“Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church” by Dickinson

Before interpreting “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church” by Dickinson, Dickinson’s philosophy of faith must be kept in mind.

 “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”: Introduction

Before interpreting “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church” by Dickinson, it must be kept in mind that Dickinson’s philosophy of faith is that she does not favor a side in the polemic between fact and faith. She presents arguments from both sides and leaves it to the reader to draw his or her own conclusion.

Summary: “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”

The poem “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church” follows the same philosophy of skepticism seen in Emily Dickinson’s approach to faith. It criticizes the Church establishment and emphasizes personal faith in religion. The poem reflects Dickinson’s self-satisfaction with her own understanding and acceptance of religion. She openly expresses having a direct relationship with the Divine, outside the confines of mass worship in a church.

Dickinson distinguishes herself from those who “keep the Sabbath going to Church” (1) by choosing to spend it “staying at Home,” emphasizing the initial capitalization of “Home” to underscore her point. She replaces traditional church elements with nature, opting for “a Bobolink for a chorister / and an orchard for a dome” (3-4). For her, these alternatives surpass the traditional house of God, contrasting with others who may consider these natural elements superior to human beings, God’s own creations.

Drawing on a concept similar to Milton’s idea that the mind can create both “hell of heaven and heaven of hell,” Dickinson suggests that if the mind can transform home into a place of worship, it is a superior choice. The poem implies that private prayer at home surpasses the ceremony of mass worship. Dickinson conveys her disdain for the formalities associated with religious rituals, expressing a distaste for the idea of wearing a “Surplice” (5), contrasting it with her own mental faculty symbolized by “Wings” (6). She contends that external adornments do not make a person more pleasing to God; divine favor is indifferent to outward appearances. The poet may be subtly sarcastic about the formalities that have infiltrated religious rituals and congregations.

Sarcasm in “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”

Nevertheless, Dickinson approaches her sarcasm with care, ensuring that the reader does not perceive her as superior to those who openly display their religious convictions. Instead, she conveys her confidence in feeling that “God preaches” (9) to her. The sermon she experiences is not lengthy, tedious, or frightening; rather, it is balanced and directed towards His creation. This portrayal reflects Dickinson’s personal and individual relationship with the Creator, one that exists independently of traditional church structures and clergy.

Conclusion: “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”

In the second-to-last line, “So instead of getting to Heaven, at last” (11), Dickinson appears to challenge the conventional religious notion that suggests only regular churchgoers attain heaven, and that piety is achieved solely through consistent attendance at sermons. She rejects this perspective, asserting, “I’m going, all along,” expressing her unwavering confidence that there is no reason why she cannot or will not reach Heaven. The poet seems to be inviting the reader to join her on this spiritual journey, suggesting that everyone is accompanying her, and therefore, there is no reason why the reader would not go along as well.

Works Cited: “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”

Dickinson, Emily. “Some keep the Sabbath going to Church.” Final Harvest: Emily Dickinson’s Poems (1995).

Relevant Questions: “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”
  1. “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”: How does Emily Dickinson challenge conventional religious practices and express her personal philosophy of faith in this poem?
  2. “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”: How does Dickinson use symbolism and vivid imagery to contrast her unconventional approach to spirituality with the traditional idea of attending church on the Sabbath?
  3. “Some Keep the Sabbath Going to Church”: In what ways does Dickinson convey her skepticism towards organized religion, and how does she assert her individual, personal connection with the Divine outside the confines of traditional worship?

Sexuality in Walt Whitman: Two Poems

Regarding sexuality in Walt Whitman, the two poems “I Sing the Body Electric” and “Song of Myself” are crucial for understanding Whitman’s attitude toward the physicality of the human body and sexuality during his time.

Introduction: Representation of Sexuality in Walt Whitman

Regarding sexuality in Walt Whitman, the two poems “I Sing the Body Electric” and “Song of Myself” are crucial for understanding Whitman’s attitude toward the physicality of the human body and sexuality during his time. Both poems explore the themes of body and soul, as well as sex and attitudes toward sexuality. While scholars deduce various meanings from his verses in both poems regarding his attitude and inclination toward homosexuality and heterosexuality, a deeper reading of both poems reveals something different compared to the superficial meanings deduced by critics.

In “I Sing the Body Electric,” Whitman discusses the interaction between body and soul, exploring the bodies of both genders, male and female, different types of bodies, and the character of a specific farmer. The poem also delves into the topic of slavery and the position of the body in this trade. On the other hand, in “Song of Myself,” Whitman presents himself seemingly suffering from narcissism. He discusses the interaction of his body with his soul through stories and parables, concluding that he believes in “the flesh and appetites” (“Song of Myself,” Lines 520).

However, within “Song of Myself,” he speaks in connotations that are interpreted as none other than the sexual tendencies of the poet. Gene Bluestein argues that Whitman, a powerful American poet, has been dubbed by critics and scholars as a “good, gay poet,” emphasizing that the presentation of sexuality in his poems, specifically in “I Sing the Body Electric” and “Song of Myself,” is crucial to understanding his “sexual orientation and attitudes” toward sex. In fact, Whitman’s sexuality needs analysis not only in the light of his own poetry but also considering the symbols he uses for sexual orientation and his cultural milieu (Bluestein, p. 153).

Sexuality in Walt Whitman

Regarding Whitman’s sexuality in light of his poetry and comments, both poems clearly express his attitude toward sex. In the poem “I Sing the Body Electric,” he extensively compares the male and female body in the first three sections. Whitman’s perspective is that both the male and female bodies are perfect in every way. He praises both types of bodies in the second and third sections, culminating in his opinion: “Such-like I love—I loosen myself, pass freely, am at the mother’s breast with the little child” (“I Sing The Body Electric,” Line 31). Analyzing these sections along with the last lines reveals his admiration for both male and female bodies.

Gene Bluestein quotes Whitman, stating that it is “imperative to achieve a shifted attitude from superior men and women toward the thought and fact of sexuality, as an element in character, personality, the emotions, and a theme in literature” (qtd. Whitman, p. 154). This suggests that Whitman considers sexuality as a thematic strand in poetry rather than revealing his personal orientation towards hom*-or-heterosexuality.

Similarly, in “Song of Myself,” Whitman declares in the first section, “I will go to the bank by the wood and become undisguised and naked, / I am mad for it to be in contact with me” (“Song of Myself,” Line 19-20). Again, Bluestein’s quoted comments from Whitman emphasize that “meanings
that do not usually go along with those words are behind all” (qtd. Whitman, p. 154). These comments defy the interpretations of critics and scholars, suggesting that Whitman is refuting charges and asserting that the meanings deduced by others are not what he intended. It is akin to the “clef of a symphony” (qtd. Whitman, p. 154) with various interpretations. Therefore, it is not necessary to interpret his sexuality in terms of hom* or heterosexuality.

Symbols and Sexuality in Walt Whitman

Concerning symbols, both of these poems are rich in symbolic elements. Gene Bluestein asserts that Whitman was a symbolist who “believed that truth lay only in indirection rather than direct statement” (p. 154). Applying this perspective to Whitman’s work, it appears that he praises both male and female bodies indirectly, symbolically equating them in terms of their capacity for reproduction. This comparison is evident in the second and third sections of the poem “I Sing the Body Electric,” emphasizing inclusiveness rather than exclusion. Whitman expresses this inclusiveness as everything being diffused, stating, “Hair, bosom, hips, bend of legs, negligent falling hands all diffused, mine too diffused” (“I Sing the Body Electric,” Line 58). Bluestein comments on this, clarifying that it is not “homoeroticism” but an acknowledgment that “male and female are inclusive rather than exclusive terms” (p. 154). Essentially, Bluestein suggests that Whitman’s position was in line with other poets of his time, indicating his advanced thinking for that era.

The poem “Song of Myself” similarly conveys a similar message in its fifth section. Bluestein notes that the use of shocking symbols in this context is intentional, describing it as the “shock value.” Whitman was aware that his audience would be surprised, but he believed it was necessary to use these symbols as an act of “universality” (p. 154). In essence, Bluestein argues that Whitman employed these symbols to discuss the connection between body and soul, even in Section Five of “Song of Myself,” which was notoriously omitted from readings in schools and colleges. This suggests that Whitman was attuned to his social milieu, and his sexual orientation provided broader perspectives for his poetic output.

Themes and Sexuality in Walt Whitman

Concerning the themes of body and soul, this was an enduring and widely popular topic during Whitman’s time. However, Whitman approached it in a radically new way by directly addressing sexuality, especially considering the cultural milieu where discussions around sexuality were considered taboo. Gene Bluestein notes that during Whitman’s era, the body was often deemed inferior, and sexuality was viewed as a sin capable of impurifying the soul. Whitman found it necessary to portray sexuality not as impure but in pure terms. Interestingly, the images Whitman presents in his poetry seem to suggest his heterosexuality (p. 159), a theme evident in both poems.

Bluestein clarifies this perspective when discussing the fifth section of “Song of Myself,” citing specific lines that explicitly point to Whitman’s homosexual orientation (p. 159). For instance, the line “How you settled your head athwart my hips and gently turn’d over upon me” (“Song of Myself,” Line 88) is cited as evidence by critics. While similar connotations exist in “I Sing the Body Electric,” it is approached in symbolic terms, as pointed out by Bluestein. He argues that, true to his upbringing, Whitman was a spiritual individual, and thus, his sexuality transcends categories such as hetero, hom*, or mono. Bluestein suggests that it represents Whitman’s philosophy of body and soul, serving as a symbol of the poet’s creative power (p. 159). Living in a highly repressive culture, Whitman turned to poetry to express these ideas.

Conclusion: Sexuality in Walt Whitman

In summing it up, the explicit portrayal of sexuality in both the poems “Song of Myself” and “I Sing the Body Electric” by Whitman does not necessarily attribute to his being gay or indicate a specific sexual proclivity. According to Whitman’s own opinion, these meanings are different from what is commonly understood, as he aimed to influence men and women to adopt a different attitude toward sexuality, as argued by Bluestein (p. 154). Whitman deliberately used explicit language to prompt his audience to develop a new perspective on a natural phenomenon that was equated with sin during his lifetime. As a symbolist, Whitman’s intention may not align with the literal interpretation of his words; rather, these explicit symbols serve as representatives of his creative soul. He sought to reintroduce the age-old dialectic of body and soul, challenging societal norms around sex and sexuality that were considered taboo during his time. The connotations of Whitman’s explicit sexual passages from both poems take on a different meaning when analyzed and interpreted on a symbolic level, considering the cultural context, understanding, and orientation of his audience. Therefore, Gene Bluestein’s argument that critics and scholars may have missed the point of Whitman and ignored his own comments about his poetry seems justified after this brief analysis.

