Introduction: “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
“Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw first appeared in the 1646 collection Steps to the Temple, a volume that reflected the poet’s deep religious devotion and metaphysical style. The poem is a celebration of Christ’s birth, portraying it as a miraculous event that defies natural order—darkness giving way to divine light, winter blooming into summer, and heaven merging with earth. Crashaw’s imagery is rich with paradox, emphasizing the idea of Christ’s dual nature as both divine and human, as seen in lines like “Eternity shut in a span! / Summer in winter! day in night! / Heaven in earth! and God in man!” The poem’s popularity stems from its lyrical beauty and mystical intensity, which align with the metaphysical tradition’s penchant for blending the spiritual with the sensual. The repeated motif of divine light illuminating darkness, as in “The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— / In spite of darkness it was day”, reinforces the poem’s central theme: Christ’s arrival as the dawn of salvation. This profound theological reflection, coupled with Crashaw’s ornate style, has made Hymn to the Nativity a significant work in devotional poetry.
Text: “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
Gloomy night embraced the place
Where the noble Infant lay:
The Babe look’d up and show’d His face—
In spite of darkness it was day.
It was Thy day, sweet, and did rise
Not from the east, but from Thy eyes.
WE saw Thee in Thy balmy nest,
Bright dawn of our eternal day;
WE saw Thine eyes break from the east,
And chase the trembling shades away:
WE saw Thee (and we bless’d the sight),
We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light.
Welcome to our wond’ring sight,
Eternity shut in a span!
Summer in winter! day in night!
Heaven in earth! and God in man!
Great Little One, whose glorious birth
Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.
Annotations: “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
Original Line | Simple Explanation | Literary Devices |
Gloomy night embraced the place | The night was dark and surrounded the place where Christ was born. | Personification (night embracing), Imagery |
Where the noble Infant lay: | The newborn baby, Christ, was lying in the manger. | Epithet (noble Infant) |
The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— | The baby Jesus looked up, and His face shined. | Personification (baby looking up), Imagery |
In spite of darkness it was day. | Even though it was dark, His presence brought light. | Paradox (darkness turning to day), Symbolism |
It was Thy day, sweet, and did rise | It was a special, divine day that rose not like the sun. | Metaphor (Thy day as divine), Symbolism |
Not from the east, but from Thy eyes. | The light did not come from the sunrise but from Jesus’ eyes. | Metaphor (light from His eyes), Hyperbole |
WE saw Thee in Thy balmy nest, | We saw You resting peacefully in Your cradle. | Direct address (Thee), Imagery |
Bright dawn of our eternal day; | You are the beginning of our eternal salvation. | Metaphor (Jesus as dawn), Symbolism |
WE saw Thine eyes break from the east, | We saw Your eyes shine like the sunrise. | Metaphor (eyes as the sun), Personification |
And chase the trembling shades away: | Your light removed darkness and fear. | Personification (shades trembling), Imagery |
WE saw Thee (and we bless’d the sight), | We saw You and felt blessed. | Repetition (We saw Thee), Blessing imagery |
We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light. | We saw Your divine light shining by itself. | Metaphor (divine light), Imagery |
Welcome to our wond’ring sight, | We welcome You with amazement. | Direct address (Welcome), Wonder imagery |
Eternity shut in a span! | You are eternity contained in a small human form. | Paradox (eternity in a span), Metaphor |
Summer in winter! day in night! | You bring warmth in cold times and light in darkness. | Paradox (opposites combined), Juxtaposition |
Heaven in earth! and God in man! | You unite heaven and earth, God and man. | Paradox (Heaven in earth), Antithesis |
Great Little One, whose glorious birth | You are small but great, and Your birth is glorious. | Oxymoron (Great Little One), Hyperbole |
Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth. | Your birth lifts people to heaven and brings heaven closer to us. | Antithesis (earth to heaven, heaven to earth) |
Literary And Poetic Devices: “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
Literary Device | Example from the Poem | Explanation |
Antithesis | “Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.” | Contrasting ideas of elevation and descent highlight the unity of divine and human. |
Apostrophe | “Welcome to our wond’ring sight,” | Directly addressing Christ as if speaking to Him enhances intimacy. |
Assonance | “We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light.” | The repetition of the “ee” sound creates musicality. |
Chiasmus | “Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.” | A mirrored structure that reverses elements for emphasis. |
Consonance | “Gloomy night embraced the place” | The repetition of the “m” and “n” sounds adds to the solemn tone. |
