“Racism: What It Is And What It Isn’t” by Lawrence Blum: Summary and Critique
Introduction: "Racism: What It Is And What It Isn’t" by Lawrence Blum "Racism: What It Is And What It Isn’t" ...
“Can the Cosmopolitan Writer Be Absolved of Racism?” by Andew C. Long: Summary and Critique
Introduction: "Can the Cosmopolitan Writer Be Absolved of Racism?" by Andew C. Long "Can the Cosmopolitan Writer Be Absolved of ...
“Moors, Race, and the Study of English Renaissance Literature: A Brief Retrospective” by Mary Floyd-Wilson: Summary and Critique
Introduction: "Moors, Race, and the Study of English Renaissance Literature: A Brief Retrospective" by Mary Floyd-Wilson "Moors, Race, and the ...
“The Voice” by Thomas Hardy: A Critical Analysis
Introduction: "The Voice" by Thomas Hardy "The Voice" by Thomas Hardy first appeared in Poems of the Past and Present ...
Sound Studies in Literature
Sound Studies: Term and Concept Etymology of Sound Studies The term "Sound Studies" has emerged as a distinct field of ...
Gender Studies in Literature
Gender Studies: Etymology and Concept AspectDescriptionEtymologےThe term "gender studies" emerged in academia during the late 20th century, branching out from ...
Film Studies in Literature
Film Studies: Etymology, Term and Concept Etymology of Film Studies The term "Film Studies" is a compound noun composed of ...
African Literary Theory in English Literature
African Literary Theory: Etymology and Concept Etymology African literary theory encompasses the diverse and evolving interpretations of African literature, rooted ...
Travel Writing in English Literature
Travel Writing: Etymology and Concept Etymology of Travel Writing The term "travel writing" which emerged as a distinct genre in ...
Post-Apocalyptic Literature
Post-Apocalyptic Literature: Etymology and Concept Etymology of "Post-Apocalyptic" in Literature The term "post-apocalyptic" in Post-Apocalyptic Literature is a compound word ...
Politeness Theory in English Literature
Politeness Theory: Etymology and Concept Etymology of Politeness Theory Politeness theory, a cornerstone of pragmatics, emerged in the late 20th ...
Posthumanism in English Literature
Posthumanism: Etymology and Concept Etymology of Posthumanism The term "posthumanism" emerged in the late 20th century, drawing its roots from ...
Platonism and English Literature
Platonism: Etymology and Concept Platonism, derived from the Greek philosopher Plato's name, is a philosophical tradition that has significantly influenced ...
Oil or Petrofiction in English Literature
Oil or Petrofiction: Term and Concept Etymology of the Term "Petrofiction" The term "petrofiction" in "oil or petrofiction" was coined ...
Harlem Renaissance in American Literature
Harlem Renaissance: Term and Concept The term "Harlem Renaissance" emerged in the mid-20th century to encapsulate the flourishing of African ...
Dadaist Poetry in English Literature
Dadaist Poetry: Term and Concept Etymology of "Dada" Dadaist poetry is made of term "Dada" emerged in the early 20th ...
Performance Theory in English Literature
Performance Theory: Term and Concept Performance Theory Performance theory is an interdisciplinary field that examines the ways in which actions, ...
Literary Semiotics
Literary Semiotics: Term and Concept Literary Semiotics Literary semiotics, a branch of literary theory and criticism, explores the study of ...
Literary Pragmatics and English Literature
Literary Pragmatics: Term and Concept Etymology Derived from the Latin word, literary pragmatics is a combination of two words, Latin ...
Spatial Otherness in Literature & Literary Theory
Spatial Otherness: Etymology/Term, Meanings and Concept Spatial Otherness Spatial otherness refers to the process of differentiating, segregating, or marginalizing individuals ...
Fantasy Literature in English Literature
Fantasy Literature: Term, Origin and Concept Term: Fantasy literature is a genre of fiction that creates imaginative and often magical ...
Diaspora Theory in English Literature
Diaspora Theory: Term and Concept Diaspora Theory Diaspora theory is a field of study that examines the dispersal of people ...
Chicano Literature in English Literature
Introduction: Chicano Literature Chicano literature emerges from the experiences of Mexican Americans who identify with the social and cultural aims ...