Sexuality in Walt Whitman: References
  1. Bluestein, G., 1997. Sex as a literary theme: Is Whitman the good, gay poet?. Journal of popular culture, 31(3), p.153.
  2. Whitman, W., 1996. I sing the body electric. Phoenix.
  3. Whitman, W., 2001. Song of myself. Courier Corporation.
Sexuality in Walt Whitman: Relevant Questions
  1. How does the exploration of sexuality in Walt Whitman’s works, particularly evident in poems like “Song of Myself” and “I Sing the Body Electric,” challenge societal norms of his time and contribute to a broader understanding of human sexuality?
  2. In what ways does Walt Whitman employ explicit language and symbolic representation to convey his perspectives on sexuality, and how do these literary choices align with his overarching artistic and societal objectives?
  3. Considering the cultural context and societal attitudes towards sexuality in Whitman’s era, how do critics and scholars interpret, and potentially misinterpret, his explicit sexual passages, and what insights can be gained by reexamining his own comments about the sexuality embedded in his poetry?

Violence in Beowulf  and Civilization’s Survival

Violence in Beowulf, an ancient English epic, is the means by which human beings achieve objectives that might otherwise appear unattainable.

Violence in Beowulf: Introduction

Violence in Beowulf, an ancient English epic, is the means by which human beings achieve objectives that might otherwise appear unattainable. Under various pretexts, individuals resort to violence, engaging in combat and warfare against their fellow human beings. Throughout human civilizations, violent acts have been prevalent on various scales, ranging from smaller battles to large wars and even world wars involving multiple countries and nations. However, there are instances where violence is employed to establish order amidst chaos, serving as a method to combat the evil responsible for disrupting harmony. In such cases, violence is deemed necessary to restore order that has been lost due to someone’s malevolent deeds or the presence of an evil character. In Beowulf, the epic’s protagonist, Beowulf, utilizes violence to establish order, achieve success and glory, and bring relief and comfort to the people. Nevertheless, the argument posits that although violence may seem controlled and confined within the boundaries a wise king should observe, it is accompanied by gory details and serves as a grim reminder of the killings prevalent in that era. Consequently, the role of violence in Beowulf’s life is crucial, not only as a demonstration of his bravery, power, and strength but also to showcase the benevolence of his nature. This benevolence is reflected in his efforts to provide comfort to the oppressed, display compassion for suffering human beings, and express his determination to earn God’s favor.

Violence in Beowulf: Human Emotions

One prominent role of violence in Beowulf is its association with the human desire for glory, success, and popularity—a desire deeply ingrained in the human character. This longing for recognition is evident in the character of Beowulf, the King of Geats, renowned for his courage and resolution, as acknowledged by Wulfgar (Beowulf 340-341). Beowulf is driven to prove his valor by engaging in “single combat” (426) with Grendel, the monstrous menace causing havoc among the Danes. Motivated by tales of the Danes’ plight in the legendary hall (411-412), Beowulf sees this as an opportunity to seek glory and has traveled to their land for this purpose.

Despite having nothing tangible to showcase his bravery and courage, Beowulf relies on recounting past tales of his “great triumphs” (419). His boasts are not mere words; they are backed by a display of strength (419), a crucial element in challenging someone to combat. Another noteworthy aspect is the acceptance of challenges and the determination to prove oneself. Beowulf indicates that he can challenge Unferth for his insolent remarks but also responds with sagacity, highlighting Unferth’s inability to defend against Grendel’s attacks on the king (593). Beowulf recognizes this as an opportunity to fight Grendel and confidently asserts, “I will show him [in the] battle” (602).

Even after achieving deeds of valor, Beowulf’s commitment to glory persists, as seen when he urges the king to “win glory before death” (1388). This emphasizes that Beowulf engages in battles, whether against Grendel or the dragon, not merely out of necessity but driven by the pursuit of glory, honor, and a formidable reputation. Importantly, this quest for glory is not confined to Beowulf’s youth; he maintains the same fervor in his old age, risking his life and saving the people to secure and uphold his reputation (512-2515). Beowulf’s consistent pursuit of glory underscores its central role as a motivating force behind his willingness to face formidable challenges and engage in acts of violence throughout his life.

Violence in Beowulf and the Goodness of the Human Heart

The second recurrent role of violence in Beowulf stems from the natural goodness of the human heart, compelling individuals to fight and protect others. Beowulf, the King of Geats, exemplifies this inherent goodness, reacting with deep concern upon hearing of Grendel’s killings in the Heorot Hall. Motivated by a sense of responsibility, Beowulf recalls having slain “nine sea-monsters” (575) and feels compelled to intervene and save the Danes. He reassures the king, advising against mourning and asserting that avenging the dear ones is a more worthy pursuit (1387-1389).

Beowulf’s use of violence is consistently driven by a noble purpose: to shield fellow human beings from suffering, death, and oppression. The battles against Grendel and his mother serve as clear examples, but Beowulf’s commitment to this cause extends over almost fifty years of ruling the Geats, during which he successfully combats Swedish invaders. His benevolence becomes apparent towards the narrative’s conclusion when he gifts “the collar of gold from his neck” to a young thane (2809-2811). The poem concludes with the narrator describing Beowulf as “the man most gracious and fair-minded, kindest to his people and keenest to win fame” (3181-3183). Both his attributes—the innate goodness of heart that compels him to resort to violence for the protection of his brethren and his desire to “win fame” (3184)—stand out as prime motives behind his engagement in acts of violence.

Violence in Beowulf  and Evil

Indeed, in Beowulf, violence serves as a means to eliminate evil forces that oppress and inflict suffering upon the innocent. Grendel, a demonic entity, represents a malevolent force that torments and kills the innocent for its own pleasure. Even Grendel’s mother, lacking a justifiable pretext, resorts to violence. Beowulf’s actions of killing Grendel and subsequently seeking out and defeating Grendel’s mother are portrayed as virtuous acts aimed at ridding the world of these malevolent forces that have made life unbearable for the common people.

Beowulf’s final battle against the dragon also follows this pattern, as it is motivated by the dragon being “the bane of the people, the fire-breathing dragon” (2687). The narrative suggests a divine purpose behind Beowulf’s actions, portraying him as an instrument sent by God to eradicate these evils. The text emphasizes that “the Lord of life, / The Glorious Almighty, made this man renowned” (16-17), underlining Beowulf’s pursuit of divine favor. By removing these evil entities, Beowulf seeks the grace of God, and it is through these acts of violence that he achieves renown.

The narrative implies a moral justification for the use of violence in these instances, as these evils have “given offense to God” (810). The removal of such malevolent forces is deemed suitable, as it not only protects the immediate victims but also prevents further harm to others. The portrayal of Beowulf as a champion against evil reinforces the idea that, in certain contexts, violence can be seen as a righteous and necessary means to safeguard the innocent and uphold moral order.

Violence in Beowulf and God

Violence in Beowulf is portrayed as a means to win the favor of God, with the hero Beowulf understanding from the outset that his actions are intended to please his Creator. Beowulf is seen as a divine gift, “sent / By God to that nation” (13-14), and his purpose is to demonstrate through his battles that he is fighting on behalf of God. The narrative uses references to fiends, demons, and evil-natured monsters to emphasize that Beowulf’s combat is undertaken in service of God.

The mention of Grendel as a “fiend out of hell” (100-102) underscores the narrative’s association of these monsters with the biblical story of Cain, who was made anathema by the Almighty (110). The ogres, elves, evil phantoms, and giants, all descended from the cursed lineage of Cain, face a similar fate, met with death at the hands of a hero. This biblical framework justifies the violence enacted by Beowulf, framing it as a divine duty to combat creatures condemned by God.

However, the vivid and gruesome details of violence in Beowulf serve dual purposes. On one hand, they reinforce the gravity of the hero’s task and the malevolence of the foes he faces, highlighting the necessity of his actions to fulfill a divine mission. On the other hand, the negative portrayal of violence adds a layer of moral complexity, prompting reflection on the brutality inherent in the pursuit of righteousness. The narrative suggests that while violence may be justified in the context of battling evil, it is not without its disturbing and morally challenging aspects. This nuanced presentation of violence contributes to the broader themes of the epic, emphasizing the complex interplay between divine duty, moral righteousness, and the harsh realities of conflict.

Violence in Beowulf  and Negativity

The depiction of violence in negative terms in Beowulf can be attributed to two possible reasons. First, it might have been a cultural requirement of that civilization to present violence and bloodshed in a repulsive light, serving as a deterrent to curb further aggression, especially in a time marked by frequent invasions. This negative portrayal could have been a cautionary measure to discourage the glorification of violence and emphasize its destructive consequences.

Secondly, many instances of violence in Beowulf are directed against evil entities, with the intention of winning the grace of God. The writers may have deemed it crucial to present these acts with horrifying and graphic details to emphasize the severity of the battles between good and evil. The intention might have been to convey a strong message that evil should not dare to challenge the forces of good, and that these violent encounters were undertaken to uphold righteousness and gain divine favor.

Even as the narrative provides grisly details, it often accompanies them with curses, such as labeling Grendel as “The God-cursed brute” (121) during his killing spree in the land of the Danes. Examples of graphic detail include Beowulf’s underwater battles against sea-beasts and his intense physical struggle with Grendel, resulting in a significant injury described as “The monster’s whole body / was in pain, a tremendous wound / appeared on his shoulder” (814-816). Similar vivid descriptions are presented when Beowulf confronts Grendel’s mother and battles the dragon, ultimately losing his own life in the process.

These detailed depictions serve two primary objectives. Firstly, they contribute to the cautionary tone, discouraging future acts of violence by highlighting its gruesome nature. Secondly, the vivid portrayal of these encounters underscores the hero’s sacrifices and the severity of the threats faced, reinforcing the narrative’s themes of the eternal struggle between good and evil.

Violence in Beowulf: Conclusion

In summing it up, violence in Beowulf is not presented as an inherent characteristic of the civilization depicted in the narrative, but rather as a controlled and purposeful force. It is tightly bound to human desires for glory, popularity, and the quest to win the grace of God. The narrative associates violence with the noble intention of eradicating evil forces that have long suppressed the innocent. Despite the graphic details that may convey a negative tone, it is suggested that these descriptions serve the historical context and cultural necessity of the time.

The four battles of Beowulf, each detailed with graphic elements, all have pious objectives. For example, the battle against Grendel aims to free the Danes from the monster’s deadly rule, and the confrontation with Grendel’s mother serves the purpose of ending her killing spree in vengeance for her son. Beowulf’s unelaborated fight against invaders and the final battle against the dragon also share the common objective of protecting and bringing relief to his people.

