“Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert: A Critical Analysis

“Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert, first appeared in his 1946 poetry collection Paroles (Words), is a quintessential example of Prévert’s minimalist yet emotionally resonant style.

"Breakfast" by Jacques Prevert: A Critical Analysis
Introduction: “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert

“Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert, first appeared in his 1946 poetry collection Paroles (Words), is a quintessential example of Prevert’s minimalist yet emotionally resonant style, characterized by its simplicity, directness, and use of everyday language. In “Breakfast,” Prevert narrates a scene of routine domestic life—someone quietly eating breakfast while their partner silently observes. The poem’s power lies in what is left unsaid; through sparse description, it evokes feelings of detachment, alienation, and the unspoken complexities of human relationships. Its main idea revolves around the theme of emotional distance and communication breakdown, captured in a few seemingly mundane yet poignant lines.

Text: “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert

He poured the coffee
Into the cup
He put the milk
Into the cup of coffee
He put the sugar
Into the coffee with milk
With a small spoon
He churned
He drank the coffee
And he put down the cup
Without any word to me
He emptied the coffee with milk
And he put down the cup
Without any word to me
He lighted
One cigarette
He made circles
With the smoke
He shook off the ash
Into the ashtray
Without any word to me
Without any look at me
He got up
He put on
A hat on his head
He put on
A raincoat
Because it was raining
And he left
Into the rain
Without any word to me
Without any look at me
And I buried
My face in my hands
And I cried