Islam and Early Modern English Literature
Islam and Early Modern English Literature: Term and Concept Term The term "Islam and Early Modern English Literature" refers to ...
Asian American Literature in English
Asian American Literature: Term and Concept Term The term "Asian American Literature" refers to the body of literary works produced ...
Muslim English Discourse in English Literature
Muslim English Discourse: Term and Concept Term The term "Muslim English Discourse" designates a specific field within linguistics, discourse analysis, ...
Literary Darwinism in Literature & Critiques
Literary Darwinism: Term and Concept Term Literary Darwinism refers to a late 19th-century and early 20th-century trend of applying the ...
Indigenous Narrative in Literature
Indigenous Narrative: Term and Concept Term The term "Indigenous Narrative" broadly refers to the diverse forms of storytelling, oral histories, ...
Gender Performativity Theory in Literature
Gender Performativity Theory: Term and Concept Term The term "gender performativity" in gender performativity theory rose to prominence within feminist ...
Theories of Reading in Language and Literature
Theories of Reading: Term and Concept Theories of Reading: Term Theories of reading refer to a diverse set of scholarly ...
Semiotics of Culture and Literature
Semiotics of Culture: Term and Concept Semiotics of Culture: Term Semiotics of culture is a scholarly framework that explores into ...
Equivalence Theory of Translation
Equivalence Theory: Term and Concept Term: In translation studies, the term equivalence in equivalence theory refers to the ideal of ...
Descriptive Translation Studies (DTS) in Literature
Descriptive Translation Studies: Term, Definition, and Concept Definition: Descriptive Translation Studies is a branch of translation theory that focuses on ...
American Studies and English Literature
American Studies: The Term Interdisciplinary Field: American Studies draws on numerous academic disciplines, including history, sociology, literature, political science, and ...
Gothic Literature in English
Gothic Literature: Introduction Gothic literature emerged in England during the late 18th century, offering a darkly romantic counterpoint to the ...
Functional Theories in Literature
Functional Theories: Term, Definition, and Concept Definition: Functional theories encompass a collection of perspectives within various disciplines like sociology, anthropology, ...
Afrofuturism in Literature
Introduction: Afrofuturism in Literature Afrofuturism offers a literary framework for reimagining B**ck identities and experiences in the genres of science ...
Actor-Network Theory
Introduction: Actor-Network Theory Actor-Network Theory (ANT), a field of inquiry stemming from science and technology studies, provides a powerful tool ...
Kashmiri Narrative in English Literature
The Kashmiri Narrative in English Literature Historical Context: The Kashmiri narrative within English literature is inextricably linked to the region's ...
Stigma Theory in Literature
Stigma Theory: Definition/Term, Definition and Concept Term and Definition Stigma theory is a sociological framework that examines the processes by ...
Representation Theory in Literature
Representation Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Definition: Representation Theory is a field of mathematics concerned with the study of abstract ...
Modernization Theory in Literature
Modernization Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Definition: Modernization theory is a macro-sociological and developmental theory that posits that all societies ...
Performativity of Power in Literature & Literary Theory
Performativity of Power: Etymology/Term, Meanings and Concept The term "performativity of power" originated from the work of philosopher and gender ...
Grief Theory in Literature
Grief Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Grief Theory: Grief theory refers to a set of psychological frameworks and models that ...
Unreliable Narrator Theory in Literature
Unreliable Narrator Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Definition and Concept: The Unreliable Narrator Theory refers to a literary device where ...
Optimization Theory in Literature
Optimization Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Optimization Theory Optimization theory is a mathematical discipline focused on developing methods and techniques ...
Dependency Theory in Literature
Dependency Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Dependency Theory Term/Etymology: Dependency theory, as a term, refers to a set of social, ...
World Systems Theory in Literature
World Systems Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Term/Etymology: World-Systems Theory, often referred to as world-system analysis, is a multidisciplinary approach ...
Voice Theory in Literature
Voice Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Voice Theory: Voice theory refers to a set of principles and concepts related to ...
Theory of Parody in Literature
Theory of Parody: Term, Definition and Concept Theory of Parody: Parody in theory of pardoy refers to a form of ...
Social Identity Theory in Literature
Social Identity Theory: Term, Definition and Concept Term: Social Identity Theory (SIT) is a psychological framework developed by Henri Tajfel ...