The use of violence in Beowulf is portrayed as a means for survival, intertwined with the preservation of human progeny. Without these acts of violence against the depicted evils, the Danes might have faced annihilation, and Beowulf may not have attained the popularity and glory he sought through the events narrated in the epic. Thus, the narrative suggests that violence, when employed with purpose and restraint, becomes a crucial tool for survival and the pursuit of noble causes in the face of existential threats.

Violence in Beowulf : Works Cited

Heaney, Seamus. Beowulf. Faber & Faber, 2009.

Relevant Questions about Violence in Beowulf 
  1. How does the theme of violence in Beowulf contribute to the characterization of Beowulf as a heroic figure in the epic poem?
  2. In what ways does the depiction of violence in Beowulf reflect the cultural values and warrior ethos of the time in which violence in Beowulf was written?
  3. How do the various instances of violence in Beowulf serve as a means of exploring the complex relationships between loyalty, honor, and the pursuit of glory within the context of violence in Beowulf and the heroic code?

Euphemism by Government: Objectives and Usage

Before exploring euphemism by government, we are delving into the various ways and perspectives through which governments employ them.

Introduction: Euphemism by Government

Before exploring euphemism by government, we are delving into the various ways and perspectives through which governments employ them. It, however, is essential to understand what euphemism is, how it has manifested in literature, its intended purposes, and the reasons prompting governments to incorporate it for either ulterior or sincere motives. These words and phrases are crafted with diverse intentions – some cater to a global audience, while others target a domestic or public audience. Objectives may range from deflecting undue criticism and maintaining diplomatic relations to swaying public opinion or even inciting rebellion or agitation. In essence, euphemisms serve various political purposes, often aiming to veil facts with language that conveys information in a more pleasant manner.

Euphemism by Government: Etymology and Derivation

Linguistically, euphemism is derived from the Greek word “euphemia” or “euphemis,” signifying words that convey goodwill, praise, or highlight glory. Interestingly, its pronunciation suggests an antonymic relationship with “blaspheme,” conveying an opposite meaning (Durkin 2009). Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (OAL) defines euphemism as the “indirect use of words or phrases that people often use to refer to something embarrassing or unpleasant, sometimes to make it seem more acceptable than it really is” (“Euphemism”).

However, this definition is not exhaustive, as several words touch upon the concept of euphemism without being classified as such. There exists a subtle difference between euphemisms and other related terms. For instance, jargon pertains to technical language specific to a particular field. Similarly, doublespeak is designed to deceive or mislead people or audiences, but the distinction from euphemism is often blurred, making the differences unclear (Childs and Fowler 2006).

Euphemism by Government: Common Usage

Certainly, a euphemism can be described as the mild use of words or expressions to refer to something strong, harsh, or blunt, with the intention of making it seem more agreeable or pleasant. Essentially, it involves the substitution of inoffensive and less troublesome language for words or phrases that may be considered offensive or harsh. While it is employed to conceal potentially offensive ideas or expressions, its primary goal is to convey information in a manner that pleases or reassures people, even if there is no material benefit derived from the language used. This linguistic device is commonly observed in government, the press, and official statements concerning various events and occurrences. In essence, a euphemism serves as a polite way of expressing something that might otherwise be considered impolite.

Euphemism by Government: Politics and Wars

In the realm of political language, doublespeak and euphemism serve distinct purposes, with doublespeak being more prevalent in war or military contexts, while euphemism is commonly employed in both internal and international politics to navigate delicate situations. Notably, a euphemism takes on the characteristics of doublespeak when its primary intent is to confuse the audience or obscure the truth.

For instance, in military terminology, the use of “casualties” instead of explicitly stating deaths is an example of euphemism. The term “casualties” is milder compared to words like “killed,” “murdered,” or “died.” Similarly, the compound term “collateral damage” is frequently used in military operations to refer to the unintended deaths of civilians. This euphemistic expression is employed to mitigate the unpleasant nature of the situation. In the realm of international politics, the killing of civilians not only triggers international outrage but is also deemed illegal and could lead to accusations of war crimes. Thus, euphemisms like “casualties” and “collateral damage” are utilized to soften the impact of these grim realities and, in some cases, to avoid international condemnation.

Euphemism by Government: Opinion of Economist

The article “Making Murder Respectable” in The Economist sheds light on the diverse uses of euphemism across different cultures, emphasizing how these linguistic devices serve political and diplomatic purposes. One notable example cited is the Japanese emperor Hirohito’s euphemistic statement following the nuclear attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War II. Instead of acknowledging defeat, he stated that “The war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan’s advantage,” showcasing how euphemisms can be employed for political mileage even in dire circumstances.

The article contends that each nation has its own set of political euphemisms, with the Americans, Chinese, and British being among the most famous. Diplomatic euphemisms are noted to be slightly more refined than political ones. For instance, Americans use the term “senior citizens” as a euphemism for the elderly, avoiding potentially offensive language. The Chinese, known for their diplomatic finesse, use the expression “not convenient” to politely decline invitations, demonstrating a diplomatic and non-offensive approach.

The overarching argument is that the use of euphemisms at the governmental level reveals certain truths about governments and nations that they may be unwilling to directly disclose. Euphemisms become a tool for shaping public perception and navigating sensitive topics, allowing political leaders to present information in a more acceptable or palatable manner, even when the underlying realities may be challenging or uncomfortable.

Euphemism by Government: Internal Politics

Even in internal politics, governments employ euphemisms to pacify the public or shape public opinion. Here, euphemisms are used either to calm public sentiments or to gain an advantage over political rivals. In some instances, a government may face excessive criticism regarding a particular agenda or task and aims to create confusion, discouraging interference or agitation.

For instance, consider the United States’ war on terror initiated in 2001. When President Obama came into power, there was a shift in terminology. The term “rogue states” began to be used for countries that did not align with the United States or the Western states. Additionally, instead of explicitly stating the deployment of soldiers, the military refers to it as “boots on the ground.” When certain countries require additional troops, the term “surge” is employed, potentially pacifying anti-war lobbies. Even in emergencies, the deployment of troops may be framed as an “overseas contingency operation,” emphasizing the necessity of sending troops to secure victory in a conflict (Liebau).

In the context of external politics, the use of euphemism becomes particularly distinct and is often aimed at influencing the international audience. An example can be observed in the case of Israel during the recent conflict in Gaza. Reports indicate a significant number of civilian casualties due to Israeli bombardment. However, instead of directly acknowledging civilian deaths, the Israeli government refers to them as “human shields,” attributing responsibility to its rival, Hamas. Prime Minister Netanyahu employed the euphemism that “we use missiles to protect civilians while Hamas uses civilians to protect its missiles” (Fantz). This language aims to downplay the civilian casualties and shift blame, potentially avoiding scrutiny for war crimes.

On the other side, Gazans use strong euphemistic terms like “massacre,” “genocide,” or even “mini-holocaust” to convey the severity of the situation and strengthen their case on the international stage. The war of euphemisms in this external or international context reflects the efforts of both sides to shape public perception and garner support while framing their actions in a more favorable light.

Euphemism by Government: Conclusion

Indeed, the use of euphemism by governments serves various purposes, whether it’s glossing over offensive terms, pacifying the audience, or manipulating international opinion. George Orwell aptly captured the essence of this phenomenon in his essay on political language, stating that it is crafted “to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind” (Orwell). Orwell’s insight highlights how political language, often laden with euphemisms and doublespeak, is designed to convey meanings in a way that avoids negative reactions and maintains a semblance of respectability. This deliberate manipulation of language allows governments to shape narratives and influence public perception in a manner that aligns with their objectives.

Euphemism by Government: Works Cited
  1. “Euphemism.” Oxford Advanced Leaner’s. 8th Edition. Oxford Univeristy Press. 2010. Print.
  2. Durkin, Phillip. Oxford Guide to Etymology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
  3. Fantz, Ashley. “Why are so many civilians dying in Hamas-Israel war?” CNN. 06 Aug. 2014. Newssource. Web. Accessed 08 Aug. 2014.
  4. Liebau, Carol Platt. “Obama Uses Euphemism to Obscure His Unpopular Agenda.”. Townhall.  05 Sep.  2011.  Newspaper Source. Accessed 08 Aug. 2014.
  5. Making Murder Respectable. “Making Murder Respectable.” The Economist. 11 Dec. 2011. Newspaper Sourec. Web. Accessed 08 Aug. 2014.
  6. Orwell, George. “Politics and the English Language.” 1946. Web. Accessed 08 Aug. 2014
  7. Peter Childs, ‎Roger Fowler. Routledge Dictionary of Literary Terms. Oxon: Routledge Taylor and Francis Group, 2006. Print.
Euphemism by Government: Relevant Questions
  1. Euphemism by Government: How does the government’s usage of euphemism in communication affect public perception and understanding of its actions or policies?
  2. Euphemism by Government: In what ways is euphemistic language employed by the government, particularly in addressing sensitive issues, and how does this linguistic approach impact public opinion?
  3. Euphemism by Government: Can you provide examples of the government’s use of euphemism in official statements, and how might these linguistic choices influence public discourse and interpretation of governmental actions?

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Hiding Truth

Government’s Usage of Euphemism refers to the use of polite and indirect expressions instead of disrespectful and harsh phrases and words.

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Introduction

Government’s Usage of Euphemism refers to the use of polite and indirect expressions instead of disrespectful and harsh phrases and words. These considerate expressions may also replace words that refer to something unpleasant. However, over time, the literal meaning of euphemism has evolved. It now encompasses the idea of concealing the truth, a tactic employed not only by dishonest individuals but also by various political parties, government officials, and military personnel.

The use of euphemism is not restricted to specific contexts; it can be applied in various situations. For example, the euphemism “kick the bucket” is a way to refer to an individual’s death. The term “downsizing” is utilized by many organizations and companies as a substitute for “firing” their employees (Euphemism). Euphemism is quite common and popular in situations that necessitate the substitution of specific words to avoid sounding overly harsh, rude, or impolite. For instance, it is frequently employed in office settings to convey news to employees with utmost respect, minimizing the risk of causing offense.

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Creating Them

Euphemism serves the purpose of delivering a concept respectfully, clearly, and completely through the use of polite and indirect expressions. Crafting euphemisms involves employing various techniques, and it is not a singular task. In addition to traditional phrases and terminologies, abbreviations can also function as a form of euphemism, offering a means to convey messages indirectly. Another strategy to avoid sounding rude or offensive is the use of foreign words and languages. However, it’s important to note that euphemisms are not foolproof and may not always work effectively. In certain circumstances, the substitutions employed to mask the actual expression can still sound harsh, rude, offensive, or impolite. Under such conditions, it is advisable to discard the euphemistic approach, opting for direct expressions to convey the message clearly and precisely (“Euphemism”).

