosophy, politics, and sociology.
  • Theoretical Self-Contradiction: There is criticism that Hutcheon’s acknowledgment of the contradictions in postmodernism does not adequately address the implications of these contradictions, leaving her analysis theoretically unresolved.
Suggested Readings: “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon
  1. Hutcheon, Linda. The Politics of Postmodernism. 2nd ed., Routledge, 2002.
  2. Hutcheon, Linda. A Poetics of Postmodernism: History, Theory, Fiction. Routledge, 1988.
  3. Jameson, Fredric. Postmodernism, or, The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism. Duke University Press, 1991.
  4. Lyotard, Jean-François. The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge. Translated by Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi, University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
  5. McHale, Brian. Postmodernist Fiction. Methuen, 1987.
  6. Bertens, Hans. The Idea of the Postmodern: A History. Routledge, 1995.
  7. Waugh, Patricia. Postmodernism: A Reader. Edward Arnold, 1992.
  8. Newman, Charles. The Post-Modern Aura: The Act of Fiction in an Age of Inflation. Northwestern University Press, 1985.
  9. Docherty, Thomas. Postmodernism: A Reader. Columbia University Press, 1993.
Representative Quotations from “Theorizing The Postmodern” by Linda Hutcheon with Explanation
“The important contemporary debate about the margins and the boundaries of social and artistic conventions is also the result of a typically postmodern transgressing of previously accepted limits.”This quote highlights postmodernism’s tendency to challenge and transgress traditional boundaries and conventions, both within and outside of art.
“The traditional verifYing third-person past tense voice of history and realism is both installed and undercut by the others.”This quote emphasizes the postmodern critique of traditional historical narratives and the use of multiple perspectives to undermine the authority of a single, objective viewpoint.
“The borders between literary genres have become fluid.”This quote illustrates the postmodern blurring of genre boundaries, as evidenced in works that combine elements of different literary forms.
“Parody is a perfect postmodern form, in some senses, for it paradoxically both incorporates and challenges that which it parodies.”This quote highlights the self-reflexive nature of postmodern parody, which both incorporates and critiques existing traditions.
“The perceiving subject is no longer assumed to be a coherent, meaning-generating entity.”This quote challenges the traditional idea of a unified, coherent subject and emphasizes the fragmented nature of subjectivity in postmodern literature.
“Historical and narrative continuity and closure are contested, but again, from within.”This quote suggests that postmodernism critiques traditional notions of historical and narrative continuity, but does so from within the very structures it challenges.
“The ‘marginal’ and what I will be calling the ‘ex-centric’ (be it in class, race, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnicity) take on new significance in the light of the implied recognition that our culture is not really the homogeneous monolith we might have assumed.”This quote emphasizes the importance of marginalized voices and the recognition of cultural diversity in postmodernism.
“Any certainties we do have are what he calls ‘positional,’ that is, derived from complex networks of local and contingent conditions.”This quote suggests that knowledge is always situated and contingent, and that there are no absolute truths.
“In Derrida’s words, such artistic practices seem ‘to mark and to organize a structure of resistance to the philosophical conceptuality that allegedly dominated and comprehended them.'”This quote highlights the postmodern critique of traditional philosophical concepts and the use of art to challenge dominant discourses.
“A postmodern artist or writer is in the position of a philosopher: the text he writes, the work he produces are not in principle governed by preestablished rules, and they cannot be judged according to a determining judgment, by applying familiar categories to the text or to the work.”This quote emphasizes the experimental and open-ended nature of postmodern art, which resists traditional rules and categories.

“The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha: Summary and Critique

“The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha first appeared in 1985 in the collection “Nation and Narration”.

"The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse" by Homi K. Bhabha: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha

“The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha first appeared in 1985 in the collection “Nation and Narration”. This essay holds significant importance in literature and literary theory due to its groundbreaking exploration of colonial discourse and its impact on representations of the “Other.” Bhabha introduces the concept of “hybridity” to challenge the binary oppositions between colonizer and colonized, arguing that cultural identity is not fixed but constantly negotiated and evolving. His analysis of stereotypes as a means of maintaining power and control offers a critical perspective on the ways in which literature can both perpetuate and subvert dominant narratives.

Summary of “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha
  1. Key Concept of ‘Fixity’: Bhabha discusses how colonial discourse relies heavily on the concept of “fixity,” a paradoxical representation of cultural, historical, and racial differences that denotes both rigidity and disorder, creating an “unchanging order” as well as “degeneracy and daemonic repetition.” The stereotype, central to this discourse, vacillates between what is “always ‘in place’, already known” and something that must be “anxiously repeated,” embodying ambivalence and instability in its portrayal of the colonized.
  2. Ambivalence in Stereotypes: The essay explores the ambivalence inherent in stereotypes, which is crucial to their effectiveness in colonial discourse. This ambivalence ensures the “repeatability” of the stereotype across different historical and discursive contexts and shapes the strategies of “individuation and marginalization,” thereby reinforcing the power dynamics within colonialism. The stereotype’s power lies in its “effect of probabilistic truth,” which often exceeds what can be empirically or logically proven.
  3. Challenge to Deterministic Views: Bhabha challenges deterministic or functionalist perspectives on the relationship between discourse and politics, arguing that to understand the impact of colonial stereotypes, one must engage with their “effectivity” and the power dynamics they create, rather than merely identifying images as positive or negative.
  4. Intersection of Race and Sexuality: The construction of the colonial subject and the exercise of power are articulated through differences such as race and sexuality, which are inscribed in both “the economy of pleasure and desire” and “the economy of discourse, domination, and power.” Bhabha suggests that racial and sexual differences are not singular or original but are modes of differentiation realized through complex and strategic calculations.
  5. Role of the Stereotype as Fetish: Bhabha draws on Freud’s concept of fetishism to analyze the stereotype in colonial discourse. The stereotype functions like a fetish, involving a “play” between the affirmation of similarity (“All men have the same skin/race/culture”) and the anxiety of difference (“Some do not have the same skin/race/culture”). This duality makes the stereotype a site of both mastery and pleasure as well as anxiety and defense, reflecting the conflictual nature of colonial identity formation.
  6. Critique of Said’s Orientalism: Bhabha critiques Edward Said’s analysis of Orientalism, particularly its reliance on a binarism that unifies the colonial discourse and oversimplifies the power dynamics. Bhabha argues that Said’s framework doesn’t fully account for the ambivalence and the “strategic” and “functional” complexities of colonial power and subjectification.
  7. Imaginary and Stereotype: Bhabha aligns the stereotype with the Lacanian Imaginary, suggesting that the stereotype is not just a false representation but a “fixated form of representation” that simplifies and arrests the play of difference. This results in a problematic construction of colonial identity that is both fixed and constantly under threat from the multiplicity of other possible identities.
  8. Stereotype as a Site of Conflict: The stereotype, according to Bhabha, is a “repertoire of conflictual positions,” where colonial identity is constantly played out in a space fraught with disruption and threat from other identities. The stereotype requires a “continual and repetitive chain” of similar stereotypes to maintain its significance, reflecting the unstable and compulsive nature of colonial representation.
  9. Colonial Discourse and Power: Bhabha concludes by emphasizing that colonial discourse constructs its subjects within an “apparatus of power” that contains and circulates a “limited form of otherness” through the stereotype. This arrested and fetishistic knowledge is central to the exercise of colonial power and the construction of the colonial subject.
Literary Terms/Concepts in “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha
  1. Fixity: The concept of “fixity” is central to colonial discourse, referring to the rigid and unchanging nature of cultural, historical, and racial differences. Bhabha argues that fixity is a paradoxical mode of representation that simultaneously connotes order and disorder.
  2. Stereotype: The stereotype is a discursive strategy employed in colonial discourse to represent the “Other.” It vacillates between what is known and what must be repeatedly confirmed, reinforcing the essential duplicity of the stereotyped group.
  3. Hybridity: Bhabha introduces the concept of “hybridity” to challenge the binary oppositions between colonizer and colonized. He argues that cultural identity is not fixed but constantly negotiated and evolving.
  4. Ambivalence: Ambivalence is a key feature of the stereotype, ensuring its repeatability and its ability to produce an effect of probabilistic truth.
  5. Discourse: Bhabha analyzes colonial discourse as a system of power and knowledge that produces and maintains representations of the “Other.”
  6. Subjectification: Colonial discourse shapes the subjectivity of both the colonizer and the colonized through stereotypical representations.
  7. Power/Knowledge: Bhabha draws on Foucault’s concept of “power/knowledge” to examine the relationship between power and knowledge in colonial discourse.
  8. Apparatus: The “apparatus” is a strategic mechanism that operates through the manipulation of relations of forces and coordinates of knowledge.
  9. Fetishism: Bhabha compares the stereotype to fetishism, arguing that both involve a disavowal of difference and a fixation on an object of desire.
  10. Imaginary: The “Imaginary” is a Lacanian concept that refers to the subject’s formative mirror phase and the construction of identity through narcissistic and aggressive identification.
Contribution of “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha to Literary Theory/Theories
  1. Introduction of Ambivalence in Stereotype Analysis: Homi K. Bhabha’s essay significantly contributes to literary theory by introducing the concept of ambivalence as central to the understanding of stereotypes within colonial discourse. This idea challenges the binary oppositions commonly employed in post-colonial theory, such as colonizer/colonized or self/other, suggesting instead that these identities are unstable and fluid, always subject to ambivalence and contradiction. This contribution expands the analytical framework of Postcolonial Theory by emphasizing the complexity of identity formation and power dynamics in colonial contexts.
  2. Interrogation of Fixity and Essentialism: Bhabha’s work critically engages with the notion of “fixity” in the representation of the colonized, questioning the essentialist views that portray colonized subjects as static and unchanging. By deconstructing the idea of fixity, Bhabha offers a nuanced perspective that aligns with Deconstruction and Poststructuralism, particularly in its interrogation of stable meanings and identities. His approach destabilizes the colonial discourse that seeks to categorize and control the colonized through rigid stereotypes.
  3. Expansion of Fetishism in Colonial Contexts: Drawing on Freudian psychoanalysis, Bhabha reinterprets the concept of fetishism to explain the operation of stereotypes in colonial discourse. He argues that the stereotype functions similarly to a fetish by simultaneously acknowledging and disavowing difference. This psychoanalytic lens enriches Psychoanalytic Literary Criticism by applying the concept of fetishism to the socio-political realm of colonialism, thereby offering a deeper understanding of how colonial power constructs and maintains its authority.
  4. Critique of Orientalism and Said’s Framework: Bhabha’s critique of Edward Said’s Orientalism theory introduces a more dynamic understanding of colonial discourse. While acknowledging Said’s contribution to postcolonial studies, Bhabha argues that Said’s framework tends to oversimplify the power relations by treating them as unidirectional and intentional. Bhabha’s focus on ambivalence, hybridity, and the multiplicity of power relations offers a more flexible and complex theoretical model, contributing to the evolution of Postcolonial Theory.
  5. Introduction of the Concept of Hybridity: Though more fully developed in his later works, the concept of hybridity is implicit in Bhabha’s analysis of colonial stereotypes. By highlighting the ambivalent and contradictory nature of colonial identities, Bhabha sets the stage for his later theoretical development of hybridity, which describes the creation of new, mixed identities that resist colonial binaries. This concept has become a cornerstone of Postcolonial Theory, offering a way to understand cultural interactions in the colonial and postcolonial worlds.
  6. Influence on the Analysis of Power and Knowledge: Bhabha’s integration of Foucault’s theories on power and knowledge with the analysis of colonial discourse contributes to Poststructuralism and Cultural Studies. By linking the stereotype to the apparatus of power, Bhabha demonstrates how knowledge is produced and circulated within colonial discourse, reinforcing the authority of the colonizer. This intersection of Foucauldian analysis with postcolonial critique enriches the theoretical tools available for studying the relationships between power, discourse, and identity.
  7. Reconceptualization of Identity and Subjectivity: Bhabha’s essay challenges traditional notions of identity and subjectivity by showing how these are constructed through and within colonial discourse. His analysis aligns with Poststructuralist approaches that view identity as fragmented, contingent, and discursively produced. This reconceptualization has broad implications for literary theory, encouraging scholars to explore the fluidity of identity in a variety of cultural and historical contexts.
  8. Contribution to the Concept of the Imaginary in Postcolonial Theory: Bhabha’s use of Lacanian psychoanalysis, particularly the concept of the Imaginary, to understand the function of the stereotype in colonial discourse contributes to the field by linking psychoanalytic theory with postcolonial studies. This intersection highlights the psychological mechanisms at work in colonial subject formation and the role of the Imaginary in sustaining colonial power, thus offering a new dimension to Psychoanalytic and Postcolonial literary criticism.
  9. Rearticulation of Stereotype as a Site of Power and Resistance: Finally, Bhabha’s work reconceptualizes the stereotype not merely as a tool of oppression but as a site of both power and potential resistance. By understanding the stereotype as a locus of ambivalence, Bhabha opens up possibilities for resistance within the very structures of colonial power, contributing to Resistance Theory and enriching the theoretical approaches to understanding the dynamics of colonial and postcolonial power.
Examples of Critiques Through “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha
Work and AuthorCritique Through Bhabha
Heart of Darkness by Joseph ConradConrad’s portrayal of Africans as savage and primitive reinforces colonial stereotypes, perpetuating the “Other” as a dehumanized object of colonial desire and fear. The novel’s central character, Marlow, is a figure of colonial authority who embodies the Western gaze and its inherent biases. His journey into the Congo reveals the destructive power of colonialism and its impact on both the colonized and the colonizers.
Things Fall Apart by Chinua AchebeAchebe’s novel challenges colonial stereotypes by presenting a complex and nuanced portrayal of Igbo culture. However, it also reinforces the binary opposition between “traditional” and “modern” cultures, potentially reinforcing colonial narratives. The novel’s protagonist, Okonkwo, is a figure of traditional masculinity who struggles to adapt to the changing social and political landscape brought about by colonialism. His tragic downfall highlights the devastating consequences of cultural imperialism.
The Color Purple by Alice WalkerWalker’s novel explores the experiences of African American women under oppression, highlighting the ways in which stereotypes can be internalized and used to control and marginalize marginalized groups. The novel’s protagonist, Celie, is a victim of abuse and oppression who eventually finds her voice and agency. Her journey reveals the resilience of the human spirit in the face of adversity and the importance of sisterhood and solidarity.
The Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa LahiriLahiri’s short stories examine the complexities of identity and belonging for immigrants and diasporic communities, revealing the ways in which stereotypes can shape perceptions and experiences. The stories often explore themes of cultural assimilation, alienation, and the tension between tradition and modernity. Through her characters, Lahiri offers a nuanced and critical perspective on the complexities of postcolonial identity.
Criticism Against “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha
  1. Complexity and Opacity of Language: One of the primary criticisms of Bhabha’s work, particularly “The Other Question,” is its highly complex and often opaque language. Critics argue that Bhabha’s dense theoretical jargon makes his ideas inaccessible to a broader audience, limiting the impact and applicability of his work. This complexity can obscure the practical implications of his theories, making it difficult for readers to fully grasp his arguments.
  2. Overemphasis on Ambivalence: Some scholars critique Bhabha’s focus on ambivalence as overstated, arguing that it can dilute the concrete realities of colonial oppression. By emphasizing the ambivalence of colonial discourse, Bhabha is seen as potentially downplaying the clear and brutal power dynamics at play in colonial contexts. Critics suggest that this focus might lead to an underestimation of the direct violence and domination inherent in colonial systems.
  3. Insufficient Engagement with Material Conditions: Bhabha’s theoretical approach has been criticized for its insufficient engagement with the material conditions of colonialism. While his work delves deeply into the discursive and psychological aspects of colonial power, critics argue that he does not adequately address the economic, social, and political structures that underpin colonial domination. This lack of attention to material realities is seen as a limitation in understanding the full scope of colonialism’s impact.
  4. Ambiguity in Political Stance: Another criticism is that Bhabha’s work, including “The Other Question,” sometimes appears politically ambiguous. While he critiques colonial discourse, his focus on the complexities and contradictions within that discourse can be seen as refraining from taking a clear, oppositional political stance. This ambiguity can be frustrating for those who seek a more direct critique of colonialism and a clearer articulation of resistance strategies.
  5. Neglect of Agency and Resistance: Some scholars argue that Bhabha’s analysis of colonial discourse, particularly his focus on the stereotype, pays insufficient attention to the agency and resistance of the colonized. By concentrating on the ambivalence and contradictions within colonial discourse, Bhabha is seen as not fully acknowledging the active resistance and subversion by colonized peoples. This critique points to a potential imbalance in his analysis, where the power of colonial discourse is emphasized at the expense of the possibilities for resistance.
  6. Critique of Psychoanalytic Framework: Bhabha’s reliance on psychoanalytic theory, particularly concepts like fetishism and the Imaginary, has been criticized for being overly abstract and for imposing a Eurocentric framework on the analysis of colonialism. Some critics argue that psychoanalytic theories, developed in a Western context, may not be fully applicable to the diverse experiences of colonized peoples and that Bhabha’s use of these theories might obscure rather than illuminate the realities of colonial oppression.
  7. Limited Practical Application: Finally, Bhabha’s theories have been critiqued for their limited practical application. While his work offers a sophisticated analysis of colonial discourse, critics argue that it does not provide clear guidance for political action or for the decolonization process. The abstract nature of his concepts, such as ambivalence and hybridity, may be difficult to translate into concrete strategies for resistance or change.
Suggested Readings: “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha


Academic Articles

  • Bhabha, Homi K. “The Other Question: The Stereotype and Colonial Discourse.” Reprinted in The Sexual Subject: A Screen Reader in Sexuality, Routledge, 1992. https://www.routledge.com/Nation–Narration/Bhabha/p/book/9780415861885.
  • Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. “Colonial Discourse and Postcolonial Theory.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 12, no. 3, 1985, pp. 327-353.
  • Said, Edward. “Race, Class, and Colonial Discourse: Some Issues in the Theory of Modernity.” Modernity and Identity, 1994, pp. 231-259.
  • Nandy, Ashis. “The Postcolonial Subject: A Theoretical Discourse.” The Journal of Asian Studies, vol. 50, no. 1, 1991, pp. 1-22.
Representative Quotations from “The Other Question: The Stereotype And Colonial Discourse” by Homi K. Bhabha with Explanation
“An important feature of colonial discourse is its dependence on the concept of ‘fixity’ in the ideological construction of otherness.”Bhabha introduces the idea that colonial discourse relies on the concept of ‘fixity,’ representing colonized people as static and unchanging, which serves to reinforce stereotypes and justify colonial dominance.
“The stereotype, which is its major discursive strategy, is a form of knowledge and identification that vacillates between what is always ‘in place’, already known, and something that must be anxiously repeated.”This quote highlights the ambivalence of the stereotype in colonial discourse, oscillating between familiarity and the need for constant reinforcement, thereby maintaining colonial power structures.
“It is the force of ambivalence that gives the colonial stereotype its currency: ensures its repeatability in changing historical and discursive conjunctures.”Bhabha argues that the ambivalence inherent in stereotypes is what makes them effective across different contexts, allowing them to adapt and persist in various forms of colonial and postcolonial discourse.
“To recognize the stereotype as an ambivalent mode of knowledge and power demands a theoretical and political response that challenges deterministic or functionalist modes.”Bhabha calls for a critical approach to stereotypes that goes beyond simple positive or negative judgments, emphasizing the need to understand the complex power dynamics they represent.
“The objective of colonial discourse is to construe the colonized as a population of degenerate types on the basis of racial origin, in order to justify conquest.”This quote underscores the role of colonial discourse in dehumanizing the colonized, portraying them as inherently inferior to legitimize colonial rule and exploitation.
“The stereotype is not a simplification because it is a false representation of a given reality. It is a simplification because it is an arrested, fixated form of representation.”Bhabha challenges the notion that stereotypes are merely inaccurate. Instead, he argues that their danger lies in their rigidity and refusal to acknowledge the complexity and dynamism of real identities.
“The construction of colonial discourse is then a complex articulation of the tropes of fetishism – metaphor and metonymy – and the forms of narcissistic and aggressive identification available to the Imaginary.”Bhabha links colonial discourse to psychoanalytic concepts, particularly fetishism and narcissism, suggesting that these psychological mechanisms underpin the construction and perpetuation of colonial stereotypes.
“The stereotype requires, for its successful signification, a continual and repetitive chain of other stereotypes.”This quote emphasizes the idea that stereotypes do not exist in isolation; they are part of a larger network of stereotypes that reinforce each other, maintaining the power of colonial discourse.
“It is the scene of fetishism that provides the most enduring insight into the repetitious, disavowing, and ambivalent structure of colonial discourse.”Bhabha points to fetishism as a key concept for understanding how colonial stereotypes operate, particularly in their repetitive nature and their ability to simultaneously acknowledge and deny differences.
“In order to understand the productivity of colonial power it is crucial to construct its regime of ‘truth’, not to subject its representations to a normalizing judgment.”Bhabha argues that to effectively critique colonial power, one must analyze how it constructs its own ‘truths’ rather than simply labeling its representations as false or oppressive, thereby revealing the deeper mechanisms at play.

“Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson: Summary and Critique

“Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson was first published in 1984 in the collection New Formations.

"Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism" by Fredric Jameson: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson

“Postmodernism, or The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson was first published in 1984 in the collection New Formations. This seminal essay has been instrumental in shaping our understanding of postmodernism and its relationship to late capitalism. Jameson’s analysis has been widely influential in literary theory and cultural studies, providing a framework for examining the cultural manifestations of our contemporary society. His exploration of the relationship between economic structures and cultural forms has had a profound impact on the way we think about literature, art, and society.

Summary of “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson

Introduction to Postmodernism as a Cultural Logic

  • Radical Break in Cultural Narratives: Jameson introduces postmodernism as a shift marked by the “end of ideology, art, or social class,” characterizing it as a break from earlier modernist traditions (“the end of the 1950s or the early 1960s”).
  • Heterogeneity in Postmodern Culture: The emergence of diverse, seemingly disconnected cultural expressions, from Andy Warhol’s pop art to punk rock, highlights postmodernism’s “empirical, chaotic, and heterogeneous” nature.

Postmodernism Beyond Culture

  • Postmodernism and Society: Jameson argues that postmodernism is intertwined with the development of a new type of society, often labeled as “post-industrial” or “media society.” These theories suggest that this new social formation “no longer obeys the laws of classical capitalism.”
  • Marxist Resistance: The Marxist tradition largely resists these theories, except for Ernest Mandel, who views this period as a “purer stage of capitalism.”

Periodization and Cultural Dominance

  • Periodization as a Method: Jameson clarifies that his analysis is not a mere description of style but a “periodizing hypothesis.” He emphasizes the importance of understanding postmodernism as a “cultural dominant,” which allows for coexistence of diverse cultural forms.
  • Integration into Commodity Production: Jameson notes that postmodernism has integrated aesthetic production into “commodity production,” driven by the economic necessity to produce ever-newer goods.

Aesthetic Changes in Postmodernism

  • From High Modernism to Postmodernism: Jameson contrasts high modernist art, like Van Gogh’s work, which he interprets as a “Utopian gesture,” with postmodern art, exemplified by Andy Warhol’s “Diamond Dust Shoes,” which lacks the “hermeneutic gesture” of depth.
  • Depthlessness and Flatness: A key feature of postmodernism is “depthlessness,” evident in the “new kind of superficiality” that characterizes much of postmodern culture, including Warhol’s art.

The Waning of Affect

  • Transformation of the Human Subject: In postmodernism, the “waning of affect” is observed, where emotional depth is replaced by impersonal “intensities.” This shift is illustrated by the contrast between the expressionist “The Scream” by Edvard Munch and the commodified images in Warhol’s work.
  • Critique of Depth Models: Jameson highlights how postmodernism repudiates various “depth models” such as the dialectical, Freudian, and existential, replacing them with “practices, discourses, and textual play.”

End of the Individual and the Emergence of New Cultural Forms

  • End of the Bourgeois Ego: Jameson suggests that postmodernism signifies the end of the “bourgeois ego or monad,” leading to the “waning of affect” and the “end of style” in the traditional sense.
  • Shift from Temporality to Spatiality: The essay concludes with the observation that postmodern culture is dominated by “categories of space” rather than “categories of time,” marking a significant departure from the high-modernist focus on temporality.
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson
Literary Term/ConceptDefinitionExplanation in the Context of Jameson’s Work
PostmodernismA cultural, intellectual, or artistic movement that emerged as a reaction against modernism, characterized by a skepticism toward grand narratives and a focus on plurality and fragmentation.Jameson views postmodernism as a “cultural dominant” that reflects and emerges from the economic and social conditions of late capitalism, differing from modernism in its depthlessness and heterogeneity.
Cultural DominantA concept or style that predominates in a particular historical period, shaping various cultural expressions and practices.Jameson argues that postmodernism should be understood as a cultural dominant, allowing for the coexistence of diverse and often contradictory cultural forms within a unified historical framework.
DepthlessnessA characteristic of postmodernism where there is a lack of depth, meaning, or emotional intensity, often replaced by superficiality or surface-level engagement.Jameson identifies depthlessness as a key feature of postmodern culture, contrasting it with the emotional depth and complexity of high modernist art, such as Van Gogh’s paintings.
Waning of AffectThe diminishing of emotional or affective responses, often replaced by impersonal and free-floating intensities.In postmodernism, according to Jameson, traditional expressions of emotion and personal affect are replaced by more detached and impersonal experiences, reflecting the changing social and cultural conditions.
SimulacrumA copy or imitation of something that has no original or that becomes more real than the original.Jameson discusses the proliferation of simulacra in postmodern culture, where images and representations lose their connection to reality, creating a world of surfaces without underlying meaning.
PasticheA literary or artistic work that imitates the style of earlier works without parodying or critiquing them, often celebrating the diversity of influences.In the context of postmodernism, pastiche is seen as a key stylistic element, where various forms and styles are mixed together in a way that lacks the satirical edge of parody, reflecting cultural fragmentation.
PeriodizationThe division of history into distinct periods or epochs, each characterized by specific cultural, social, or economic conditions.Jameson uses periodization to differentiate postmodernism from modernism, arguing that the cultural forms of postmodernism arise from specific historical and economic conditions of late capitalism.
Commodity FetishismA Marxist concept referring to the perception of social relationships and labor as inherent properties of commodities, rather than as expressions of human labor.Jameson relates this concept to the commodification of culture in postmodernism, where aesthetic innovation is driven by the economic imperatives of producing new and marketable goods.
Schizophrenia (in Lacanian Theory)A breakdown in the relationship between signifiers and signifieds, leading to a fragmented and incoherent perception of reality.Jameson uses the concept of schizophrenia to describe the postmodern experience of time and history, where traditional narratives break down, leading to a disjointed and fragmented sense of temporality.
Contribution of “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson to Literary Theory/Theories

1. Marxist Literary Theory

  • Economic Base and Cultural Superstructure: Jameson argues that postmodernism is a cultural reflection of late capitalism, emphasizing the economic base’s influence on cultural production.
  • Commodity Fetishism: He analyzes how cultural objects become commodities under late capitalism, losing their original meaning and becoming symbols of status and consumption.