Skopos Theory in Literature
Skopos Theory: Term, Definition, and Concept Skopos Theory: Skopos Theory, originating from translation studies, is a framework that emphasizes the ...
Simulation Theory in Literature
Simulation Theory: Etymology/Term, Definition, and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "simulation theory" traces its roots to the Latin word "simulare," meaning ...
Rhetorical Theory in Literature
Rhetorical Theory in Literature: Etymology/Term, Definition, and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "rhetorical" in rhetorical theory in literature has its roots ...
Relief Theory in Literature
Relief Theory: Etymology/Term, Definition, and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "Relief Theory" stems from the Latin word "relevare," meaning to lift ...
Polysystem Theory in Literature
Polysystem Theory: Etymology/Term, Definition, and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "Polysystem" originates from the combination of two Greek words: "poly," meaning ...
Pastoral Theory in Literature
Pastoral Theory: Etymology/Term, Definition, and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "pastoral" in pastoral theory originates from the Latin word "pastor," meaning ...
Neoclassicism in Literature
Neoclassicism: Etymology/Term, Definition and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "Neoclassicism" originates from the combination of "neo," meaning new or revived, and ...
Naturalism in Literature
Naturalism: Etymology/Term, Definition, and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "naturalism" traces its roots to the Latin word "natura," meaning nature. Emerging ...
Cultural Studies in Literature
Cultural Studies: Etymology and Concept Etymology/Term: The term "Cultural Studies" originated in the mid-20th century and gained prominence during the ...
Mimetic Criticism in Literature
Mimetic Criticism: Definition and Concept Definition: Mimetic criticism, rooted in literary and cultural analysis, focuses on the representation of reality ...
Humor Theory in Literature
Humor Theory: Etymology/Term, Definition, Concept Etymology/Term: The word "humor" in the context of humor theory originates from the ancient Greek ...
Equivalence Theory in Translation
Equivalence Theory in Translation: Term, Definition, and Concept Definition: Equivalence theory in translation refers to the approach that emphasizes the ...
Equivalence Theory in Literature
Equivalence Theory: Etymology/Term, Definition and Concept Etymology/Term: Equivalence theory derives its name from the concept of equivalence, indicating a state ...
Cultural Criticism in Literature
Cultural Criticism: Etymology/Term, Definition and Concept Etymology/Term: Cultural criticism is a compound term derived from "culture" and "criticism." The word ...
Crip Theory in Literature
Crip Theory: Term/Etymology and Concept Term/Etymology: "Crip theory" is a term that originated within the field of Disability Studies, particularly ...
Thing Theory in Literature
Thing Theory: Term/Etymology and Concept Term/Etymology: Thing theory, as a term, emerged in the late 20th century, primarily within the ...
Comic Theory in Literature
Comic Theory: Term/Etymology and Concept Term/Etymology: Comic theory, also known as humor theory or the theory of comedy, explores the ...
Attachment Theory in Literature
Attachment Theory: Term/Etymology and Concept Term/Etymology: Attachment theory, developed by British psychologist John Bowlby in the mid-20th century, explores the ...
Counterfactual Condition: A Term in Logic
Counterfactual Condition: Etymology, Literal and Conceptual Meanings Etymology: The term "counterfactual condition" originates from the Latin roots "contra," meaning against, ...
Transculturation Theory in Literature
Transculturation Theory: Introduction Transculturation theory is a concept rooted in cultural studies and anthropology that examines the dynamic and complex ...
The Avant-Garde Literary Theory
Introduction: Theorizing the Avant-Garde The avant-garde, a term rooted in military vocabulary denoting the vanguard or front line, has evolved ...
Theories of Translation
Introduction: Theories of Translation Theories of translation explore the complexities and challenges of transferring meaning from one language to another ...
Theories of Narrative in Literature
Introduction: Theories of Narrative Theories of narrative refer to a broad range of interdisciplinary approaches aimed at understanding the nature ...
Semiotics in Literature & Literary Theory
Semiotics: Etymology The term "semiotics" finds its origins in the Greek word "sēmeiōtikos," rooted in the study of signs and ...
Geocriticism in English Literature
Geocriticism: Etymology and Concept "Geocriticism" originates from the combination of "geo," derived from the Greek word "ge," meaning "earth" or ...