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Conveying Ideas

Euphemism serves as a valuable tool for writers, allowing them to convey ideas accurately and respectfully without coming across as too offensive to their readers. Especially when dealing with topics influenced by factors such as religion or politics, writers tactfully and indirectly discuss and refer to these subjects using carefully chosen phrases and words. Writers understand the significance of ensuring that readers are not offended by the language and expressions used in their books, particularly when addressing highly sensitive topics. The use of euphemism enables writers to metaphorically discuss and explain complex crises and issues faced by a country. By employing euphemism in a proper and polite manner, readers can not only enjoy the book but also gain awareness of the facts and truth without feeling offended (Sebkova).

In the past, the use of euphemism was primarily confined to the positive intention of replacing impolite and harsh statements with more respectful ones, all while maintaining clarity in conveying the message. However, over time, government and military officials started employing euphemism negatively to deliberately withhold facts and truth from the general public of their own country. An example of this negative use is reflected in Christopher Hitchens’ criticism of his acquaintance Martin Amis, where he referred to “the moral offense of euphemism” – a phrase that, while eloquent, carries a harsh undertone. The inability to directly name a particular thing for what it truly is can spark a contentious and enduring debate about the truth. Recognizing the moral wrongdoing associated with euphemism early on serves as the first indication that one may have succumbed to corruption. Only with the passage of time can it become clear whether this corruption is deeply entrenched or merely intellectual in nature (“Euphemism”).

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Use in Wars

Since its inception, the war on Iraq has been portrayed and characterized through the lens of euphemism. The term “Operation Iraqi Freedom” symbolizes a military operation in Iraq conducted by foreign forces, primarily the American troops. American officials have consistently framed such operations in Iraq as a form of liberation. While liberation, in its literal sense, denotes freedom, the actions carried out by the American troops in Iraq have a starkly different interpretation of the term “freedom.” For over five years, American troops have been granted the legitimate authority to execute any Iraqi individual, regardless of gender, and to search any house in Iraq. Regrettably, this authority has been extensively abused, with reports of the troops executing Iraqis they deem fit for killing or searching Iraqi houses they consider suitable for detention. The stark contrast between the actions undertaken by the American troops and the concept of “freedom” raises profound questions about the justification of the war, the lives lost on both sides, and the legal rights granted to the American forces. The present condition in Iraq, marred by ongoing conflict and its aftermath, is far from achieving true independence or “freedom” (Ackerman).

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Common Usage

Language indeed wields significant influence on reality, capable of either accurately representing it or distorting it entirely. An example from history is evident during the Second World War when the military and government officials of the United States employed euphemisms to describe their actions against individuals of Japanese ancestry living in America at that time. This demonstrates the crucial role that euphemism plays for government and military officials, as well as for the general public and various other sectors, in shaping and framing the narrative surrounding events and actions.

Personal justice, government reports, and the findings of the commission on the imprisonment of many civilians and wartime relocation indicate that several Americans with Japanese ancestry, along with various reliable sources, employ traditional and historical terminologies and languages. This choice is driven by the belief that the terminologies used in the past offer a more authentic reflection of the historic era. However, certain Japanese Americans, educators, historians, and others opt for languages and terminologies that they believe provide a more realistic and accurate meaning and reflection of that era (Kelly).

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Shakespearean Examples

Even the renowned English poet, William Shakespeare, employed euphemism in many of his plays. During the fifteenth century, discussing or describing sex directly was considered impolite, rude, and offensive, leading to the widespread use of euphemism in such contexts. Shakespeare utilized euphemism to describe sexual intercourse in some of his most famous plays, such as “Othello” and “Antony and Cleopatra.”

In Act 1, Scene 1 of “Othello,” Iago says to Brabantio, “I am one, sir, that comes to tell you your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs.” Here, Iago uses the euphemism “making the beast with two backs” to refer to sexual intercourse, conveying the message and storyline clearly to the reader indirectly, without sounding harsh, rude, or impolite.

Similarly, in Shakespeare’s play “Antony and Cleopatra,” in Act 2, Scene 2, Agrippa talks about Cleopatra: “Royal wench! She made great Caesar lay his sword to bed. He plowed her, and she cropped.” Here, Shakespeare uses the terms “plowed” and “cropped” as euphemisms to describe sexual intercourse and pregnancy, respectively, allowing the narrative to unfold without causing offense to the readers (Euphemism).

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Conclusion

The euphemism or phrase “economical with the truth” gained prominence during legal cases involving political charges. Notably, Robert Armstrong, the Cabinet Secretary of the United Kingdom, is remembered for using this particular phrase in a court in Sydney, Australia, in 1986. This occurred during the government’s efforts to prevent the publication of the journals of a former MI5 agent, compiled into the book “Spycatcher.”

During the Matrix Churchill trial in 1992, several years after the UK government’s actions, Alan Clark, a former Prime Minister, admitted that he had been “economical
 with the actualite.” Subsequently, Robert Armstrong wrote to The Times, stating that the phrase he used was derived from Edmund Burke, an Eighteenth Century Statesman (Kelly).

Government’s Usage of Euphemism: Works Cited
  1. Ackerman, Spencer. “A Glossary of Iraq Euphemisms.” The American Prospect. 06, Aug. 2008. Web. 01 Aug 2014<http://prospect.org/article/glossary-iraq-euphemisms>
  2. “Euphemism.” Literary Devices. n. d. Web. 01 Aug. 2014 <www.literarydevices.net/euphemism>
  3. “Euphemism.” Online Dictionary and Reference. n. d. Web. 01 Aug. 2014 <http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/euphemism>
  4. Kelly, Jon. “The 10 most scandalous euphemisms.” BBC News Magazine. 15 May 2013. 01August 2014. <http://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-22470691>
  5. Ć ebkovĂĄ, KristĂœna. “Euphemism.” Masaryk University. n. d. Web. 01 Aug. 2014.<https://is.muni.cz/th/403451/pedf_c/Euphemisms.txt>

Relevant Questions: Government’s Usage of Euphemism

  1. How does the government’s use of euphemism in describing military operations impact public perception and understanding of the true nature of those activities?
  2. In what ways does the government employ euphemistic language when discussing economic policies, and how does this linguistic choice influence public opinion on issues such as taxation and budgetary decisions?
  3. Can you provide examples of how the government’s usage of euphemism in addressing social and political issues may shape public discourse and sentiment on sensitive topics?

Humanitarianism in Literature and Literary Theory

Humanitarianism is a theoretical term that encompasses a moral and ethical framework emphasizing the intrinsic value and dignity of all human beings.

Humanitarianism: Etymology, Meanings, and Concept

The term “humanitarianism” originates from the 18th-century Enlightenment ideals and the Latin word “humanitas,” embodying notions of kindness, benevolence, and an appreciation for human nature. It conveys a commitment to alleviating human suffering and promoting the well-being of individuals and communities.

  • Compassion and Empathy: Humanitarianism involves a deep sense of compassion and empathy for the struggles and hardships faced by fellow humans.
  • Altruistic Action: It signifies selfless and altruistic actions undertaken to address and mitigate the impact of crises, conflicts, or natural disasters.
  • Universalism: Humanitarianism often adheres to the belief in the universal rights and dignity of every individual, irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, or creed.
  • Social Justice: It encompasses efforts to address systemic injustices, advocating for fairness and equality in the distribution of resources and opportunities.
  • Relief and Aid: Humanitarianism manifests through the provision of emergency relief, medical assistance, and essential resources to communities affected by crises.
  • Human Rights Advocacy: It involves advocacy for the protection and promotion of human rights, seeking justice for victims of conflicts and disasters.
  • International Cooperation: Humanitarian efforts often require collaboration between nations, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international bodies to effectively respond to global challenges.
  • Long-Term Development: Beyond immediate relief, humanitarianism can involve sustainable development initiatives to address underlying issues and promote resilience in vulnerable communities.
FocusAlleviation of human suffering in crises.Intellectual and cultural development.
ApplicationImmediate relief efforts, aid, and support.Promotion of knowledge, arts, and education.
Ethical BasisCompassion, altruism, and human rights.Reason, critical thinking, and moral excellence.
Time FrameShort-term responses to urgent needs.Long-term fostering of human potential.
ScopeGlobal crisis response and aid provision.Broad range, including philosophy and sciences.
International FocusCollaboration on global humanitarian challenges.Emphasis on individual and societal development.
Historical ContextEmerged in response to 19th-20th century crises.Rooted in ancient Greece, Renaissance revival.
Humanitarianism: Definition of a Theoretical Term

Humanitarianism is a theoretical term that encompasses a moral and ethical framework emphasizing the intrinsic value and dignity of all human beings. It involves a commitment to relieving human suffering, particularly in the face of crises, conflicts, or disasters, and prioritizes the alleviation of immediate needs. Grounded in principles of compassion and universal rights, humanitarianism seeks to address the fundamental well-being of individuals and communities on a global scale.

Humanitarianism: Theorists, Works and Arguments
  • Henry Dunant: The founder of the Red Cross and a key figure in the development of modern humanitarianism, Dunant’s advocacy for the humane treatment of wounded soldiers laid the groundwork for contemporary humanitarian principles.
  • Albert Schweitzer: Known for his medical missionary work in Africa, Schweitzer emphasized a “reverence for life” and the moral responsibility to alleviate human suffering, contributing to humanitarian thought.
  • Peter Singer: A contemporary ethicist, Singer’s work, including “Famine, Affluence, and Morality,” argues for an ethical obligation to address global poverty and human suffering through effective altruism.
  • “A Memory of Solferino” by Henry Dunant: Dunant’s firsthand account of the Battle of Solferino inspired the creation of the Red Cross and laid the foundation for international humanitarian efforts.
  • “Reverence for Life” by Albert Schweitzer: Schweitzer’s philosophical work emphasizes the interconnectedness of all life and underscores the moral imperative to alleviate human suffering.
  • “Famine, Affluence, and Morality” by Peter Singer: In this influential essay, Singer argues for a global ethical responsibility to address poverty and preventable suffering through charitable actions.
  • Universal Human Dignity: Humanitarianism argues for the inherent worth and dignity of every individual, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or social status.
  • Global Responsibility: Humanitarian thinkers contend that individuals and nations share a moral responsibility to address widespread suffering and promote social justice on a global scale.
  • Effective Altruism: Some modern humanitarian arguments, influenced by effective altruism, stress the importance of maximizing the impact of aid efforts to achieve the greatest good for the largest number of people.
Humanitarianism: Major Characteristics
  1. Compassion and Empathy:
    • Description: Humanitarianism is characterized by a profound sense of compassion and empathy towards individuals experiencing suffering or hardship.
    • Literary Example: In Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities,” the character of Sydney Carton’s self-sacrificial act reflects a form of humanitarian compassion.
  2. Universalism:
    • Description: Humanitarian principles advocate for the equal worth and dignity of all individuals, irrespective of their background or circumstances.
    • Literary Example: John Stuart Mill’s essay “On Liberty” articulates the concept of universal rights and liberties as foundational to humanitarian ideals.
  3. Altruistic Action:
    • Description: Humanitarianism involves selfless and altruistic actions aimed at relieving the suffering of others, often in the form of aid and assistance.
    • Literary Example: In Victor Hugo’s “Les MisĂ©rables,” the character Jean Valjean’s acts of kindness and generosity exemplify humanitarian values.
  4. Global Perspective:
    • Description: Humanitarian efforts extend beyond national borders, emphasizing a global perspective in addressing crises and promoting well-being.
    • Literary Example: Khaled Hosseini’s “A Thousand Splendid Suns” portrays the impact of humanitarian challenges in Afghanistan, highlighting the need for global awareness and assistance.
  5. Advocacy for Human Rights:
    • Description: Humanitarianism often involves advocacy for the protection and promotion of fundamental human rights as a means of ensuring dignity and justice.
    • Literary Example: Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” serves as a powerful humanitarian critique against slavery, advocating for the rights and humanity of enslaved individuals.
  6. Response to Crises:
    • Description: Humanitarianism is prominently associated with swift and effective responses to crises, including natural disasters, conflicts, and epidemics.
    • Literary Example: The poem “In Flanders Fields” by John McCrae reflects on the humanitarian impact of World War I, emphasizing the need to honor those who have suffered in conflicts.