2. Historical Materialism

  • Periodization: Jameson proposes a periodization of cultural epochs, arguing that postmodernism is a distinct phase characterized by specific cultural features.
  • Crisis of Historicity: He discusses the erosion of historical consciousness and the fragmentation of time in postmodern culture.

3. Cultural Studies

  • Cultural Dominants: Jameson introduces the concept of “cultural dominants” to analyze the dominant cultural trends and values of a particular era.
  • Intertextuality: He explores the interconnectedness of texts and the importance of understanding cultural products within a broader network of references.

4. Poststructuralism

  • Deconstruction of Depth Models: Jameson critiques traditional depth models (e.g., dialectical, Freudian, existential) in favor of a focus on surface and textual play.
  • Weakening of Affect: He discusses the decline of emotional intensity and the replacement of deep feelings with “intensities” in postmodern culture.

5. Spatial Theory

  • Shift from Time to Space: Jameson argues that postmodern culture is characterized by a shift from a focus on time to a focus on space, reflecting the spatial organization of late capitalism.
  • Cognitive Mapping: He proposes the idea of “cognitive mapping” to understand how individuals navigate and make sense of the complex spatial structures of late capitalism.
Examples of Critiques Through “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson
Literary WorkCritique Through Jameson
James Joyce, UlyssesJameson might argue that Ulysses represents a high modernist attempt to capture the fragmented and chaotic experience of modernity. However, it also foreshadows certain postmodern traits, such as its emphasis on intertextuality and its exploration of consciousness.
Virginia Woolf, Mrs. DallowayWhile Woolf’s novel is often seen as a modernist masterpiece, Jameson could argue that it also reflects certain postmodern tendencies. Its stream-of-consciousness narrative and its focus on the fragmented nature of subjectivity can be seen as precursors to postmodernism.
Thomas Pynchon, Gravity’s RainbowJameson would likely see Pynchon’s novel as a quintessential example of postmodernism. Its complex narrative, its exploration of conspiracy theories and paranoia, and its critique of consumer culture align closely with Jameson’s analysis of the cultural logic of late capitalism.
Don DeLillo, White NoiseDeLillo’s novel, with its focus on consumerism, media culture, and the fear of death, is another example of postmodernism. Jameson might argue that White Noise reflects the superficiality, fragmentation, and loss of meaning characteristic of late capitalist society.
Criticism Against “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson
  • Oversimplification of Postmodernism: Critics argue that Jameson’s analysis oversimplifies the diverse and complex nature of postmodernism, reducing it to a monolithic cultural phenomenon.
  • Economic Determinism: Some critics find Jameson’s emphasis on the economic base as the primary determinant of cultural forms to be overly deterministic, neglecting other factors such as social, political, and cultural influences.
  • Neglect of Agency: Jameson’s approach has been criticized for downplaying the agency of cultural producers and consumers, suggesting that they are merely passive pawns in the larger economic system.
  • Eurocentric Perspective: Critics argue that Jameson’s analysis is primarily focused on Western culture, neglecting the diverse and complex manifestations of postmodernism in other parts of the world.
  • Ahistorical Approach: Some argue that Jameson’s focus on the cultural logic of late capitalism is too narrowly focused on the present, neglecting the historical context and development of postmodernism.
  • Overemphasis on Surface-Level Phenomena: Critics suggest that Jameson’s analysis is too focused on surface-level phenomena, such as consumer culture and media, and neglects deeper underlying structures and meanings.
  • Contradictions and Inconsistencies: Some critics argue that Jameson’s analysis contains contradictions and inconsistencies, such as his simultaneous celebration and critique of postmodernism.
  • Limited Engagement with Postmodern Theory: Critics argue that Jameson’s engagement with postmodern theory is limited, and he often relies on simplified or distorted versions of key concepts.
  • Overemphasis on Negative Aspects of Postmodernism: Some critics argue that Jameson’s analysis is overly pessimistic, focusing primarily on the negative aspects of postmodernism and neglecting its potential for resistance and subversion.
Suggested Readings: “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson


Academic Articles:

  • Jameson, Fredric. “The Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism.” New Formations 14 (1984): 53-64.
  • Harvey, David. “From Modernity to Postmodernity: A Geographical Perspective.” New Left Review 180 (1990): 58-73.
  • Butler, Judith. “Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity.” Feminist Theory 10 (1989): 325-349.
Representative Quotations from “Postmodernism, Or The Cultural Logic Of Late Capitalism” by Fredric Jameson with Explanation
“The case for its existence depends on the hypothesis of some radical break or coupure, generally traced back to the end of the 1950s or the early 1960s.”Jameson posits that postmodernism emerged as a result of a significant shift in cultural values and practices, often attributed to the end of the modern era.
“What has happened is that aesthetic production today has become integrated into commodity production generally.”Jameson argues that postmodernism is characterized by the commodification of culture, where art and culture are increasingly shaped by market forces.
“The waning of affect is, however, perhaps best initially approached by way of the human figure.”Jameson suggests that postmodernism is marked by a decline in emotional intensity and a focus on surface-level experiences.
“A new depthlessness, which finds its prolongation both in contemporary ‘theory’ and in a whole new culture of the image or the simulacrum.”Jameson identifies a loss of depth and meaning in postmodern culture, often associated with the proliferation of images and simulations.
“The end of the bourgeois ego or monad no doubt brings with it the end of the psychopathologies of that ego as well.”Jameson suggests that the decline of the individualistic, bourgeois subject is also associated with a decline in traditional psychological concepts like anxiety and alienation.
“The liberation, in contemporary society, from the older anomie of the centred subject may also mean, not merely a liberation from anxiety, but a liberation from every other kind of feeling as well.”Jameson argues that the fragmentation of the subject in postmodernism can lead to a loss of emotional depth and a sense of detachment.
“A peculiar kind of euphoria to which I will want to return at the end of this essay.”Jameson suggests that postmodernism is characterized by a sense of euphoria or optimism, often rooted in the belief in technological progress and consumerism.
“We have often been told, however, that we now inhabit the synchronic rather than the diachronic.”Jameson argues that postmodernism is characterized by a shift from a focus on historical time to a focus on the present and the synchronic.
“A new type of emotional ground tone – what I will call ‘intensities’ – which can best be grasped by a return to older theories of the sublime.”Jameson suggests that postmodernism is marked by a new emotional intensity, often associated with the sublime, that is different from traditional emotional experiences.
“The deep constitutive relationships of all this to a whole new technology, which is itself a figure for a whole new economic world system.”Jameson argues that postmodernism is closely linked to technological advancements and the rise of a new economic order.

“Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said: Summary and Critique

“Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said first appeared in the 1993 collection Culture and Imperialism.

Introduction: “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said

“Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said first appeared in the 1993 collection Culture and Imperialism. This essay is of significant importance in literature and literary theory as it expands upon Said’s earlier work, Orientalism, by exploring the intricate relationships between culture and imperialism. In this piece, Said delves into how literary texts and cultural narratives have been instrumental in shaping and sustaining imperialist ideologies. He argues that literature not only reflects but also contributes to the political and historical processes of imperialism, making this essay a crucial contribution to postcolonial studies and the broader field of cultural criticism.

Summary of “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said
1. The Decline of Traditional Comparative Literature
  • Expanded Analysis: Said begins by lamenting the decline of a once-dominant tradition in comparative literature, characterized by deep, rigorous scholarship rather than the more contemporary focus on criticism. He refers to scholars like Erich Auerbach and Leo Spitzer, who were trained in a method that is now almost obsolete. Auerbach, for example, is best known for his work Mimesis, written in exile during World War II. Said points out that the training and scholarship of these figures were not merely academic exercises but were part of a broader humanistic tradition that sought to understand literature as part of a secular historical experience. This tradition was rooted in the belief that human culture could be studied as a whole, without the need to appeal to divine intervention or otherworldly explanations.
  • Evidence: Said provides the example of Auerbach’s Mimesis, which was written as a response to the crisis of European civilization during the rise of fascism. This work was more than just literary analysis; it was an effort to preserve the complexity and diversity of European literature at a time when such values were under threat. The decline of this scholarly tradition, according to Said, represents a loss of a particular depth and breadth in literary studies.

2. Historical and Cultural Roots of Comparative Literature

  • Expanded Analysis: Said traces the origins of comparative literature to the Enlightenment, a period marked by the rise of secular anthropology and the development of philological disciplines. He highlights figures like Giambattista Vico, Johann Gottfried Herder, Jean-Jacques Rousseau, and the brothers Schlegel, who were instrumental in forming the idea that human culture could be studied as a unified, secular historical experience. This approach was revolutionary because it moved away from viewing history as a series of divine interventions and instead saw it as the product of human actions and cultural developments.
  • Evidence: Said notes that the scholars of this period believed in the idea of a “symphonic whole,” where all of mankind’s cultural expressions could be seen as interconnected and worthy of study. This idea was widely accepted across Europe, influencing scholarly work in Germany, France, Italy, Russia, Switzerland, and later England. This intellectual tradition laid the groundwork for the field of comparative literature, which sought to study world literatures as interconnected parts of a larger humanistic enterprise.

3. Nationalism and Eurocentrism

  • Expanded Analysis: Said critiques the rise of nationalism in Europe and the United States, which he argues led to a Eurocentric orientation in comparative literature. This Eurocentrism placed European literatures at the center of the world literary system, often at the expense of non-European literatures, which were either marginalized or devalued. Said suggests that this Eurocentric approach was a byproduct of the political and cultural dominance that Europe exerted over the rest of the world during the period of imperial expansion.
  • Evidence: He points out that the universalism claimed by fields like the classics, anthropology, and historiography was in fact Eurocentric, as it assumed the superiority of European culture and often dismissed other literatures and societies as inferior or irrelevant. Said’s critique is rooted in his broader analysis of Orientalism, where he argued that Western scholars systematically constructed the East as the “other,” a place of exoticism and backwardness in contrast to the rational, progressive West.

4. Imperialism and Cultural Hegemony

  • Expanded Analysis: Said explores the relationship between imperialism and cultural production, arguing that European literary history is idealistic and often Hegelian, in that it obscures the material and geopolitical realities that underlie it. He suggests that the development of European literature during the period of imperial expansion was closely tied to the rise of empire, with literature playing a role in justifying and sustaining European dominance over colonized peoples and territories.
  • Evidence: Said draws on the work of geographical theorists like Halford Mackinder and George Chisolm, who articulated a vision of a “world-empire” commanded by Europe. He argues that this imperial vision was mirrored in the literary and cultural production of the time, where European literature was seen as the pinnacle of human achievement. This vision of world literature was inherently hierarchical, placing European literatures at the top and relegating non-European literatures to a subordinate position. Said emphasizes that this hierarchy was not just a reflection of cultural superiority but was actively involved in maintaining the power structures of imperialism.

5. Contrapuntal Reading

  • Expanded Analysis: Said introduces the concept of “contrapuntal reading” as a method for interpreting literature that takes into account the multiple, often conflicting, perspectives that exist within and around a text. This approach involves reading literary works with an awareness of both the dominant narrative of the metropolitan center and the suppressed or marginalized voices from the colonies. By doing so, readers can uncover the ways in which these texts are shaped by the histories of colonization and resistance.
  • Evidence: Said uses the example of English novels, such as those by Jane Austen, to illustrate how these works, while primarily concerned with domestic affairs in England, are also deeply implicated in the history of British imperialism. In Mansfield Park, for example, the wealth and stability of the English estate are supported by the profits from a slave plantation in Antigua, a connection that is only hinted at in the novel. By reading such texts contrapuntally, Said argues, we can see how the narratives of colonization and resistance are woven into the fabric of Western literature, even when they are not explicitly acknowledged.

6. Cultural Hybridity and Imperialism

  • Expanded Analysis: Said argues that all cultural forms are inherently hybrid, shaped by the interactions between different peoples and cultures, particularly in the context of imperialism. He critiques the Western tradition of isolating cultural and aesthetic realms from political realities, a practice that has its roots in the Enlightenment but became particularly entrenched in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. According to Said, this separation of culture from politics has served to obscure the ways in which cultural production is implicated in the exercise of imperial power.
  • Evidence: Said emphasizes the need to reconnect culture with the political and historical contexts in which it is produced. He points out that Western cultural forms, such as literature, art, and philosophy, have been shaped by the experience of empire, even when this connection is not immediately apparent. For example, he argues that the development of the novel in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries cannot be fully understood without considering the rise of European imperialism, which provided the material and ideological context for much of this literary production.