Direct Address | “WE saw Thee in Thy balmy nest.” | Speaking directly to Christ establishes a personal connection. |
Epigram | “Eternity shut in a span!” | A short, paradoxical statement conveying a deep truth. |
Epithet | “Great Little One” | A descriptive phrase highlighting Christ’s paradoxical nature. |
Hyperbole | “Not from the east, but from Thy eyes.” | Exaggeration that suggests Christ’s divine light surpasses the sun. |
Imagery | “The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— In spite of darkness it was day.” | Vivid sensory details paint a picture of Christ’s divine presence. |
Irony | “Summer in winter! day in night!” | The contrast of opposites creates a surprising effect. |
Juxtaposition | “Heaven in earth! and God in man!” | The placement of opposing ideas emphasizes their union. |
Metaphor | “Bright dawn of our eternal day;” | Christ is compared to the dawn, symbolizing salvation. |
Oxymoron | “Great Little One” | Contradictory words emphasize Christ’s dual nature. |
Paradox | “Eternity shut in a span!” | The concept of eternity confined in human form is logically contradictory yet meaningful. |
Personification | “Gloomy night embraced the place” | Night is given human qualities, enhancing the mystical atmosphere. |
Repetition | “WE saw Thee… We saw Thee… We saw Thee…” | Reinforces the awe and reverence felt by the speaker. |
Symbolism | “And chase the trembling shades away.” | Light represents divine truth dispelling darkness (sin/ignorance). |
Synecdoche | “Thine eyes break from the east.” | Christ’s eyes represent His whole being, particularly His divine light. |
Themes: “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- The Theme of Divine Light in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- The theme of divine light is central to “Hymn to the Nativity”, portraying Christ as the source of spiritual illumination that dispels darkness. Crashaw emphasizes this through the imagery of Christ’s face radiating divine light, as seen in “The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— / In spite of darkness it was day.” This paradox suggests that even in the physical darkness of night, Christ’s birth brings an eternal dawn. Further, Crashaw describes Christ’s eyes as the true source of light, rather than the rising sun, stating, “Not from the east, but from Thy eyes.” This highlights the idea that Christ’s presence is more illuminating than any earthly phenomenon. The repeated contrast between darkness and divine light reinforces the belief that Christ’s arrival heralds the triumph of divine truth over ignorance and sin, making this a key theme of the poem.
- The Theme of the Union of Heaven and Earth in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- The poem emphasizes the miraculous nature of Christ’s birth as an event that bridges the gap between the divine and the human. Crashaw expresses this through paradoxical imagery, such as “Heaven in earth! and God in man!”, which captures the idea that Christ embodies both heavenly divinity and earthly mortality. The poet marvels at the idea of eternity confined within a fragile human form, exclaiming, “Eternity shut in a span!” This contrast highlights the theological concept of the Incarnation, where the infinite God takes on finite human existence. The interplay between celestial and earthly imagery throughout the poem, such as “Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth”, illustrates how Christ’s birth not only brings divinity down to humanity but also elevates humanity toward the divine.
- The Theme of the Paradox of Christ’s Nature in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- Crashaw frequently uses oxymorons and antitheses to express the mystery of Christ’s dual identity as both humble and exalted. The poet highlights this paradox in “Great Little One”, emphasizing how Christ, though an infant, possesses infinite greatness. Similarly, Crashaw presents contrasts such as “Summer in winter! day in night!” to illustrate the coexistence of opposites within Christ’s birth. These paradoxes reflect Christian theology, which holds that Jesus is both fully divine and fully human. By framing Christ’s birth in these contradictory terms, the poet deepens the reader’s sense of awe and wonder, reinforcing the miraculous nature of the Nativity and the theological mystery of the Incarnation.
- The Theme of the Transformative Power of Christ’s Birth in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- The poem conveys how Christ’s arrival changes the world both spiritually and physically. His birth marks a new era, symbolized by the idea of an eternal dawn: “Bright dawn of our eternal day”. This suggests that Christ’s coming is not just a historical event but a transformative moment for all of humanity. His presence reverses natural order, as seen in “And chase the trembling shades away,” which metaphorically represents the banishment of sin and darkness. The poet also describes the lifting of humanity toward heaven, emphasizing the redemptive nature of Christ’s incarnation: “Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.” These images reinforce the idea that Christ’s birth fundamentally alters existence, offering salvation and enlightenment to the world.
