Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection: Analysis

Published in USA Today on May 3, 2018, the article “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection to Spread Nationally” by Trevor Hughes argues the case for marijuana.

Summary: “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”

Published in USA Today on May 3, 2018, the article “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection to Spread Nationally” by Trevor Hughes argues the case for marijuana, illustrating how emotions have been leveraged to promote its medical use and transform it into a billion-dollar industry. Hughes notes that marijuana remains illegal in numerous U.S. states and under federal law, but its medicinal applications are allowed in approximately 31 states. With over 135,000 individuals employed in the medical marijuana business, substantial tax revenue is generated. The author’s argument relies on interviews and opinions from relevant individuals, highlighting marijuana’s purported benefits in alleviating pain, aiding cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy, and addressing mental health issues, including PTSD. However, Hughes emphasizes a concerning aspect: a significant portion of marijuana use is for recreational purposes, with 90% engaged in this activity compared to the limited 10% for medical use. This proportion raises alarms about the potential misuse of marijuana.

Additionally, Hughes points out that even in states where marijuana is legally permitted, there is a lack of clarity regarding its medicinal benefits, as no comprehensive data is available, and the FDA has not granted approval for its medical use. Prescription practices further complicate the situation, as doctors often omit specifying the quantity of marijuana prescribed. Despite acknowledging the potential dangers associated with marijuana use, such as increased accidents, low birth rates, and memory and attention problems, Hughes underscores its growing significance as an affordable source for both recreational and medicinal purposes. Moreover, he notes the paradox that, while marijuana transport between states remains illegal, it has evolved into a lucrative multi-million-dollar industry. The article concludes by suggesting that the marijuana business is poised to become a fully-fledged industry in the near future.

Analysis: “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”

The writer employs an effective attention-grabbing strategy at the outset by signaling his intent to explore and present the emotional side of cannabis or marijuana use, despite its illegal status. Hughes then provides a succinct background to the marijuana usage issue, focusing on its role in providing relief from pain and other diseases. He emphasizes how people perceive marijuana as a source of comfort for their loved ones during challenging times, establishing the emotional dimension of the topic. The first paragraph serves as a clear thesis statement, outlining the three main components of Hughes’s argument: the medicinal use of marijuana, its widespread recreational use evolving into a business, and the ongoing growth of this industry due to its emotional association. This strategic organization helps guide the reader through the key aspects of the argument from the outset.

Reasons behind “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”

The writer presents three significant reasons for the growing marijuana business in the country. The first reason is intriguing and taps into the emotional aspect – the medicinal use of marijuana. People suffering from various diseases use marijuana to alleviate pain, stimulate appetite, and counteract the side effects of chemotherapy, indirectly linking it to potential benefits for cancer patients. The second emotional connection lies in the development of marijuana into a business that involves a considerable labor force and contributes significantly to tax revenue, even though it hasn’t been officially designated as an industry. The third reason is noteworthy: doctors prescribe marijuana use without specifying the quantity, allowing for flexible usage. Despite these prominent reasons outlined by Hughes, the marijuana industry continues to expand. He incorporates the perspectives of individuals connected to this industry, adding a quasi-fourth reason to support his argument regarding the emotional association with marijuana and its burgeoning business.

Evidence in”Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”

To substantiate his argument, the writer employs a variety of evidential support, including opinions, statistics, and the perspectives of individuals connected to the issue. In terms of emotional appeal, Hughes relies on the opinion of a CEO from a marijuana firm operating in eleven states, who argues that individuals with family members suffering from cancer find relief in marijuana. Hughes further supports his emotional claim by presenting additional opinions from various people, illustrating how marijuana helps address different medical problems and diseases. These opinions contribute to strengthening Hughes’ assertion that marijuana holds a significant place in people’s hearts.

The second type of evidence Hughes employs is statistical data. He utilizes statistics to demonstrate the prevalence of recreational use over medical use, with medical consumption comprising only 10% compared to the 90% engaged in recreational use after legalization. Additionally, he provides statistics to highlight the economic impact of the marijuana business, noting its contribution of approximately $300 million in sales tax and the employment of around 135,000 people. Hughes also references a 2016 study that underscores the increasing trend of recreational marijuana use. These statistics reinforce his argument about the widespread adoption of marijuana for recreational purposes and its economic significance.

Regarding the third reason, Hughes contends that marijuana is on the verge of becoming an industry, and he supports this claim with the opinion of an individual actively involved in the business. By incorporating the perspectives of those directly connected to the marijuana industry, Hughes fortifies his argument that cannabis is transitioning into a full-fledged industry with substantial involvement from thousands of people.

Rhetorical Analysis of “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”

The author, Trevor Hughes, effectively deploys rhetorical devices in his article, “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection to Spread Nationally,” to build a persuasive and credible argument.

Firstly, Hughes establishes ethos by writing for USA Today, a widely recognized and reputable newspaper. Being a staff writer for such a publication lends credibility to his opinions and analysis. Moreover, he maintains scholarly integrity by presenting well-researched information, expert opinions, and statistical data. This not only enhances his ethos but also strengthens the overall reliability of his argument.

