Conclusion in an Essay

The main purpose of a conclusion is to effectively wrap up the essay, reiterate the main points, and leave the reader with a lasting impression.


A conclusion in an essay serves as the final section of the essay. It has the following features.

  1. It summarizes the main points
  2. It synthesizes the key arguments.
  3. It provides a sense of closure.
  4. It presents final thoughts, draws conclusions, and gives recommendations.
  5. It encourages readers to go further deep into the topic and discover more.
Main Purpose of a Conclusion
  1. Summarize main points
  2. Provide closure
  3. Reinforce the thesis statement
  4. Synthesize key arguments
  5. Leave a lasting impression
  6. Connect to broader implications
  7. Encourage further reflection or action

The main purpose of a conclusion is to effectively wrap up the essay, reiterate the main points, and leave the reader with a strong and lasting impression of the essay’s significance.

Main Elements of a Conclusion
1. Restatement of the Thesis Statement or Main IdeaRestates the central argument or main idea of the essay, specifically related to the literary work being analyzed.In brief, it is affirmed that the recurring motifs of loneliness and isolation in John Steinbeck’s novel Of Mice and Men highlight the tragic nature of the human condition.
2. Summary of Key PointsSummarizes the main points or arguments discussed in the essay, focusing on the literary elements and techniques employed by the author.Steinbeck’s use of imagery, powerful symbolism, and compelling characterization conveys the themes of friendship, dreams, and social injustice as the analysis shows.
3. Closing Thought or InsightOffers a final thought or insight related to the literary work, providing a deeper understanding or interpretation.Moreover, this examination of Of Mice and Men reveals how the tragedy of shattered dreams leads to profound emotional resonance, evoking empathy and introspection within readers.
4. Implications and Future DirectionsDiscusses the broader implications or relevance of the findings of the essay, considering their impact on literary theory, criticism, or further analysis of the work.Moving forward, this analysis prompts us to reconsider the significance of marginalized characters in literature and encourages further exploration into the socio-political context of Steinbeck’s era.
5. Closing Statement or Call to ActionConcludes the essay with a strong and memorable closing statement, encouraging readers to continue engaging with the literary work or prompting further research and discussion.Putting it briefly, let us go deeper into the rich tapestry of literature, appreciating the profound insights it offers into the complexities of the human experience and fostering a lifelong passion for literary exploration.
Examples of Conclusions
  1. Topic: Intertextuality in Postmodern Literary Theory

In short, the presentation of the concept of intertextuality as a crucial aspect of postmodern literary theory evidences its practical importance in critiques. This analysis also shows that intertextuality enhances the richness and complexity of literary texts, allowing for interconnections and dialogues between different works. Furthermore, this study reveals how intertextuality challenges notions of originality and authorship, emphasizing the interplay between texts and the collective nature of meaning-making. Moving forward, a deeper exploration of intertextuality could contribute to a more nuanced understanding of literary works, enabling us to uncover hidden layers of meaning and cultural references. Briefly, it requires further exploration to show intertextuality as a powerful tool for literary analysis, enabling us to appreciate the interconnectedness of texts and the diverse influences that shape our literary landscape.

In a nutshell, “Ode to a Nightingale” serves as a mesmerizing testament to the power of sensuousness. The skillful use of language by Keats allows the fleeting beauty of the nightingale’s song to transform into a gateway to transcending the limitations of human existence. Keats, in fact, intricately weaves together the sensory richness and emotional exploration, enabling temporary respite from the burdens of mortality and providing an opportunity to revel in the pure aesthetic pleasure of the bird’s music. This exploration of sensuousness highlights the capacity of art to offer solace and inspiration. Contemplating the implications of this poem reminds us of the enduring significance of embracing and cherishing the sensuous beauty that surrounds us, as it possesses the power to elevate our existence and nourish our souls. Therefore, the invitation conveyed by Keats encourages us to fully immerse ourselves in the sensory wonders of the world and seek to capture and celebrate the ineffable magic of life.

Suggested Readings
  1. Graff, Gerald, and Cathy Birkenstein. They Say / I Say: The Moves That Matter in Academic Writing. 4th ed., W.W. Norton & Company, 2018.
  2. Langan, John. College Writing Skills with Readings. 9th ed., McGraw-Hill Education, 2017.
  3. Ramage, John D. et al. The Allyn & Bacon Guide to Writing. 8th ed., Pearson, 2016.
  4. Strunk Jr., William, and E.B. White. The Elements of Style. 4th ed., Longman, 1999.

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