Decolonial Theory in English Literature
Introduction: Decolonial Theory in English Literature Decolonial theory in English literature constitutes a vital intellectual framework that has arisen in ...
Humanism: A Literary Theory
Humanism: Introduction Humanism Literary Theory, rooted in the Renaissance, emphasizes the value of human experience, reason, and individualism in the ...
British Humanism Literary Theory
British Humanism: Definition British Humanism, or secular humanism, is a philosophical and ethical worldview that centers on human beings and ...
Spatial Theory in Literature
Introduction: Spatial Theory in Literature Spatial theory in literature examines the significance of physical and symbolic spaces within literary works, ...
Latin American Literature in English
Latin American Literature in English: Introduction Latin American literature in English is a vibrant and multifaceted body of work that ...
Spatial Theory (Multidisciplinary Framework)
Introduction: Spatial Theory Spatial theory, a multidisciplinary framework, analyzes the spatial organization of human environments and the reciprocal relationships between ...
Social Realism in Literature
Introduction: Social Realism in Literature Social Realism in literature stands as a powerful and enduring artistic movement that emerged during ...
Social Realism (Literary Movement)
Introduction: Social Realism Social Realism is a literary and artistic movement that emerged in the late 19th century and gained ...
Rhetorical Theory and Literature
Introduction: Rhetorical Theory Rhetorical theory is the study of persuasive communication techniques used to influence audiences and shape discourse. Rooted ...
Narratology in Literature/Literary Theory
Etymology of Narratology The term "narratology" is etymologically derived from two key elements: "narrative" and the suffix "-ology." "Narrative" finds ...
Existentialism in Literature
Introduction: Existentialism in Literature Existentialism in literature is a compelling and influential philosophical and literary movement that emerged in the ...
Existentialism as a Theoretical Perspective
Etymology of Existentialism The term "existentialism" is derived from the Latin word "existere," which means "to exist." It became popular ...
Dramatism Communication Theory in Literature
Introduction: Dramatism Communication Theory in Literature Developed by Kenneth Burke, dramatism communication theory in literature is a prominent framework in ...
Dramatism Communication Theory
Introduction: Dramatism Communication Theory Dramatism communication theory, developed by Kenneth Burke, views human communication as a form of symbolic action ...
Modern Tragedy in Literature
Introduction: Theory of Modern Tragedy The Theory of Modern Tragedy, within the realm of literary and dramatic studies, delves into ...
Theory of Tragedy in Litrature
Introduction: Theory of Tragedy The theory of tragedy, a cornerstone of literary and dramatic studies, is an enduring concept that ...
Literary Realism in Literature
Introduction: Literary Realism Literary realism, a pivotal movement in literature that gained prominence in the 19th century, is marked by ...
Bakhtinian Theory in Literature
Introduction: Bakhtinian Theory Bakhtinian theory, also known as dialogism, is a literary theory that focuses on the multiple voices and ...
Apparatus Theory in Literature
Introduction: Apparatus Theory in Literature Apparatus Theory, while primarily associated with film studies, has been adapted and applied to literature ...
Apparatus Theory in Literature
Introduction: Apparatus Theory Apparatus theory, a prominent concept in film and media studies, offers a critical lens through which to ...
World Literature in English
Introduction: World Literature in English World Literature in English refers to literary works written in the English language, but not ...
World Literature
Definition of World Literature World Literature refers to a body of literary works that transcend national and cultural boundaries, embodying ...
Trauma Theory in Literature
Introduction: Trauma Theory in Literature Trauma Theory in literature is a critical framework that explores the representation and impact of ...
Trauma Theory as Literary Theory
Etymology of Trauma Theory The term "trauma theory" has its etymological roots in the field of psychology, where "trauma" originates ...
Object-Oriented Ontology
Introduction: Object-Oriented Ontology Object-Oriented Ontology (OOO) in literature introduces a philosophical framework that challenges traditional anthropocentric perspectives by emphasizing the ...
Universalism as Literary Theory
Etymology of Universalism The etymology of "universalism" can be traced to the Latin word "universalis," which is a compound of ...
Universalism in Literature
Introduction: Universalism in Literature Universalism in literature is a critical lens through which we explore the enduring and transcendent qualities ...