Annotations: “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
He poured the coffeeThe opening line sets up a mundane action, reflecting a routine. The subject is unidentified, suggesting emotional distance from the speaker.
Into the cupThis simple act of pouring highlights the focus on ordinary details, underscoring the sense of ritual in the morning routine.
He put the milkAnother mundane action, adding layers of normalcy and calmness to the scene. The choice of verbs remains plain and detached, emphasizing the mechanical nature.
Into the cup of coffeeRepetition of actions creates a rhythmic quality, mirroring the repetitiveness of routine life. This reinforces the emotional distance between the two characters.
He put the sugarMore detailing of the breakfast routine, extending the sense of monotony and mechanical precision in the man’s actions.
Into the coffee with milkThe simple, repetitive syntax here further highlights the banality of the moment, leaving emotional undercurrents unspoken.
With a small spoonA specific, yet unremarkable detail adds to the realism of the scene. The speaker seems hyper-focused on small actions.
He churnedThe term “churned” evokes a mechanical, unfeeling movement, adding to the sense of coldness in the relationship.
He drank the coffeeThis action is performed without acknowledgment of the speaker, symbolizing emotional withdrawal and disconnection.
And he put down the cupThe act of setting the cup down punctuates the routine, signaling the completion of the task but still no interaction.
Without any word to meThe first direct acknowledgment of the speaker, emphasizing the emotional silence and the absence of communication between the two.
He emptied the coffee with milkThe repetition of actions highlights the passage of time and further reinforces the emotional void.
And he put down the cupAgain, the same repetitive action. The monotony mirrors the emotional distance between the characters.
Without any word to meThe continued silence between the characters becomes more noticeable, indicating a deeper emotional or relational rift.
He lightedAnother independent action that carries symbolic weight. Lighting a cigarette is often associated with reflection or disinterest.
One cigaretteThe use of “one” cigarette isolates the object, making the scene more lonely and personal. Smoking can also suggest detachment or escape.
He made circlesThe image of smoke circles carries a symbolic weight of repetition, futility, and cyclical routines. It could also suggest distraction or aimlessness.
With the smokeSmoke is an ephemeral substance, much like the intangible nature of the relationship between the two characters.
He shook off the ashA dismissive gesture, perhaps symbolic of the man’s emotional indifference. It subtly hints at his detachment from the speaker and the relationship.
Into the ashtrayThe ashtray signifies the residue of something once whole, possibly a metaphor for the remnants of a deteriorating relationship.
Without any word to meOnce more, this phrase reinforces the emotional chasm, with the silence becoming deafening to the speaker.
Without any look at meThe man doesn’t even make eye contact, intensifying the sense of isolation felt by the speaker. Eye contact, a basic form of connection, is notably absent.
He got upA simple, unceremonious action that signals the end of the scene. The lack of any tenderness or communication further deepens the emotional void.
He put onThe methodical action continues as he prepares to leave. Again, no communication, reinforcing the mechanical nature of the morning.
A hat on his headThe act of putting on a hat may symbolize a barrier between him and the world (and the speaker), further distancing him emotionally.
He put onRepeated, mechanical action emphasizing the routine nature of his departure.
A raincoatThe raincoat acts as a protective layer, possibly symbolic of shielding emotions or protecting himself from the outside world.
Because it was rainingThe mention of rain adds a melancholic tone, often symbolizing sadness or emotional turmoil. It reflects the speaker’s inner state.
And he leftThe finality of this action solidifies the separation. There is no warmth or hesitation; the man leaves the scene coldly.
Into the rainThe rain symbolizes emotional distance, sorrow, and the washing away of any remaining connection. It can also be seen as a metaphor for isolation.
Without any word to meThis repeated line emphasizes the lack of communication, the void that exists between them.
Without any look at meReinforces the emotional indifference and highlights the loneliness of the speaker.
And I buriedThe speaker’s response is deeply emotional, in stark contrast to the man’s indifference.
My face in my handsA physical manifestation of sorrow, possibly indicating shame, grief, or a feeling of abandonment.
And I criedThe final release of emotion, contrasting sharply with the coldness of the previous actions. The speaker’s pain becomes palpable as the emotional breakdown occurs.
Literary And Poetic Devices: “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
DeviceDefinitionExample from “Breakfast”Explanation
AnaphoraThe repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or lines.“Without any word to me”The repeated phrase emphasizes the emotional void and silence between the two characters, reinforcing the detachment throughout the poem.
AssonanceThe repetition of vowel sounds within words.“He put the milk / Into the cup of coffee”The repeated short “u” sound in “put” and “cup” creates a soothing, rhythmic quality that mirrors the mechanical nature of the actions described.
CacophonyThe use of harsh, discordant sounds.“He churned”The word “churned” itself produces a jarring, mechanical sound that contributes to the emotional coldness and detachment of the man’s routine.
ChiasmusA reversal in the order of words in two otherwise parallel phrases.“He put the milk / Into the cup of coffee” and “He put the sugar / Into the coffee with milk”The reversal of actions reflects the mechanical and emotionless process, showing how these actions are habitual rather than meaningful.
ConnotationThe implied or associative meaning of a word beyond its literal definition.“Rain”The rain connotes sadness, isolation, or emotional turmoil, beyond its literal meaning of precipitation.
ConsonanceThe repetition of consonant sounds within or at the end of words.“He lighted / One cigarette”The repetition of the “t” sound creates a soft, repetitive sound, which mirrors the slow, methodical actions of the man.
EnjambmentThe continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break.“He put the milk / Into the cup of coffee”This continuation without pause mirrors the uninterrupted flow of routine actions, emphasizing the mechanical, unfeeling nature of the scene.
EpiphoraThe repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive lines or sentences.“Without any word to me” / “Without any look at me”The repetition of these phrases reinforces the emotional isolation felt by the speaker, as each line compounds the sense of abandonment.
EuphonyThe use of pleasant, harmonious sounds.“He lighted / One cigarette”The soft sounds create a calm, detached mood, which contrasts with the underlying emotional tension in the poem.
HyperboleExaggeration for emphasis or effect.“I cried”While crying itself is not exaggerated, the lack of detail about the crying adds a heightened emotional weight to this final action, emphasizing the speaker’s despair.
ImageryDescriptive language that appeals to the senses.“He made circles / With the smoke”This visual image of smoke circles adds a dreamlike, disconnected quality to the scene, highlighting the man’s detachment from the speaker.
IronyA contrast between expectation and reality.The routine actions seem ordinary but reveal deep emotional distance.The mundane breakfast routine contrasts with the intense emotional reaction at the end, showing how what appears simple can carry deep emotional significance.
JuxtapositionThe placing of two elements side by side to present a comparison or contrast.His calm departure vs. her emotional breakdown.The calm, methodical actions of the man are juxtaposed with the intense emotional reaction of the speaker, highlighting their emotional disconnect.
MetaphorA figure of speech that directly compares two unlike things.“I buried / My face in my hands”This metaphor implies the speaker is overwhelmed with sorrow, using “buried” to express how deeply she feels the emotional pain.
MoodThe emotional atmosphere created by the text.The mood is one of coldness and detachment.The mood is established through the man’s repetitive, detached actions and the speaker’s growing sorrow, creating an emotional distance between them.
ParallelismThe repetition of a grammatical structure.“He put the milk / Into the cup of coffee” / “He put the sugar…”The parallel structure of these lines mimics the repetitive nature of the man’s actions, reinforcing the mechanical, emotionless routine of the scene.
RepetitionThe use of the same words or phrases multiple times for emphasis.“Without any word to me”The repetition of this phrase underscores the emotional silence and void between the two, heightening the sense of abandonment.
SymbolismThe use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.“Rain”The rain symbolizes emotional sadness, isolation, and a lack of warmth in the relationship, echoing the speaker’s inner turmoil.
ToneThe attitude or approach that the writer takes toward the subject.The tone is melancholic and detached.The tone is created through the use of simple, direct language that reflects the emotional distance and coldness between the characters.
Themes: “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
  • Emotional Distance: One of the central themes of “Breakfast” is emotional distance between individuals, particularly in intimate relationships. Throughout the poem, the man performs routine actions—pouring coffee, adding milk and sugar, smoking a cigarette—without acknowledging the speaker. Phrases like “Without any word to me” and “Without any look at me” are repeated several times, emphasizing the growing gap between the two characters. The man’s silence and lack of eye contact represent not just physical distance, but an emotional chasm that has grown between them. This theme is underscored by the speaker’s passive observation of these actions, highlighting the lack of communication and intimacy in their relationship.
  • Routine and Monotony: The poem vividly portrays the theme of routine and monotony, reflecting how daily habits can become empty and mechanical, stripping life of emotion. The man’s actions—pouring coffee, drinking it, lighting a cigarette—are described in meticulous, repetitive detail, as if he is functioning on autopilot. The simplicity and repetition of lines like “He put the milk / Into the cup of coffee” and “He churned / He drank the coffee” reinforce the sense that the actions have become devoid of any emotional significance. This monotonous routine serves as a metaphor for the emotional stagnation in the relationship, where everyday activities are performed without meaning or connection.
  • Isolation and Loneliness: Isolation and loneliness permeate the poem, both in the man’s emotional detachment and the speaker’s silent suffering. The speaker observes the man’s actions but receives no acknowledgment in return, as expressed in the repeated lines “Without any word to me” and “Without any look at me.” This emotional coldness leads to the speaker’s profound sense of isolation, culminating in the final lines where she buries her face in her hands and cries. The emotional void between them leaves the speaker isolated, even while they are physically together, highlighting the deep loneliness that can exist within relationships.
  • Unspoken Grief: The theme of unspoken grief is subtly woven into the poem, culminating in the speaker’s final emotional breakdown. The entire poem builds tension through what is left unsaid between the characters, with the man’s silence acting as a powerful indicator of the unresolved issues between them. The speaker’s grief is expressed only at the end, when she “buried / My face in my hands / And I cried.” This release of emotion contrasts sharply with the man’s calm and detached demeanor, highlighting the silent suffering that has been endured throughout the poem. The unspoken grief reflects the deep emotional impact of uncommunicated feelings in relationships.
Literary Theories and “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
Literary TheoryExplanationApplication to “Breakfast”
Feminist TheoryFocuses on gender dynamics, exploring the roles, power structures, and expectations of men and women.In “Breakfast,” the woman’s passive role contrasts with the man’s actions. She silently observes, without any communication, highlighting gendered power imbalance. The line “Without any word to me” reflects the lack of emotional labor or connection expected from the man, while the woman’s final emotional breakdown (“And I cried”) reflects the traditionally gendered expectation of emotional expression.
Psychoanalytic TheoryExplores unconscious desires, repression, and inner psychological conflict as reflected in literature.The emotional distance between the characters in the poem (“Without any word to me”) can be interpreted through a psychoanalytic lens as repression of emotions. The man’s detached actions, such as lighting a cigarette and leaving without speaking, may reflect an internalized avoidance of confronting emotional conflicts, while the woman’s breakdown at the end (“I buried my face in my hands / And I cried”) shows the surfacing of repressed grief.
ExistentialismCenters on themes of isolation, meaninglessness, and individual freedom in the face of an indifferent world.The routine, mechanical actions in “Breakfast” (“He poured the coffee… He lighted one cigarette”) illustrate a sense of meaninglessness and alienation that aligns with existentialist thought. The emotional void between the two characters reflects an existential isolation, where human connections seem fleeting or absent. The speaker’s crying at the end (“And I cried”) can be seen as an acknowledgment of her own sense of despair in a seemingly indifferent world.
Critical Questions about “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
  • What is the significance of the repeated phrase “Without any word to me”?
  • The repetition of the phrase “Without any word to me” throughout the poem raises the question of the significance of silence in the relationship. Why does the man remain silent, and what does this lack of communication symbolize in the context of their relationship? Each time this phrase is repeated, it underscores the emotional distance between the two characters. The silence may reflect unresolved tensions, emotional detachment, or an inability to communicate deeper feelings. By focusing on mundane actions without conversation, the poem suggests that the absence of communication is as impactful as the actions themselves, deepening the rift between them.
  • How does the poem use routine to reflect emotional disconnection?
  • The poem meticulously details the man’s routine—pouring coffee, adding milk and sugar, smoking a cigarette—and this repetitive, methodical sequence raises the question of how routine reflects emotional disconnection. The man’s actions are mechanical, devoid of emotion or warmth. Lines such as “He churned / He drank the coffee” suggest a focus on the external, mundane aspects of life, while the internal emotional world is ignored. The mechanical nature of the routine implies that the relationship, too, has become a series of empty motions, devoid of genuine emotional interaction. How do such repetitive actions act as a metaphor for emotional stagnation?
  • What role does the speaker’s emotional breakdown play in the poem?
  • The final lines of the poem, “And I buried my face in my hands / And I cried,” prompt the question of what role the speaker’s emotional breakdown plays in the overall narrative. The sudden outpouring of emotion contrasts sharply with the man’s calm detachment throughout the poem, creating a moment of intense vulnerability. Why does the speaker choose this moment to cry? Her breakdown seems to be a culmination of suppressed emotions, triggered by the man’s cold, indifferent behavior. It suggests that, while the man is emotionally disconnected, the speaker has been carrying the emotional weight of the relationship, and this moment represents a release of long-repressed grief.
  • How does the setting contribute to the mood and themes of the poem?
  • The setting of the poem, particularly the reference to rain in the line “Because it was raining,” invites the question of how the external environment reflects the internal emotional states of the characters. The rain serves as a symbolic backdrop, often associated with sadness, isolation, or melancholy. In this poem, it mirrors the speaker’s emotional state and the cold, detached atmosphere between the two characters. How does the rain intensify the mood of loneliness and isolation that permeates the poem? The gloomy weather outside parallels the emotional “rain” of the relationship, where warmth and connection are absent.
Literary Works Similar to “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
  1. “This Is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams
    Like “Breakfast,” this poem focuses on a simple, everyday act and subtly explores themes of human relationships and unspoken emotions through mundane details.
  2. “The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock” by T.S. Eliot
    This poem similarly portrays emotional isolation and the internal complexities of human relationships, particularly through the lens of routine and unexpressed feelings.
  3. “The Dead” by Sylvia Plath
    Plath’s poem also delves into themes of emotional distance and loss, using sparse language to convey deep emotional undercurrents in seemingly simple interactions.
  4. “Home is So Sad” by Philip Larkin
    Larkin’s poem shares with “Breakfast” the exploration of emotional emptiness and the coldness that can exist within domestic spaces, capturing the sorrow of unfulfilled connection.
  5. “The River Merchant’s Wife: A Letter” by Ezra Pound
    Like Prévert’s work, this poem conveys emotional longing and the pain of distance, using simple language and a focus on everyday life to express deeper relational disconnection.
Representative Quotations of “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
QuotationContextTheoretical Perspective
“He poured the coffee”Describes the beginning of the man’s routine breakfast, setting the tone for the poem.Existentialism: Reflects the repetitive, mechanical nature of life and actions devoid of deeper meaning.
“Without any word to me”Repeated phrase that emphasizes the lack of communication between the speaker and the man.Feminist Theory: Highlights the woman’s marginalized position, passively observing without receiving attention or dialogue.
“He put the milk / Into the cup of coffee”Another part of the mundane routine, focusing on the simple, unremarkable actions of the man.Psychoanalytic Theory: This repetition symbolizes emotional detachment, with the man focused on routine rather than relationships.
“He churned / He drank the coffee”Describes more of the man’s mechanical, habitual actions, revealing his detachment.Modernism: The focus on routine and surface-level actions critiques modern alienation and disconnectedness.
“He lighted / One cigarette”Marks a transition in the man’s routine, introducing a sense of cold detachment.Symbolism: The cigarette could symbolize the man’s emotional withdrawal, using smoking as an escape.
“Without any look at me”A repeated phrase that reinforces the emotional and physical distance between the two.Psychoanalytic Theory: Reflects a deeper, unconscious avoidance of emotional confrontation.
“He got up / He put on / A hat on his head”Describes the man preparing to leave, signaling his final disconnection.Existentialism: The man’s methodical departure mirrors the idea of existential isolation and alienation from others.
“Because it was raining”Explains the man’s reasoning for wearing a raincoat, adding a melancholy tone to the setting.Symbolism: Rain symbolizes sadness, emotional distance, and unresolved tensions within the relationship.
“And I buried / My face in my hands”The speaker’s emotional breakdown, a stark contrast to the man’s calm demeanor.Feminist Theory: The woman finally expresses the emotional weight she has been carrying, shedding light on gendered emotional labor.
“And I cried”The poem ends with the speaker’s release of emotion, signaling the culmination of her grief.Psychoanalytic Theory: The speaker’s suppressed emotions finally surface, indicating an internal conflict and repression that has been building.
Suggested Readings: “Breakfast” by Jacques Prevert
  1. Petri, György, and Bruce Berlind. “‘Breakfast’ (After Jacques Prévert’s Poem).” World Literature Today, vol. 75, no. 1, 2001, pp. 92–92. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/40156332. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  2. Fay, Eliot G. “The Bird Poems of Jacques Prévert.” The Modern Language Journal, vol. 33, no. 6, 1949, pp. 450–57. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/318787. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  3. Hammond, Robert. “Humorous Word-Play in the Poetry of Jacques Prevert.” Pacific Coast Philology, vol. 1, 1966, pp. 59–65. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/1316794. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  4. Petri, György, and Bruce Berlind. “‘Breakfast’ (After Jacques Prévert’s Poem).” World Literature Today, vol. 75, no. 1, 2001, pp. 92–92. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/40156332. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.

“All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien: A Critical Analysis

“All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien is a renowned poem featured in The Lord of the Rings that captures the essence of hidden worth and the power of resilience.

"All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter" by J. R. R. Tolkien: A Critical Analysis
Introduction: “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien

“All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien is a renowned poem featured in The Lord of the Rings that captures the essence of hidden worth and the power of resilience. Written in 1954, it is often associated with Aragorn, a character whose true nature and destiny are concealed beneath an unassuming exterior. The poem’s central message emphasizes that appearances can be deceptive, and that true value, like gold, may not always shine visibly. It speaks to the theme of latent greatness, symbolizing the idea that what may seem ordinary or overlooked can hold extraordinary significance and potential. Tolkien’s masterful use of language and imagery imbues the verses with a timeless wisdom, resonating with readers as a reflection on inner strength, destiny, and the unfolding of hidden truths.

Text: “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien

All that is gold does not glitter,

Not all those who wander are lost;

The old that is strong does not wither,

Deep roots are not reached by the frost.

From the ashes a fire shall be woken,

A light from the shadows shall spring;

Renewed shall be blade that was broken,

The crownless again shall be king.