These literary examples demonstrate how humanitarian principles and characteristics are explored and depicted in various works, capturing the essence of compassion, universal values, and the call to alleviate human suffering.

Humanitarianism: Relevance in Literary Theories
Literary TheoryRelevance to Humanitarianism
HumanismCentral focus on human experience, values, and potential. Often promotes empathy and understanding of diverse human perspectives.
Feminist Literary TheoryAdvocates for gender equality and challenges oppressive structures. Addresses issues related to women’s rights, representation, and experiences.
Marxist Literary TheoryExamines social structures, class struggle, and economic inequality. May address humanitarian concerns related to exploitation, poverty, and social justice.
Postcolonial Literary TheoryExplores the impact of colonialism and its aftermath on human societies. Addresses issues like cultural identity, displacement, and the quest for self-determination.
EcocriticismExamines the relationship between literature and the environment. May address humanitarian concerns related to ecological crises, climate change, and their impact on humans.
Queer TheoryExplores issues related to gender and sexuality, challenging heteronormative structures. Addresses humanitarian concerns related to LGBTQ+ rights, discrimination, and acceptance.
Critical Disability StudiesExamines representations of disability and challenges ableism. Addresses humanitarian concerns related to the rights, dignity, and inclusion of individuals with disabilities.
ExistentialismFocuses on individual existence, freedom, and responsibility. May address humanitarian concerns related to existential crises, meaning, and the human condition.
Humanitarianism: Application in Critiques
  1. Play: “A Raisin in the Sun” by Lorraine Hansberry (1959):
    • Humanitarianism Perspective: The play addresses racial and socio-economic struggles of an African American family in 1950s America. It delves into issues of housing discrimination, dreams, and the quest for a better life, emphasizing the importance of human dignity and equality.
    • Critique: While praised for its exploration of systemic racism, some critics argue that the play might simplify certain aspects of the characters and situations, potentially diluting the depth of the humanitarian critique.
  2. Play: “The Crucible” by Arthur Miller (1953):
    • Humanitarianism Perspective: Miller’s play critiques the Salem witch trials as an allegory for McCarthyism, emphasizing the devastating consequences of mass hysteria, false accusations, and the erosion of individual rights.
    • Critique: While effective in highlighting the dangers of collective paranoia, some critics argue that the play could have more explicitly addressed the humanitarian consequences of unchecked power and the need for solidarity against oppressive systems.
  3. Poem: “The Waste Land” by T.S. Eliot (1922):
    • Humanitarianism Perspective: Eliot’s modernist poem reflects the disillusionment and fragmentation of post-World War I society. It raises questions about the human condition, spiritual desolation, and the need for compassion in a world torn apart by war and societal decay.
    • Critique: While praised for its complexity, some critics argue that “The Waste Land” may be overly pessimistic, potentially neglecting the possibilities for human connection and the potential for rebuilding in the aftermath of destruction.
  4. Poem: “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” by Maya Angelou (1969):
    • Humanitarianism Perspective: Angelou’s poem explores themes of racial and gender inequality, resilience, and the yearning for freedom. It speaks to the human spirit’s ability to rise above oppression and find strength in the face of adversity.
    • Critique: While celebrated for its powerful expression of the human spirit, some critics argue that the poem may at times simplify the complexities of racial and gender struggles, potentially risking an oversimplified portrayal.

In these critiques, the application of a humanitarian perspective involves examining how well the plays and poems engage with and advocate for human welfare, dignity, and rights, while also considering potential challenges or simplifications in their treatment of humanitarian issues.

Humanitarianism: Relevant Terms
CosmopolitanismGlobal community emphasizing shared human values.
Responsibility to ProtectGlobal commitment to prevent genocide and crimes against humanity.
PosthumanitarianismConsiders tech, climate change, and globalization in humanitarian issues.
BiopoliticsIntersection of political power and biological life in humanitarian contexts.
Humanitarian InterventionUse of force to protect civilians and uphold human rights.
Critical Humanitarian StudiesCritically examines humanitarian practices, policies, and ethics.
Humanitarian GovernanceSystems governing humanitarian action and crisis response.
Medical HumanitarianismFocus on providing medical care in humanitarian contexts.
IntersectionalityAnalyzing interconnected social categories in humanitarian issues.
Humanitarian DiplomacyDiplomatic strategies advocating for humanitarian principles.

Humanitarianism: Suggested Readings

  1. Ignatieff, Michael. The Warrior’s Honor: Ethnic War and the Modern Conscience. Henry Holt, 1998.
  2. Slim, Hugo. Doing the Right Thing: Relief Agencies, Moral Dilemmas, and Moral Responsibility in Political Emergencies and War. Disasters Journal, vol. 28, no. 2, 2004, pp. 100-112.
  3. Steger, Manfred B. Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2003.
  4. Ticktin, Miriam Iris. Casualties of Care: Immigration and the Politics of Humanitarianism in France. University of California Press, 2011.

Ephemeral in Literature and Literary Theory

Ephemeral, in a theoretical context, refers to the inherent transience or short-lived nature of a phenomenon or concept.

Ephemeral: Etymology, Meanings and Concept

The word “ephemeral” traces its roots to the Greek word “ephēmeros,” where “epi” means “on” and “hēmera” means “day.” Thus, its literal translation is “lasting only for a day.” Over time, the term has evolved to encompass a broader sense of transience and fleeting nature.

Meanings and Concept:
  • Short-lived: Ephemeral refers to things that have a brief duration, existence, or lifespan.
  • Transient Nature: It implies impermanence and the idea that something is fleeting, lasting only for a short period.
  • Temporal Significance: Often used to describe experiences, moments, or phenomena that are significant but momentary, emphasizing the value in their brevity.
  • Ephemeral Art and Media: In the context of art and media, it refers to works that are temporary, such as performance art, street art, or certain digital content that exists for a limited time.
  • Natural Phenomena: Ephemeral can describe natural occurrences like flowers blooming for a short season or ice sculptures melting away.
Ephemeral: Definition of a Theoretical Term

Ephemeral, in a theoretical context, refers to the inherent transience or short-lived nature of a phenomenon or concept. It suggests a limited duration or existence within a specific temporal framework, emphasizing the impermanence of the subject under consideration. Theoretical discussions often invoke the concept of ephemeral to underscore the fleeting and time-bound aspects inherent in certain abstract or concrete elements of study.

Ephemeral: Theorists, Works and Argument
  1. Walter Benjamin:
    • Work: “The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction” (1936).
    • Argument: Benjamin explores the impact of mass production on art, arguing that mechanical reproduction diminishes the aura of an artwork, making it more ephemeral and accessible.
  2. Guy Debord:
    • Work: “The Society of the Spectacle” (1967).
    • Argument: Debord’s concept of the spectacle delves into the ephemeral nature of modern society, where images and experiences become transient commodities, leading to a detachment from authentic human experience.
  3. Jean Baudrillard:
    • Work: “Simulacra and Simulation” (1981).
    • Argument: Baudrillard examines the proliferation of simulations in contemporary culture, suggesting that reality itself has become ephemeral as simulations replace genuine experiences.
  4. Performance Art Theorists (e.g., Peggy Phelan):
    • Work: “Unmarked: The Politics of Performance” (1993).
    • Argument: Phelan discusses the ephemerality of performance art, asserting that its unique quality lies in the fact that it can only exist in the moment of its enactment and leaves no tangible trace.

These theorists and their works contribute to the understanding of ephemeral aspects in diverse domains, exploring the temporal, fleeting nature of phenomena, whether in art, society, or cultural production.

Ephemeral: Major Characteristics
  1. Brief Duration:
    • Description: Ephemeral things have a short lifespan, lasting only for a brief period.
    • Literary Example: The beauty of a sunset is ephemeral, as the colors quickly fade away.
  2. Transient Nature:
    • Description: Ephemeral entities exist for a short time and then cease to exist.
    • Literary Example: In John Keats’ poem “Ode to a Nightingale,” he reflects on the fleeting nature of joy and beauty, emphasizing their transient existence.
  3. Susceptibility to Change:
    • Description: Ephemeral things are subject to rapid and unpredictable change.
    • Literary Example: The changing seasons, such as the blossoming of flowers in spring, exemplify the ephemeral nature of nature’s cycles.
  4. Vivid Intensity:
    • Description: Ephemeral moments often possess a vivid and intense quality, making them stand out.
    • Literary Example: In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby,” the character Jay Gatsby’s extravagant parties are described as ephemeral displays of wealth and excess.
  5. Emotional Impact:
    • Description: Ephemeral experiences can evoke strong emotions due to their fleeting nature.
    • Literary Example: Shakespeare’s sonnet 73 reflects on the aging process and the fleeting nature of life, using the changing seasons as a metaphor.
  6. Beauty in Impermanence:
    • Description: Ephemeral things are often appreciated for their beauty precisely because of their impermanence.
    • Literary Example: The Japanese concept of “mono no aware” celebrates the beauty of impermanence, as seen in haiku poems that capture fleeting moments in nature.
  7. Symbolic Representations:
    • Description: Ephemeral elements are often used as symbols for the transient nature of life.
    • Literary Example: The melting snow in Robert Frost’s poem “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” serves as a symbolic representation of the passing of time.
  8. Reflective Quality:
    • Description: Ephemeral experiences often lead to reflection on the passage of time and the impermanence of life.
    • Literary Example: The novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde explores the consequences of pursuing ephemeral pleasures and the decay that comes with them.