Identity Theory in Literature
Introduction: Identity Theory in Literature Identity theory in literature, often associated with postcolonial and cultural studies, explores how individuals and ...
Muslim English Literature
Introduction: Muslim English Literature Muslim English Literature refers to the literary works written in the English language by Muslim writers ...
Muslim Discourse in English
Introduction: Muslim Discourse in English Muslim Discourse in English refers to the use of the English language by Muslim individuals ...
Islam in English Literature
Introduction: Islam in English Literature Islam in English Literature means it has been a recurring theme in English literature, reflecting ...
English Literature by Muslims
Introduction: English Literature by Muslims English literature by Muslims encompasses a diverse body of work produced by writers who identify ...
Islam and English Literature
Introduction: Islam and English Literature The relationship between Islam and English literature is a complex and multifaceted one that reflects ...
Muslim Narratives in English
Introduction: Muslim Narratives in English Muslim narratives in English are a rich and diverse collection of stories, myths, and traditions ...
Muslim Narratives
Introduction: Muslim Narratives Muslim narratives are a rich and diverse tapestry of literary, cultural, and historical accounts that span across ...
Historical Fiction in Literature
Introduction: Historical Fiction in Literature Historical fiction in literature is a genre that artfully melds the past with creative storytelling ...
Historical Fiction in English
Introduction: Historical Fiction Historical fiction is a literary genre that seamlessly weaves fact and imagination, immersing readers in bygone eras ...
Orientalism in Literature & Theory
Introduction: Orientalism in Literature Orientalism in literature constitutes a multifaceted and historically entrenched practice that has significantly shaped Western perceptions ...
Orientalism in Literature
Etymology of Orientialism The term "Orientalism" has its roots in the 18th and 19th centuries, emerging in the context of ...
New Materialism in Literature
Introduction: New Materialism in Literature New Materialism in literature is a theoretical framework that challenges traditional human-centric perspectives in literary ...
New Materialism
Nomenclature of New Materialism The term "New Materialism" is relatively recent, and its etymology can be understood by breaking down ...
Jungian Literary Criticism
Introduction: Jungian Literary Criticism Jungian Literary Criticism, rooted in the psychological theories of Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung, is an ...
Jungian Criticism as Literary Theory
Etymology and Nomenclature of Jungian Criticism Jungian criticism, also referred to as Jungian literary criticism, derives its name and theoretical ...
Evolutionary Theory in Literature
Introduction: Evolutionary Theory in Literature Evolutionary theory in literature, often referred to as "literary Darwinism" or "evocriticism," explores the application ...
Evolutionary Literary Theory
Definition: Evolutionary Literary Theory Evolutionary Literary Theory is a multidisciplinary approach that seeks to explain the evolutionary function of literature ...
Ecological Criticism in Literature
Introduction: Ecological Criticism in Literature Ecological criticism in literature, often referred to as ecocriticism, is a prominent theoretical framework in ...
Ecological Literary Criticism
Introduction: What is Ecological Literary Criticism? Ecological Literary Criticism, also known as Ecocriticism, is a branch of literary studies that ...
Aestheticism in Literature
Introduction: Aestheticism in Literature Aestheticism in literature, a prominent movement of the 19th century, championed the intrinsic value of beauty ...
Aestheticism as Literary Theory
Etymology of Aestheticism "Aestheticism" finds its etymological roots in the Greek word "aisthēsis," denoting "sensation" or "perception," and it gained ...
Iceberg Theory in Literature
Etymology of Iceberg Theory The "Iceberg Theory," also known as the theory of omission or the theory of the submerged ...
Theory of Metaphor in Literature
Introduction: Theory of Metaphor in Literature The theory of metaphor in literature posits that metaphor serves as a powerful literary ...
Theory of Metaphor
Etymology Theory of Metaphor The etymology of the Theory of Metaphor can be traced back to ancient Greek philosophy, specifically ...
Theory of Irony in Literature
Introduction: Theory of Irony in Literature The Theory of Irony in literature examines the deliberate use of irony as a ...
Theory of Irony as Literary Theory
Etymology and Nomenclature of Theory of Irony The term "irony" in theory or irony finds its origins in the ancient ...
Textual Criticism in Literature
Introduction: Textual Criticism in Literature Textual criticism in literature is a scholarly practice that rigorously examines the written or printed ...