Annotations: “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
All that is gold does not glitterThis line suggests that true worth is not always immediately apparent. “Gold” symbolizes something precious or valuable, but “glitter” refers to outward appearances. Not everything valuable shines.
Not all those who wander are lostWandering is often perceived as being aimless, but this line implies that some who wander have purpose, seeking or discovering something meaningful. It represents Aragorn’s hidden journey and purpose.
The old that is strong does not witherRefers to the endurance of strength over time. Age or wear does not necessarily lead to decay or weakness, symbolizing wisdom, resilience, and ancient strength in characters like Aragorn or nature itself.
Deep roots are not reached by the frostDeep-rooted strength or beliefs remain unshaken, even by external adversities. “Frost” represents hardships or challenges, but deep foundations protect from them. A metaphor for resilience.
From the ashes a fire shall be wokenSignifies renewal and revival. Something that seems destroyed (ashes) can be the foundation for something new and powerful (fire). This reflects Aragorn’s rise from obscurity to his true role.
A light from the shadows shall springA metaphor for hope or truth emerging from darkness. In a broader sense, this means that even in bleak times or situations, there is the potential for enlightenment or positive change.
Renewed shall be blade that was brokenSymbolizes restoration and healing, specifically referring to the sword of Elendil, Narsil, which was broken and later reforged as Andúril, representing Aragorn’s reclaiming of his royal heritage.
The crownless again shall be kingForetells Aragorn’s ascension to kingship. Although Aragorn is without a crown for much of his life, he is destined to reclaim his rightful position as king. It also conveys the theme of destiny fulfilled.
Literary And Poetic Devices: “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
AntithesisA contrast or opposition between two things.“A light from the shadows shall spring”The contrast between “light” and “shadows” highlights the idea of hope emerging from darkness.
AssonanceThe repetition of vowel sounds in close proximity within a line or sentence.“Deep roots are not reached by the frost”The repetition of the long “o” sound in “roots” and “frost” creates a sense of continuity and depth, reinforcing the strength of deep roots.
ConsonanceThe repetition of consonant sounds within or at the end of words.“The crownless again shall be king”The repetition of the “n” sound in “crownless” and “again” links these words, stressing the inevitable return to kingship.
EnjambmentThe continuation of a sentence without a pause beyond the end of a line of poetry.“From the ashes a fire shall be woken, / A light…”The thought flows from one line to the next without a full stop, creating a sense of movement and anticipation as the new beginnings emerge.
EpiphoraThe repetition of a word or phrase at the end of successive clauses.“shall be woken… shall spring… shall be king”The repeated “shall” phrases give a sense of progression and certainty, showing that each event leads to the next in a natural sequence.
HyperboleExaggeration for emphasis or effect.“Deep roots are not reached by the frost”While roots can physically be reached by frost, this is an exaggeration meant to symbolize strength that cannot be touched by external forces.
ImageryDescriptive language that appeals to the senses.“From the ashes a fire shall be woken”This vivid imagery conjures the sense of renewal and rebirth, with “ashes” evoking destruction and “fire” symbolizing energy and life.
IronyA contrast between expectation and reality, often highlighting the opposite of what is expected.“All that is gold does not glitter”The line suggests that true worth often goes unnoticed, which is ironic because valuable things (like gold) are typically expected to be bright and obvious.
MetaphorA comparison between two unlike things without using “like” or “as.”“From the ashes a fire shall be woken”“Ashes” metaphorically represent destruction or loss, while “fire” symbolizes new life and strength, without directly comparing them using “like” or “as.”
OxymoronA figure of speech in which two seemingly contradictory terms appear together.“light from the shadows”“Light” and “shadows” are opposites, but together they illustrate how hope can arise from darkness, underscoring a theme of paradoxical renewal.
ParallelismThe use of components in a sentence that are grammatically the same or similar in construction, sound, meaning, or meter.“Not all those who wander are lost; The old that is strong does not wither”The parallel sentence structure of these lines reinforces the balanced ideas of wandering with purpose and strength with endurance.
PersonificationAttributing human characteristics to non-human things.“A fire shall be woken”The fire is described as if it has the ability to wake, giving it a sense of agency and portraying it as a powerful force.
RepetitionThe recurrence of words or phrases to emphasize a point.“shall be”The repeated use of “shall be” highlights the certainty of future events, such as the return of the king and the reforging of the sword.
RhymeThe correspondence of sounds between the ends of words, especially at the ends of lines in poetry.“Not all those who wander are lost… Deep roots are not reached by the frost”The rhyme between “lost” and “frost” creates a pleasing auditory connection and ties together the imagery of wandering and resilience.
SymbolismThe use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities beyond their literal meaning.“The crownless again shall be king”The crown symbolizes kingship and authority. Aragorn, as the “crownless,” represents hidden royalty, and the line predicts his return to the throne.
SynecdocheA figure of speech in which a part is made to represent the whole, or vice versa.“Blade” (representing the entire sword)“Blade” is used to refer to the entire sword, Narsil, symbolizing Aragorn’s royal lineage and his destiny.
ThemeThe central idea or message conveyed by a literary work.The theme of hidden worth and destinyThe poem emphasizes that true value and greatness may not be immediately apparent, highlighting themes of inner strength, renewal, and destiny fulfilled.
ToneThe general character or attitude of a piece of writing.The tone is hopeful and propheticThe tone suggests hope for the future, as it speaks of renewal, strength, and destiny, conveying a sense of assurance that all will be restored.
Themes: “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
  • Hidden Worth: One of the central themes of the poem is the idea that true value and greatness are often concealed beneath the surface. This is encapsulated in the opening line, “All that is gold does not glitter,” which suggests that something precious may not always be outwardly recognizable. In Tolkien’s world, this theme resonates strongly with the character of Aragorn, whose royal lineage and noble destiny are hidden behind his appearance as a wandering ranger. The poem encourages readers to look beyond appearances, emphasizing that hidden qualities, like gold that does not glitter, can hold tremendous value.
  • Resilience and Strength: Another important theme is resilience, particularly the enduring strength of things that may seem old or worn. The line, “The old that is strong does not wither,” speaks to the idea that true strength does not diminish with age or hardship. This theme of resilience is further reinforced with the line, “Deep roots are not reached by the frost,” symbolizing deep-rooted strength and wisdom that can withstand external pressures and challenges. The poem highlights the enduring nature of strength, both physical and moral, which remains intact even in adverse conditions.
  • Renewal and Rebirth: The theme of renewal and rebirth is woven throughout the poem, particularly in the imagery of fire and light. The line, “From the ashes a fire shall be woken,” signifies that even from destruction (ashes), something powerful and alive (fire) can emerge. Similarly, “A light from the shadows shall spring” conveys the idea that hope and renewal can arise from darkness or despair. This theme reflects the broader narrative of The Lord of the Rings, where characters like Aragorn experience personal and symbolic rebirth, stepping into their destined roles after long periods of obscurity or hardship.
  • Destiny and Fulfillment: The poem also explores the theme of destiny, particularly through the lines, “Renewed shall be blade that was broken, / The crownless again shall be king.” These lines directly refer to Aragorn’s eventual fulfillment of his destiny as the rightful king of Gondor, with the broken sword, Narsil, symbolizing his shattered lineage, which is restored when the sword is reforged as Andúril. The theme of destiny reflects the idea that certain individuals are fated for greatness, even if it takes time for them to claim their rightful place. The poem emphasizes the inevitability of this process, reinforcing the notion that the rightful king will ultimately return to his throne.