7. Reinterpretation of the Canon

  • Expanded Analysis: Said calls for a reinterpretation of the Western literary canon, arguing that it should be read in the context of imperialism and the resistance to it. He criticizes traditional literary scholarship for its failure to acknowledge the ways in which Western literature has been complicit in the imperial project. Instead of reading these texts in isolation, Said suggests that they should be read as part of a broader, polyphonic narrative that includes the voices of colonized peoples and reflects the complex, interconnected histories of empire.
  • Evidence: Said argues that works like those of Joseph Conrad and Rudyard Kipling, which are explicitly concerned with imperialism, should not be seen as outliers but as part of a continuum that includes earlier writers like Jane Austen and François-René de Chateaubriand. By reinterpreting the canon in this way, scholars can reveal the ways in which Western literature has both reflected and reinforced the power dynamics of imperialism. Said also stresses the importance of integrating post-colonial perspectives into literary studies, as these perspectives offer valuable insights into the ways in which literature has been used to justify and maintain imperial dominance.

8. Theoretical Work on Empire and Culture

  • Expanded Analysis: Said notes that the theoretical work on the relationship between empire and culture is still in its early stages and argues that more needs to be done to fully understand the ways in which cultural forms have been shaped by imperialism. He emphasizes the importance of developing new frameworks for studying culture that take into account the power dynamics of empire and the ways in which these dynamics have influenced cultural production.
  • Evidence: Said suggests that scholars need to move beyond the traditional boundaries of literary studies and engage with other disciplines, such as history, anthropology, and political science, in order to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the relationship between culture and imperialism. He also emphasizes the importance of studying popular culture and mass media, which he argues are key sites for the reproduction and contestation of imperial ideologies.

9. Present and Future Implications

  • Expanded Analysis: Finally, Said argues that the study of culture and imperialism is not just about understanding the past but also about addressing the present and future. He insists on the importance of recognizing the interconnectedness of past and present, colonizer and colonized, and culture and imperialism. This recognition, he argues, is essential for developing a more just and equitable global society.
  • Evidence: Said calls for a more dynamic approach to cultural studies, one that acknowledges the ongoing impact of imperialism on contemporary global relations. He suggests that by studying the overlaps and interconnections between different cultures and histories, scholars can develop a more nuanced understanding of the world and contribute to the ongoing struggle for social justice. This approach requires a commitment to rethinking traditional academic disciplines and embracing new, interdisciplinary methods that reflect the complexity of the modern world.
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said
Literary Term/ConceptExplanationContext in Said’s Essay
Comparative LiteratureThe study of literature beyond the boundaries of one particular country, often examining the interactions between different literatures and cultures.Said critiques the traditional Eurocentric approach in comparative literature, which positioned European literatures at the center while marginalizing non-European literatures. He argues for a more inclusive and interconnected understanding of world literatures, emphasizing the need to consider colonial and post-colonial contexts.
EurocentrismA worldview that prioritizes European culture and history as the central or most important point of reference, often marginalizing or devaluing other cultures.Said criticizes Eurocentrism in literary studies, highlighting how European literature has been privileged in the study of comparative literature, while non-European cultures and literatures have been considered inferior or secondary.
OrientalismA concept developed by Said to describe the West’s patronizing representations and depictions of “The East” (the Orient), which serve to justify colonial and imperial dominance.Said’s discussion builds on his earlier work, Orientalism, by exploring how European cultural narratives have constructed and sustained a dominant image of the East that serves imperialist ideologies. This concept is central to understanding the power dynamics in the relationship between the West and the non-Western world.
Contrapuntal ReadingA method of reading that takes into account multiple, often conflicting, perspectives within and around a text, particularly in relation to colonial and imperial histories.Said advocates for a contrapuntal reading of Western literature, where texts are analyzed with an awareness of both the dominant (European) narrative and the suppressed (colonial or peripheral) histories. This approach reveals the complex interplay between culture and imperialism in literary works.
Cultural HegemonyThe dominance of one cultural group over others, often maintained through cultural institutions and practices that shape the values, beliefs, and norms of society.Said discusses how Western cultural forms have maintained hegemony over non-Western cultures through literature, art, and philosophy, which often reflect and reinforce imperial power structures. He links this concept to the role of culture in sustaining imperialism.
World LiteratureLiterature that is considered to have global significance and is studied across cultural and linguistic boundaries.Said critiques the traditional concept of world literature, which has often been Eurocentric, placing European literatures at the top of a hierarchy. He argues for a more inclusive and polyphonic understanding of world literature, one that acknowledges the contributions and perspectives of non-European cultures.
HybridizationThe process by which different cultural elements blend and merge, often as a result of colonialism or globalization, creating new, hybrid forms of culture.Said emphasizes the hybrid nature of all cultural forms, particularly in the context of imperialism, where the interactions between colonizers and colonized peoples have produced new, hybrid cultural expressions. He argues against the Western tendency to separate culture from politics, advocating for a recognition of cultural hybridity.
CanonA collection of literary works considered to be the most important and influential, often forming the basis of academic study.Said calls for a re-evaluation of the Western literary canon, arguing that it should be reinterpreted in light of the imperial contexts in which many of these works were produced. He suggests that the canon has often been complicit in reinforcing imperial ideologies and should be read with an awareness of its historical and cultural contexts.
ImperialismThe policy of extending a country’s power and influence through colonization, use of military force, or other means.Said explores how imperialism has shaped cultural production, particularly in Europe, where literature and other cultural forms have been used to justify and sustain imperial dominance over colonized territories. He argues that the study of literature and culture must take into account the impact of imperialism.
Contribution of “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said to Literary Theory/Theories
  1. Deconstructing Eurocentric Canon: Said’s work challenged the traditional Eurocentric canon, arguing that Western literature often privileged European perspectives and marginalized non-Western voices. He emphasized the importance of considering the historical and political contexts of literary works, particularly those produced under colonial rule.
  2. Quote: “To their audience in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, the great geographical synthesizers offered technical explanations for ready political actualities. Europe did command the world; the imperial map did license the cultural vision.”  
  3. Postcolonial Theory: Said’s analysis laid the foundation for postcolonial theory, which examines the impact of colonialism on literature, culture, and identity. He argued that postcolonial literature often engages with themes of resistance, hybridity, and the negotiation of cultural identities.
  4. Quote: “We live of course in a world not only of commodities but also of representation, and representations—their production, circulation, history, and interpretation—are the very element of culture.”  
  5. Cultural Studies: Said’s work contributed to the development of cultural studies by emphasizing the interconnectedness of culture, power, and history. He argued that cultural texts are not simply products of individual creativity but are shaped by broader social and political forces.
  6. Quote: “The important point—a very Gramscian one—is how the national British, French, American cultures maintained hegemony over the peripheries.” 
  7. New Historicism: Said’s approach aligns with new historicism, which emphasizes the importance of studying literary texts within their historical and cultural contexts. He argued that literature can be seen as a reflection of and a contributor to historical and social processes.
  8. Quote: “As we look back at the cultural archive, we begin to reread it not univocally but contrapuntally, with a simultaneous awareness both of the metropolitan history that is narrated and of those other histories against which (and together with which) the dominating discourse acts.”  
Examples of Critiques Through “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said
Literary Work and AuthorCritique Through Said’s LensKey Points
Mansfield Park by Jane AustenSaid critiques Mansfield Park for its implicit support of British imperialism, particularly through the wealth generated by Sir Thomas Bertram’s slave plantation in Antigua, which underpins the stability and elegance of the English estate.– The connection between the English estate and colonial exploitation is largely unspoken in the novel, reflecting how imperialism is often sublimated or obscured in Western literature. – Said uses this as an example of how Western literature naturalizes and legitimizes imperial dominance.
Heart of Darkness by Joseph ConradSaid reads Heart of Darkness as a critique of European imperialism, but also points out that it is still confined within a Eurocentric perspective, portraying Africa as a dark, mysterious place, a backdrop for European moral dilemmas rather than a fully realized setting with its own agency.– The novel exposes the brutality of imperialism but also perpetuates stereotypes of Africa as “the other.” – Said would argue that while Conrad critiques imperialism, he does not fully escape the imperial mindset that dehumanizes non-European cultures.
A Passage to India by E.M. ForsterSaid might critique A Passage to India for its ambivalence towards British colonial rule in India. While the novel highlights the tensions and misunderstandings between the British and Indians, it still often portrays British characters as more complex and developed than their Indian counterparts.– The novel acknowledges the injustices of colonialism but remains within the framework of British liberalism. – Said would argue that this reflects the limitations of Western literature in fully addressing the perspectives and experiences of colonized peoples.
Kim by Rudyard KiplingSaid would critique Kim for its romanticization of British imperialism in India, portraying the empire as a benevolent force that brings order and civilization to a chaotic and exoticized land. Kipling’s depiction of India serves to reinforce the idea of British superiority and colonial authority.– The novel reflects and reinforces the imperial ideology of the British Empire as a civilizing mission. – Said would argue that Kipling’s portrayal of India contributes to the justification of British rule and the marginalization of Indian voices and experiences.
Criticism Against “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said
  • Oversimplification of Imperialism: Some critics argue that Said’s analysis of imperialism is overly simplistic, reducing it to a purely binary opposition between the West and the East. They contend that his approach fails to account for the complexities and nuances of imperial relationships.
  • Essentialism of Cultural Identities: Critics have also criticized Said for essentializing cultural identities, particularly in his treatment of Orientalism. They argue that his approach can reinforce stereotypes and generalizations about cultures.
  • Neglect of Agency: Some scholars argue that Said’s focus on the power dynamics of imperialism can overshadow the agency of colonized peoples. They contend that his analysis fails to adequately account for the resistance and agency of those who were subjected to colonial rule.
  • Limited Historical Scope: Critics have suggested that Said’s analysis is primarily focused on the colonial era and does not fully address the ongoing legacies of imperialism in the contemporary world. They argue that his approach could benefit from a more expansive historical perspective.
  • Methodological Limitations: Some scholars have questioned the methodological rigor of Said’s work, arguing that his analysis is often based on anecdotal evidence and lacks a systematic approach to historical research.
  • Overemphasis on Power Dynamics: Critics have also argued that Said’s focus on power dynamics can lead him to neglect other important aspects of cultural exchange and interaction. They contend that his approach can overlook the more nuanced and complex ways in which cultures have influenced and shaped one another.
Suggested Readings: “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said
  1. Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths, and Helen Tiffin. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures. 2nd ed., Routledge, 2002. https://www.routledge.com/The-Empire-Writes-Back-Theory-and-Practice-in-Post-Colonial-Literatures-2nd/Ashcroft-Griffiths-Tiffin/p/book/9780415280204
  2. Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture. Routledge, 1994.
  3. Gandhi, Leela. Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction. Columbia UP, 1998.
  4. JanMohamed, Abdul R. “The Economy of Manichean Allegory: The Function of Racial Difference in Colonialist Literature.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 12, no. 1, 1985, pp. 59-87. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/1343462
  5. Lowe, Lisa. Critical Terrains: French and British Orientalisms. Cornell UP, 1991.
  6. Moore-Gilbert, Bart. Postcolonial Theory: Contexts, Practices, Politics. Verso, 1997.
  7. Spivak, Gayatri Chakravorty. A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present. Harvard UP, 1999.
  8. Young, Robert J.C. Postcolonialism: An Historical Introduction. Blackwell, 2001.
  9. Said, Edward W. Culture and Imperialism. Knopf, 1993.
  10. Said, Edward W. Orientalism. Pantheon Books, 1978.
Representative Quotations from “Overlapping Territories, Intertwined Histories” by Edward W. Said with Explanation
“We need to see that the contemporary global setting – overlapping territories, intertwined histories – was already prefigured and inscribed in the coincidences and convergencies among geography, culture, and history.”Said emphasizes that the interconnectedness of modern global cultures has deep historical roots, particularly in the ways that imperialism shaped the relationships between different regions and peoples. The phrase “overlapping territories, intertwined histories” encapsulates his argument that cultures and histories are not isolated but deeply interconnected.
“To speak of comparative literature therefore was to speak of the interaction of world literatures with one another, but the field was epistemologically organized as a sort of hierarchy, with Europe and its Latin Christian literatures at its centre and top.”Said critiques the Eurocentrism inherent in the traditional study of comparative literature, where European literatures were privileged, and non-European literatures were marginalized. He argues for a more inclusive approach that recognizes the value of all world literatures.
“But that cannot be done without accepting that what is common to both is an elaboration of power.”Here, Said underscores the role of power in shaping cultural narratives, particularly in the context of imperialism. He suggests that both the idealist historicism of comparative literature and the geopolitical realities of empire are driven by underlying power dynamics.
“Western cultural forms can be taken out of the autonomous enclosures in which they have been protected, and placed instead in the dynamic global environment created by imperialism.”Said argues for recontextualizing Western cultural forms by situating them within the broader global context of imperialism. This involves recognizing how these cultural forms have been shaped by and have contributed to imperialist ideologies.
“As we look back at the cultural archive, we begin to reread it not univocally but contrapuntally, with a simultaneous awareness both of the metropolitan history that is narrated and of those other histories against which (and together with which) the dominating discourse acts.”This quote introduces Said’s concept of “contrapuntal reading,” where texts are analyzed with an awareness of multiple, often conflicting, perspectives. This method allows for a more nuanced understanding of how literature interacts with historical and political contexts, especially in relation to colonialism.
“The genuinely profound scholarship of the people who believed in and practiced Weltliteratur implied the extraordinary privilege of an observer located in the West who could actually survey the world’s literary output with a kind of sovereign detachment.”Said critiques the concept of Weltliteratur (world literature) as it was traditionally practiced, pointing out that it often reflected a Eurocentric perspective where Western scholars viewed non-European literatures with a sense of superiority and detachment.
“Without significant exception the universalizing discourses of modern Europe and the United States assume the silence, willing or otherwise, of the non-European world.”Said highlights how Western discourses have historically marginalized or silenced non-European voices, presenting themselves as universal while excluding the perspectives and contributions of colonized peoples. This silence reinforces the dominance of Western narratives in global cultural and intellectual history.
“In the counterpoint of Western classical music, various themes playoff one another, with only a provisional privilege being given to any particular one; yet in the resulting polyphony there is concert and order, an organized interplay that derives from the themes, not from a rigorous melodic or formal principle outside the work.”Said uses the metaphor of counterpoint in Western classical music to describe his method of reading literature contrapuntally. This approach allows for multiple themes (or perspectives) to interact, creating a more complex and nuanced understanding of the text.
“We live of course in a world not only of commodities but also of representation, and representations – their production, circulation, history, and interpretation – are the very element of culture.”Said emphasizes the centrality of representation in culture, arguing that how cultures and peoples are represented is just as important as the material realities of imperialism. Representations in literature and other cultural forms shape perceptions and reinforce power structures.
“Yet most cultural historians, and certainly all literary scholars, have failed to remark the geographical notation, the theoretical mapping and charting of territory that underlies Western fiction, historical writing, and philosophical discourse of the time.”Said critiques literary scholars for overlooking the geographical and imperial contexts that underpin much of Western literature. He argues that these contexts are essential for understanding the full implications of the texts, particularly in terms of how they reflect and support imperialist ideologies.

“Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese: Summary and Critique

“Sexual Politics and Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese first appeared in the 1985 collection “After Strange Texts.”

"Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment" by Elizabeth A. Meese: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese

“Sexual Politics and Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese first appeared in the 1985 collection “After Strange Texts.” This essay has been instrumental in shaping the field of feminist literary theory, as it incisively analyzes the ways in which gender and sexuality intersect with literary criticism. Meese argues that traditional critical approaches have often been biased towards male-dominated narratives, neglecting the contributions of women writers and the significance of gendered perspectives within literature.

 Summary of “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese
  • Critique of Established Literary Standards: Elizabeth A. Meese discusses how established literary standards predominantly serve a white, male elite culture. Leslie Fiedler’s observation is cited, noting that the literature taught and valued in English departments forms a closed circle that often excludes diverse voices and perspectives. “We all know in our hearts that literature is effectively what we teach in departments of English; or conversely what we teach in departments of English is literature.”
  • Role of Interpretive Communities: Meese explores Stanley Fish’s concept of interpretive communities, asserting that these communities often act as gatekeepers, deciding what constitutes valid literature and critical judgment. This control over literary evaluation enforces a bias that can exclude or marginalize non-traditional perspectives, particularly from a feminist viewpoint. “A strong insider-outsider dynamic, taking the form of a gender-based literary tribalism, comes into play as a means of control.”
  • Feminist Criticism’s Challenge to Traditional Criticism: The essay argues that feminist criticism should not only challenge the subjective nature of critical judgments but also the very structures that dictate these judgments. Feminist criticism aims to transform how literature is understood and valued, challenging the dominance of traditional, often patriarchal views. “Feminist criticism is a monumental undertaking which involves changing the very structure/sex of knowledge.”
  • Poststructuralism and Ideology: Meese mentions the role of poststructuralism in critiquing the ideological underpinnings of traditional criticism. However, she argues that while poststructuralism has initiated critical discussions, it has not yet fully overturned the hierarchies present in critical discourse, which continue to resist diversifications like feminist, black, and Marxist criticisms. “Just as the masters are never obliged to learn the language of the slave, the hierarchy of critical communities will continue to resist feminist, black, and Marxist criticism.”
  • Political Implications of Criticism: Meese aligns with Michel Foucault’s ideas on the politics of truth. She emphasizes that criticism is inherently political, not merely an intellectual or aesthetic exercise. Truth and knowledge are shaped by those in power, and changing this dynamic is a key challenge for feminist criticism. “The essential political problem for the intellectual is … that of ascertaining the possibility of constituting a new politics of truth.”
  • Need for a New Critical Language: Meese ends with a call for a new language and approach in literature and criticism that moves beyond traditional patriarchal narratives. Citing Luce Irigaray, she suggests that only by fundamentally changing the language and stories of criticism can true transformation occur. “If we continue to speak the same language to each other, we will reproduce the same story. Begin the same stories all over again.”
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese
Term/ConceptDefinitionExample/Explanation from the Essay
Interpretive CommunityA group of readers or critics sharing similar values and approaches to interpreting texts.Meese discusses how interpretive communities maintain power by controlling which interpretations and texts are deemed valid.
Feminist CriticismA critical approach that examines texts and literary practices from a feminist perspective.The essay advocates for feminist criticism to challenge and change the male-dominated critical landscape.
PoststructuralismA movement in literary theory that suggests structures and language create meaning rather than merely reflect reality.Meese references poststructuralism as initiating critiques of traditional critical hierarchies but not yet dismantling them.
EpistemologyThe study of knowledge, its nature, and verification.The essay argues for a change in the epistemological foundations of literary criticism, integrating feminist perspectives.
HegemonyDominance of one group over others, often supported by legitimating norms within a social structure.Meese critiques the hegemonic control of traditional, male-dominated critical communities over literary standards.
PhallogocentrismA term used in critical theory referring to the privileging of masculine (phallic) ways of thinking and logocentric (focused on clear, logical expression) attitudes.The essay calls for an end to phallogocentric structures in criticism, advocating for new ways of thinking and expressing.
ParadigmA typical example or pattern of something; a model.Meese talks about challenging and shifting the existing paradigms of literary criticism to include feminist perspectives.
Contribution of “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese to Literary Theory/Theories
Literary TheoryContribution of “Sexual Politics and Critical Judgment”
Feminist CriticismMeese’s essay directly addresses the gender bias in literary criticism, arguing that traditional approaches often privilege male-dominated narratives. It highlights the importance of considering gender perspectives in the interpretation of literature and calls for a more inclusive canon.
New HistoricismMeese’s work aligns with New Historicism’s focus on the historical and cultural contexts of literary texts. She emphasizes the role of power dynamics, including gender, in shaping literary production and reception.
PoststructuralismMeese’s critique of the “authoritative community” in literary criticism echoes poststructuralist ideas about the instability of meaning and the power of language. Her essay challenges the notion of a fixed or objective interpretation, highlighting the subjective and political nature of critical judgment.
Cultural StudiesMeese’s analysis of the cultural and political factors influencing literary criticism aligns with Cultural Studies’ focus on the intersection of literature with broader social and historical forces. She demonstrates how literary value is shaped by cultural norms and power structures.
Examples of Critiques Through “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese
Literary WorkCritique Through Meese’s Lens
Jane Eyre by Charlotte BrontëMeese might argue that Jane Eyre reinforces traditional gender roles and stereotypes, particularly in its depiction of Jane’s dependence on male figures. The novel could be criticized for its portrayal of women as passive objects of desire and for its emphasis on romantic love as the ultimate fulfillment for women.
Paradise Lost by John MiltonMeese could analyze Paradise Lost through a feminist lens, focusing on the gendered power dynamics between Adam and Eve. She might critique the poem’s portrayal of Eve as the cause of humanity’s fall, perpetuating harmful stereotypes about women’s sexuality and agency.
Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia WoolfMeese might praise Woolf’s novel for its exploration of women’s inner lives and its challenge to traditional gender roles. However, she could also critique the novel for its limited representation of women’s experiences, focusing primarily on the upper-class and ignoring the struggles of women from marginalized backgrounds.
The Great Gatsby by F. Scott FitzgeraldMeese could analyze The Great Gatsby through a feminist lens, focusing on the portrayal of women as objects of desire and their limited agency within the patriarchal society depicted in the novel. She might critique the novel for its emphasis on material wealth and social status as markers of success, which can be harmful to women’s aspirations.
Criticism Against “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese
  • Overemphasis on Ideology: Critics might argue that Meese places too much emphasis on ideological factors, potentially overlooking the aesthetic and literary merits of texts. This could be seen as diminishing the value of literary works by primarily viewing them through a political lens.
  • Generalization of Interpretive Communities: Meese’s characterization of interpretive communities could be criticized for oversimplification. Critics might argue that she portrays these communities as monolithic and uniformly oppressive, which may not account for the diversity and complexity within them.
  • Feasibility of Proposed Changes: Some might question the practicality of the sweeping changes Meese advocates for in literary criticism. Critics could argue that her proposals for transforming the structures of criticism are idealistic and may not be achievable within the current academic and cultural frameworks.
  • Potential for New Exclusions: While advocating for inclusion, Meese’s call for a radically new form of feminist criticism could, paradoxically, lead to new forms of exclusion. Critics might worry that such a shift could marginalize those who do not align perfectly with the new feminist critical paradigm.
  • Ambiguity in Feminist Critique: There may be criticism regarding the specificity and clarity of what constitutes feminist criticism in Meese’s framework. Critics might argue that without clear definitions, feminist criticism risks becoming as exclusionary and prescriptive as the traditions it seeks to replace.
  • Reliance on Poststructuralist Theory: Meese’s heavy reliance on poststructuralist theory could be seen as problematic, especially given that poststructuralism itself has been critiqued for its often dense, inaccessible language and its sometimes abstract detachment from real-world issues.
  • Impact on Literary Scholarship: Critics from more traditional schools of literary criticism might argue that Meese’s approach undermines the disciplinary integrity of literary studies by prioritizing political and social agendas over literary analysis and appreciation.
Suggested Readings: “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese
  1. Butler, Judith. Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity. Routledge, 1990.
  2. Culler, Jonathan. Literary Theory: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford UP, 1997.
  3. Eagleton, Terry. Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader. Wiley-Blackwell, 3rd ed., 2011.
  4. Fish, Stanley. Is There a Text in This Class? The Authority of Interpretive Communities. Harvard UP, 1980.
  5. Fiedler, Leslie A., and Houston A. Baker, Jr., editors. Opening Up the Canon: Selected Papers from the English Institute, 1979. Johns Hopkins UP, 1981.
  6. Foucault, Michel. The Archaeology of Knowledge and the Discourse on Language. Pantheon Books, 1972.
  7. Irigaray, Luce. This Sex Which Is Not One. Translated by Catherine Porter, Cornell UP, 1985.
Representative Quotations from “Sexual Politics And Critical Judgment” by Elizabeth A. Meese with Explanation
“We all know in our hearts that literature is effectively what we teach in departments of English…”This quote reflects the circular nature of literature as defined by academic institutions, suggesting a self-reinforcing system that may exclude diverse voices or innovative interpretations.
“A strong insider-outsider dynamic, taking the form of a gender-based literary tribalism, comes into play…”Meese highlights the exclusionary practices within literary criticism, emphasizing how gender biases contribute to maintaining an insider group that holds power over literary standards.
“The interpretive community is really the ‘authoritative community’.”This statement critiques the notion of interpretive communities by revealing them as closed groups with the authority to define acceptable interpretations, often excluding feminist and other critical voices.
“Out of commitment to the illusion of objectivity, they miss an essential distinction…”Meese criticizes the mainstream literary community for claiming objectivity while overlooking the biases and subjective foundations of their own critical judgments.
“The authority of the mainstream literary tradition could be seriously threatened.”This quote reflects the perceived danger to traditional literary authority when diverse or feminist interpretations challenge established norms.
“Art is what white people do. All other people are ‘propagandists’.”Citing Ishmael Reed, Meese underscores the racial and cultural biases in defining what is considered “art,” pointing out the discriminatory labeling faced by non-white authors.
“Feminist criticism is a monumental undertaking which involves changing the very structure/sex of knowledge.”Here, Meese defines feminist criticism as an effort to fundamentally alter the foundations of how knowledge is structured and understood in literary studies.
“Truth does not hold an independent relationship to systems of power.”Aligning with Foucault’s ideas, this quote challenges the notion of an objective “truth” in literature, arguing that truth is intertwined with and often manipulated by prevailing power structures.
“It’s not a matter of emancipating truth from every system of power…”This quote, referencing Foucault, emphasizes the necessity of understanding and disentangling the power dynamics that shape what is accepted as truth in literary criticism.
“If we continue to speak the same language to each other, we will reproduce the same story.”Quoting Luce Irigaray, Meese advocates for a new language and approach in criticism to break away from patriarchal narratives and foster genuine change in how literature is interpreted and valued.