Textual Criticism
Introduction: Textual Criticism Textual criticism is a scholarly discipline focused on analyzing and evaluating the accuracy and authenticity of written ...
Phenomenology in Literature
Introduction: Phenomenology in Literature Phenomenology in Literature is a philosophical and interpretive approach that focuses on exploring subjective human experiences ...
Etymology and Meanings of Phenomenology Phenomenology is derived from two Greek words, "phainomenon," meaning "that which appears" or "that which ...
Systems Theory in Literature
Introduction: Systems Theory in Literature Systems Theory in Literature represents a theoretical lens through which literary works are examined as ...
Systems Theory
Etymology of Systems Theory The etymology of Systems Theory can be traced to the mid-20th century, primarily associated with the ...
Theory of Symbolism in Literature
Introduction: Theory of Symbolism in Literature The Theory of Symbolism in literature is a timeless and robust framework within literary ...
Theory of Symbolism
Introduction: Theory of Symbolism The theory of symbolism in literature constitutes a fundamental and pervasive framework within literary analysis. Symbolism, ...
Reception Theory in Literature
Introduction: Reception Theory in Literature Reception theory in literature is a prominent framework that challenges traditional notions of literary meaning ...
Reception Theory
Etymology of Reception Theory Reception theory, in the field of literary and cultural studies, derives its etymology from the German ...
Oral Tradition Theory in Literature
Introduction: Oral Tradition Theory in Literature Oral Tradition Theory in literature, a fundamental framework in literary studies, investigates the intricate ...
Oral Tradition Theory
Introduction: Oral Tradition Theory Oral Tradition Theory, rooted in the etymology of "oral" and "tradition," is a scholarly framework employed ...
Ontological Criticism in Literature
Introduction: Ontological Criticism in Literature Ontological criticism in literature, deeply rooted in existential philosophy, engages with profound questions concerning the ...
Ontological Criticism aka Ontological Critique
Introduction: Ontological Criticism Ontological criticism, also known as ontological literary criticism, is a type of literary theory that focuses on ...
Narrative Theory aka Literary Theory
Introduction: Narrative Theory Narrative Theory is an analytical framework that explores the structural, thematic, and interpretative elements of storytelling within ...
Narrative Theory in Literature
Introduction to Narrative Theory Narrative Theory, as a literary theory, examines storytelling structures and their significance in English studies. It ...
Myth Criticism in Literature
Introduction Myth Criticism in Literature Myth Criticism in literature is a multifaceted analytical approach that explores the intricate relationship between ...
Myth Criticism / Myth Theory
Introduction to Myth Criticism Myth criticism, rooted in the ancient Greek term "mythos," which signifies stories or narratives with symbolic ...
Ideological Critique
Ideological Critique or Ideological Criticism? Ideological Critique and Ideological Criticism are terms that are sometimes used interchangeably, yet they can ...
Ideological Criticism
An Overview of Ideological Criticism Ideological criticism, also known as ideology critique, is a method of literary and cultural analysis ...
Ecofeminism Literary Theory
Introduction Literary Theory Ecofeminism is an interdisciplinary literary theory that explores the link between environmentalism and feminism. It examines how ...
Ecofeminism as Literary Theory
Introduction to Ecofeminism Ecofeminism is an interdisciplinary and philosophical movement that seeks to address the interconnected oppressions of gender-based discrimination ...
Historical Materialism in Literature
Introduction to Historical Materialism in Literature Historical materialism in literature provides a critical framework for analyzing literature by emphasizing the ...
Historical Materialism as Literary Theory
Introduction to Historical Materialism Historical Materialism is a philosophical and sociological theory developed by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It ...
Decolonial Theory in Literature
Introduction to Decolonial Theory in Literature Decolonial Theory in Literature is a critical framework that aims to challenge and dismantle ...
Decolonial Literary Theory
Introduction to Decolonial Literary Theory The term “decolonial” comes from “decolonize,” which means to undo or challenge the effects of ...
Hermeneutics in Literature
Significance of Hermeneutics in Literature Hermeneutics in literature plays a significant role by providing a fundamental framework for the interpretation ...
Hermeneutics in Literature & Literary Theory
Introduction To Hermeneutics Hermeneutics is not primarily a literary theory; rather, it is a philosophical and interpretive approach that deals ...