Literary Theories and “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien

Literary TheoryApplication to the PoemReferences from the PoemExplanation
FormalismFormalist critics focus on the structure, language, and literary devices of the poem to uncover its meaning.“All that is gold does not glitter, / Not all those who wander are lost.”A Formalist reading would focus on Tolkien’s use of antithesis, alliteration, and rhyme to highlight the contrast between appearance and reality, and the hidden value in characters like Aragorn.
Mythological/Archetypal CriticismThis theory looks at universal symbols and archetypes in literature, drawing on myths and legends to interpret meaning.“The crownless again shall be king”A mythological approach would see Aragorn as the archetypal “hero king” who fulfills his destiny, reflecting common heroic archetypes of the “hidden king” and the “restoration of the land.”
Historical/Biographical CriticismThis theory explores how the author’s life and historical context influence the text and its themes.“From the ashes a fire shall be woken, / A light from the shadows shall spring.”A biographical reading might consider how Tolkien’s experiences in World War I and his academic background in mythology shaped his use of themes like renewal, resilience, and hidden nobility.
Critical Questions about “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
  • How does Tolkien challenge conventional perceptions of value and appearance in the poem?
  • Tolkien’s opening line, “All that is gold does not glitter,” immediately challenges the conventional association of value with appearance. Gold, typically a symbol of wealth and beauty, is often expected to glitter, yet Tolkien suggests that what is truly valuable may not be immediately recognizable. This notion extends to the character of Aragorn, who, though of royal blood and destined for greatness, presents himself as a humble ranger. The poem’s structure emphasizes the contrast between outward appearances and inner worth, asking readers to reflect on how society often overlooks hidden value, whether in people, objects, or even ideas.
  • What role does the theme of renewal play in the poem, and how is it symbolized?
  • Renewal is a central theme in “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter,” and it is symbolized through the imagery of fire and light. The lines “From the ashes a fire shall be woken” and “A light from the shadows shall spring” evoke the concept of rebirth, particularly in relation to Aragorn’s return to his rightful position as king. Fire rising from ashes and light emerging from shadows are powerful metaphors for resurgence after hardship, suggesting that even in moments of darkness or destruction, the potential for renewal and strength remains. This raises questions about how personal or collective renewal occurs in Tolkien’s world and in broader human experience.
  • How does the poem reflect Tolkien’s broader theme of destiny and fate in The Lord of the Rings?
  • The poem’s conclusion, “The crownless again shall be king,” encapsulates the theme of destiny, which is prevalent in Tolkien’s work. Aragorn’s journey from an unrecognized ranger to the king of Gondor is foretold here, suggesting that his fate is unavoidable, despite the obstacles he faces. The reforging of the broken sword, mentioned in the line “Renewed shall be blade that was broken,” further symbolizes the inevitability of Aragorn’s rise to power. This prompts the question of how much control characters in The Lord of the Rings have over their fates and to what extent their actions align with or diverge from their destined roles.
  • In what ways does the poem explore the theme of resilience in the face of hardship?
  • Resilience is a key theme in the poem, particularly in the lines “The old that is strong does not wither” and “Deep roots are not reached by the frost.” These lines emphasize that true strength is not easily worn down by time or adversity. In the context of Aragorn’s journey, this resilience reflects his endurance through years of hardship before claiming his throne. The poem suggests that inner strength, like deep roots or unwithering age, provides the foundation for surviving challenges and emerging stronger. This raises a broader question of how individuals in Tolkien’s work, and in real life, find the resilience to endure and overcome difficult circumstances.
Literary Works Similar to “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
  1. “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley
    Similar to Tolkien’s poem, “Ozymandias” explores the themes of hidden power and the inevitable rise and fall of kingship.
  2. “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley
    This poem shares with Tolkien’s work a focus on resilience, inner strength, and the unshakable will to endure hardship.
  3. “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost
    Both poems reflect on the theme of wandering, with Frost’s work exploring choices and paths, much like Tolkien’s “Not all those who wander are lost.”
  4. “Ulysses” by Alfred, Lord Tennyson
    Like Tolkien’s poem, “Ulysses” deals with the idea of aging, resilience, and the enduring spirit of a hero who refuses to fade or wither.
  5. “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas
    This poem echoes Tolkien’s theme of fighting against decline, urging resistance in the face of inevitable challenges, much like the resilience in “The old that is strong does not wither.”
Representative Quotations of “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
QuotationContextTheoretical Perspective
“All that is gold does not glitter”Refers to hidden worth, emphasizing that true value is often not immediately visible.Formalism – Focuses on the metaphorical language used to convey the theme of concealed value.
“Not all those who wander are lost”Suggests that wandering does not imply aimlessness but can be a purposeful journey.Existentialism – Explores the theme of individual journeys and the search for meaning in life.
“The old that is strong does not wither”Implies that age does not necessarily bring weakness, but rather strength.Archetypal Criticism – Associates this with the archetype of the wise old figure, representing timeless strength.
“Deep roots are not reached by the frost”Symbolizes resilience, where deep foundations remain untouched by external forces.Structuralism – Examines the use of nature imagery to convey structural metaphors of endurance and resilience.
“From the ashes a fire shall be woken”Represents the theme of renewal, with new strength arising from destruction.Mythological Criticism – Resonates with the Phoenix archetype of rebirth from ashes, common in mythologies.
“A light from the shadows shall spring”Hope emerging from darkness, symbolizing optimism in challenging times.Symbolism – The contrast between light and shadow conveys symbolic meaning of hope and enlightenment.
“Renewed shall be blade that was broken”Refers to the reforging of Narsil, symbolizing restoration and reclaiming of legacy.Historical Criticism – Reflects Tolkien’s personal experiences in war, where broken things are mended and restored.
“The crownless again shall be king”Foreshadows Aragorn’s return to kingship, representing destiny fulfilled.Postcolonial Criticism – Can be viewed as a reclamation of lost identity and rightful rule.
“The old that is strong does not wither”A second interpretation emphasizes the strength of enduring wisdom and tradition.Philosophical Criticism – Suggests that true wisdom withstands the tests of time and adversity.
“Deep roots are not reached by the frost”Another reading emphasizes survival through deep, unshakable strength.Ecocriticism – Highlights nature’s metaphorical role in illustrating the power of deep-rooted natural systems.
Suggested Readings: “All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter” by J. R. R. Tolkien
  1. Richard Roos. “Middle Earth in the Classroom: Studying J. R. R. Tolkien.” The English Journal, vol. 58, no. 8, 1969, pp. 1175–80. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/811529. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  2. Sue Parman. “A Song for J. R. R. Tolkien.” The Antioch Review, vol. 73, no. 1, 2015, pp. 34–44. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.7723/antiochreview.73.1.0034. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  3. HADDON, ROSALINDA. “How Does J.R.R. Tolkien Inspire Us?” Mallorn: The Journal of the Tolkien Society, no. 56, 2015, pp. 46–46. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/48614845. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  4. “Authors on Children’s Literature.” Jung Journal: Culture & Psyche, vol. 11, no. 1, 2017, pp. 65–67. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/26596851. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.

“Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose: A Critical Analysis

“Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall,” a well-known nursery rhyme by Mother Goose, first appeared in the early 19th century, notably in Samuel Arnold’s Juvenile Amusements in 1797, though it became widely popular through collections like Mother Goose’s Melody published in the 19th century

"Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall" by Mother Goose: A Critical Analysis
Introduction: “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose

“Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall,” a well-known nursery rhyme by Mother Goose, first appeared in the early 19th century, notably in Samuel Arnold’s Juvenile Amusements in 1797, though it became widely popular through collections like Mother Goose’s Melody published in the 19th century. The rhyme was often sung to children as a playful and rhythmic chant, capturing the imagination with its simple narrative. Its main qualities include the use of rhyme, rhythm, and repetition, making it easy to remember and sing. The main idea centers on Humpty Dumpty, typically represented as an egg, who falls from a wall and cannot be repaired, despite the efforts of “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men.” The story reflects themes of fragility and irreversibility, often interpreted as a metaphor for something broken beyond repair.

Text: “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;

All the king’s horses and all the king’s men

Couldn’t put Humpty together again.

Annotations: “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
LineDetailed Annotation
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wallThe opening line introduces the character Humpty Dumpty, traditionally depicted as an egg-like figure, sitting on a high, precarious position. The wall represents a state of balance, but also vulnerability, foreshadowing an impending event. The image of sitting on a wall may symbolize complacency or risk.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fallThis line narrates the pivotal event, where Humpty Dumpty falls from the wall. The “great fall” emphasizes the severity and magnitude of the accident, suggesting a major, possibly irreversible, downfall or failure. It symbolizes a sudden disruption of stability.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s menThe phrase introduces the response to the fall, where the highest level of authority—the king’s forces—attempts to intervene. “Horses and men” symbolize the use of physical power and human effort, implying that every available resource is mobilized to repair the damage.
Couldn’t put Humpty together againDespite the combined effort of all these forces, Humpty remains broken, signaling the finality of the fall. This line suggests themes of irreparability and loss, indicating that some events or mistakes cannot be undone, regardless of the intervention. It conveys a message about the limitations of power and effort in reversing certain kinds of damage.
Literary And Poetic Devices: “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
DeviceShort DefinitionExampleFull Explanation
AssonanceRepetition of vowel sounds within nearby words.“All the king’s horses”The repetition of the short “i” sound in “king’s” and “horses” adds a rhythmic quality to the line, enhancing the musicality of the nursery rhyme.
End RhymeRhyming of the final words in lines.“wall” and “fall”The rhyme between “wall” and “fall” creates a predictable and satisfying rhyme scheme, which is typical in nursery rhymes to engage young listeners.
ImageryDescriptive language that appeals to the senses.“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall”The image of Humpty Dumpty sitting on a high wall helps the reader visualize the character in a precarious position, setting the stage for his eventual fall.
Internal RhymeRhyming of words within a single line.“Humpty Dumpty had a great fall”The internal rhyme between “Humpty” and “Dumpty” within the same line creates a pleasing sound pattern that contributes to the rhythm of the rhyme.
MetaphorA figure of speech that implies a comparison between two things.Humpty Dumpty as a metaphor for fragility.Humpty Dumpty, often depicted as an egg, is a metaphor for fragility or vulnerability, emphasizing that some things are easily broken and cannot be repaired.
PersonificationGiving human characteristics to non-human things.“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men”The horses are described as being involved in trying to fix Humpty Dumpty, giving them human-like abilities and highlighting the absurdity of the task.
RepetitionRepeating words or phrases for emphasis or rhythm.“Humpty Dumpty”The repeated use of “Humpty Dumpty” in the first two lines reinforces the character’s central role in the rhyme and makes the structure more predictable and child-friendly.
RhythmA strong, regular pattern of sounds or beats in a poem.The consistent rhythm throughout the rhyme.The nursery rhyme follows a consistent rhythm that helps make it memorable, with a pattern of stresses and syllables that create a sing-song effect, typical in children’s poetry.
SymbolismUse of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.Humpty Dumpty as a symbol of failure.Humpty Dumpty symbolizes fragility and failure. His fall and the inability to be fixed can represent any irreparable loss, often interpreted in cultural or philosophical contexts.
Themes: “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
  • Fragility and Vulnerability: The central theme of “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” is fragility, which is represented by Humpty Dumpty’s fall from the wall. The image of Humpty Dumpty sitting in a high, precarious position highlights his vulnerability. When he falls and “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” are unable to restore him, it symbolizes that some things are inherently fragile and, once broken, cannot be repaired. This fragility can be seen as a metaphor for the delicate nature of life or situations that can irreversibly change with one sudden event.
  • Inevitability of Loss: Another significant theme is the inevitability of loss or failure. The poem presents a situation where no matter the efforts made by “all the king’s men,” they are unable to reverse the damage caused by Humpty Dumpty’s fall. This suggests that certain losses or failures in life are unavoidable and that there are limits to what can be fixed. The rhyme’s simplicity underscores this poignant reality: some events, once they happen, cannot be undone.
  • The Limits of Power: The inability of “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” to restore Humpty Dumpty represents the theme of the limits of power. Despite the authority and resources symbolized by the king’s forces, they are powerless to change the outcome. This theme reflects the idea that even those in positions of great power and influence may be unable to solve certain problems or prevent some forms of loss. The inclusion of the king’s forces highlights the notion that not all things are within human control, regardless of status or strength.
  • Irreversibility: The finality of Humpty Dumpty’s situation is underscored by the rhyme’s concluding line: “Couldn’t put Humpty together again.” This reinforces the theme of irreversibility. Once Humpty has fallen, no amount of effort can return things to the way they were. This theme touches on the idea that certain actions, decisions, or events in life lead to consequences that cannot be undone, highlighting the permanence of some forms of damage.
Literary Theories and “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
Literary TheoryExplanationReferences from the Poem
StructuralismStructuralism focuses on the underlying structures within language and literature. In this context, the nursery rhyme follows a clear pattern of repetition and rhyme, which is typical in children’s literature. The structure emphasizes predictability and ease of memorization.The rhyme uses a simple ABAB structure: “Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty had a great fall.” The repetitive and predictable form aligns with structuralist ideas that meaning is derived from patterns within the text, rather than individual interpretation.
Psychoanalytic TheoryPsychoanalytic theory, particularly Freudian, can be applied to explore the unconscious fears and anxieties reflected in the poem. Humpty Dumpty’s fall may symbolize underlying anxieties about failure, loss, or fear of damage that cannot be repaired.Humpty Dumpty’s fall represents a psychological crisis or breakdown, possibly symbolizing the fear of failure or loss of control, while the inability to put him back together highlights unresolved trauma or the permanent consequences of certain actions.
Marxist CriticismMarxist criticism examines the power dynamics and social structures at play in literature. In this nursery rhyme, the reference to “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” can be interpreted as a reflection on the futility of institutional power in solving certain problems.Despite the presence of the king’s forces, the poem suggests that no amount of hierarchical power or wealth can fix Humpty Dumpty after his fall. This could symbolize the limitations of social institutions and class structures in addressing fundamental human or social issues.
Critical Questions about “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
  • What does Humpty Dumpty symbolize, and why is his fall so significant?
  • Humpty Dumpty is often depicted as an egg, and this fragile form plays a significant role in interpreting the poem. His fall from the wall may symbolize the fragility of certain individuals, systems, or states of being. The fact that “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put Humpty together again” suggests that once something fragile is broken, it cannot be restored. This raises the question of what Humpty Dumpty represents—whether it’s the human condition, the fragility of power, or the irreversibility of certain actions. The symbolic importance of his fall lies in its finality, emphasizing themes of vulnerability and loss.
  • How does the poem reflect the limits of authority and power?
  • The mention of “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” attempting to fix Humpty Dumpty but failing raises critical questions about the effectiveness of authority. In the poem, the king’s forces, despite their apparent power, are ultimately powerless to reverse the damage done by Humpty’s fall. This failure might be seen as a critique of institutional power, suggesting that there are some problems beyond the reach of even the most powerful forces. The poem reflects the idea that no matter how much effort or power is applied, certain losses cannot be undone.
  • What does the poem suggest about the irreversibility of certain events or actions?
  • The poem centers on Humpty Dumpty’s irreversible fall, which symbolizes the idea that some events or actions, once taken, cannot be undone. The phrase “couldn’t put Humpty together again” emphasizes the finality of the fall and reflects the harsh reality that some mistakes or accidents are permanent. This raises the question of how society deals with such irreparable losses, and what the consequences are when attempts to fix what is broken fail. The poem suggests that not all damage can be healed, and this might apply to both personal and societal contexts.
  • Why is Humpty Dumpty’s identity left ambiguous in the poem?
  • Interestingly, the poem never explicitly states that Humpty Dumpty is an egg—this is a detail that has been added through later cultural interpretations. This ambiguity raises the question of why Mother Goose chose to leave his identity vague. By doing so, the poem invites broader interpretations, allowing readers to project various meanings onto the character. Is Humpty Dumpty a symbol of human frailty, societal collapse, or something else entirely? The ambiguity of his form allows the poem to remain relevant across various interpretations, depending on the reader’s perspective. This open-ended identity encourages readers to explore multiple layers of meaning within the simple narrative.
Literary Works Similar to “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
  • “Jack and Jill” (Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
    Similar in its simple narrative and rhythmic structure, “Jack and Jill” also tells the story of a fall and the resulting consequences, much like Humpty Dumpty’s great fall.
  • “The Grand Old Duke of York” (Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
    This poem, like “Humpty Dumpty,” features a character of high status and reflects on the futility of certain actions, with the Duke’s troops marching up and down to no meaningful end.
  • “Little Miss Muffet” (Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
    Both poems feature a brief, simple story with a character who encounters an unexpected and unsettling event, with Little Miss Muffet being frightened away, similar to Humpty Dumpty’s fall.
  • “Baa Baa Black Sheep” (Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
    Like “Humpty Dumpty,” this poem is structured with a repetitive and rhythmic verse, and it also involves a societal relationship—between the sheep and the master—much like the king’s men in Humpty Dumpty’s story.
  • “Ring a Ring o’ Roses” (Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
    This poem, like “Humpty Dumpty,” is deceptively simple yet has deeper interpretations related to disaster and consequence, making it similar in tone and underlying meaning.
Representative Quotations of “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose
QuotationContextTheoretical Perspective
“Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall”This line sets the scene by placing the character in a precarious position, introducing the central figure.Structuralism: The repetition of simple phrases creates a predictable pattern, reflecting the structuralist idea that meaning comes from underlying structures and forms in the text.
“Humpty Dumpty had a great fall”This line describes the central event of the poem: Humpty Dumpty’s fall, signaling an irreversible change.Psychoanalytic Theory: The fall represents a psychological breakdown or loss of control, symbolizing unconscious fears about vulnerability and failure.
“All the king’s horses and all the king’s men”This line introduces the king’s forces, who attempt to repair the damage but fail, highlighting the limits of power.Marxist Criticism: This line can be interpreted as a critique of institutional power, suggesting that even societal authority cannot fix certain kinds of collapse or failure.
“Couldn’t put Humpty together again”The closing line emphasizes the finality of the situation, underscoring that some things are beyond repair.Postmodernism: This reflects the postmodern idea of irreversibility and the breakdown of grand narratives, showing that certain events cannot be reconciled or restored.