Secondly, Hughes utilizes logos by incorporating expert opinions and statistical evidence. He quotes Keven Murphy, a cannabis seller, to provide an emotional appeal that supports his argument that marijuana is an emotional issue. Additionally, he backs his claim about the scale of the marijuana business with statistical data from experts like Matt Karnes and GreenWave Advisors. These statistics contribute to the logical foundation of his argument, emphasizing the economic significance of the marijuana industry.

Furthermore, Hughes employs logos to support his counterargument, presenting data from the US Department of Health and Human Services to illustrate the prevalence of marijuana use for recreational purposes over medicinal use. He also references the Sabet Group to highlight concerns about the early permission of marijuana for medicinal purposes and the potential lack of proper prescriptions.

Overall, Hughes effectively combines ethos, logos, and pathos to construct a well-rounded and compelling argument. The integration of expert opinions, statistical evidence, and emotional appeals enhances the persuasiveness of his message, making a strong case for the emotional and economic aspects of medical marijuana.

Trevor Hughes effectively employs pathos in his article to appeal to the emotions of the readers and underscore the human aspect of the medical marijuana debate. By highlighting the permission granted in California for medical marijuana use for “sick people,” he taps into the empathetic response readers may have towards individuals suffering from various ailments (Hughes). This emotional connection is further emphasized by asserting that millions of Americans believe marijuana helps them, framing it as a source of relief and healing (Hughes). The mention of specific medical conditions such as chronic pain, PTSD, and seizures adds a human touch to the argument, evoking empathy and support for those seeking therapeutic benefits from marijuana.

The strategic use of pathos is complemented by the author’s consideration of kairos, making the argument timely and pertinent in the current context of debates surrounding marijuana legalization. The emotional appeal becomes particularly effective when discussing the ailments and sufferings that marijuana is purported to alleviate. Hughes skillfully uses this emotional resonance to set the stage for his overarching argument that emotions have played a crucial role in the legislative decisions regarding marijuana.

Regarding style and organization, Hughes employs a balanced mix of simple and academic diction. The attention-grabbing opening sentence succinctly encapsulates the article’s theme and sets the tone for the ensuing discussion. The author’s use of metaphors, medical terminology, and shorter sentence structures adds depth and complexity to the narrative, catering to both general readers and those with a more academic orientation. The organization is clear, with a well-defined thesis statement leading to the exploration of emotional and medical aspects, followed by counterarguments and concluding with the economic dimension of the marijuana debate. This structured approach facilitates a coherent and comprehensible presentation of the multifaceted issue.

In terms of values and beliefs, Hughes navigates the ethical considerations surrounding marijuana use with a nuanced approach. He acknowledges the medicinal value of marijuana and the ethical foundation of its legalization in certain contexts. However, he also confronts the ethical dilemma arising from its potential misuse, particularly for recreational purposes. By addressing both sides of the issue, Hughes demonstrates a commitment to providing a balanced and objective analysis. The article resonates with various stakeholders, including advocates for medical marijuana, opponents of recreational use, policymakers, and professionals involved in healthcare and commerce.

Overall, Trevor Hughes adeptly employs rhetorical strategies to engage readers emotionally, present a well-reasoned argument, and navigate the ethical complexities surrounding medical marijuana. The article effectively communicates to a diverse audience and encourages thoughtful consideration of the different dimensions of this contentious issue.

Conclusion: “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”

In short, Trevor Hughes has done a commendable job in using this article to address his inclusive audience and explore the roles they can play in its proper, ethical, and legitimate legalization to benefit both patients and the business community. He employed an effective rhetorical strategy by using appropriate diction where necessary, maintaining a good sentence structure, and occasionally resorting to figurative language to convey his message forcefully. Regarding rhetorical devices, he effectively utilized ethos, logos, and pathos to reach his readers and persuade them that both sides have merits, but there is still room for improvement in the legalization process to make it a properly available medicinal drug. He also emphasized its fair and legitimate uses to guide stakeholders in concluding how its abuse could be curtailed. Moreover, the organization of the article, its various claims and supporting evidence, and its conclusion with a strong final remark contribute to making it a compelling piece.

Works Cited: “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”
  1. Trevor, Hughes. “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection to Spread Nationally.” USA Today. 03 May. 2018. Web. 21 May. 2023.
Relevant Questions about “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection”
  1. How does Trevor Hughes utilize rhetorical strategies to evoke emotions and connect with the readers in his article “Medical Marijuana Used Pot’s Emotional Connection to Spread Nationally”?
  2. In what ways does Hughes employ ethos, pathos, and logos to build credibility, appeal to the readers’ emotions, and present logical arguments in his discussion of the emotional connection surrounding medical marijuana?
  3. How does the timing of the article’s publication and its alignment with the societal context contribute to the effectiveness of Hughes’ rhetorical approach in conveying the message about the emotional connection associated with the spread of medical marijuana nationally?

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