Cultural Materialism in Literature
What is Cultural Materialism in Literature? Cultural materialism in literature is a theoretical framework within cultural anthropology and cultural studies ...
Cultural Materialism as Literary Theory
Introduction Cultural materialism is a literary theory that examines the relationship between literature and the material conditions of society. It ...
Emotivist Theory & Literary Theory
Introduction to Emotivist Theory Emotivist Theory in literature shows that language and literature aim to express and evoke emotions rather ...
Emotivist Theory in Literature
Introduction to Emotivist Theory in Literature Emotivist Theory in literature, rooted in moral philosophy, underscores the emotional and ethical facets ...
Biographical Criticism in Literature
Introduction to Biographical Criticism in Literature Biographical criticism in Literature, while not a distinct literary theory in itself, is regarded ...
Biographical Criticism in Literature & Theory
Introduction: Biographical Criticism Biographical criticism is a literary analysis approach that examines an author's life experiences and personal background to ...
Archetypal Criticism
Introduction to Archetypal Criticism Archetypal criticism is a literary theory that examines the underlying universal symbols, themes, and character archetypes ...
Archetypal Literary Theory / Criticism
Introduction Archetypal literary theory, also known as archetypal criticism, is an approach to analyzing literature focusing on the identification and ...
Queer Literary Theory in Litrature
Introduction to Queer Literary Theory Queer Literary Theory is a critical framework that examines literature through the lens of queer ...
Queer Theory in Literature
Introduction to Queer Theory Queer theory is a critical and interdisciplinary framework that challenges conventional notions of gender, sexuality, and ...
Critical Race Theory: Application to Literature
Introduction Critical Race Theory (CRT) is an interdisciplinary framework developed in legal scholarship during the late 20th century that examines ...
Critical Race Literary Theory
Introduction The term Critical Race Literary Theory emerges from the fusion of Critical Race Theory and Literary Theory. Critical Race ...
African American Theory
Introduction African American Theory African American Theory is a critical framework that analyze literature produced by African American writers within ...
African American Literary Theory
Etymology of African American Literary Theory African American Literary Theory is a framework for analyzing literature by African American writers ...
Eco-Criticism in Literature & Theory
Introduction Eco-criticism Eco-criticism, an interdisciplinary field of literary analysis, explores the intricate relationship between literature and the natural environment. Rooted ...
Eco-Criticism Literary Theory
Etymology of “Eco-Criticism” The term “eco-criticism literary theory” combines the words “ecology”, "criticism” and "literary theory." It is used to ...
Deconstruction Literary Theory aka Deconstructionism
Introduction to Deconstruction Literary Theory The common term used in academic discourse is "Deconstruction" or "Deconstruction literary theory." While both ...
Deconstructionism in Literature
Introduction to Deconstructionism Deconstructionism in literature is a critical theory that emerged in the mid-20th century, primarily associated with the ...
Comparative Literature Courses
Introduction to Comparative Literature Courses Comparative Literature courses are academic programs that explore the interdisciplinary study of literature, emphasizing the ...
Comparative Literature
Introduction to Comparative Literature Comparative Literature is an interdisciplinary academic field centered on analyzing and comparing literary texts, typically from ...
Indigenous Critical Literary Theory
Introduction to Indigenous Critical Literary Theory Indigenous Critical Literary Theory is an analytical approach that centers on the literature and ...
Globalization Literary Theory-Critique and Criticism
Globalization literary theory of literature argues that the interconnectedness of the modern world has profoundly impacted literature. It suggests that ...
Globalization Theory, Theorists and Arguments
Introduction Globalization theory examines the interconnectedness and cross-cultural exchanges in literature, analyzing how literary texts from diverse regions and societies ...
Genre Theory: Critics and Argument
Introduction Genre theory, or theory of genre, a fundamental concept in English Studies and literary theory, analyzes how texts are ...
Genre Theory-1
Genre theory is an analytical framework used to classify and categorize creative works based on shared characteristics and conventions. It ...
Cognitive Poetics/Literary Theory-2
Cognitive poetics in the realm of literary theory is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks to understand how readers’ cognitive processes, ...
Cognitive Poetics / Literary Theory-1
Cognitive Poetics is a literary theory that emerged in the late 20th century, combining principles of cognitive science and literary ...