Suggested Readings: “Humpty Dumpty Sat on a Wall” by Mother Goose

  1. McDonald, Mary Palmer. “Rhyme or Reason?– A Microscopic View of Nursery Rhymes.” The Journal of Negro Education, vol. 43, no. 3, 1974, pp. 275–83. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/2966519. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  2. Almansi, Renato J. “Humpty Dumpty: A Screen Memory and Some Speculations on the Nursery Rhyme.” American Imago, vol. 43, no. 1, 1986, pp. 35–49. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/26303865. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  3. Hickerson, Joseph C., and Alan Dundes. “Mother Goose Vice Verse.” The Journal of American Folklore, vol. 75, no. 297, 1962, pp. 249–59. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/537726. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  4. Chisholm, Margaret. “Mother Goose—Elucidated.” Elementary English, vol. 49, no. 8, 1972, pp. 1141–44. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/41387886. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  5. Roush, Betty E. “Drama Rhymes: An Instructional Strategy.” The Reading Teacher, vol. 58, no. 6, 2005, pp. 584–87. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20205523. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.

“Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose: A Critical Analysis

“Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose first appeared as a sung nursery rhyme in the late 18th century, with its earliest known publication in 1765 in Mother Goose’s Melody, a classic collection of traditional nursery rhymes.

"Hickory, Dickory, Dock" by Mother Goose: A Critical Analysis
Introduction: “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose

“Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose first appeared as a sung nursery rhyme in the late 18th century, with its earliest known publication in 1765 in Mother Goose’s Melody, a classic collection of traditional nursery rhymes. The rhyme is simple yet rhythmic, designed for young children with its playful cadence and repetitive sounds. Its main qualities include personification, as it features a mouse running up and down a clock, and a sense of time awareness, as the clock strikes each hour. The main idea of the rhyme is to engage children with a whimsical story while introducing them to the concept of time and numbers in a fun and memorable way.

Text: “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose

Hickory, dickory, dock,

The mouse ran up the clock;

The clock struck one,

And down he run,

Hickory, dickory, dock.

Annotations: “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose

1. “Hickory, dickory, dock,”

  • Literal Meaning: This line contains playful, rhythmic words that don’t have a literal meaning in English. It could be interpreted as imitating the sound of a clock ticking or a mouse scurrying.
  • Symbolism/Interpretation: The nonsensical nature of this phrase suggests a playful tone, common in nursery rhymes. “Hickory” and “dock” might mimic the sound of an old-fashioned pendulum clock, establishing a rhythmic beat and setting the scene for the rhyme. Some scholars believe this type of repetitive language was used to engage children in early speech patterns.
  • Historical Context: This line is typical of nursery rhymes from the oral tradition, where sounds are used to capture children’s attention. The phrase “hickory dickory” may be a corruption of old counting systems, similar to “eeny, meeny, miny, moe,” which could be remnants of ancient counting or word games.

2. “The mouse ran up the clock;”

  • Literal Meaning: A small mouse scurries up a clock, perhaps using it as a surface to climb or explore.
  • Symbolism/Interpretation: The mouse is often interpreted as a symbol of smallness or quickness. In nursery rhymes, animals are frequently anthropomorphized, and their movements are used to captivate young listeners. The clock could represent the passage of time, a central theme in the rhyme. The climbing mouse may also depict curiosity or motion through time.
  • Cultural Significance: Clocks were significant household objects in older times, representing routine and the passage of time. The image of a mouse running up the clock could also reflect the interaction between nature and man-made objects in a domestic setting.

3. “The clock struck one,”

  • Literal Meaning: The clock strikes the hour of one o’clock, producing a sound.
  • Symbolism/Interpretation: The striking of the clock signifies the passage of time. In traditional settings, clocks would often have a chime to mark the hours, which helps structure the rhyme. The number “one” may symbolize a beginning or a point of change, where the mouse’s action transitions from climbing to descending.
  • Historical Context: In older times, clocks did not have digital displays but rather used chimes or strikes to indicate the hour. This line reflects how time was kept before modern clocks. The act of the clock striking one could also be metaphorically linked to an important event or moment of realization.

4. “And down he run,”

  • Literal Meaning: The mouse, startled by the striking of the clock, runs down quickly.
  • Symbolism/Interpretation: The mouse’s descent represents a reversal of its previous action (climbing up). It could suggest that time, or the sound of the clock, causes reactions in nature or life. The mouse’s quick movement downwards may also reflect the suddenness or inevitability of time’s impact.
  • Phonetics and Rhythm: The change in the direction of the mouse’s movement mirrors the musical quality of the rhyme, adding variety and flow to the action. The simplified grammar (“he run” instead of “he ran”) is typical of oral traditions, particularly in older nursery rhymes.

5. “Hickory, dickory, dock.”