These characteristics and examples illustrate the diverse ways in which the concept of ephemeral is explored in literature, capturing the essence of fleeting moments and the impermanence inherent in various aspects of life.

Ephemeral: Relevance in Literary Theories
Literary TheoryRelevance of EphemeralExample(s)
RomanticismEmbraces the fleeting nature of emotions and experiences, exploring the sublime and the transient beauty of nature.In John Keats’ “Ode to a Nightingale,” Keats reflects on the ephemeral nature of joy and the transient beauty of life.
SymbolismUses symbols to convey deeper meanings; ephemeral symbols may represent the transient nature of existence.The symbol of a fading flower in a poem could represent the ephemeralist nature of beauty and life.
ModernismExplores fragmentation and the breakdown of traditional structures, reflecting the impermanence of societal norms and values.T.S. Eliot’s “The Waste Land” is a modernist work that captures the fragmented and ephemeralist nature of post-World War I society.
ExistentialismEmphasizes the individual’s experience of existence, often addressing the fleeting and often absurd nature of life.Albert Camus’ “The Stranger” portrays the protagonist’s indifferent and ephemeralist attitude toward life.
PostmodernismChallenges traditional notions of stability and permanence, embracing the fluid and transient aspects of culture and identity.Italo Calvino’s “If on a winter’s night a traveler” plays with narrative structures, highlighting the ephemeralist nature of storytelling.
EcocriticismExplores the relationship between literature and the environment, acknowledging the transient nature of ecosystems and the impact of human activities.In works like Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring,” the ephemeralist state of ecosystems is addressed, emphasizing the fragility of the environment.
Feminist CriticismExamines issues related to gender and power; may explore the ephemeralist nature of societal expectations and gender roles.Virginia Woolf’s “Orlando” challenges traditional gender roles, emphasizing the ephemeralist nature of societal expectations.
Psychoanalytic TheoryExplores the unconscious mind and the ephemeralist nature of repressed desires and memories.In the works of Sigmund Freud, dreams and memories often carry ephemeralist and symbolic significance.

This table illustrates how the concept can be relevant across a range of literary theories, influencing the themes, symbols, and structures found in diverse literary works.

Ephemeral: Application in Critiques
  1. Stoner by John Williams:
    • Application of Ephemeral:
      • The novel delves into the life of William Stoner, highlighting the ephemeralist nature of personal ambitions and the transient moments that shape an individual’s existence.
    • Critique:
      • Williams skillfully captures the fleeting nature of relationships, career aspirations, and personal identity, creating a poignant narrative that reflects on the ephemeralist quality of a seemingly ordinary life.
  2. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz ZafĂłn:
    • Application of Ephemeral:
      • ZafĂłn’s novel explores the ephemeralist nature of literature, memory, and the impact of political upheaval on individual lives in post-World War II Barcelona.
    • Critique:
      • Through a labyrinthine plot, ZafĂłn weaves a tale that emphasizes how books and memories can be both transient and enduring, making a compelling commentary on the ephemeral nature of cultural and personal legacies.
  3. The Vegetarian by Han Kang:
    • Application of Ephemeral:
      • This South Korean novel explores the ephemeralist nature of societal expectations, personal autonomy, and mental well-being as the protagonist’s life takes unexpected turns.
    • Critique:
      • Han Kang’s work delves into the fragile nature of identity and societal norms, using surreal and haunting imagery to depict the ephemeralist quality of personal agency in the face of societal pressures.
  4. The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal:
    • Application of Ephemeral:
      • De Waal’s memoir explores the ephemeral nature of family history and the legacy of a collection of netsuke figurines, tracing their journey across generations and continents.
    • Critique:
      • Through a blend of personal narrative and historical inquiry, de Waal reflects on the impermanence of material possessions, the ephemerality of cultural heritage, and the impact of time on family narratives.

In these critiques, the concept is applied to analyze lesser-known works, showcasing how authors explore the transient nature of personal and cultural experiences, relationships, and legacies. The chosen novels offer unique perspectives on the fleeting aspects of life, providing readers with thought-provoking reflections on the ephemeral quality of existence.

Ephemeral: Relevant Terms
Theoretical TermBrief Definition
TransienceThe state of being temporary or impermanent.
EphemeralizationThe process of becoming more ephemeral or less substantial.
TemporalityThe concept of time and its influence on events and themes.
Fleeting NarrativesNarratives characterized by brevity and transitory themes.
Vanishing PointsCritical perspectives that emphasize the impermanence of ideas.
Transient AestheticsAesthetic qualities that evoke the ephemeral and fleeting.
MomentarinessThe quality of being momentary or existing for a brief moment.
ImpermanenceThe state of lacking permanence; temporary nature.
Ephemeral RealismLiterary realism that captures transient aspects of life.
Evanescent SymbolismSymbolic elements representing the fleeting and vanishing.
Ephemeral: Suggested Readings
  1. Barthes, Roland. Camera Lucida: Reflections on Photography. Hill and Wang, 1981.
  2. Calvino, Italo. Invisible Cities. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1974.
  3. Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. Houghton Mifflin, 1962.
  4. Han Kang. The Vegetarian. Hogarth, 2015.
  5. Keats, John. Selected Poems. Dover Publications, 1991.
  6. MĂĄrquez, Gabriel GarcĂ­a. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Harper & Row, 1970.
  7. Ruiz ZafĂłn, Carlos. The Shadow of the Wind. Penguin Books, 2001.
  8. Williams, John. Stoner. NYRB Classics, 2006.
  9. Woolf, Virginia. To the Lighthouse. Harcourt, Brace and Company, 1927.
  10. Zafón, Carlos Ruiz. The Angel’s Game. Penguin Books, 2009.

Denialism in Literature & Literary Theory

Denialism is a theoretical term encompassing the deliberate rejection or dismissal of well-established facts, evidence, or consensus views, often driven by ideological or emotional motivations.

Denialism: Etymology, Meanings, and Concept

“Denialism” is a term derived from “deny” and is characterized by the deliberate rejection or dismissal of established facts, scientific evidence, or widely accepted principles. The term gained prominence in the late 20th century to describe the phenomenon where individuals or groups refuse to acknowledge well-substantiated truths, often rooted in ideological, political, or emotional motivations.

Meanings and Concept:
  • Refusal of Reality: Denialism involves the outright rejection of verifiable facts or evidence, reflecting a steadfast refusal to accept a reality that may challenge one’s beliefs or worldview.
  • Pseudoskepticism: It manifests as a form of pseudoskepticism, where individuals may claim to be skeptics but, in reality, exhibit a biased rejection of evidence that contradicts their pre-existing convictions.
  • Science and Climate Denialism: Denialism is commonly associated with the rejection of scientific consensus, such as climate change denialism, where individuals or groups dispute the overwhelming evidence supporting anthropogenic climate change.
  • Historical Revisionism: In historical contexts, denialism can manifest as historical revisionism, attempting to negate or downplay well-established historical events, such as Holocaust denialism.
  • Public Health Denialism: It may extend to public health issues, with instances of denialism surrounding vaccines, where individuals reject scientific consensus on their safety and efficacy.
  • Psychological Defense Mechanism: Denialism is often viewed as a psychological defense mechanism, shielding individuals from cognitive dissonance by refusing to accept information that challenges their established beliefs.
Denialism: Definition of a Theoretical Term

Denialism is a theoretical term encompassing the deliberate rejection or dismissal of well-established facts, evidence, or consensus views, often driven by ideological or emotional motivations. It signifies a conscious and persistent refusal to acknowledge reality, contributing to the creation of alternative narratives that align with one’s pre-existing beliefs. In the context of various fields, from science and history to public health, denialism involves a rejection of established truths, posing challenges to constructive discourse and decision-making.

Denialism: Theorists, Works, and Argument
  1. Stanley Cohen: In his work “States of Denial,” Cohen explores the psychological and social mechanisms behind denial, emphasizing how individuals and societies may consciously avoid acknowledging uncomfortable truths.
  2. Robert N. Proctor: Proctor, in “The Nazi War on Cancer,” delves into the concept of denialism, particularly within the historical context of Nazi Germany’s suppression and distortion of scientific evidence on tobacco and cancer.
  1. “States of Denial” by Stanley Cohen (2001): Cohen’s book examines the various forms of denial and their societal implications, shedding light on how individuals and communities navigate uncomfortable truths.
  2. “The Nazi War on Cancer” by Robert N. Proctor (1999): Proctor’s work explores historical instances of denialism, revealing how authoritative regimes may manipulate scientific information to serve ideological agendas.

The theorists collectively argue that denialism is not merely a passive rejection of information but an active, often strategic, process of avoiding inconvenient truths. Cohen’s emphasis on the psychological dimensions of denialism and Proctor’s historical exploration both contribute to the understanding of denial as a complex phenomenon, intertwined with power dynamics, ideology, and the human psyche. Their works collectively highlight the importance of addressing denialism for fostering informed decision-making and societal progress.