English Studies and Literary Theory
Introduction Literary Theory falls within the broader field of English Studies, focusing on the theoretical and philosophical aspects of literature ...
Chaos Literary Theory-2
Chaos literary theory, also known as Chaos Theory in literature, explores the application of its principles used for literary analysis ...
Chaos Literary Theory-1
Definition: Chaos Literary Theory is a critical approach that explores and embraces the complexities, unpredictability, and disorder in literary writings ...
English Studies Handbooks
Introduction English Studies handbooks are highly useful resources that provide comprehensive and insightful guidance for students, educators, and researchers in ...
Indigenous Critical Theory
What is Indigenous Critical Theory? The term “Indigenous” refers to the native or original inhabitants of a specific land or ...
English Studies Careers
Introduction English Studies brightens career prospects of students by making them able to earn good degrees and find good jobs ...
English Studies: Future and Future Prospectus
Future of English Studies The future of English Studies is likely to involve continued exploration and adaptation to new forms ...
English Studies: Various Dimensions and Growth
Dimensions of English Studies English studies is a broad field that encompasses a wide range of dimensions, including but not ...
English Studies and Other Fields
English Studies pertains to the comprehensive exploration and analysis of the English language, encompassing literature, linguistics, cultural studies, and various ...
English Studies Part-2
Introduction English Studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that investigates the English language, its literature, and related cultural artifacts. It ...
English Studies-1
English Studies: What is It? English Studies is an interdisciplinary field rather than a specialized field. It includes the comprehensive ...
Reader Response Literary Theory-2
Reader Response Literary Theory is a critical approach to analyzing literature that emphasizes the active role of the reader in ...
Reader Response Theory-1
Reader Response Theory is a critical framework that emphasizes the active role of readers in the process of interpreting and ...
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of Poststructuralism Literary Theory Etymologically, poststructuralism comprises two different terms post- as its ...
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Structuralism” Literary Theory Etymologically, the term structuralism comprises two terms structure and ...
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Psychoanalytic” Literary Theory The term psychoanalytic comprises two words. Greek word psyche ...
Russian Formalism
Listen to this article Meanings of “Russian Formalism” Literary Theory The literary theory “Russian Formalism” is a literary theory that ...
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Postcolonialism” Literary Theory Etymologically, the term, postcolonialism, comprises two words; post- which ...
New Historicism
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “New Historicism” Literary Theory The literary theory, new historicism, comprises two words ...
New Criticism
Listen to this article Introduction to New Criticism Literary Theory When formalism was witnessing its heydays in the Soviet Socialist ...
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Postmodernism” Literary Theory Etymologically, postmodernism comprises two words, post- and modernism. Here ...
Liberal Humanism
Etymology and Meanings of “Liberal Humanism” Literary Theory The literary theory “Liberal Humanism” is also known as “Humanism Literary Theory” ...
Feminism Literary Theory
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Feminism” Literary Theory The term feminism is of French origin. It seems ...
Modernism Literary Theory
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Modernism” Literary Theory The term modernism has been derived from a Latin ...
Marxism Literary Theory
Listen to this article Etymology and Meanings of “Marxism” Literary Theory The term “Marxism” is based on the name of ...
Magical Realism
Etymology and Meanings of “Magical Realism” Literary Theory Magical realism comprises two words magical and realism which means to show ...
Does Literary Theory Help in Reading Process?
Use of Literary Theory in Reading The reading process is a tricky business. Even readers themselves are rarely familiar with ...
Emergence of Literary Theory
Birth of Literary Theory Despite having roots in the classical Greece literary tradition, literary theory owes much to the modern ...
What is Metatheory? How is it related to Literature?
Meanings of Metatheory Metatheory is made up of two words; meta which means ‘going beyond,’ and theory which means a ...
Difference between Literary Theory and Literary Criticism
Difference Between Literary Theory and Literary Criticism The literary theory applies to naming theoretical perspectives and their attendant features, techniques, ...
Why is Literary Theory Required?
Literary Theory for Meaning Making The question about the requirement of a literary theory depends on the meanings of the ...
What is a Literary Theory?
Definition of Literary Theory Literary theory means a theory that is applied to a literary text. In other words, it ...