Literary Theories and “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
Literary Theory | Application to “Hymn to the Nativity” | References from the Poem |
Formalism | Examines the poem’s structure, literary devices, and style without external context. Crashaw’s use of paradox, oxymoron, and imagery creates a mystical tone that reinforces the divine theme. | – “Eternity shut in a span!” (Paradox) – “Summer in winter! day in night!” (Juxtaposition) – “Bright dawn of our eternal day;” (Metaphor) |
Theological / Religious Criticism | Analyzes the poem’s spiritual and theological themes. The poem reflects Christian beliefs about Christ’s Incarnation, the duality of His nature, and salvation. | – “Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.” (Incarnation) – “Heaven in earth! and God in man!” (Divine-human unity) – “And chase the trembling shades away:” (Spiritual salvation) |
Historical Criticism | Examines the poem in its 17th-century religious and cultural context. Crashaw, influenced by the Catholic Counter-Reformation, uses Baroque imagery to inspire devotion and wonder. | – “Gloomy night embraced the place / Where the noble Infant lay:” (Catholic imagery of divine revelation) – “The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— / In spite of darkness it was day.” (Light vs. darkness, common Baroque contrast) |
Reader-Response Criticism | Focuses on how modern readers interpret the poem. Some may see it as an expression of religious awe, while others may appreciate its artistic and poetic beauty regardless of belief. | – A religious reader may interpret “Not from the east, but from Thy eyes.” as Christ being the true light of the world. – A secular reader may focus on the poem’s aesthetic elements, such as its use of paradox and sensory imagery. |
Critical Questions about “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- How does Richard Crashaw use paradox in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw to emphasize the mystery of Christ’s incarnation?
- Richard Crashaw employs paradox throughout “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw to highlight the divine mystery of Christ’s birth, emphasizing how the infinite God is contained in a finite human form. One of the most striking paradoxes in the poem is “Eternity shut in a span!”, which captures the idea that the eternal God has been born as a mortal infant, existing within the limitations of human time and space. Similarly, “Heaven in earth! and God in man!” reinforces the Christian doctrine of the Incarnation, where Christ is both fully divine and fully human. These paradoxes challenge human logic and understanding, underscoring the miraculous nature of Christ’s birth. By framing these contradictions in poetic language, Crashaw invites readers to contemplate the deeper theological significance of the Nativity, suggesting that faith, rather than reason, is necessary to grasp its true meaning.
- In what ways does Richard Crashaw contrast light and darkness in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw, and what does this reveal about the poem’s spiritual themes?
- Throughout “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw, the poet contrasts light and darkness to symbolize the triumph of divine truth over sin and ignorance. From the opening lines, the imagery of darkness is present: “Gloomy night embraced the place / Where the noble Infant lay.” This initial setting of darkness is soon transformed by Christ’s presence, as the poem declares, “In spite of darkness it was day.” This paradox suggests that Christ’s birth brings spiritual illumination that transcends physical night. Additionally, Crashaw describes Christ’s eyes as the true source of light, stating, “Not from the east, but from Thy eyes.” This imagery reinforces the idea that Christ is the dawn of a new era, dispelling the metaphorical shadows of sin. The contrast between darkness and light in the poem serves to emphasize the redemptive power of Christ’s birth, portraying Him as the divine force that enlightens humanity and brings salvation.
- How does Richard Crashaw depict the relationship between heaven and earth in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw, and what theological message does this convey?
- In “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw, the poet presents Christ’s birth as the moment when heaven and earth become one, illustrating this unity through striking imagery and contrasts. The line “Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.” encapsulates the dual movement of the Incarnation: while Christ’s birth brings divine presence down to the human realm, it also elevates humanity toward the divine. Similarly, “Heaven in earth! and God in man!” reinforces the theological concept that Christ is both celestial and mortal, uniting the two realms in His very existence. Crashaw’s depiction of this relationship aligns with Christian teachings that view the Nativity as the fulfillment of God’s promise to bridge the gap between Himself and humanity. By using these vivid juxtapositions, the poet conveys the idea that Christ’s birth is not just an earthly event but a cosmic transformation, altering the relationship between God and mankind forever.
- How does Richard Crashaw’s use of sensory imagery in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw enhance the reader’s emotional and spiritual experience of Christ’s birth?
- Richard Crashaw’s use of rich sensory imagery in “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw immerses the reader in the scene of Christ’s birth, making it feel both intimate and transcendent. The description of the infant Jesus as “Bright dawn of our eternal day” provides a visual representation of His divine presence, likening Him to the rising sun. The line “The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— / In spite of darkness it was day.” conveys a striking image of light overcoming darkness, reinforcing the theme of divine revelation. Additionally, Crashaw’s contrast of seasonal imagery—“Summer in winter! day in night!”—evokes a sensory paradox, making Christ’s birth feel like a miraculous transformation of the natural world. These vivid descriptions engage the reader’s senses, allowing them to experience the wonder and awe of the Nativity on a deeper level. By appealing to sight, contrast, and paradox, Crashaw enhances both the emotional and spiritual impact of the poem, drawing readers into the mystical experience of Christ’s arrival.