Denialism: Major Characteristics
  1. Refusal of Evidence: Denialism involves a conscious and persistent rejection of well-established facts, evidence, or consensus views, even in the face of overwhelming proof or scientific consensus.
  2. Ideological Motivations: Often driven by ideological, political, or emotional motivations, denialism may arise as individuals or groups resist information that challenges their pre-existing beliefs or worldviews.
  3. Selective Skepticism: Denialism may exhibit a form of selective skepticism, where individuals claim to be critical thinkers but apply skepticism unevenly, dismissing evidence that contradicts their established convictions.
  4. Creation of Alternative Narratives: Denialism often leads to the formulation of alternative narratives or conspiracy theories that provide a distorted version of reality, reinforcing the denialist perspective.
  5. Interference with Decision-Making: Denialism can hinder constructive discourse and decision-making, particularly in fields such as science, public health, or history, where evidence-based understanding is crucial.
  6. Psychological Defense Mechanism: Rooted in psychology, denialism is seen as a defense mechanism to avoid cognitive dissonance, allowing individuals to maintain a sense of internal consistency in the face of conflicting information.
  7. Public Impact: Denialism, when widespread, can have significant societal consequences, impacting public policy, public health initiatives, and the overall well-being of communities by impeding informed decision-making.
  8. Historical Revisionism: In historical contexts, denialism may manifest as historical revisionism, distorting or denying well-established historical events to fit a particular narrative or ideological agenda.
  9. Cherry-Picking Information: Denialists often engage in cherry-picking information, selecting data or studies that support their viewpoint while ignoring or discrediting those that contradict it.
  10. Resistance to Change: Denialism is marked by a resistance to change or adaptation, as individuals or groups cling to outdated or disproven beliefs, resisting the acceptance of new information or societal progress.
Denialism: Relevance in Literary Theories
Literary TheoryRelevance to Denialism
Psychoanalytic CriticismExamines denialism as a psychological defense mechanism, delving into the unconscious motivations that drive individuals to reject uncomfortable truths.
PostcolonialismExplores denialism in the context of historical revisionism, particularly how colonial powers may distort or deny certain historical events to perpetuate a narrative of dominance.
Feminist CriticismAnalyzes denialism’s role in perpetuating gender inequalities and dismissals of women’s experiences, examining how denialist attitudes may shape or maintain patriarchal structures.
Cultural StudiesInvestigates how denialism impacts cultural narratives, influencing the construction of alternative histories and challenging established cultural truths.
Historical CriticismExamines denialism’s impact on historical narratives, questioning how distorted interpretations of the past can shape collective memory and societal understanding.
Reader-Response CriticismExplores how denialism may influence readers’ interpretations, considering the role of denialist narratives in shaping reader engagement and perspectives.
New HistoricismAnalyzes the cultural and historical contexts that give rise to denialism, examining how power dynamics and societal structures contribute to the denial of certain truths.
Critical Race TheoryExamines this term in the context of racial injustice, exploring how denial of systemic racism or historical atrocities perpetuates inequality and hinders social progress.
Queer TheoryInvestigates this term related to LGBTQ+ issues, exploring how denialist attitudes contribute to the erasure of queer histories and identities.
EcocriticismExamines this term concerning environmental issues, exploring how narratives that dismiss ecological concerns impact literary representations of nature and the environment.
Denialism: Application in Critiques
  1. 1984 by George Orwell:
    • Application: Orwell’s dystopian novel illustrates this term through the manipulation of historical records and control of information by the authoritarian regime. The denial of objective truth and fabrication of alternative narratives serve as critical elements in the critique of oppressive political systems.
  2. Brave New World by Aldous Huxley:
    • Application: Huxley’s work critiques this term through societal conditioning that suppresses dissenting views and critical thinking. The denial of individuality and conformity to a controlled reality highlight the dangers of a society built on the rejection of uncomfortable truths.
  3. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood:
    • Application: Atwood’s novel critiques of this term within a patriarchal dystopia where historical events are manipulated to maintain control over women. The denial of women’s agency, rewriting of history, and suppression of dissent underscore the impact of this term on societal structures.
  4. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut:
    • Application: Vonnegut’s novel explores this term through its unconventional narrative structure, reflecting the protagonist’s experience of time travel and trauma. The denial of a linear understanding of time and the blurring of reality critique traditional narratives and their ability to accurately represent complex experiences.

In these Victorian-inspired novels, this term becomes a thematic element critiquing societal structures, political systems, and the manipulation of information, offering insightful commentary on the consequences of denying or distorting truth.

Denialism: Relevant Terms
1. Confirmation BiasThe tendency to interpret or recall information in a way that confirms pre-existing beliefs.
2. Selective PerceptionThe act of selectively perceiving and interpreting information to align with existing views.
3. Cognitive DissonanceThe discomfort experienced when holding conflicting beliefs, often resolved through denial.
4. MisinformationFalse or inaccurate information that contributes to the distortion of facts and realities.
5. Ideological FilterThe influence of one’s ideology on the way information is processed, leading to biased views.
6. Cherry-Picking DataSelectively choosing data that supports one’s viewpoint while ignoring contradictory evidence.
7. Epistemic ClosureA cognitive state where individuals limit exposure to information that challenges their beliefs.
8. Revisionist HistoryDistorting historical facts to fit a particular narrative or ideological agenda.
9. GaslightingManipulative tactics to make individuals doubt their perception of reality or memory.
10. Alternative FactsThe presentation of false information as if it were objectively true, contributing to denial.
Denialism: Suggested Readings
  1. Cohen, Stanley. States of Denial: Knowing about Atrocities and Suffering. Polity Press, 2001.
  2. Huxley, Aldous. Brave New World. Harper & Brothers, 1932.
  3. Orwell, George. 1984. Secker & Warburg, 1949.
  4. Proctor, Robert N. The Nazi War on Cancer. Princeton University Press, 1999.
  5. Vonnegut, Kurt. Slaughterhouse-Five. Delacorte Press, 1969.

Cultural Nostalgia in Literature & Literary Theory

Cultural nostalgia is a theoretical term encapsulating the sentimental longing for elements of the past within a cultural context.

Cultural Nostalgia: Etymology, Meanings and Concept

“Cultural nostalgia” is a compound term derived from two elements: “cultural,” pertaining to the shared beliefs, customs, and practices of a society, and “nostalgia,” originating from the Greek words “nostos” (return) and “algos” (pain), collectively conveying a sentimental yearning for the past. The term encompasses a complex set of emotions and reflections associated with a longing for a bygone era or cultural elements.

Meanings and Concept:
  • Sentimental Longing: It involves a deep emotional yearning for aspects of the past, often idealized or remembered fondly, such as cultural traditions, societal values, or historical periods.
  • Loss and Change: It reflects a sense of loss or displacement, arising from the recognition that cultural landscapes are constantly evolving, and certain cherished elements may have faded or transformed over time.
  • Identity and Belonging: It can be intertwined with one’s identity, as individuals may seek a connection to their roots or a perceived golden age to establish a sense of belonging and continuity.
  • Cultural Preservation: The concept is closely linked to efforts to preserve and revive cultural practices, artifacts, or traditions that are perceived as essential components of a community’s heritage.
  • Media and Popular Culture: Nostalgia often manifests in media, entertainment, and popular culture, where retro themes, vintage aesthetics, and references to the past evoke a shared sense of nostalgia among audiences.
  • Escapism and Comfort: Engaging with this nostalgia can serve as a form of escapism, providing comfort and solace in the familiarity of the past, offering a temporary retreat from the complexities of the present.
Cultural Nostalgia: Definition of a Theoretical Term

Cultural nostalgia is a theoretical term encapsulating the sentimental longing for elements of the past within a cultural context. It denotes a complex emotional state characterized by a wistful yearning for bygone cultural traditions, societal norms, or historical periods. This concept emphasizes the deep connection between one’s identity and the perceived cultural richness of a nostalgic era, influencing both personal and collective attitudes toward heritage and tradition.

Cultural Nostalgia: Theorists, Works and Argument
  1. Svetlana Boym: In her work “The Future of Nostalgia,” Boym explores nostalgia, distinguishing between restorative nostalgia that seeks to recreate the past and reflective nostalgia that accepts the impossibility of return. She argues that cultural nostalgia plays a crucial role in shaping collective memory and identity.
  2. Fred Davis: Davis, in “Yearning for Yesterday,” examines the phenomenon of nostalgia in modern society. He discusses how cultural nostalgia is influenced by social, economic, and technological changes, asserting that it often arises as a response to disorienting shifts in contemporary culture.
  1. “The Future of Nostalgia” by Svetlana Boym (2001): Boym’s seminal work delves into the multifaceted nature of nostalgia, providing insights into how cultural nostalgia functions as a dynamic force in shaping societies and individual perceptions of the past.
  2. “Yearning for Yesterday” by Fred Davis (1979): Davis’s book explores the psychological and sociological aspects of nostalgia, shedding light on the cultural implications of yearning for a perceived better past and how this sentiment manifests in various aspects of modern life.

The theorists collectively argue that cultural nostalgia is a powerful force influencing both individual and collective consciousness. Boym’s distinction between restorative and reflective nostalgia contributes to a nuanced understanding of how societies engage with their cultural past. Davis complements this by examining the contemporary conditions that fuel cultural nostalgia, emphasizing its adaptive nature in response to societal changes. Together, their works underscore the significance of cultural nostalgia as a dynamic and complex phenomenon deeply intertwined with the human experience.

Cultural Nostalgia: Major Characteristics

1. Selective Memory:

  • Literary Reference: In Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude,” the BuendĂ­a family’s selective recollection of their history reflects the tendency of cultural nostalgia to highlight certain aspects while overlooking others.

2. Idealization of the Past:

  • Literary Reference: F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” portrays Jay Gatsby’s idealization of the past, particularly his romanticized memories of a bygone era, illustrating how cultural nostalgia often involves an idealized perception of historical periods.

3. Emotional Attachment:

  • Literary Reference: J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye” exemplifies the emotional attachment associated with cultural nostalgia, as the protagonist, Holden Caulfield, yearns for a simpler, more authentic world that he perceives as lost.

4. Cultural Symbols and Artifacts:

  • Literary Reference: In Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart,” the Igbo society’s cultural artifacts and rituals serve as symbols of a nostalgic past, highlighting the importance of preserving cultural heritage.

5. Influence on Identity:

  • Literary Reference: Amy Tan’s “The Joy Luck Club” explores how cultural nostalgia influences the identity of Chinese-American characters, emphasizing the intergenerational transmission of traditions and the longing for a cultural home.