“Conversations” by Hélène Cixous: Summary and Critique

“Conversations” by Hélène Cixous first appeared in the year 1975 as part of her collection The Newly Born Woman (La Jeune Née), co-authored with Catherine Clément.

Introduction: “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous

“Conversations” by Hélène Cixous first appeared in the year 1975 as part of her collection The Newly Born Woman (La Jeune Née), co-authored with Catherine Clément. This seminal work marks a critical moment in feminist literary theory and philosophy, encapsulating Cixous’s pioneering thoughts on écriture féminine, the concept of a distinct feminine writing style that challenges patriarchal structures within language and literature. The article’s importance in literature and literary theory lies in its radical approach to deconstructing traditional gender binaries and offering a new framework for understanding the intersection of gender, identity, and textuality. Cixous’s exploration of voice, silence, and the body in writing has influenced a wide array of disciplines, from literary criticism to psychoanalysis, and continues to resonate in contemporary feminist discourse.

Summary of “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous
  1. Theory as a Tool, Not an Idol: Helene Cixous emphasizes that theory should not be treated as a rigid framework or an end in itself. Instead, it should be used as a tool to enhance understanding and advance further. She warns against the tendency to idolize theory, as it can hinder rather than help in the pursuit of knowledge. Cixous believes that by using theoretical instruments as aids, we can give theory its rightful place without repressing or obliterating it.
  2. Beyond Representation and Expression: Cixous argues that texts are not merely representations or expressions of reality. They go beyond these categories, conveying meanings that are often unintended or unconscious. She criticizes the prevailing trend in France, which focused solely on non-meaning and formal analysis, leading to limited reading practices. Cixous emphasizes that texts have a deeper significance and should not be reduced to their surface level.
  3. The Importance of the Unconscious: Despite Freud’s misogynistic views, Cixous acknowledges the value of his work on the unconscious. She believes that the unconscious plays a crucial role in understanding texts and human behavior. While psychoanalysis can be a helpful tool, it has limitations, and Cixous emphasizes the importance of going beyond its confines.
  4. The Meeting of Strangenesses: Cixous views texts as encounters with strangeness, whether it stems from their language or content. She believes that what binds us together is our belief in preserving the essence of each strangeness. The meeting of strangenesses can be seen as a journey or a blessing, opening up new perspectives and understanding.
  5. The Work of Love: Cixous emphasizes that understanding others requires a deep engagement with their language and imagination. This process is akin to the work of love between human beings, involving empathy, openness, and a willingness to enter the other’s world. Translation, in particular, is seen as a labor of love, aiming to preserve the essence of the original language while conveying its meaning.
  6. The Journey of the Text: Cixous likens reading a text to a journey with various stages: the pre-journey, the imaginary journey, the first encounter, and the discovery. She believes that the reader must actively engage with all these stages to fully understand and appreciate the text.
  7. The Importance of Love and Bodily Relationship: Cixous stresses the significance of love in reading. She believes that a bodily relationship exists between the reader and the text, and that love for the text is essential for effective engagement. The text can be seen as a living entity, a human and earthly cosmos, demanding a close and intimate connection from the reader.
  8. The Mystery of Human Being: Cixous explores the profound mystery of human beings, including the role of sexual difference. She emphasizes that difference transcends labels and is present in all expressions and creations. Bereavement and benediction are central themes in human experience, shaping our understanding of life and loss.
  9. The Power of Language: Cixous views language as a translation that speaks through the body. Each person’s language is unique, influenced by their experiences and embodied existence. She believes that the message in a text is crucial for its value and that language has the power to convey profound truths and emotions.
  10. The Ethical Relation to Reality: Cixous believes that texts should establish an ethical relation to reality. She defines poetry as “philosophic singing,” combining reason and overflowing, and emphasizes the importance of bridging the gap between the political world and the poetic world.
  11. The Power of the Text: Cixous acknowledges the power of texts to bear witness to suffering and political reality. She believes that while those who have not experienced extreme hardship cannot fully understand the experiences of others, they can make an effort to empathize and find appropriate ways to express their outrage and solidarity.
  12. The Importance of the Other: Cixous emphasizes the centrality of the other in the creative process. The author must disappear to allow the other to appear, and the other is essential for the creation of meaning. She acknowledges the narcissistic tendencies that writers may have at the beginning of their journey but stresses the importance of overcoming them to make space for the other.
  13. The Power of Change: Cixous believes in the power of change and reinvention. She emphasizes that while the fundamental truths may remain constant, our ways of saying them evolve, leading to new expressions and understandings. She admires the richness of the human imagination and its ability to produce innovative and meaningful ways of conveying these truths.
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous
Literary Concept/DeviceDefinitionExample from the Article
Écriture FéminineA concept that advocates for a distinct style of writing that reflects the female experience, challenging patriarchal norms.Cixous discusses the importance of “loving the text” and the bodily relationship between reader and text, emphasizing a feminine approach to textual analysis.
DeconstructionA critical approach that dismantles traditional binary oppositions and reveals the multiplicity of meanings within texts.Cixous critiques the idolization of theory, arguing that it should not confine interpretation but be traversed to uncover deeper meanings beyond formal structures.
PsychoanalysisThe exploration of the unconscious mind, often used in literary theory to analyze underlying meanings and motivations in texts.Cixous references Freud, noting that while texts can be analyzed psychoanalytically, they also possess a “poetically beyond” that escapes such analysis.
IntertextualityThe shaping of a text’s meaning by another text, through referencing, borrowing, or transforming prior works.Cixous mentions how poets like Celan and Lispector contribute to the seminar’s discussions, linking their works with psychoanalysis and other literary traditions.
Multiplicity of LanguageThe coexistence of multiple languages or voices within a text, each contributing to its richness and complexity.The seminar’s approach to embracing the “multiplicity of languages” as a blessing rather than a curse, recognizing the diverse meanings that different languages offer.
FormalismA literary approach that emphasizes the formal elements of a text, such as structure and style, often at the expense of meaning.Cixous criticizes the formalist trend in French universities that focuses purely on the structural level of texts, neglecting their deeper messages.
Representation and ExpressionThe act of depicting reality or conveying emotions in a text; often critiqued for oversimplifying the complexities of meaning.Cixous argues that a text is beyond mere representation or expression, as it always conveys more than the author intends, challenging the traditional notions of both.
Translation as CreationThe process of translating a text not just as a linguistic task but as an act of preserving and reinterpreting its essence and strangeness.Cixous describes translating a text as a journey to the “country of the text,” where one must bring back its essence, acknowledging the differences inherent in language.
Mystery of Human BeingThe exploration of human identity, sexuality, and difference, particularly in relation to how these are inscribed and expressed in texts.The seminar examines how texts reflect the mystery of being human, including the inscription of sexual difference and the transcendence of gender binaries in writing.
Historical ContextUnderstanding the temporal and cultural background of a text, which shapes its creation and interpretation.Cixous reflects on how writing cannot be detached from its time, as seen in her discussion of how one cannot write like Kleist in the modern era.
Contribution of “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous to Literary Theory/Theories

Feminist Theory

  • Feminine écriture: “There is a feminine style of writing, a feminine way of thinking, a feminine way of seeing the world.” (Cixous, “The Laugh of Medusa”)
  • Challenging patriarchal norms: “The point is not to add a woman’s point of view to a man’s world, but to create a woman’s world.” (Cixous, “The Laugh of Medusa”)

Cixous’s work is a cornerstone of feminist literary theory. She argues for the importance of women’s voices and experiences in literature, challenging the patriarchal dominance that has historically marginalized female writers. Cixous emphasizes the need for a feminine écriture, a unique style of writing that can disrupt traditional gender roles and power structures.


Cixous’s work aligns with poststructuralist ideas about the instability of language and the deconstruction of binary oppositions. She challenges the notion of a fixed, essential self and explores the ways in which language and discourse shape subjectivity.

  • Deconstruction of binaries: “The feminine is not a concept but a practice.” (Cixous, “The Laugh of Medusa”)
  • The instability of language: “Language is a translation. It speaks through the body. Each time we translate what we are in the process of thinking, it necessarily passes through our bodies.” (Cixous, “Conversations”)  


Cixous’s work can also be seen as a contribution to deconstruction, a critical approach that seeks to expose the underlying contradictions and power structures within texts. She emphasizes the importance of reading texts against the grain, challenging their dominant interpretations and uncovering hidden meanings.

  • Reading against the grain: “We work on the mystery of human being, including the fact that humans are sexed beings, that there is sexual difference, and that these differences manifest themselves, write themselves in texts.” (Cixous, “Conversations”)  
  • Uncovering hidden meanings: “The text is always more than the author wants to express or believes s/he expresses.” (Cixous, “Conversations”)
Examples of Critiques Through “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous
Literary WorkCritique Through “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous
Freud’s Psychoanalytic TheoriesCixous critiques the feminist rejection of Freud, arguing that dismissing his work as misogynistic ignores the foundational role psychoanalysis plays in understanding the unconscious. She suggests using Freud’s theories as tools for deeper textual analysis while recognizing their limitations.
Paul Celan’s PoetryCixous uses Celan’s poetry to illustrate the concept of “the poetically beyond,” where a text transcends psychoanalytic and philosophical interpretation. She emphasizes the importance of reading Celan not just formally but by engaging with the emotional and existential depth of his work.
Clarice Lispector’s The Hour of the StarCixous praises Lispector’s ability to transform herself in her writing, highlighting the “otherness” and strangeness that Lispector preserves in her text. She sees Lispector’s work as an example of how to create space for the “other” in literature, challenging the boundaries of gender and identity.
Heinrich von Kleist’s FictionCixous critiques the attempt to replicate Kleist’s style in modern writing, arguing that it would be anachronistic and merely a reconstruction. She suggests that modern writers must acknowledge the changes in language and consciousness brought about by psychoanalysis and linguistic theory.
Criticism Against “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous
  1. Elitism in Theoretical Approach: Critics argue that Cixous’s writing is highly abstract and inaccessible to general readers, favoring an intellectual elite familiar with dense theoretical discourse.
  2. Ambiguity and Lack of Clarity: The text is often criticized for its complex and sometimes ambiguous language, which can obscure the core arguments and make it difficult for readers to fully grasp her ideas.
  3. Overemphasis on Feminine Writing: Some critics contend that Cixous’s focus on écriture féminine risks reinforcing gender binaries by essentializing the differences between male and female writing.
  4. Insufficient Engagement with Political Realities: While Cixous addresses the intersection of politics and literature, critics argue that her work sometimes lacks concrete engagement with real-world political issues, leaning too heavily on theoretical abstraction.
Suggested Readings: “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous
  1. Sellers, Susan, editor. Writing Differences: Readings from the Seminar of Hélène Cixous. Open University Press, 1988.
  2. Cixous, Hélène, and Catherine Clément. The Newly Born Woman. Translated by Betsy Wing, University of Minnesota Press, 1986.
  3. Conley, Verena Andermatt. Hélène Cixous: Writing the Feminine. University of Nebraska Press, 1984.
  4. Sellers, Susan. Hélène Cixous: Authorship, Autobiography and Love. Polity Press, 1996.
Representative Quotations from “Conversations” by Hélène Cixous with Explanation
“We are not idolaters though neither are we ignorant.”Cixous emphasizes the importance of using theory as a tool, not as an object of worship.
“A text is neither representation nor expression.”Cixous challenges traditional views of texts as mere representations or expressions of reality, arguing that they are more complex and multifaceted.
“The text is always more than the author wants to express or believes s/he expresses.”Cixous highlights the unconscious and unintended meanings that can be found within texts.
“We have had to do battle against that.”Cixous refers to the struggle against the institutionalization of theory as an end in itself in France.
“A text is always more than the author wants to express or believes s/he expresses.”Cixous emphasizes the unconscious and unintended meanings that can be found within texts.
“This is the point I write from. It makes itself read. It doesn’t run through everything because I’m also a human being.”Cixous reflects on the intersection of her personal identity and her writing, acknowledging the influence of her gender and experiences.
“The differences inscribe themselves in whatever is born from us.”Cixous highlights the pervasive nature of difference, arguing that it is present in all aspects of human existence.
“There is a feminine style of writing, a feminine way of thinking, a feminine way of seeing the world.”Cixous advocates for a unique feminine écriture, challenging patriarchal norms and promoting women’s voices in literature.
“We work on the mystery of human being, including the fact that humans are sexed beings, that there is sexual difference, and that these differences manifest themselves, write themselves in texts.”Cixous emphasizes the importance of exploring the complexities of human identity, including gender and sexuality.
“The text opens up a path which is already ours and yet not altogether ours….”Cixous suggests that texts can both reflect and challenge our own experiences and understanding.

“Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton: Summary and Critique

“Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton was first published in 1981 as part of the collection “Walter Benjamin: Towards a Revolutionary Criticism.”

"Towards A Science Ofthe Text" by Terry Eagleton: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton

“Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton was first published in 1981 as part of the collection “Walter Benjamin: Towards a Revolutionary Criticism.” This essay holds significant importance in literature and literary theory as it challenges traditional notions of literary analysis and proposes a Marxist framework for understanding the text as a product of ideology and social history. Eagleton argues that the text is not merely a reflection of reality but rather a production of it, shaped by the dominant ideologies and power structures of its time.

