“Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”:Rhetorical Analysis

Published in a reputable newspaper like The New York Times, “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss” by Nicholas Kristof delves into the intersection of identity politics and economic justice in the United States.

Introduction: “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”

Published in a reputable newspaper like The New York Times, “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss” by Nicholas Kristof delves into the intersection of identity politics and economic justice in the United States. The article presents the struggles of the African American Crutcher family, detailing their economic losses and personal hardships. Kristof reviews the perspectives of a writer and Bernie Sanders, asserting that American liberalism is becoming divisive along lines of ethnicity, gender, and race rather than focusing on economic issues. The author aligns with both viewpoints, emphasizing that discussions about economic justice must include considerations of race and gender.

Regarding the Crutcher case, Kristof argues that the family’s losses were not racially exclusive, but they were accompanied by racial elements (Kristof). Simultaneously, he highlights the distress faced by middle-aged whites in the working class. The article concludes with comments from a civil rights officer who suggests that black individuals face a dual burden. Despite this, the head of the Crutcher family is commended for forgiving the white police officer who shot his son, demonstrating forgiveness even in the face of adversity.

While the article addresses a general American audience, its primary focus is on the white middle and upper-middle class, urging Congressional members to reconsider divisive policies. Kristof employs a formal and serious tone to effectively reach his target audience. The article skillfully utilizes rhetorical devices, figurative language, and organizational patterns with a somber tone to resonate with and persuade the readers.

“Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”: Rhetorical Devices

In terms of rhetorical devices, Kristof adeptly crafted the article during a period marked by the emergence of the Trump phenomenon and heightened racial tensions in the United States. The timing aligns with the Kairos principle, strategically tapping into the emotional climate stirred by Trump’s racial remarks. The incident involving the Crutcher family serves as a poignant example, adding an emotional appeal to the article’s logos, particularly by incorporating the opinions of figures like Bernie Sanders. Kristof leverages this emotional appeal combined with logical arguments, as evidenced by the quote, “I think it’s a step forward in America if you have an African-American CEO of some major corporation” (Kristof).

Moreover, he skillfully employs pathos and logos when discussing Lilla and Bernie Sanders’ viewpoints on “jobs and fairness” (Kristof). Throughout the article, pathos is prevalent in the discussion of deaths, crime, victims, “racial element,” “egregious failure,” and “anti-Catholic riots” (Kristof). These emotional and logical elements culminate towards the end when Kristof utilizes logos to emphasize the Crutcher family as a model of “inclusiveness” by choosing not to seek revenge for the killings of their family members (Kristof).

The use of rhetorical devices is complemented by Kristof’s formal and serious tone, creating a cohesive and impactful argument. Additionally, metaphorical language is employed effectively, enhancing the overall persuasiveness of the article.

“Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”: Tone and Language

Kristof exhibits skillful use of tone and language right from the outset of the article. Commencing in the first person, he evokes a sense of empathy and pity by recounting the killing of the young Crutcher man, a meeting with his father serving as an emotional touchpoint (Kristof). The tone then transitions to a formal and serious demeanor when he later mentions the family’s suffering in the opening paragraph (Kristof).

The language employed throughout the article is rich in figures of speech, complementing the established tone. Phrases like “the blunt truth” and “egregious failures,” along with the mention of “economic justice,” contribute to persuading readers about the impact of identity politics and its consequences. Notably, Kristof excels in seamlessly integrating these ideas into his diction, creating a cohesive and compelling narrative.

Furthermore, the organization of the essay showcases his adeptness in presenting complex ideas in a coherent manner. The seamless flow of reflections, from the recounting of a personal encounter to broader discussions on identity politics, demonstrates a thoughtful and well-structured composition.

Organization of “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”

Kristof employs an effective organizational pattern in his article, commencing with a concise attention-grabbing line to draw readers into the narrative. The first-person opening, featuring a poignant account of the young Crutcher’s killing and his grandfather’s grief, serves to capture the reader’s attention and engage them emotionally (Kristof). This approach aligns with Kristof’s success in appealing to his intended audience.

The article then transitions smoothly to an exploration of Mark Lilla’s essay and Bernie Sanders’ comments, ultimately converging these elements to emphasize the importance of “inclusiveness” as exemplified by the Crutcher family (Kristof). The thematic continuity, along with strategic transitions and succinct sentences, such as “Such heartbreak,” “Consider the Crutcher family…,” and “So, sure…,” strengthens the coherence of the article (Kristof). This organizational strategy enhances the overall effectiveness of rhetorical elements in conveying the central message about divisive politics and American identity to the readers.

Conclusion: “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”

In short, Nicholas Kristof demonstrates a nuanced and effective use of rhetorical devices tailored to the context of his article. Commencing with a pathos-laden introduction and concluding with a logos-driven argument, Kristof adeptly combines emotional and logical appeals throughout the piece. The timing of the article’s publication aligns with the heightened discourse on identity politics in the United States, underscoring the importance of synchronizing rhetorical strategies with the prevailing societal context. The thoughtful organization of the article, strategically weaving together various elements and culminating in a cohesive message, contributes to its overall impact. Kristof successfully delivers a strong, cogent, and coherent argument to his intended audience, showcasing the effectiveness of his rhetorical approach.

Works Cited: “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”
  1. Kristof, Nicholas. “Identity Politics and a Dad’s Loss.” International New York Times, 8 Dec. 2016. Global Issues in Context, ccco.idm.oclc.org/login?url=http://link.galegroup.com/apps/doc/A473183762/GIC?u=aur58810&x
    id=578f215e. Accessed 12 Ma, 2022.
Relevant Questions about “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss” by Nicholas Kristof
  1. How does Nicholas Kristof employ rhetorical devices, such as ethos, pathos, and logos, to convey his perspective on the intersection of identity politics and personal loss in “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss”?
  2. In the context of Kristof’s article, how does the author address or navigate potential challenges related to identity politics, and what rhetorical strategies are employed to communicate his message effectively?
  3. Analyze the tone and language used by Nicholas Kristof in “Identity Politics and Dad’s Loss.” How do these rhetorical choices contribute to the overall effectiveness of the article in conveying the author’s viewpoint on the intersection of identity politics and personal experiences of loss?

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