6. Nostalgia as a Narrative Device:

  • Literary Reference: In Kazuo Ishiguro’s “The Remains of the Day,” the protagonist’s reflections on the past serve as a narrative device, showcasing how cultural nostalgia can shape the storytelling process and contribute to character development.
Cultural Nostalgia: Relevance in Literary Theories
Literary TheoryRelevance to Cultural Nostalgia
Postcolonialism:Postcolonial literary theories scrutinize how cultural nostalgia becomes entwined with the colonial past, influencing postcolonial identities and narratives. Works like Chinua Achebe’s “Things Fall Apart” are often examined for their portrayal of pre-colonial traditions and the impact of cultural changes wrought by colonialism.
Psychoanalytic Criticism:Psychoanalytic literary criticism delves into the unconscious desires and emotions associated with cultural nostalgia. This theoretical approach explores how characters’ yearnings for the past, as depicted in J.D. Salinger’s “The Catcher in the Rye,” may be rooted in psychological processes and unresolved conflicts.
Historical Criticism:Historical criticism in literature analyzes how cultural nostalgia shapes narratives by examining the representation of historical periods and events. F. Scott Fitzgerald’s “The Great Gatsby” is often scrutinized for its portrayal of the Jazz Age and the characters’ nostalgic reflections on that era.
Feminist Criticism:Feminist literary criticism investigates the role of cultural nostalgia in shaping gender identities and the representation of women in literature. Works like Amy Tan’s “The Joy Luck Club” are studied for their exploration of cultural nostalgia within the context of female characters and their relationships.
Structuralism:Structuralist literary theories focus on the underlying structures and systems in literary works, exploring how cultural nostalgia may be a recurring motif or theme. Kazuo Ishiguro’s “The Remains of the Day” could be analyzed for how nostalgia is structurally woven into the narrative.
Cultural Nostalgia: Application in Critiques
  1. The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz ZafĂłn:
    • A lesser-known gem, ZafĂłn’s novel weaves a mysterious and atmospheric tale set in post-war Barcelona, exploring themes of love, literature, and the power of storytelling.
  2. The Dispossessed by Ursula K. Le Guin:
    • Le Guin’s science fiction masterpiece delves into the complexities of utopian and dystopian societies, challenging conventional ideas about political systems and individual freedom.
  3. The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot DĂ­az:
    • DĂ­az’s novel is a unique exploration of the Dominican-American experience, blending history, fantasy, and pop culture in its portrayal of a family’s struggles and triumphs.
  4. The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami:
    • Murakami’s surreal and enigmatic narrative takes readers on a journey through the subconscious, interweaving the ordinary with the extraordinary in a mesmerizing exploration of identity and existence.
Cultural Nostalgia: Relevant Terms
1. Collective MemoryShared recall of past events shaping a community’s identity.
2. Historical LongingEmotional yearning for historical periods or events, seeking to relive them.
3. RetrocultureContemporary revival or appreciation of bygone cultural elements.
4. Reminiscence TherapyTherapeutic recall of past experiences for well-being, often in aging or dementia.
5. Heritage TourismTravel to explore cultural and historical sites, driven by a connection to the past.
6. Golden Age ThinkingIdealizing a specific past period as a “golden age,” overlooking challenges.
7. AnachronismPlacing something out of its historical context, contributing to nostalgic sentiments.
8. Throwback CultureCelebrating past elements in contemporary contexts, prevalent in media and fashion.
9. SentimentalismExcessive emotional attachment to the past, often idealized portrayals.
10. HiraethWelsh term for deep yearning or nostalgia for a homeland or vanished place.
Cultural Nostalgia: Suggested Readings
  1. Boym, Svetlana. The Future of Nostalgia. Basic Books, 2001.
  2. Davis, Fred. Yearning for Yesterday: A Sociology of Nostalgia. Free Press, 1979.
  3. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. Scribner, 1925.
  4. Ishiguro, Kazuo. The Remains of the Day. Vintage International, 1989.
  5. Marquez, Gabriel Garcia. One Hundred Years of Solitude. Harper & Row, 1970.
  6. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. Little, Brown and Company, 1951.
  7. Tan, Amy. The Joy Luck Club. G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1989.
  8. ZafĂłn, Carlos Ruiz. The Shadow of the Wind. Penguin Books, 2001.

 “One Pound Fish”: Reasons for the Popularity

The key feature of the song “One Pound Fish” is that it addresses the common man’s quest for purchasing affordable fish for just “one pound,” a concept spontaneously created by Shahid Nazir.

Introduction: Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

The key feature of the song “One Pound Fish” is that it addresses the common man’s quest for purchasing affordable fish for just “one pound,” a concept spontaneously created by Shahid Nazir. In fact, Shahid Nazir himself was working as a part-time seller at a stall in 2011 when he improvised the tune and composed the lyrics on the spot to address the challenge of attracting customers. The song features simple lyrics urging the audience to buy inexpensive fish from the young man, with the uncomplicated lyrics serving as the backbone of the song. Living in the United Kingdom, Shahid Nazir adapted the song to British culture, where he was employed to sell fish (Fairbairn, 2012). To draw customers to his budget-friendly fish, he coined and sang this song at his fish stall.

Work and Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

“One Pound Fish” was initially performed by Shahid Nazir in the United Kingdom while he was working at a fish stall. It wasn’t released as part of an album or as a single; rather, it was a spontaneous creation aimed at attracting customers. Someone, possibly Colin Miller, recorded and uploaded a video of Shahid Nazir singing the song on YouTube. This video quickly gained immense popularity, accumulating 14,654,312 views and 71,000 likes. Despite his lack of experience, critics praised the singer. The song is intercultural as it addresses the common man’s challenge of buying affordable fish (Butter, 2012). Its popularity is particularly notable in South Asia and Europe, and the reasons for its widespread appeal extend beyond cultural and economic factors to include feminist perspectives.

Medium and Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

In the age of the Internet, cultural objects and artifacts often go viral within moments. When “One Pound Fish” was uploaded, its creator and uploader were initially unaware of its cultural associations. The song was sung in Pakistani or Indian accents, particularly in Punjabi, which are not very common in the United Kingdom. Upon its release on YouTube, it resonated instantly with the audience, particularly with women. The cultural background is specific in this case, as the singer belonged to the former colony of the United Kingdom. Given the significant number of Punjabis residing in the United Kingdom, locals were somewhat familiar with the cultural nuances and linguistic elements of the song.

Features of Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

Zeeshan Sheikh, a cultural commentator from Pakistan, emphasizes that the humorous spirit in which the song was sung played a significant role in its popularity. He points out that it’s amusing, starting from the authentic Pakistani accent to British women mimicking Pakistani actresses (Sheikh, 2013). In essence, it represented a blend of cultural traits that particularly appealed to the ladies, a common occurrence in popular culture. Sheikh further argues that people appreciate a departure from conventional and traditional music videos in favor of more authentic, live performances. This was precisely what the public was seeking, and this intercultural aspect contributed to its popularity not only in the United Kingdom and Pakistan but also in India and worldwide wherever people found it intriguing. The song became a sensation, primarily because it directly addressed middle-class ladies, resonating with Pakistan’s middle-class culture. However, underlying its appeal was another factor—financial considerations.

Economic Motive and Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

Indeed, economic motives often underlie the creation and popularity of cultural or non-cultural artifacts. Shahid Nazir, a marketing student, recognized this dynamic and understood that marketing success hinges on appealing to women. In an interview with Zeeshan Sheikh, he mentioned that he was aware that if women are attracted to a product, they would bring men along (Sheikh, 2013). This underscores the significant impact women can have on the success of a product, a principle also evident in advertising and marketing strategies. Another crucial factor in the equation was Shahid Nazir’s financial situation. Arriving in the United Kingdom on a student visa, he faced financial constraints. Recognizing that substantial earnings were necessary and that selling fish in large quantities was essential, he combined his personal financial motive with a marketing strategy targeting the feminine side of the middle class.

Woman and Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

Felix B. Fatunwase argues that Shahid Nazir initially attracted women as part of marketing the fish he was hired to sell. Despite the song mentioning only “lady,” Fatunwase contends that both men and women rushed to purchase the fish because Shahid Nazir was the only black person among them. This argument gains credibility as he was selling fish within a white community where race typically might not matter (Fatunwase, 2014, p. 14). The crucial point is that he successfully attracted women, a strong marketing strategy that contributed significantly to his popularity. The economic benefits became apparent to him later when he discovered that the uploader had earned thousands of dollars through YouTube (Fatunwase, 2014, p. 14). It’s worth noting that Shahid Nazir was initially employed as a seller on the fish stall, unaware of the song’s potential benefits. Ultimately, the song proved to be more beneficial for him than the fish stall, largely because he tapped into the feminine market.

While Shahid Nazir may not be aware of feminism in political or literary circles, he possesses a keen understanding of women’s shopping habits. Having a background linked to feminist areas in Punjab, where women manage their homes with the limited money they receive from their husbands, he is familiar with the nature of middle-class women. His awareness likely stems from experiencing domestic life in Pakistan and adapting to the English lifestyle while employed in the United Kingdom. Shahid Nazir recognized that rising expenses on food made thrifty housewives more sensitive to their expenditures. This insight prompted him to include “ladies” in the lyrics of his song. In a conversation with Zeeshan Sheikh, he expressed that attracting the feminine perspective was his expected return. He anticipated that when women turned to him to buy fish, men would follow in large numbers. While he may have understood crowd psychology, it is evident that he recognized the importance of appealing to the feminine perspective and shopping addiction as his primary target. He successfully achieved this through the creation of his “One Pound Fish” phrase, which drew in middle-class women with its simple lyrics and the catchy slogan of spending only one pound for the fish (Sheikh, 2013).

Conclusion and Popularity of “One Pound Fish”

In short, the popularity of “One Pound Fish” can be attributed to its multifaceted reasons, including cultural, financial, and feministic factors. Pop artifacts often have various motivations behind their creation before gaining popularity. The intercultural connection of the song contributes to its widespread appeal, resonating not only in the United Kingdom and South Asia but also reaching audiences in America and Canada, showcasing its global success. Additionally, the economic background should not be overlooked, as the fish-selling boy aimed to earn more for his family and education. Shahid Nazir’s understanding of the feministic perspective on shopping and crowd psychology played crucial roles in the song’s success. He recognized the need to be creative, colorful, and melodious to captivate women’s hearts and sell more fish. The unexpected attraction of English ladies to Punjabi male melody further exceeded the singer’s expectations. Subsequently, Shahid Nazir leveraged his newfound fame for marketing opportunities with other companies, adding another layer to the cultural and economic aspects of this pop phenomenon (“‘One Pound Fish’ family prays for Christmas hit”).

Popularity of “One Pound Fish”: References
  1. Butter, Susannah. (November 20, 2012). “The One Pound Fish man: everyone’s hooked, including Warners.” Evening Standard. Evening Standard. Retrieved on November 4, 2016 from http://www.standard.co.uk/lifestyle/london-life/the-one-pound-fish-man-everyones-hooked-including-warners-8335130.html
  2. Fatunwase, F. B. Pound Fish. BAFA. Xlibris LLC.
  3. Fairbairn, E. (November 25, 2012). “Fish Seller’s Catchy Tuna May Hit No1.” The Sun. Retrieved on November 4, 2016 from https://www.thesun.co.uk/archives/news/285266/fish-sellers-catchy-tuna-may-hit-no1/
  4. ‘One Pound Fish’ family prays for Christmas hit. (December 16, 2012). Dawn. Dawn. Retrieved on November 4, 2016 from http://www.dawn.com/news/771673/one-pound-fish-family-prays-for-christmas-hit
  5. Sheikh, Z. (January 4, 2013). “One pound fish to million-pound hit!” Pakistan Tribune. Retrieved on November 14, 2016 from http://blogs.tribune.com.pk/story/15469/one-pound-fish-to-million-pound-hit/
Relevant Questions: Popularity of “One Pound Fish”
  1. Cultural Impact: How has the song “One Pound Fish” achieved popularity and what cultural factors contribute to its widespread recognition?
  2. Viral Success: What role did social media and online platforms play in the rapid and widespread popularity of “One Pound Fish”?
  3. Legacy and Longevity: How has “One Pound Fish” maintained its popularity over time, and what elements of the song or its cultural context have contributed to its enduring legacy?