Summary of “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton

·       Literary Texts as Ideological Productions

  • Terry Eagleton argues that literary texts should be understood not as mere reflections or expressions of ideology, but as productions of ideology, similar to how a dramatic production transforms a dramatic text into something unique. He writes, “The relation between text and production is a relation of labour,” suggesting that just as a play’s performance is a unique product, so too is the literary text a distinct production of ideological structures.

·       Interplay Between History, Ideology, and Texts

  • Eagleton explores the intricate relationship between history, ideology, and literary texts, positing that ideology mediates history within texts. He asserts, “History, then, certainly ‘enters’ the text, not least the ‘historical’ text; but it enters it precisely as ideology,” indicating that historical realities are refracted through ideological lenses within literature. This refutes the notion that literature offers a direct, unmediated reflection of historical reality.

·       Ideology as a Complex Formation

  • The text critiques simplistic views of ideology as mere ‘false consciousness’ that obscures true historical perception. Eagleton emphasizes the complexity of ideology, stating that it “inserts individuals into history in a variety of ways,” allowing for different levels and kinds of access to historical reality. This complexity is reflected in how texts handle historical elements, presenting them as ideologically shaped representations rather than straightforward depictions.

·       The Illusion of Freedom in Texts

  • Eagleton discusses how literary texts create an illusion of freedom, a “momentarily liberated zone” where the pressures of historical reality seem to evaporate. However, he cautions that “such freedom is largely illusory,” as texts are still governed by ideological structures. This illusion is a part of the text’s nature, making it a space where ideological and historical realities are simultaneously engaged and evaded.

·       Textual Real vs. Historical Real

  • Eagleton differentiates between the ‘textual real’ and the ‘historical real,’ arguing that texts do not transmute reality into fantasy but produce “certain produced representations of the real into an imaginary object.” This ‘textual real’ is not a simple transposition of historical reality but rather the product of signifying practices rooted in history and ideology. Therefore, the relationship between a text and the historical reality it represents is complex and mediated through ideology.

·       Structure of Texts and Ideology

  • Eagleton challenges the idea that the structure of a literary text directly mirrors ideological structures. He argues that “The ‘truth’ of the text is not an essence but a practice,” where the text destructures and restructures ideology within its own terms. This process creates a dynamic interaction between text and ideology, leading to a “mutual structuring and destructuring” that is unique to each text.

·       Scientific Criticism and Ideological Formations

  • Eagleton advocates for a scientific approach to literary criticism, grounded in the study of ideological formations. He suggests that “The guarantor of a scientific criticism is the science of ideological formations,” implying that a deep understanding of ideology is necessary to accurately interpret and critique literary texts. This approach moves away from viewing criticism as mere application of historical materialism, instead treating it as a specific study of how literature produces and engages with ideology.

·       The Reciprocal Operation of Text and Ideology

  • Finally, Eagleton describes the relationship between text and ideology as a “ceaseless reciprocal operation,” where texts and ideologies constantly influence and reshape each other. This process does not result in a simple reproduction of ideological structures within texts but in a complex and dynamic interaction that creates a unique textual logic, “constructed ‘athwart’ that more encompassing logic” of ideology.
Literary Terms/Concepts in “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton
Literary ConceptExplanation
IdeologyA system of beliefs, values, and assumptions that shape social and cultural practices. Eagleton argues that the literary text is a production of ideology, rather than a reflection of it.
Historical MaterialismA Marxist approach that emphasizes the role of material conditions (e.g., economic factors) in shaping history and society. Eagleton uses this framework to analyze the relationship between the text and its historical context.
Signifier and SignifiedThe signifier is the word or symbol, while the signified is the concept or object it represents. Eagleton argues that the literary text is a system of signifiers that produce a “pseudo-real” signified, which is related to but not identical to the historical real.
Pseudo-RealThe imaginary situations or objects depicted in a literary text. Eagleton emphasizes that the pseudo-real is not a direct representation of the historical real but rather a product of ideological signification.
Textual StructureThe arrangement and organization of elements within a literary text. Eagleton argues that the structure of the text is not simply a reflection of ideology but rather a complex interplay between the text and its ideological context.
OverdeterminationThe idea that a literary text is influenced by multiple factors, including historical, ideological, and aesthetic elements. Eagleton emphasizes the overdetermined nature of the text and its relationship to ideology.
Aesthetic ModesThe various ways in which a literary text is produced and presented, such as narrative technique, style, and genre. Eagleton argues that aesthetic modes can both reinforce and challenge ideology.
Contribution of “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton to Literary Theory/Theories
MarxismEagleton’s essay provides a significant contribution to Marxist literary theory by emphasizing the role of ideology and social history in shaping literary texts. He argues that the text is a production of ideology, rather than a reflection of it, and that it can be analyzed as a product of historical materialism.
New CriticismWhile Eagleton’s approach is fundamentally different from New Criticism, his essay can be seen as a response to its formalism. By focusing on the relationship between the text and its historical context, Eagleton challenges the New Critical emphasis on the text as an autonomous work of art.
StructuralismEagleton’s concept of the “pseudo-real” aligns with Structuralist approaches that emphasize the underlying structures and systems that shape meaning in texts. However, Eagleton’s focus on ideology and history distinguishes his approach from purely formalist Structuralism.
Post-StructuralismEagleton’s essay can be seen as a precursor to Post-Structuralist theories, which also challenge the notion of a fixed and stable meaning in texts. His emphasis on the overdetermined nature of the text and its relationship to ideology aligns with Post-Structuralist ideas about the instability of meaning.
Cultural StudiesEagleton’s essay contributes to Cultural Studies by emphasizing the importance of studying texts within their broader cultural and historical contexts. His focus on ideology and power relations aligns with the central concerns of Cultural Studies.
Examples of Critiques Through “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton
Literary WorkCritique Through Eagleton’s FrameworkExplanation
Charles Dickens’ Bleak HouseIdeological Production of the ‘Textual Real’Eagleton would argue that Bleak House does not simply reflect Victorian London but produces an “imaginary London” through specific modes of ideological signification. The novel represents not just reality but the ways Victorian England signified itself.
William Shakespeare’s HamletText as a Site of Ideological StruggleIn Hamlet, the play is not just a dramatic text but a production of ideological conflicts, particularly around themes of power, authority, and the legitimacy of rule. Eagleton might argue that the play produces and reveals the ideological tensions of the Elizabethan era.
George Orwell’s 1984Textual Real as Ideologically Determined RealityAccording to Eagleton, 1984 could be seen as producing an ideological representation of a dystopian society rather than simply depicting a possible future. The text creates a ‘pseudo-real’ world shaped by the totalitarian ideologies it critiques, demonstrating the text’s active role in producing its own reality.
Jane Austen’s Pride and PrejudiceText’s Illusion of Freedom and Ideological StructureEagleton might critique Pride and Prejudice for its creation of an “illusion of freedom” in the social and romantic choices of its characters, which are ultimately constrained by the ideological structures of class and gender. The novel produces a social reality that seems to offer choice, yet this choice is largely illusory, governed by the prevailing ideologies of its time.
Criticism Against “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton
  • Oversimplification of ideology: Some critics argue that Eagleton’s conception of ideology is overly simplistic, failing to account for the complexity and diversity of ideological formations.
  • Reductionism of the text: Eagleton’s emphasis on the relationship between the text and its historical context can be seen as reductive, neglecting the text’s own internal dynamics and aesthetic qualities.
  • Determinism: Some critics argue that Eagleton’s approach is overly deterministic, suggesting that the text is merely a product of its ideological and historical context, rather than a site of creative agency.
  • Neglect of other factors: Eagleton’s focus on ideology and history may neglect other important factors that shape literary texts, such as authorial intention, aesthetic conventions, and reader response.
  • Circular reasoning: Some critics argue that Eagleton’s analysis is circular, in that he uses ideology to explain the text and then uses the text to explain ideology, creating a self-perpetuating cycle.
  • Limited scope: Eagleton’s essay primarily focuses on Western literature and may not be applicable to other cultural contexts.
Suggested Readings: “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton
  1. Eagleton, Terry. “Towards a Science of the Text.” Walter Benjamin: Towards a Revolutionary Criticism. Blackwell, 1981.
  2. McHale, Brian. Postmodernism: A History. Routledge, 2011.
  3. Eagleton, Terry. “Two Approaches in the Sociology of Literature.” Critical Inquiry, vol. 14, no. 3, 1988, pp. 469–76. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/1343699. Accessed 21 Aug. 2024.
  4. Guerriero, Stefano. “TERRY EAGLETON.” Belfagor, vol. 61, no. 6, 2006, pp. 659–70. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/26150506. Accessed 21 Aug. 2024.
  5. Kavanagh, James H., et al. “Interview: Terry Eagleton.” Diacritics, vol. 12, no. 1, 1982, pp. 52–64. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/464791. Accessed 21 Aug. 2024.
  6. Eagleton, Terry. “Ideology, Fiction, Narrative.” Social Text, no. 2, 1979, pp. 62–80. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/466398. Accessed 21 Aug. 2024.
Representative Quotations from “Towards A Science Ofthe Text” by Terry Eagleton
“The text, rather, is a certain production of ideology, for which the analogy of a dramatic production is in some ways appropriate.”Eagleton emphasizes that a literary text is not a mere reflection of ideology but an active production, similar to a play’s transformation of a script into a unique performance.
“The relation between text and production is a relation of labour.”This highlights the idea that the creation of a literary text involves an active process of labor, shaping ideology within its narrative.
“History, then, certainly ‘enters’ the text, not least the ‘historical’ text; but it enters it precisely as ideology.”Eagleton argues that history is mediated by ideology in literary texts, not presented directly but refracted through ideological lenses.
“The ‘truth’ of the text is not an essence but a practice.”This statement reflects Eagleton’s view that the meaning of a text is not inherent or fixed but is produced through its interaction with ideology and history.
“The text works, now with, now against the variable pressure of these valencies, finding itself able to admit one ideological element in relatively unprocessed form but finding therefore the need to displace or recast another.”Eagleton describes the dynamic process by which a text negotiates and transforms different ideological elements within its structure.
“The ‘textual real’ is related to the historical real, not as an imaginary transposition of it, but as the product of certain signifying practices whose source and referent is, in the last instance, history itself.”This quotation explains Eagleton’s concept of the ‘textual real,’ which is a product of ideological signification rather than a direct depiction of historical reality.
“The structure of the text is then the product of this process, not the reflection of its ideological environs.”Eagleton argues that a text’s structure results from the interaction between text and ideology, rather than being a mere reflection of surrounding ideological structures.
“Ideology pre-exists the text; but the ideology of the text defines, operates and constitutes that ideology in ways unpremeditated, so to speak, by ideology itself.”This highlights the idea that while ideology exists before the text, the text redefines and reshapes it through its unique production.
“The text’s illusion of freedom is part of its very nature – an effect of its peculiarly overdetermined relation to historical reality.”Eagleton discusses how texts create an illusion of freedom, which is actually determined by their relationship to historical reality and ideology.
“Criticism is a specific element of the theory of superstructures, which studies the particular laws of its proper object; its task is not to study the laws of ideological formations, but the laws of the production of ideological discourses as literature.”Eagleton outlines the role of criticism as a distinct study within Marxist theory, focused on understanding how literary texts produce ideological discourses.

“The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman: Summary and Critique

“The Madness of Interpretation: Literature and Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman was first published in 1982 as part of the collection Writing and Madness.

"The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis" by Shoshana Felman: Summary and Critique
Introduction: “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman

“The Madness of Interpretation: Literature and Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman was first published in 1982 as part of the collection Writing and Madness. This groundbreaking work has had a profound impact on the fields of literature and literary theory, exploring the complex relationship between psychoanalysis and the interpretation of literary texts. Felman argues that the process of literary interpretation itself can be seen as a form of madness, as it involves delving into the unconscious depths of both the text and the reader. Her analysis of literary works, particularly those dealing with themes of madness and trauma, has significantly influenced the ways in which scholars have approached the study of literature and its relationship to human psychology.