Literary Works Similar to “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- “On the Morning of Christ’s Nativity” by John Milton – This poem, like Crashaw’s, celebrates the birth of Christ with rich imagery, divine paradoxes, and a celestial tone, emphasizing the Nativity’s cosmic significance.
- “A Hymn on the Nativity of My Saviour” by Ben Jonson – Similar to Crashaw’s work, Jonson’s poem reflects on the mystery of Christ’s Incarnation, using lyrical praise and contrasting images of divinity and humility.
- “The Burning Babe” by Robert Southwell – This poem shares Crashaw’s intense devotional style and vivid metaphysical imagery, portraying Christ’s love through fire symbolism and paradoxes.
- “Hymn to God, My God, in My Sickness” by John Donne – While focused on mortality rather than the Nativity, Donne’s poem echoes Crashaw’s use of religious paradoxes, mystical devotion, and rich metaphysical conceits.
- “Nativity” by Henry Vaughan – Like Crashaw, Vaughan employs luminous imagery and a reverent tone to describe Christ’s birth, highlighting the spiritual transformation it brings to the world.
Representative Quotations of “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
Quotation | Context | Theoretical Perspective |
“Gloomy night embraced the place / Where the noble Infant lay:” | Describes the setting of Christ’s birth, emphasizing darkness before divine light arrives. | Symbolism and Religious Criticism – The darkness symbolizes the world before salvation, while Christ brings light. |
“The Babe look’d up and show’d His face— / In spite of darkness it was day.” | Highlights Christ’s divine nature as His presence turns night into day. | Paradox and Reader-Response Criticism – Readers interpret this as both a physical and spiritual transformation. |
“Not from the east, but from Thy eyes.” | Suggests that Christ’s divine light is greater than the sun’s. | Formalism and Metaphor – This line uses figurative language to elevate Christ’s significance. |
“WE saw Thee in Thy balmy nest, / Bright dawn of our eternal day;” | Portrays Christ’s birth as the beginning of salvation. | Theological Criticism – Frames the Nativity as the fulfillment of divine prophecy. |
“Eternity shut in a span!” | Expresses the paradox of infinite God taking human form. | Metaphysical Poetics and Paradox Theory – A classic example of metaphysical poetry’s use of contradictions. |
“Summer in winter! day in night!” | Contrasts opposites to illustrate the transformative power of Christ’s birth. | Structuralism and Juxtaposition – This binary opposition highlights theological mystery. |
“Heaven in earth! and God in man!” | Reinforces the concept of the Incarnation. | Theological and Incarnation Theory – Christ unites the divine and the human. |
“Great Little One, whose glorious birth / Lifts earth to heaven, stoops heaven to earth.” | Highlights Christ’s paradoxical nature—both small and great. | Paradox and Antithesis in Formalist Criticism – The oxymoron reflects the complexity of Christian belief. |
“And chase the trembling shades away:” | Suggests that Christ’s presence removes fear and sin. | Symbolism and Light vs. Darkness Motif – Light represents divine truth overcoming ignorance. |
“We saw Thee by Thine own sweet light.” | Christ’s divinity is self-sustaining; He illuminates without external sources. | Metaphysics and Divine Light Theory – Implies Christ’s intrinsic power rather than acquired radiance. |
Suggested Readings: “Hymn to the Nativity” by Richard Crashaw
- Carton, R. P. “Richard Crashaw.” The Irish Monthly, vol. 33, no. 387, 1905, pp. 488–97. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20500835. Accessed 20 Mar. 2025.
- Johnson, Kimberly. “Richard Crashaw’s Indigestible Poetics.” Modern Philology, vol. 107, no. 1, 2009, pp. 32–51. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.1086/605828. Accessed 20 Mar. 2025.
- Rambuss, Richard. “Sacred Subjects and the Aversive Metaphysical Conceit: Crashaw, Serrano, Ofili.” ELH, vol. 71, no. 2, 2004, pp. 497–530. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/30030059. Accessed 20 Mar. 2025.
- Hopler, Jay, and Kimberly Johnson, editors. “Richard Crashaw: (1613–1649).” Before the Door of God: An Anthology of Devotional Poetry, Yale University Press, 2013, pp. 177–80. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctt5vm3mm.67. Accessed 20 Mar. 2025.