  • Literal Meaning: This line repeats the rhythmic, nonsensical words from the first line, creating a circular structure to the rhyme.
  • Symbolism/Interpretation: The repetition of the opening line serves to bring the rhyme full circle, suggesting a cycle, much like the repetition of time on a clock. This could symbolize the continuous nature of time – it always moves forward and repeats, and life follows this rhythm.
  • Effect on Audience: For children, the repeated rhyme creates a sense of closure, while reinforcing the rhythm and flow of the poem. This is a typical technique in nursery rhymes to help young children remember and recite the rhyme easily.
  • The entire rhyme, though simple, is rich in rhythm and symbolism. The mouse acts as a playful representation of quickness, curiosity, and the reaction to time. The clock is a metaphor for the structured passage of time, central to daily life, especially in the pre-digital era. The repetitive phrases (e.g., “Hickory, dickory, dock”) mimic the ticking of a clock, and the short, rhythmic lines help engage children in early literacy development through sound and timing. The rhyme, like many nursery rhymes, captures the essence of time passing in a playful, whimsical way.
Literary And Poetic Devices: “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
Literary DeviceDefinitionExampleExplanation
AlliterationRepetition of the same consonant sounds at the beginning of words.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The repeated “d” sound at the beginning of “dickory” and “dock” creates a rhythmic effect, enhancing the musicality of the rhyme.
AnaphoraThe repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses.“Hickory, dickory, dock” (repeated twice)The repetition of “Hickory, dickory, dock” creates a cyclical structure and reinforces the rhythm, making it easy for children to remember.
AssonanceRepetition of vowel sounds within words.“Hickory, dickory”The repetition of the “i” sound in “hickory” and “dickory” adds to the musical quality of the poem and helps create internal rhyme.
CacophonyThe use of harsh, discordant sounds.“The clock struck one”The hard “k” sounds in “clock” and “struck” create a sense of abruptness, mimicking the sudden strike of the clock.
ChiasmusA reversal in the order of words in two otherwise parallel phrases.“The mouse ran up the clock; The clock struck one, And down he run”The first action is reversed in the second half (ran up, down he run), creating a mirror-like structure that enhances the narrative.
ConsonanceRepetition of consonant sounds within words or at the end of words.“The clock struck one”The repetition of the “k” sound in “clock” and “struck” provides a sharp auditory experience, enhancing the sense of time passing.
End RhymeRhyming words at the end of lines.“dock” and “clock”The words “dock” and “clock” rhyme at the end of lines, creating a satisfying sense of completion and rhythm.
EpizeuxisThe repetition of a word or phrase for emphasis.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The repeated words “Hickory, dickory, dock” emphasize the playful, rhythmic nature of the rhyme.
HyperboleExaggeration for emphasis or effect.“The mouse ran up the clock”Though a mouse might run up a clock, the event is exaggerated for the purpose of storytelling, creating a playful image of a mouse interacting with time itself.
ImageryDescriptive language that appeals to the senses.“The mouse ran up the clock”The image of a mouse running up a clock is vivid and appeals to the sense of sight, helping listeners visualize the action in the rhyme.
Internal RhymeRhyming within a line of verse.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The words “hickory” and “dickory” rhyme within the same line, adding to the internal rhythm and musicality of the poem.
MetaphorA figure of speech that implies a comparison between two unrelated things.The clock representing timeThe clock in the rhyme can be seen as a metaphor for the passage of time, with the mouse interacting with it as a way to represent movement through time.
OnomatopoeiaA word that imitates the sound it represents.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The word “dock” could be interpreted as an onomatopoeic imitation of the sound of the clock striking, adding to the auditory rhythm of the rhyme.
PersonificationGiving human characteristics to non-human objects or animals.“The mouse ran up the clock”The mouse is personified as a character with agency and action, bringing the inanimate scene to life with a sense of curiosity and movement.
RefrainA repeated line or phrase in a poem or song.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The repeated phrase “Hickory, dickory, dock” serves as a refrain, giving the poem a cyclical and rhythmic quality.
Rhyme SchemeThe ordered pattern of rhymes at the ends of lines of a poem.AABBAThe rhyme scheme follows AABBA, with the words “dock,” “clock,” “one,” “run,” and “dock” rhyming in a predictable pattern that enhances the musical rhythm.
RhythmA strong, regular, repeated pattern of sound.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The poem’s rhythm is created through its regular meter and the repetition of sounds, making it easy to recite and memorable for children.
SymbolismUsing an object or action to represent a deeper meaning.The clock representing timeThe clock symbolizes time and the passage of time, while the mouse’s movement could represent life’s fleeting and quick nature.
Trochaic MeterA metrical foot consisting of a stressed syllable followed by an unstressed syllable.“Hickory, dickory, dock”The trochaic meter (HIC-kor-y, DIC-kor-y, DOCK) gives the poem its distinctive rhythmic quality, with a falling pattern that matches the mouse’s movement down.
Themes: “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
  1. Time and Its Passage: The clock is central to the rhyme, symbolizing the passage of time. The striking of the clock at “one” emphasizes a specific moment in time, representing the idea of time as something measurable and structured. The mouse’s interaction with the clock—running up before the clock strikes and down after—illustrates how time influences action and movement. This theme reflects the inevitability of time moving forward, which is a concept both simple and profound, even in a children’s rhyme.
  2. Routine and Repetition: The rhyme is structured around repetition, both in the actions of the mouse and the refrain “Hickory, dickory, dock.” The cyclical nature of the poem, with the mouse going up and then down the clock, mirrors the repetitive routines of life. Clocks, which mark time consistently, further emphasize this theme of routine. The repetition of phrases within the poem itself reinforces this idea, as the predictable rhythm mimics the regularity of daily life.
  3. Curiosity and Exploration: The mouse’s action of running up the clock suggests a sense of curiosity and exploration. Mice are often seen as small, inquisitive creatures, and in this rhyme, the mouse’s movement up the clock may symbolize a desire to explore new environments. The subsequent reaction to the clock striking one—running back down—could signify the balance between curiosity and caution, as the mouse retreats from the sound.
  4. Cause and Effect: The rhyme also reflects the theme of cause and effect. The mouse’s action of running up the clock results in the clock striking one, which in turn causes the mouse to run down. This sequence of events teaches children a simple lesson in actions and their consequences, showing how one event can lead to another in a logical progression. The structure of the rhyme, with each action leading to a reaction, reinforces this theme throughout the poem.
Literary Theories and “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
Literary TheoryExplanationApplication to “Hickory, Dickory, Dock”References from the Poem
StructuralismFocuses on understanding the underlying structure of texts, language patterns, and binary oppositions.In “Hickory, Dickory, Dock”, the poem follows a clear structural pattern with its repetitive rhythm and binary oppositions (e.g., up vs. down).The repeated phrases (“Hickory, dickory, dock”) and binary actions (mouse running up the clock, then down) reflect the structure of language and actions.
Psychoanalytic CriticismAnalyzes unconscious desires, fears, and motivations within texts and characters’ actions.The mouse’s behavior (running up the clock and quickly retreating after the clock strikes) can symbolize a psychological tension between curiosity and fear.The mouse running up the clock suggests a drive for exploration (id), while the retreat after the clock strikes reflects a reaction to fear (superego).
Feminist CriticismExamines how gender roles, power dynamics, and societal expectations are portrayed in literature.While “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” lacks overt gender references, the rhyme can be analyzed in terms of domestic space (the clock) and how roles (like a mouse) are perceived.The mouse, often associated with timidity, operates within a confined domestic space, reflecting traditional associations of vulnerability and smallness.
Critical Questions about “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
  1. What role does time play in shaping the actions of the mouse?
    Time is a central element in “Hickory, Dickory, Dock”, represented by the clock that the mouse interacts with. The line “The clock struck one” indicates a specific moment that causes a reaction from the mouse—running back down. This suggests that time, or the awareness of time, dictates the behavior of the characters within the poem. The question encourages reflection on how the poem portrays time not just as a mechanical process, but as something that impacts living beings. The mouse’s reaction to the clock striking one can be seen as a metaphor for how humans react to time and its inevitable passing.
  2. How does the repetitive structure of the poem affect its meaning?
    The repetition of the phrase “Hickory, dickory, dock” and the cyclical nature of the mouse’s movement up and down the clock highlights a sense of routine and predictability. This structure suggests that life, like the ticking of a clock, follows a regular rhythm. The rhyme’s repetition mirrors the mechanical, predictable movement of time itself, making readers question how much of life is shaped by routine. Does this reflect a sense of comfort in predictability, or does it hint at the constraints imposed by time on living beings, symbolized by the mouse?
  3. What is the significance of the mouse in the poem, and why was this animal chosen?
    The mouse in “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” plays a curious role, climbing up the clock and then retreating when the clock strikes. As a small, often overlooked creature, the mouse could symbolize vulnerability or innocence, but also curiosity and agility. The choice of a mouse may reflect the relationship between humans and small animals, often viewed as pests in domestic spaces. By questioning why a mouse was chosen instead of another animal, readers can explore deeper ideas about smallness and insignificance in the larger scheme of time, symbolized by the clock, a dominant object in the setting.
  4. What does the interaction between the mouse and the clock suggest about the relationship between nature and technology?
    In the poem, the clock represents a man-made object that measures time, while the mouse represents nature. The line “The mouse ran up the clock” suggests an interaction between these two realms, as a natural creature engages with a mechanical object. The poem presents a scenario where nature (the mouse) is influenced or even controlled by technology (the clock), as the clock striking “one” causes the mouse to retreat. This could be interpreted as a comment on how the natural world adapts to or is constrained by human inventions and technological advances, raising questions about the impact of technology on living beings.
Literary Works Similar to “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
  1. “Humpty Dumpty” (Mother Goose)
    Both use a rhythmic structure to tell a short, cause-and-effect narrative involving characters reacting to an event (the mouse runs up and down the clock, Humpty Dumpty falls off the wall).
  2. “Baa Baa Black Sheep” (Mother Goose)
    This rhyme shares a similar repetitive structure and use of simple, rhythmic language designed to engage young children with easily memorable lines.
  3. “Little Miss Muffet” (Mother Goose)
    Both rhymes feature animals interacting with human-made environments and depict a small event (the mouse running up the clock, Miss Muffet encountering the spider) in a whimsical way.
  4. “The Itsy Bitsy Spider” (Traditional Nursery Rhyme)
    Like “Hickory, Dickory, Dock,” this rhyme focuses on an animal’s movement (the spider climbing up and down) in a repetitive, rhythmic narrative aimed at young audiences.
  5. “Hey Diddle Diddle” (Mother Goose)
    Both rhymes involve animals engaging in fantastical actions (the mouse running up the clock, the cow jumping over the moon), creating a playful, imaginative world for children.
Representative Quotations of “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
QuotationContextTheoretical Perspective
“Hickory, dickory, dock”This is the opening and closing refrain, setting the rhythmic and playful tone of the rhyme.Structuralism: The repetition of these nonsensical words creates a structure that mirrors the repetitive nature of time and routine.
“The mouse ran up the clock”Describes the action of the mouse engaging with the clock, symbolizing curiosity or interaction with time.Psychoanalytic Criticism: The mouse’s upward movement can symbolize a subconscious drive towards exploration or achievement (id in action).
“The clock struck one”Marks a turning point in the rhyme when time asserts itself with the clock striking, causing a reaction.Marxist Criticism: This can be interpreted as the force of time (or authority) disrupting natural behavior, symbolizing the constraints imposed on life.
“And down he run”The mouse retreats down the clock after the clock strikes, reacting to the passing of time.Feminist Criticism: The mouse’s retreat can be viewed as reflecting traditional perceptions of vulnerability and smallness within a structured, male-dominated system (the clock).
Suggested Readings: “Hickory, Dickory, Dock” by Mother Goose
  1. Hickerson, Joseph C., and Alan Dundes. “Mother Goose Vice Verse.” The Journal of American Folklore, vol. 75, no. 297, 1962, pp. 249–59. JSTOR, https://doi.org/10.2307/537726. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  2. Young, Cindy, and Wendy Moulding. “Mathematics and Mother Goose.” Teaching Children Mathematics, vol. 1, no. 1, 1994, pp. 36–38. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/41196138. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  3. Haake, Cheryl M. “Mother Goose Is on the Loose.” The Reading Teacher, vol. 43, no. 4, 1990, pp. 350–51. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/20200389. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  4. PHILLIPS, MARINA. “A LIST OF POEMS BASED ON CHILDREN’S CHOICES.” The Elementary English Review, vol. 7, no. 9, 1930, pp. 229–34. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/41381385. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  5. Stetson, R. H. “The Teaching of Rhythm.” The Musical Quarterly, vol. 9, no. 2, 1923, pp. 181–90. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/738315. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.

“Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser: A Critical Analysis

“Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser first appeared in the 1983 collection Worlds Enough and Time.

"Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild" by J.P. Grasser: A Critical Analysis
Introduction: “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser

“Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser first appeared in the 1983 collection Worlds Enough and Time. This reflective and poignant work is characterized by its deep sense of temporal distance and introspection. Grasser writes with a blend of tenderness and foresight, addressing future generations with wisdom, warnings, and hope. The main idea of the letter centers around the continuity of human experience and the lessons learned across time, as the author conveys a sense of responsibility and care for those who will inherit the world long after the author’s lifetime. Through vivid imagery and thoughtful reflection, Grasser explores themes of legacy, environmental stewardship, and the enduring connection between past, present, and future generations.

Text: “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser

Oh button, don’t go thinking we loved pianos
more than elephants, air conditioning more than air.

We loved honey, just loved it, and went into stores
to smell the sweet perfume of unworn leather shoes.

Did you know, on the coast of Africa, the Sea Rose
and Carpenter Bee used to depend on each other?

The petals only opened for the Middle C their wings
beat, so in the end, we protested with tuning forks.

You must think we hated the stars, the empty ladles,
because they conjured thirst. We didn’t. We thanked

them and called them lucky, we even bought the rights
to name them for our sweethearts. Believe it or not,

most people kept plants like pets and hired kids
like you to water them, whenever they went away.

And ice! Can you imagine? We put it in our coffee
and dumped it out at traffic lights, when it plugged up

our drinking straws. I had a dog once, a real dog,
who ate venison and golden yams from a plastic dish.

He was stubborn, but I taught him to dance and play
dead with a bucket full of chicken livers. And we danced

too, you know, at weddings and wakes, in basements
and churches, even when the war was on. Our cars

we mostly named for animals, and sometimes we drove
just to drive, to clear our heads of everything but wind.

Annotations: “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
“Oh button, don’t go thinking we loved pianos more than elephants, air conditioning more than air.”Grasser opens with a nostalgic plea, addressing future generations and clarifying that the technological conveniences (pianos, air conditioning) of the past were not valued more than nature (elephants, air).
“We loved honey, just loved it, and went into stores to smell the sweet perfume of unworn leather shoes.”A sensory recollection of simple pleasures, associating honey with natural sweetness and the smell of new shoes with material comfort.
“Did you know, on the coast of Africa, the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee used to depend on each other?”Introduces a symbolic relationship between nature (Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee), emphasizing the interdependence between species and the fragility of ecosystems.
“The petals only opened for the Middle C their wings beat, so in the end, we protested with tuning forks.”A poetic and possibly fictive image suggesting that the bees’ wings produced a specific frequency that influenced nature, metaphorically hinting at human intervention (protests with tuning forks) to preserve nature.
“You must think we hated the stars, the empty ladles, because they conjured thirst. We didn’t.”Addresses future misconceptions, explaining that past generations appreciated the stars despite their metaphorical associations with longing (empty ladles symbolizing thirst).
“We thanked them and called them lucky, we even bought the rights to name them for our sweethearts.”Suggests a sentimental and commercialized relationship with the cosmos, where stars were not only admired but also commodified by naming them for loved ones.
“Believe it or not, most people kept plants like pets and hired kids like you to water them, whenever they went away.”Describes the common practice of taking care of plants as cherished objects, and how younger generations were given responsibilities, emphasizing human connections with nature.
“And ice! Can you imagine? We put it in our coffee and dumped it out at traffic lights, when it plugged up our drinking straws.”Reflects on the casual use of ice as a luxury in beverages, highlighting the wasteful or indifferent behavior toward natural resources.
“I had a dog once, a real dog, who ate venison and golden yams from a plastic dish.”A personal anecdote about a pet, showcasing the contrast between the natural (venison, yams) and the artificial (plastic dish), possibly critiquing materialism.
“He was stubborn, but I taught him to dance and play dead with a bucket full of chicken livers.”A memory of training the dog, illustrating human-animal interaction as a mix of affection and control, where food is used to teach tricks.
“And we danced too, you know, at weddings and wakes, in basements and churches, even when the war was on.”A reminder of the enduring nature of human joy (dancing) and resilience, even in the face of hardship such as war.
“Our cars we mostly named for animals, and sometimes we drove just to drive, to clear our heads of everything but wind.”The nostalgic recollection of cars named after animals conveys a connection to the natural world, while the act of driving represents a means of escape and reflection.
Literary And Poetic Devices: “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
AllusionA reference to another work, event, or place.“Even when the war was on”The reference to war alludes to historical events, grounding the poem in a specific time of hardship and resilience.
AnthropomorphismAttributing human characteristics to non-human entities.“He was stubborn, but I taught him to dance”The speaker gives human traits to his dog, suggesting the animal can perform human-like actions.
ApostropheAddressing a non-present entity or person as if they were present.“Oh button, don’t go thinking we loved pianos…”The speaker addresses their great, great grandchild directly, though they are in a different time period.
AssonanceThe repetition of vowel sounds within words.“Honey… stores… leather shoes”The long “o” sound creates a soothing, reflective tone, matching the nostalgic content.
CaesuraA deliberate pause or break within a line of poetry.“And ice! Can you imagine?”The break after “ice” emphasizes the surprise and awe of the concept of using ice, creating a reflective pause.
ConsonanceThe repetition of consonant sounds, typically within or at the end of words.“Tuning forks”The “k” sound in “forks” echoes a sense of finality or resolution in the protest metaphor.
EnjambmentThe continuation of a sentence or clause across a line break.“whenever they went away. / And ice! Can you imagine?”The thought flows across the line break, allowing the sentence to build momentum and surprise in the following line.
HyperboleExaggeration for emphasis or effect.“And ice! Can you imagine?”The amazement of using ice in coffee seems exaggerated, stressing the absurdity of such a luxury in the context of the future.
ImageryDescriptive language that appeals to the senses.“Venison and golden yams from a plastic dish.”The vivid description appeals to taste and sight, bringing the scene to life.
IronyA contrast between expectation and reality, often for humorous or reflective effect.“We put it in our coffee and dumped it out at traffic lights”The casual use and waste of ice, something valuable in the future, creates a sense of irony.
JuxtapositionPlacing two contrasting ideas or elements close together for effect.“Pianos… elephants”The contrast between man-made (pianos) and natural (elephants) elements highlights the differences in values.
MetaphorA figure of speech that compares two unlike things directly, without using “like” or “as.”“The empty ladles, because they conjured thirst”The ladles metaphorically represent the stars and the human longing for meaning or fulfillment.
MetonymyA figure of speech in which one word or phrase is substituted for another with which it is closely associated.“We even bought the rights to name them for our sweethearts”“Sweethearts” stands for loved ones, emphasizing how people commercialized their affection.
OnomatopoeiaA word that imitates a natural sound.“Middle C their wings beat”The use of “beat” imitates the sound of the bees’ wings, creating a more vivid sensory experience.
PersonificationGiving human characteristics to non-human objects or abstract ideas.“We thanked them and called them lucky”The stars are personified as being able to bring “luck,” imbuing them with human qualities.
SimileA comparison using “like” or “as.”“Most people kept plants like pets”The comparison between plants and pets highlights the care people gave to nature, emphasizing human attachment to non-human entities.
SymbolismThe use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities beyond their literal sense.“Stars, the empty ladles”The stars symbolize human hopes and desires, while the empty ladles signify unfulfilled needs or aspirations.
ToneThe attitude or feeling conveyed by the author through word choice and style.The overall tone is nostalgic and reflective, with hints of regret.Grasser conveys a longing for the past while addressing the future, creating a wistful atmosphere that looks back on humanity’s past decisions and values.
Themes: “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
  • Nostalgia for Nature: The poem reflects a deep sense of nostalgia for the natural world, highlighting how past generations cherished elements of nature that may no longer exist in the future. The speaker recalls the love for simple, natural pleasures, like honey and the scent of leather shoes, expressing a longing for a time when these things were taken for granted. The relationship between the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee is symbolic of the delicate balance of nature, now lost (“Did you know, on the coast of Africa, the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee used to depend on each other?”). This connection to nature contrasts with the artificial comforts of modernity, and the speaker laments the loss of these vital, natural relationships.
  • Human Disconnection from Nature: As much as the poem reflects a love for nature, it also underscores the growing disconnection between humans and the natural environment. This is shown in the casual wastefulness of resources, like ice, which the speaker mentions dumping at traffic lights (“We put it in our coffee and dumped it out at traffic lights”). The frivolous use of nature’s gifts, like treating ice as a disposable luxury, reflects humanity’s growing detachment from the environment and a failure to appreciate the finite nature of these resources. The speaker anticipates that the future generations, including the great, great grandchild, will struggle to understand this disconnection, and the poem serves as a reminder of what was lost.
  • Legacy and Responsibility: The poem also emphasizes the theme of legacy and the responsibility that one generation has toward the next. The speaker seems aware that future generations will inherit a world that has been significantly altered, and there is an undercurrent of regret about the choices made in the past. By addressing the great, great grandchild directly, the speaker seeks to convey lessons learned, such as the importance of valuing nature over materialism (“Oh button, don’t go thinking we loved pianos more than elephants, air conditioning more than air”). The speaker wants future generations to understand that, although past generations enjoyed the comforts of technology, they also cherished the natural world and, perhaps too late, fought to preserve it.
  • Human Resilience and Joy Amid Hardship: Despite the underlying themes of loss and regret, the poem also celebrates human resilience and the ability to find joy even in difficult times. The speaker fondly recalls how people continued to dance at weddings and wakes, even during wartime (“And we danced too, you know, at weddings and wakes, in basements and churches, even when the war was on”). This passage reflects the human capacity to find moments of happiness and normalcy in the face of adversity. The ability to dance during hardship symbolizes the enduring spirit of humanity, suggesting that even as the world changes and challenges arise, people will continue to find ways to celebrate life and connect with one another.
Literary Theories and “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
Literary TheoryApplication to the PoemReferences from the Poem
EcocriticismThis theory focuses on the relationship between literature and the environment, examining how human interaction with nature is portrayed. In the poem, Grasser emphasizes the human impact on nature and expresses regret over the disconnection between humans and the natural world. The nostalgic tone highlights the loss of ecosystems and natural harmony.The speaker recalls the interdependence of the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee, lamenting the loss of such relationships: “Did you know, on the coast of Africa, the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee used to depend on each other?” This illustrates the disruption of ecological balance, a key concern in ecocriticism.
PostmodernismPostmodernism is characterized by a fragmented or playful representation of reality, often questioning traditional narratives or values. In Grasser’s poem, there is a juxtaposition of nostalgia for past values and ironic commentary on the absurdity of modern human practices, such as casually wasting ice. The speaker reflects on how humans have altered nature and their own lives, creating a sense of disorientation regarding time and values.The line “We put it in our coffee and dumped it out at traffic lights” shows a postmodern irony and absurdity in how society treats natural resources, reflecting a sense of loss and fragmented value systems.
New HistoricismNew Historicism examines literature in the context of its historical moment, focusing on how cultural, social, and political contexts influence the text. In this poem, Grasser reflects on human behavior and its consequences through the lens of a future generation. The speaker recalls a time when humans took both nature and technology for granted, subtly critiquing modern consumerism and environmental degradation.The references to historical events like war (“even when the war was on”) and cultural practices (“We even bought the rights to name them for our sweethearts”) provide a historical and cultural backdrop, allowing readers to see the poem as a critique of contemporary practices in light of future consequences.
Critical Questions about “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser

·         How does the poem reflect the consequences of human actions on nature?

  • Grasser’s poem reveals a profound sense of loss and regret over humanity’s impact on the natural world. The reference to the interdependence between the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee (“Did you know, on the coast of Africa, the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee used to depend on each other?”) emphasizes how delicate ecosystems were once in balance. This relationship, now seemingly lost, suggests that human intervention, such as protests with tuning forks, could not preserve nature’s harmony. The poem reflects on the consequences of overconsumption, evident in casual behaviors like wasting ice (“We put it in our coffee and dumped it out at traffic lights”), underscoring the long-term environmental damage caused by such disregard for nature’s resources.

·         What role does nostalgia play in the poem’s portrayal of the past?

  • Nostalgia permeates the poem, shaping the speaker’s reflections on a simpler time when humans had a closer relationship with nature. The speaker fondly recalls everyday sensory experiences, such as the smell of honey and leather shoes (“We loved honey, just loved it, and went into stores to smell the sweet perfume of unworn leather shoes”). These vivid memories suggest that past generations cherished the natural world, but the tone also implies regret that these moments were fleeting and that future generations, like the great, great grandchild, may never experience such beauty. The poem’s nostalgic lens casts the past as a time of innocence, contrasting sharply with the wastefulness and detachment of modern life.

·         In what ways does the poem critique modern consumerism and materialism?

  • Grasser critiques modern consumerism through the casual references to wasteful behavior, such as the careless use of ice and indulgent consumption of luxury goods. The speaker’s memory of his dog, fed on venison and golden yams from a plastic dish (“I had a dog once, a real dog, who ate venison and golden yams from a plastic dish”), highlights the absurdity of excess in a world where natural resources are limited. Similarly, the line “We even bought the rights to name them for our sweethearts” illustrates how even celestial bodies, traditionally seen as symbols of timeless beauty and mystery, were commodified for personal gain. These critiques highlight the increasing disconnection between humanity and the natural world, where material comforts overshadow more meaningful connections to nature.

·         How does the poem address the theme of legacy and responsibility to future generations?

  • The poem is framed as a letter to a future descendant, underscoring the theme of legacy and responsibility. The speaker addresses their great, great grandchild directly, expressing both concern and hope for the future. Through this format, the speaker imparts lessons and wisdom, explaining that although past generations enjoyed material comforts, they also valued nature (“Oh button, don’t go thinking we loved pianos more than elephants, air conditioning more than air”). The speaker seems to regret the damage caused by previous generations and wishes to clarify their intentions, hoping that future generations might learn from these mistakes. This reflective tone emphasizes the responsibility we have to protect the world for those who come after us.
Literary Works Similar to “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
  1. “For the Children” by Gary Snyder
    Similar to Grasser’s work, this poem addresses future generations, offering both wisdom and warnings about environmental stewardship and the importance of living in harmony with nature.
  2. “The Second Coming” by W.B. Yeats
    Yeats’ poem, like Grasser’s, grapples with the idea of a world in decline, reflecting on societal breakdown and the impending consequences for future generations.
  3. “A Far Cry from Africa” by Derek Walcott
    This poem explores themes of human violence and the destruction of nature, much like Grasser’s work, focusing on the ecological and moral costs of human actions.
  4. “Lines Written in Early Spring” by William Wordsworth
    Wordsworth’s poem, like Grasser’s, expresses regret for humanity’s separation from the natural world and laments the loss of a simpler, more harmonious relationship with nature.
Representative Quotations of “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
QuotationContextTheoretical Perspective
“Oh button, don’t go thinking we loved pianos more than elephants, air conditioning more than air.”The speaker opens the poem by addressing misconceptions future generations might have about their values.Ecocriticism: Highlights the tension between technological comfort and environmental values.
“We loved honey, just loved it, and went into stores to smell the sweet perfume of unworn leather shoes.”Describes a sensory memory of simple, everyday pleasures associated with nature and material goods.Nostalgia: Expresses a longing for the past and simpler, nature-centered pleasures.
“Did you know, on the coast of Africa, the Sea Rose and Carpenter Bee used to depend on each other?”Reflects on a specific, possibly symbolic, natural relationship that has been lost over time.Ecocriticism: Emphasizes the fragile interdependence of ecosystems and species.
“The petals only opened for the Middle C their wings beat, so in the end, we protested with tuning forks.”Describes human attempts to intervene in or protest the destruction of nature, though the efforts seem futile.Postmodernism: Suggests a sense of disillusionment with human efforts to protect nature.
“You must think we hated the stars, the empty ladles, because they conjured thirst. We didn’t.”Responds to the potential misinterpretation that past generations were indifferent to the beauty of nature.New Historicism: Challenges future views of past cultural and environmental values.
“We even bought the rights to name them for our sweethearts.”Describes how even the stars were commodified by people in the past, bought and named for loved ones.Consumerism: Critiques the commodification of natural elements for personal, sentimental gain.
“Most people kept plants like pets and hired kids like you to water them, whenever they went away.”Reflects on how people once treated plants with care, creating a personal connection with nature.Anthropocentrism: Explores the human-centered approach to nature, treating it as an extension of domestic life.
“And ice! Can you imagine? We put it in our coffee and dumped it out at traffic lights.”Highlights the casual and wasteful use of resources like ice, which future generations might find unbelievable.Irony: Critiques human wastefulness and the casual disregard for natural resources.
“I had a dog once, a real dog, who ate venison and golden yams from a plastic dish.”The speaker recalls their pet, emphasizing the excesses of human consumption, even for animals.Materialism: Critiques the absurdity of overindulgence and consumerism.
“And we danced too, you know, at weddings and wakes, in basements and churches, even when the war was on.”Reminisces about the resilience of people in maintaining joy and traditions, even during difficult times.Humanism: Celebrates the enduring spirit and resilience of humanity in the face of adversity.
Suggested Readings: “Letter to My Great, Great Grandchild” by J.P. Grasser
  1. Satchidanandan, K. Greening the earth: A global anthology of poetry. Penguin Random House India Private Limited, 2023.
  2. Grasser, J. P. “Harvest Festival.” Prairie Schooner, vol. 89, no. 2, 2015, pp. 70–70. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/24639900. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  3. GRASSER, J. P. “Stumbling on Clair de Lune.” Agni, no. 84, 2016, pp. 46–47. JSTOR, http://www.jstor.org/stable/44074659. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  4. GRASSER, J. P. “Lesson In Winter.” The Sewanee Review, vol. 126, no. 4, 2018, p. 653. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/48558253. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  5. GRASSER, J. P. “Wild Thought.” The Sewanee Review, vol. 126, no. 4, 2018, pp. 651–52. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/48558252. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.
  6. GRASSER, J. P. “Headlong.” Ploughshares, vol. 47, no. 4, 2021, pp. 57–58. JSTOR, https://www.jstor.org/stable/27093309. Accessed 11 Oct. 2024.