Summary of “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman
  • Psychoanalysis as a Temptation in Literary Interpretation:
    • Felman critiques the prevalent tendency in psychoanalytic interpretation to provide an “explanation” or “explication” of a literary text, often seen in Wilson’s reading of The Turn of the Screw. She notes that psychoanalysis attempts to “uncover and avoid the very traps of the unconscious” in literature, which are embedded within the text itself (p. 154).
  • Universal Dupery and Self-Deception:
    • Wilson’s interpretation of The Turn of the Screw exemplifies a cycle of deception where characters, authors, and readers are all “dupes” of their own unconscious, with Wilson himself falling into the same trap by believing he can outsmart the text. “One is led to conclude that, in The Turn of the Screw, not merely is the governess self-deceived, but that James is self-deceived about her” (p. 143).
  • Suspicion as the Root of Interpretation:
    • Both the governess and Wilson approach the text with suspicion, leading them to misinterpret it. This suspicion is what drives their readings, and ironically, it is also what traps them. Felman suggests that The Turn of the Screw is a “trap set for suspicion,” turning the act of interpretation into a self-fulfilling prophecy where suspicion breeds error (p. 154).
  • Psychoanalysis as a School of Suspicion:
    • Felman identifies psychoanalysis as a “school of suspicion” that thrives on the gap between signifier and signified, leading to interpretations that are themselves traps. This suspicion-driven reading process makes the reader “caught, not in spite of but by virtue of his intelligence and his sophistication” (p. 154).
  • The Double Trap of Reading and Interpretation:
    • The text of The Turn of the Screw deconstructs both of its possible readings, leaving the reader trapped in a labyrinth of mirrors. The act of demystifying the governess’s position only results in repeating her gesture, making it impossible to escape the interpretive trap. Felman argues that this is “the simplest and the most sophisticated trap in the world: the trap is but a text” (p. 155).
  • Blind Spots and the Illusion of Mastery:
    • Psychoanalysis, in its attempt to master literature, often becomes blind to its own limitations. Felman warns that psychoanalysis, like Wilson, can become blind to its “own blindness,” failing to recognize its own involvement in the text’s rhetorical structures and falling into the “masterly position” of the text’s blind spot (p. 157).
  • The Self-Subversion of Psychoanalysis:
    • Felman highlights the irony in psychoanalysis’ attempts to avoid being duped by literature, noting that it often ends up “repressing the unconscious” it seeks to explain. In trying to master the text, psychoanalysis blinds itself to the “unmastery, of the impotence, and of the unavoidable castration which inhere in language” (p. 156).
  • The Inescapable Participation in Literature’s Traps:
    • Felman concludes that psychoanalysis cannot avoid participating in the errors and traps of literature. The act of trying to escape these traps is itself proof of being caught in them. She echoes Lacan’s sentiment, “Les non-dupes errent” (non-dupes err), suggesting that the very attempt to avoid being a dupe leads to error (p. 157).
Literary Terms/Concepts in “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman
Literary Concept/DeviceDescriptionSignificance in Felman’s Analysis
IntertextualityThe relationship between texts, where one text references or incorporates elements of another.Felman explores how literary texts are embedded in a larger cultural and historical context, influencing their interpretation and meaning.
UnconsciousThe part of the mind that is inaccessible to conscious thought but influences behavior and emotions.Felman argues that the unconscious plays a crucial role in both the creation and interpretation of literary texts, often revealing hidden meanings and desires.
TraumaA deeply distressing event or experience that can cause lasting psychological damage.Felman analyzes how traumatic events are represented and processed within literary texts, exploring the relationship between trauma and language.
MadnessA state of mental illness or derangement.Felman examines the ways in which madness is portrayed in literature, often as a metaphor for the complexities of human experience and the limitations of language.
ReadingThe act of interpreting and understanding a text.Felman challenges traditional notions of reading, arguing that the process of interpretation is inherently subjective and can be influenced by personal biases and experiences.
InterpretationThe process of explaining or assigning meaning to something.Felman explores the limitations and dangers of interpretation, emphasizing the potential for misreading and misunderstanding texts.
PsychoanalysisA therapeutic method that investigates the unconscious mind through techniques such as free association and dream analysis.Felman applies psychoanalytic concepts to the analysis of literary texts, revealing hidden meanings and underlying psychological dynamics.
SublimationThe process of redirecting unacceptable impulses into socially acceptable behaviors.Felman examines how literary texts can function as a form of sublimation, allowing individuals to explore and express their desires and anxieties in a safe and controlled environment.
RepressionThe unconscious process of excluding disturbing thoughts and feelings from conscious awareness.Felman analyzes how repression can manifest in literary texts, leading to hidden meanings and symbolic representations.
AmbiguityThe presence of multiple possible meanings or interpretations in a text.Felman argues that ambiguity is a fundamental characteristic of literary texts, allowing for a multiplicity of readings and interpretations.
Contribution of “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman to Literary Theory/Theories
Literary TheoryContributionQuotes from the Article
Psychoanalytic CriticismFelman critiques the limitations and paradoxes of psychoanalytic criticism, showing how it can fall into the very traps it seeks to expose in literature. She argues that psychoanalytic readings often repress the unconscious they aim to reveal.“To master…is, here as elsewhere, to refuse to read the letters; here as elsewhere, to ‘see it all’ is in effect to ‘shut one’s eyes…'” (p. 156).
DeconstructionThe article engages with deconstructive ideas by revealing how texts like The Turn of the Screw deconstruct their own readings, making it impossible to fully master or control the meaning.“James’s trap is then the simplest and the most sophisticated in the world: the trap is but a text, that is, an invitation to the reader…” (p. 155).
Reader-Response TheoryFelman highlights how the reader is implicated in the process of interpretation, often becoming a “dupe” of the text. The text itself manipulates the reader’s response, leading them into interpretive traps.“The reader…is caught, not in spite of but by virtue of his intelligence and his sophistication” (p. 154).
Rhetorical CriticismThe article explores how rhetoric functions within literary texts to trap and mislead both characters and readers. It suggests that the power of rhetoric can undermine attempts at rational, systematic interpretation.“The very act of trying to escape the trap is the proof that one is caught in it” (p. 157).
HermeneuticsFelman’s work contributes to hermeneutics by questioning the possibility of a definitive interpretation. She argues that literature, especially in complex texts like The Turn of the Screw, resists conclusive interpretation by design.“To demystify the governess is only possible on one condition: the condition of repeating the governess’s very gesture” (p. 155).
StructuralismFelman discusses the structural relationship between signifier and signified in psychoanalytic readings, emphasizing the inherent instability and fluidity of meaning within literary texts.“Suspicion…feeds on the discrepancy and distance which separates the signifier from its signified” (p. 154).
Post-StructuralismThe article aligns with post-structuralist thought by illustrating the inherent contradictions and ambiguities within texts that defy stable interpretation, showcasing the limitations of traditional critical approaches.“The unconscious is most effectively misleading when it is caught in the act” (p. 157).
Examples of Critiques Through “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman
  • Critique of The Turn of the Screw by Henry James:
  • Felman’s analysis of Wilson’s reading of The Turn of the Screw illustrates how psychoanalytic criticism can fall into the very traps it seeks to avoid. She argues that Wilson’s attempt to uncover the “truth” behind the governess’s hallucinations only leads him to replicate her own self-deception. Felman critiques this approach by showing that Wilson, like the governess, becomes a “dupe” of the text, failing to recognize the rhetorical traps James sets for both characters and readers. This critique emphasizes the inherent impossibility of mastering the text, as any interpretation ultimately repeats the text’s internal contradictions.
  • Critique of Hamlet by William Shakespeare:
  • Applying Felman’s insights to Hamlet, one could critique traditional psychoanalytic readings that focus on Hamlet’s Oedipal complex or his supposed madness. Felman would suggest that such readings fall into the same trap of trying to “explain away” the text’s ambiguities, reducing its complexity to a singular psychological interpretation. Just as in The Turn of the Screw, Felman would argue that Hamlet resists such reduction, with its layers of rhetorical and narrative complexity rendering any psychoanalytic “mastery” over the text inherently flawed and self-subversive.
  • Critique of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë:
  • Felman’s ideas can critique psychoanalytic readings of Wuthering Heights that focus on the subconscious drives of characters like Heathcliff and Catherine. Such interpretations might attempt to diagnose their behaviors as manifestations of repressed desires or unresolved childhood traumas. Felman would argue that this approach overlooks the ways in which the novel itself constructs a narrative that entraps both characters and readers in cycles of obsession and self-destruction. Any attempt to “explain” the characters psychoanalytically only replicates the novel’s own labyrinthine structure, where interpretation becomes an endless process of misreading and reinterpretation.
  • Critique of The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde:
  • Using Felman’s framework, one could critique psychoanalytic readings of The Picture of Dorian Gray that focus on Dorian’s narcissism or the repressed homoerotic desires depicted in the novel. Felman would suggest that such readings miss the point by trying to pin down a singular meaning or psychological “truth” behind the text. Instead, the novel should be seen as a rhetorical trap that plays with the reader’s own desires and anxieties, mirroring Dorian’s own entrapment in his portrait. Any psychoanalytic interpretation that attempts to master the text’s meaning would, according to Felman, be blind to the novel’s subversive critique of the very act of interpretation itself.

Criticism Against “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman

  • Overemphasis on Psychoanalytic Criticism’s Limitations:
    • Critics may argue that Felman places too much focus on the limitations and pitfalls of psychoanalytic criticism, potentially dismissing the valuable insights and contributions that psychoanalysis can offer to literary interpretation. This overemphasis might be seen as undermining the legitimacy of psychoanalytic methods rather than acknowledging their nuanced applications.
  • Complexity and Accessibility of the Argument:
    • Felman’s argument is highly theoretical and complex, which could be criticized for being inaccessible to a broader audience. The intricate layers of her critique, particularly the interplay between deconstruction and psychoanalysis, may alienate readers who are not deeply familiar with these theoretical frameworks.
  • Potential Circular Reasoning:
    • Some may argue that Felman’s critique risks falling into circular reasoning, where the assertion that all interpretation is trapped within the text’s rhetoric is itself a form of interpretive entrapment. This could lead to a paradox where any attempt to critique or analyze a text is inherently flawed, making it difficult to propose any meaningful interpretation at all.
  • Neglect of Alternative Interpretive Approaches:
    • Felman’s focus on the flaws of psychoanalytic criticism may be seen as neglecting other interpretive approaches that could provide different insights into the text. By concentrating primarily on psychoanalysis, Felman might be criticized for not engaging with or acknowledging the validity of other critical perspectives, such as historical, feminist, or Marxist approaches.
  • Undermining the Role of the Reader:
    • Felman’s argument that readers are inevitably trapped by the text’s rhetoric could be criticized for undermining the role of the reader in constructing meaning. This perspective might be seen as disempowering readers, suggesting that they are merely passive participants in the text’s manipulations rather than active agents capable of critical interpretation.
Suggested Readings: “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman
  1. Felman, Shoshana. Literature and Psychoanalysis: The Question of Reading: Otherwise. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1982.
  2. Felman, Shoshana. What Does a Woman Want?: Reading and Sexual Difference. The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1993.
  3. Felman, Shoshana, and Dori Laub. Testimony: Crises of Witnessing in Literature, Psychoanalysis, and History. Routledge, 1992.
  4. Rabaté, Jean-Michel. The Future of Theory. Blackwell Publishing, 2002.
  5. Brooks, Peter. Psychoanalysis and Storytelling. Blackwell Publishing, 1994.
  6. Lacan, Jacques. Écrits: A Selection. Translated by Alan Sheridan, W.W. Norton & Company, 1977.
Representative Quotations from “The Madness Of Interpretation: Literature And Psychoanalysis” by Shoshana Felman with Explanation
“The desire to be non-dupe, to interpret, i.e., at once uncover and avoid, the very traps of the unconscious.”This quotation encapsulates the fundamental tension in psychoanalytic criticism, where the critic attempts to uncover hidden meanings in the text while simultaneously trying to avoid being misled by the text’s own rhetoric and unconscious elements.
“James’s text, however, is made of traps and dupery.”Felman highlights how The Turn of the Screw is deliberately constructed to deceive both its characters and its readers, making it a challenging text for psychoanalytic interpretation, which often underestimates the complexity of such literary traps.
“Suspicion…feeds on the discrepancy and distance which separates the signifier from its signified.”Here, Felman discusses the role of suspicion in psychoanalytic interpretation, where the critic becomes fixated on the gap between what is said (signifier) and what is meant (signified), often leading to over-interpretation or misreading of the text.
“The trap is but a text, that is, an invitation to the reader, a simple invitation to undertake its reading.”This quotation underscores Felman’s argument that literary texts like The Turn of the Screw are designed to lure readers into interpretive traps, making the act of reading itself a form of entrapment within the text’s complex rhetorical structure.
“To demystify the governess is only possible on one condition: the condition of repeating the governess’s very gesture.”Felman points out the paradox in interpreting the governess’s actions in The Turn of the Screw: to critique or demystify her is to fall into the same trap of misreading that she herself falls into, highlighting the cyclical nature of interpretation in complex texts.
“In their attempt to elaborate a speech of mastery…what Wilson and the governess both exclude is nothing other than the threatening power of rhetoric itself.”Felman critiques the attempts of both Wilson and the governess to control or “master” the text’s meaning, arguing that their efforts overlook the inherent power of rhetoric, which can undermine any attempt at definitive interpretation or mastery.
“In seeking to ‘explain’ and master literature…the psychoanalytic reading, ironically enough, turns out to be a reading which represses the unconscious.”Felman highlights the irony in psychoanalytic criticism: while it seeks to uncover the unconscious, it often ends up repressing or overlooking the unconscious elements within the text by trying to impose a rigid, explanatory framework.
“To occupy a blind spot is not only to be blind, but in particular, to be blind to one’s own blindness.”This quotation emphasizes the self-deceptive nature of certain critical positions, where critics may be unaware of their own limitations or biases, particularly when they assume a position of mastery or authority over the text.
“The very act of trying to escape the trap is the proof that one is caught in it.”Felman illustrates the inescapable nature of interpretive traps within complex texts like The Turn of the Screw, where the reader’s attempts to avoid misinterpretation only further entangle them within the text’s rhetorical structure.
“Les non-dupes errent [non-dupes err], says Lacan.”Felman invokes Lacan to reinforce her argument that those who believe they can fully understand or master a text without being misled are ultimately mistaken. This quotation highlights the idea that complete mastery of a text is impossible, and attempting to achieve it often leads to error.